钢铁雄心3教学视频:甩:Carli Davidson镜头下动态的狗狗们(组图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 16:13:47


Carli Davidson is both an internationally recognized award winning photographer and an experienced animal trainer and caretaker. Based out of Portland, Oregon, she is able to capture the innate personalities of her subjects using her professional understanding of animal behavior. She is a freelance photographer for the Oregon Zoo, and works regularly with domestic animals both commercially and personally for her fine art projects.

Carli Davidson不仅是一位国际公认的获奖摄影师,而且是一位经验丰富的动物训练师和看守员。工作于俄勒冈州波特兰市的她,善于运用与动物行为相关的专业知识来捕捉对象的内在性格。她目前是一位为俄勒冈市动物园工作的自由职业摄影师,时常或商业或个人的为他精美的艺术项目与家畜打交道。

Carli spends much of her shoots rolling on the ground with her subject, getting in their skin as much as possible and encouraging them to open up to the camera. For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli photographed dogs shaking off water to create distorted expressions like half-grimace, half-smiles that are familiar to many dog owners, but when caught on camera, the dogs look incredibly strange and funny.


Website: carlidavidson.com
