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                                 《應用英文》美國圖書館概觀(一) 一般人認為美國圖書館業的發展算是世界第一,對美國的人文教育起了很大作用。

1960至1980年代,美國許多大學設立圖書館與資訊科學系(Library and Information Science)的碩士班,(後來還有博士班),當時工作機會多,吸引了許多台灣外文系畢業生來美攻讀碩士。畢業後,多半在大學圖書館工作,對美國圖書館作出頗多的貢獻。如今雖然預算削減,但老美為了維持文明素質,對圖書館的重視仍然如故。


(1)老美對一般圖書館的看法(Americans on general libraries):包括公共圖書館、特別圖書館、學校圖書館等等。

Many Americans feel that the library is the “public university”, which plays an important role in children and adult education.


A library is often described as a museum for the mind that offers authoritative, current and dependable information.


A library is a center for lifelong learning, and also is the glue that holds together our community with their diverse interests.


Some Americans think a good library is a palace where the lofty spirits of all nations and generations meet.

一些老美認為好的圖書館是個宮殿,它把各國和世代的崇高精神聚合一起。(lofty 崇高的)

The library is one of great engines of civilization. It must be promoted by all who care about learning.


(library前面用a或 the,都指一般性)

Not only can reading comfort our spirits, but enrich and broaden our horizons.


The library is not just a warehouse of the books, but the storehouse of human knowledge and wisdom.


The library is a treasure trove of the imagination and a source of endless information. It is well indexed by titles, authors and subject matter.



Henry Beecher once said, “ A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.”

美國作家Beecher 先生曾說:「圖書館不是奢侈品,而是一種生活必需品。」

Americans realize that the definitive answer to almost any question can be found within the four walls of the library.

老美體會到任何問題的確定答案,都能在圖書館找到。(four walls 是指building)

Some Americans say, “ If information is the currency of democracy, then libraries are the banks. “

有些老美說:「假如資訊是民主的通行貨幣,那麼圖書館就是銀行。」(currency 是指money)

There are many kinds of libraries in the U.S.: school libraries, public libraries, special libraries, college or university libraries, research libraries, etc. Library science school students can choose the type they are interested in for their careers.


A previous report indicated that there were almost 118,010 libraries in the U.S., including 3,500 college and university libraries, 9,000 public libraries, 94,000 school libraries, 9,100 special libraries, 1,800 government libraries, 500 Armed Forces libraries and 110 research libraries.


Many wealthy Americans make charitable contributions establishing libraries or schools. Steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie, paid for the building of 1,700 libraries in the U.S.

許多美國富翁建立圖書館或學校作為慈善事業,鋼鐵大王 Carnegie先生花錢在美蓋了1,700 座圖書館。(只蓋圖書館而不包括運作開支)

As free as air to all, the public libraries which Andrew Carnegie began creating in 1833, become the intellectual heart and soul of America.

1833年 Carnegie先生創立公共圖書館,像空氣對人免費開放一樣,成為美國智慧的核心和精髓。
