庞彩萍老赖:ways to enlarge vocabulary

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 15:25:54
1.  As an English learner, vocabulary lays the foundation for further study. There are several methods of enlarging vocabulary.
First and formost, reading as much as you can is an effective approach for increasing vocabulary. Through extensive reading, we can form our sensitivity to language and become more familiar with a good deal of words, from which we will benefit in future reading and writing.
Secondly, it is fundamental to practise writing if we want to consolidate the memory of words. Language can be mastered only by practical usage. Thus, keep on writing will be helpful for increasing vocabulary.
Apart from the above mentioned methods, memory is also necessary for enlarging vocabulary. In short, we should form a good habbit of excersing and reciting as more as we can so that to enlarge vocabulary. 2.     This article is written about how to enlarge vocabulary in daily life.
  We all know the importance of learning English. But what is the best way to learn? Many teachers agree that vocabulary is the key to learning English well. The better your vocabulary, the better your learning.

  I often see the situation where students on campus take a vocabulary book and recite the words and phrases, attempting to memorise all the words and phrases of CET-4 or CET-6 in just a few days. Everyone who has tried that before knows it is impossible! And students complain constantly that it is too difficult to memorize. Sure, it is! A simple word has so many explanations; how can we remember them all clearly? Although you can know their meanings temporarily, don’t think that you have taken command of them. You will inevitably forget the items as time goes by. The test of whether you have grasped a word depends not on how many of its meanings you have learnt, but whether you can use it when you want to in speech or in writing. In fact, we can enlarge our vocabularies on the basis of what we have learnt during our middle school.

  You really don’t need to take your vocabulary book wherever you go. What is the best way to improve? Try accumulating words daily and monthly. I always do it like this: Try to read everyday. You should be reading English newspapers, like the domestic papers 21st Century, China Daily etc. and the foreign ones like Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, and the like (available over the Internet). Read it for an hour or read several articles (about 2,000 words in length) each day. When you meet new words and expressions during your reading, look up them carefully in a dictionary having both Chinese and English explanations (Longman, for instance) so that you understand it completely. Write down the new word in your notebook and make a new sentence using the word or phrase (or when just beginning, you can copy the examples given in the dictionary). You can recite the new words, but don’t forget to go over them again soon. When reviewing the new words you will recall naturally where you got each of them and their usage and this will aid your learning.

  You may choose to read about subjects that interest you. Are you thinking it will be slow going? You should know that there are no shortcuts for learning English. But just do a quick calculation: if you learn ten new words a day then how many words you will know after one year? Don’t just work on the words required by CET-4 or CET-6; the words found in newspapers are very useful in general (except in specialized areas). We should try to grasp English as a communication tool, and not just for passing CET-6.

  Also, by reading newspapers you will come to know more about current affairs which will better your understanding when you read, helping you memorize the words you meet.

  Of course, everyone is different, so you should select articles that are suitable for your level. Some students ignore this point, and try to read difficult articles at the start, requiring them to look up the dictionary frequently, which can lead to frustration and anger.

  You may meet difficulties at the very beginning. But don’t give up, and when you are accustomed to reading every day, you will find that studying English is a pleasure.