天津英菲尼迪4s店保养:A glimpse of hippy history美国嬉皮士运动一瞥

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 03:08:45
A glimpse of hippy history
What is the beginning of the hippie movement? How did it start? Where did hippies come from?
To answer this question, let's first go back to the 1940's after World War Two. There had been two world wars and a depression in just 30 years. There began an anti-establishment movement. People wanted to break away from values the society placed on them. The poet Allen Ginsberg could possibly be considered the father of this movement. Using written words they began to express their frustration , protesting what they saw wrong with the world. The poetry was not always just read but often performed to music. This is probably the source of the name given them, "The Beats". They were also referred to as "The Beat Generation". By the 50's the movement had spread and grown. Coffee houses began to open,places where they could meet and share thoughts. Even today there are many coffee houses that host poetry readings. Jazz clubs were also a gathering place. From these places emerged the "beatniks", typically dressed in shabby clothes, sporting a beard and wearing sunglasses at all hours. The beatniks refused to conform. The phrase "I'm hip" was used quite often by beatniks. Their talk was said to be hip. Thus the beginning of the hippies.
It was the hippies that took the movement out of the coffee shops and on to the campuses around the country. Berkley became the centre of the movement. There were protest and demonstrations every day. Angry at the injustices in this country such as racism, poverty and the lack of women's rights, sit-ins were staged.
Sometimes it was practically taking over campuses. Many were arrested. The movement started small and grew. 有的时候这些活动会在校园进行。许多人被捕入狱。这场运动的开始规模很小,并逐渐发展起来。
There were probably two major factors in the growth of the hippie movement:Vietnam and music. As the war escalated, more and more young people were going to Vietnam. It was a war that was considered unjust within the movement. Peace became a common goal of the hippies.
Singers like Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and Arlo Guthrie brought folk music into the 60's with protest themes against government oppression and war. They had taken the words of the beat generation to a new level. Music festivals like the Newport Folk Festival drew large crowd of like thinkers, where they could not only enjoy the music but share the common goals. These festivals grew in size and number. Many areas banned the festivals because they were afraid of what might happen.
It's true that drugs were a part of the movement. For some reason drugs have been part of music for generations, including the blues and jazz of the 20's and 30s. This just was the first time it spread so far. Much of the drug use, dress and such was just a part of the protest. Some, of course, were in it for the drugs alone. These were the people, that naturally, were most linked with being a hippie.
Music festivals flourished and the movement grew. Then in August 1969 there was a festival that changed the world. Half a million hippies joined together to make history. Woodstock was probably the high point of the hippie movement. Woodstock proved the doomsayers wrong. For three days, all these crazy hippies lived together in peace and harmony.
音乐节越来越兴旺,嬉皮运动也逐步发展。1969年的八月举行了一个足以改变世界的盛会。 五十万嬉皮士们聚集一堂,盛况空前。伍德斯托克音乐节可能是嬉皮运动的高潮。这个音乐节证实了那些相信宿命和绝望的人们的错误观点。一连三天,所有这些疯狂的嬉皮士们和平共处。
Then what led to the dwindling of the hippie movement? Maybe it was the gains made in civil rights and women's rights. Maybe it was the end of the war in Vietnam. But they made a difference for a while. Then it seems that during the Regan era there was a setback. People started losing the individual rights they gained. It turned from the we generation to the me generation. Whole families wound up living on the streets, homeless. Racism has raised its ugly head again. The Klan has begun to grow and skinhead groups are showing up even in rural communities...
那么这项运动又是如何走向衰败的呢?也许是由于人们获得了民权和妇女权。 也许是因为越战的结束。但是他们确实使历史的一瞬间增添了一些色彩。在此之后的里根执政时期似乎又出现了倒退。人们开始失去原来曾经获得过的个人权利。众志成城的一代变成了以自我为中心的一代。全家人流离失所,借居街头。种族主义又开始抬头。三K党出现,甚至在乡村都能发现恐怖集团组织......
Where have the old hippies gone today? It seems that the movement hasn't died. There are still a lot of old hippies out there and there are also a growing number of new young hippies with the ideals and hopes we had: peace, love and freedom.