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    《火安全期刊》(Fire Safety Journal)发表主编声明,认定2005年刊登

Chen Xiaojun, Yang Lizhong, Deng Zhihua, Fan Weicheng, 〝A
multi-layer zone model for predicting fire behavior in a fire room〞
Fire Safety Journal, 40: 267-281, 2005.


Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 1
Editorial announcement
Editorial policy of Fire Safety Journal requires that every
paper submitted is reviewed by at least two reviewers to
ensure the highest standards are maintained and the work
is original. In Fire Science, perhaps more than in other
fields, there is a tendency for work to be incremental, ideas
being developed gradually, with major breakthroughs
being relatively rare. Consequently there tends to be
significant overlap in which ground already covered is
revisited from a different angle or using alternative
modelling methods.
It has been drawn to our attention that a recent paper in
Fire Safety Journal by Chen et al. (Fire Safety J 2005; 40:
267–81) represents a very small increment on work
presented by Suzuki et al. at the Seventh IAFSS
Symposium in Worcester, MA and subsequently published
by the IAFSS in the Proceedings of the Seventh International
Symposium on Fire Safety Science, pp. 851–62
(2003). Dr. Suzuki and his colleagues are justifiably
concerned that the paper by Chen et al. should have been
accepted as a full paper when in fact it appears to repeat
much of the text, almost verbatim, and fails to identify
clearly that the work represents a relatively small extension
of that of Suzuki et al.
Chen’s paper—which is perhaps more accessible than
that of Suzuki’s conference paper—detracts from the
significance of Suzuki’s work. Good scientific practice
should have directed Chen et al. to submitting only a short
communication in which their modifications to Suzuki’s
work were described. If a scientific journal is to maintain
the respect of the scientific community it cannot tolerate
breaches of good practice that could be challenged as
plagiarism. It is unfortunate that this was not detected
before Chen’s paper went to press and as Editor I apologise
to the readers of Fire Safety Journal—and to Dr. Suzuki
and his colleagues—for such an oversight.

D.D. Drysdale
