七一建党节的手抄报:轻松删除图片背景 - Instant Mask Pro v2.3.1绿色版 - 精品绿色便...

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 09:20:07
专业高清视频转换器 - Quick Media Converter HD绿色免安装版
轻松删除图片背景 - Instant Mask Pro v2.3.1绿色版7Posted in 图形图像 by 黯然过客 [2010/02/10]      InstantMask Pro可以轻松去除图片背景,选中特定图片区域,将区域外的背景删除,或将原背景修改为白色或透明背景,比如保留照片中的人物而去除背景等,具体操作可以观看视频演示,InstantMask的功能跟Inpaint及Image Mender有点类似。

      压缩包中的InstantMask.exe为最新版的InstantMask Pro v2.3.1,属全功能试用版,保存图片无水印,双击导入 !)Uninstall.reg 后可以重置试用期限;InstantMask2.3.exe为Instant Mask Pro v2.3,经完美者精英团队的微笑一刀处理后,可以用任意注册码注册:定位到Help->Register,输入任意注册码后点击Register按钮,重启程序注册生效。

      若提示应用程序错误,请先下载安装Visual C++ 2008运行库后再运行。


      InstantMask Pro is designed to easily remove background from a photo. It is simple to learn and easy to use. Use InstantMask Pro to automatically select an object boundary, crop out the background and create a picture on white or transparent background or a collage.

      Easy automatical background removal using two markers.
      Setting new background to white, transparent, any color with transparency support.
      Using another picture as a new background, making a collage of two pictures.
      New convenient tools for perfecting your work – eraser, foreground brush and background brush.
      Special "preview selection" mode to see what will be isolated.
      Tools configuration – you can select width of markers and brushes and a selection opacity.

轻松删除图片背景 - InstantMask Pro v2.3.1绿色特别版 (6.22 MB)
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