
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 09:18:01


(1) Nice to meet you.

(2) I must be off / go / be leaving now.

(3) Give my best wishes / regards / love to…

(4) Follow … instructions.

(5) What about…?

(6) Make sure that

(7) Do what he or she tells you to do


(1)go on doing; (2)as a result ; (3) in one’s opinion; (4) general idea; (5) to take care of ; (6) to find out ; (7) at the beginning ; (8) to introduce …to; (9) on the farm; (10) to give one’s best wishes / redgards / love to …sb. ; (11) Nice meeting you .; (12) I must be off / leaving now .; (13) So + be / have /情态动词/助动词+主语; (14) frist of all ; (15) turn off ; (16) by the side of ; (17) instdead of ; (18) on holiday ; (19) to allow sb to do sth .; (20) bring out ; (21) hold up ; (22) make a face ; (23) have a way of doing sth .; (24) return to ; (25) at the back of .



1. introduce . 介绍,引进introduction n .

1) introduce sb .to sb . 把某人介绍给某人

introduce oneself 自我介绍

注意 : 其后不能跟双宾语,类似的词还有explain, suggest

2) introduce a new idea 引入一种新思想

2. practice 实践;学习

 Practice makes perfect . 熟能生巧。

1) 短语:in practice 在实践中;实际上

put sth . into practice 实施

2)比较:practice 和 exercise 当“练习”解时的不同, practice 指有规律的练习,特指反复练习, exercise 一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。如:

spelling exerceise 拼写练习

do one’s exercises 做练习(功课)等

3) 动词形式为 practise ,美语亦可用practice。

注意:其后接动词时只用ing 形式,如:practice speaking English.



比较:practical, real , true

practical 指“实践的”,“实际的”,“讲求实际的”,如:

practical activities 实践活动

practical work 实际工作

She is a practical woman.她是位讲求实际的妇女。


real silk 真丝his real name 他的真名

true “真的”,指某种事实,故事,消息,信息,朋友等是真的,如:a true story 一个真实的故事

3.once; 1)意为“曾经”时,侧重“有一次”的意思,是副词在句中做状语,如:

Once he owned a large house . 他曾经拥有一所大房子。



Have you ever been there ?你去过那儿吗?

The largest tree ,ever found there ,is one about 500 years old .那儿发现的最大的树有大约500年树龄了。


Once you go there ,buy a book for me .


注意:与if 的异同

1)通常unless 等于if not 如:

I won’t go unless he comes .= I won’t go if the doesn’t come .


I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have an accident .


unless 不能用于“由于未发生B而产生A”的句子,再如:

I’ll be quite glad if she doesn’t come this evening.


5.mix .混合mixture n. 混合物

Water and oil will not mix .油和水不相溶合。

Mix black with white 混淆黑白。

注意:下面句子中mix 的形式。

A rain is falling ,mixed with snow .雨夹着雪在下着。



a bit/ a little→slightly→rather→much→completely→quite

2)rather 修饰形容词加名词时,若有冠词a 或an , 则rather 在冠词前、后皆可。如:

It was rather a cold day . = It was a rather cold day.


rather表示不接受性,为否定意义;fairly 表示接受性,为肯定意义。如:

It’s rather cold today .(不愉快)

It’s fairly warm today .(心中舒服)

4) rather +比较级;rather/ much/ far+too+adj./adv, 而fairly,quite ,very 则不能。如:

I did rathre better in the exam.

That’s rather too difficult.

5) rather than  而不是  如:

He , rather than you, is to be punished . 是他而不是你要受惩罚。

I decided to write rather than (to)telephone.



① would do sth . rather than do sth .= would rather do sth. than do sth .宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。

② prefer to do sth . rather than do sth .(意义同上)



allow / permit sb .to do sth .允许某人做某事

allow / permit doing sth . 允许做某事。此时动词只用ing 形式。

反义词forbid 具有同样用法。


许多情况下可换用,只是词意的强弱上有差异。allow语意较弱,含有“听任”,“默许”,“不加阻止”的意思;permit 语意较强,强调“正式认可”,“批准”的意思。如:

The nurse allowed him to remain there ,though it was not permitted.


8. lively 意为“活泼的”,“有生气的”如:

a lively mind 活跃的头脑

a lively discussion 热烈的讨论


a lovely day 美好的一天

 lovely girl 可爱的女孩

2)alive 意为“活着的”,是表语形容词,在句中做表语或后置定词。如:

After the war , he remained alive .战后他还活着。

Those alive will gather here. 活着的人将在此相聚。

3)living 意为“活着的”,主要用于作前置定语及冠词the 之后表示一类人,也可用作表语。如:

all living things所有生物

the living 在世者,活着的人们

Latin is not a living language. 拉丁语不是现代使用的语言。

He is still living at the age of 95.95岁了他还活着。

4)live 意为“活的”,“有生命的”,主要用来说鸟或其它动物。如:

a live fish 一条活鱼


1. go on doing , go on to do , go on with

1) go on doing sth .指继续做同一件事。如:

After a short rest , they went on working . 短暂休息之后,他们继续工作。

go on with sth . 指继续同一件事,此时 with 后能接名词,代词,不能跟ing 形式。如:

After a short rest ,they went on with the work . 短暂休息之年,他们继续那项工作。

go on to do sth . 指接着做另外一件事。如:

After finishing the words , they went on to go over the text.


2) 类似意义的说法。

continue doing/ to do = go on doing;

go ahead with = go on with ,隐含有付出努力之意

keep on doing ① = go on doing  ②指不顾困难,反对或警告而坚持做某事。如:

He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop .


2. as a result 作为结果

He runs every day .As a result , he has lost weight .


as a result of 作为……的结果

As a result of exercise , he has built up his health.

result in = lead to 导致,造成……结果,如:

Hard work results in success. 勤奋才会成功。

result from 由……产生的结果,如:

Success results from hard work. 成功来自勤奋。

3. in one’s opinion 在某人看来,依照某人的看法,也可以说:

in one’s personal opinion

:have a good /high opinion of sb . = think / speak well/highly of sb.


4. first of all 指按时间,顺序等处于第一位的,如:

例:First of all let me say how glad I’m to be here.


I’m interested in coins ,but first of all I’m a stamp collector.


比较:first与at first

first 译为“首先/,是从动作的先后角度来考虑的。”如:

Before we go , I must first change my clothes .


at first意为“起初/,含有后来不这样了的意思。”如:

At first I didn’t like him ,but now I do .


for the first time 意为“第一次”。如:

It was there that they met for the first time .


5. at the beginning of 在……初(开头),可指时间与空间。如:

at the beginning of term 在学期开始

at the beginning of the book 在那本书的开头

at the beginning 单独用时间at first,也可说in the beginning.

比较:at the end of 在……末(尽头)

      at the end 在末尾处

      in the end 最终,同at last

      in the middle of 在……中期

      from beginning to end 从头至尾

6.right now = at the moment ,at present 眼下,现在

比较:right away = right off ,immediately, at once , in no time 马上,立刻

7. be filled with = be full of 充满,装满  如:

The bottle is filled with water .瓶子里装满了水。

注意:Filled with courage , he went into the cave .此处filled 表示“充满了的”指处于一种状态。

比较:be crowded with 挤满的,与be filled with 有所不同。如:

The room is crowded with guests.房间里挤满了客人。


Fill the bottle with sand .把瓶子装满沙子。

Fill in the blanks .填空。

8. on holiday 在度假,此时holiday 前不加冠词。类似说法如:on a visit/a trip/a journey 要带冠词。take a holiday 休假

用介词on 表示处于一种状态,若用for 则表示目的。如:

He is on holiday .他在度假。

He is on a visit to America.他正在美国访问。

He wnet to the countryside for his holidays.他去乡村度假。

He went to America for a visit .他去美国进行一次访问。

比较:holiday, vacation, leave

holiday 与vacation一般可通用,但vacation侧重于长时间的假期,如: summer vacation, holiday 可长可短。leave 指政府工作人员或士兵的假期,也可用于指因事(病)而请的假。如: ask for leave 请假,a sick leave of three days 三天的病假

9. instead of, instead, in place of, take the place of

 He went to attend the meeting instead of me .

I was ill so he went to attend the meeting instead .

注意:instead 可用于句首,表示“相反的”。如:

She never studies .Instead, she plays tennis all day .


in place of很多时候可与instead of换用,但更强调“取代”之意。如:

He isn’t fit for the job, so I’ll do it in place of him.


take the place of 是动词短词,在句中做谓语,如:

Tractors have taken the place of horses .


注意:instead of 后可接ing 形式,介词短语等。如:

 He came by bus instead of by train.


He wanted to go to a film instead of staying at home.


10. make sure 弄肯定,设法做到,后接宾语从句。如:

He made sure that he had enough food for the journey.


Please make sure the house is locked.


make sure 后还可接of或about ,指“弄清,搞明”如:

Have you made sure of the time of the train?


比较:be sure of sth. /be sure that……确信……

      be sure to do sth .一定……,必然……

      be sure of doing sth.对做某事有把握  如:

I’m sure of his success. = I’m sure that he’ll succeed.


He is sure to succeed .他一定会成功的。(说话人的判断)

He is sure of succeeding in the exam.他对考试成功是有把握的。

注意:It’s certain that he’ll win.此时不能用It’s sure that ……


1.So was my friend Bob White.

例题——Jim works hard.


A. So he does and so you do

B. He dose so and you do so

C. So he does and so do you

D. He does so and so you do


若句子为否定句,则用neither, nor ,如:

I don’t know, nor do I care .我不知道,也不关心。
    若前句既有肯定又有否定,或并列谓语形式不一致,则采用so it is with……,或It is the same with……的结构,如:

—— He is writer and has written a lot of works .

—— So it is with me. ( 或It is the same with me)

 此时说明我也是作家,也写了很多作品。若用so am I 只能说明我是作家。若用so have I 只能说明我也写了很多作品。再如:

—— He is good at English, but doesn’t do well in maths.

—— It is the same with me .( 或So it is with me )

若用So am I 或 Nor do I 则只能分别说明其中一个方面。

2.It’s time for sth . 该是做……的时候  如:

It’s time for lunch .该吃午饭了。

It’s time (for sb) to do sth . 如:

It’s time (for us )to go to school.(我们)该上学了。


The time has come for lunch.

The time has come for us to go to school.

注意:在It’s time ……句式中time 前可加 high, about 等修饰词,用法不变。其后跟that 从句时要用虚拟语气。如:

It’s (high)time we got up.

It’s about time (that) he knew the truth.


3. He put a finger in his mouth, tasted it and smiled, looking rather pleased.

本句有三个并列谓语,looking 部分为伴随状语。

例题  1)He held up his finger ,_______ a face and nodded his head.

A.making                   B. made

答案:B.此题有and ,需连接并列结构,所填词的形式应与前后保持一致。

2) He sat there in silence, _______sad and doing nothing.

A. looking                    B. looked

答案:A.此题and 之后ing形式,其前面也应该用ing形式,而不能与前面的sat并列。

3)He sat there in silence ,______ nothing.

A. doing                     B. did


4)He set out early, ________ there on time .

A. arriving                   B. and arrived


5)He made a smile, _____ with the result.

A. satisfying                  B. satisfied



1.初次见面打招呼  How do you do ? 答语为How do you do ?

也可用Nice /Glad/Pleased to meet you.

熟人见面打招呼  How are you?

随便一些可用Hello, Hi.

2.表示自己要走时 I must be off now.

                  I must go now .

                  I must be leaving now.

3.向人问好时 Give my regards/ best wishes/love to sb.

带人问好时He sends his regards/best wishes/love to you.

也可用:Please remember me to your parents.


What about when we leave ?

What /How about a drink?

What /How about the two of us having a drink?

How do you like/find the film?

What do you think of it?


Do what I told you to .

Don’t be late again.

Make sure the door is shut.


 1. Go on _____ the other exercise after you have finished this one.(89年高考题)

A. to do     B. doing    C. do       D. to be doing


命题目的:考查go on to do 与go on doing 的用法。

解题思路:1) go on doing sth 意为“继续做某事”指的是一件事; go on to do 意为“接着做某事”表示一件事做完了,再接着做另一件事,指的是两件事。

2) 根据题意是做完了一个练习,接着做另外一个练习,故答案为A。


2.— Good morning . Can I help you?

— I’d like to have this package____, madam.(89年高考题)

A. be weighed         B. to be weighed     C. to weigh           D. weighed


命题目的:考查句型have sth done 的用法。

  解题思路:① have sth done意思是“叫某人做某事”,done与sth 是被动关系,done做宾补;have sth to do 意思是“有什么要做的事” to do 与sth的关系是动宾关系,to do 做定语。②2.根据题意是“……夫人,我想要称一下这个包裹”是have sth done 的句型,故选D。


3.—Please don’t make a noise.

—_______ . I’ll be as quiet as a mouse .(97年高考样题)

A. Yes, I won’t     B. No, I won’t     C. No, I will       D. Yes, I will





4. You will be late _______ you leave immediately.(97年高考题)

A. unless      B. until      C. if      D. or




误点突破:until 引导时间状语从句,意为“直到……为止”,不合题意;or 是表选择的并列连词“否则”的意思,不合题意。

5. They were all very tired, but _______ of them would stop to take a rest . (95年高考题)

A. any         B. some        C. none        D. neither



解题思路:根据题意“他们都很疲劳,但没有一个人停下来休息。”应选择一个否定的代词,题中all与but是关键信息,but是转折,all是指三者以上,故相应的否定代词只能选none, 所以答案是C

误点突破:any, some 不合题意,而neither是指两者都不,故不能选。




第一,如何用英文简单界定一个东西的技巧。美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方这个事物是什么。我们的课本尽管词汇难度不断加深,但思维逻辑结构却只停留在一个水平上。中国人常说Where is the book(这本书在哪儿)?很少有人说What is a book(书是什么)?而美国的小学生就开始问:What is the book?这种Where is the book只是思维的描述阶段。但是我想连大学生也很难回答What is a book?因为中国传统英语教学模式没有教会学生表达思想的技巧。

第二,如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练How to explain things in different ways(用不同的方式解释同一事物)。一种表达式对方不懂,美国人会寻找另一种表达式最终让对方明白。因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。这就要多做替换练习。传统的教学方法也做替换练习,但这种替换不是真替换,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如,I love you(我爱你)。按我们教学的替换方法就把you换成her,my mother等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么区别。这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,没有启动思维。这种替换句子的基本结构没变,我听不懂I love you,肯定也听不懂I love her。如果替换为I want to kiss you,I want to hug you,I will show my heart to you等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方那就是爱,这样一来对方可能就明白了。这才叫真正的替换。也就是说用一种不同的方式表达同一个意思,或者一个表达式对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达,直到对方明白。






以上就是我所说的学会用美国人思维方式的6个技巧。中国学生如果能做到这6点,用较短的时间肯定能学好口语。 再说说英语语音的问题。我们中国人不需要钻牛角尖,一定追求发音像一个本地人,只要我们的发音不至于让对方产生误解就可以了。我们在平时,








一、           基础写作题的特点













第二类是并列句或带有并列成分的复杂句。连接并列句或并列成分的并列连词主要有四类:表示意义引申的并列连词,如and,both… and,not only…but also,and… as well,not… nor,neither… nor等;表示选择的并列连词,如or,whether… or,either… or等;表示转折或对比的并列连词,如but,while,whereas,only等;表示因果关系的for。此外,therefore,besides,however,nevertheless,moreover,furthermore,what’s more,in addition,on the contrary,after all等连接性状语也可以在句子之间起连接作用,表示分句之间的并列关系。

第三类是一些特殊句型,如使用强调句、倒装句、含有with复合结构的句子、there be开头的句子、以形式主语it 开头的句子等。








7月15日 — 22日或8月15日— 22日


参加英语角  学唱英语歌曲  听英语讲座  表演英语短剧

看英语电影  教外宾学中文










Dear Sir or Madame,

I’m glad to be invited to the English summer camp.


Thank you very much.

                                                    Yours truly,

                                                       Li Ping







要写的文章主题是什么? Topic


为什么要写这篇文章? Purpose


要写文章的信息点有哪些?information items


怎样安排信息点的逻辑顺序? order












结合已经给出的头和尾,写作的顺序安排如下:很高兴被邀请(已给出)— 感谢安排这么多的活动 — 说明活动的意义 — 表达自己只能参加两项活动的遗憾和原因 — 说明参加的活动内容及原因(两项活动用一句话)— 说明自己选择的时间及原因





Step one: Greetings and dictation

Step two: 讲练结合,并就学生作文较常出现的错误进行点评,讲评过程注意把握好学生作文中的常见的非智力因素方面的失分。

Step three: 就学生作文中出现的常见错误进行适当的点评。

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m glad to be invited to the English summer camp. ① Thank you very much for arranging so many activities, such as English corner, English lectures, English films, English songs, English plays and helping foreigners learn Chinese. ② I am sure all the activities will do a lot of good to us students. ③ But it is a pity that I can only take part in two of them, because I will have to spend some time in doing my research project. ④ I would like to listen to the lectures, by which I will learn some about western culture, and help foreigners learn Chinese, as more and more foreigners want to know about China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

⑤ I want to see my grandparents in the country right after our school finishes in mid-July, so I am going to attend the camp from August 15th to 22nd.

Thank you very much.

                                                    Yours truly,

                                                           Li Ping



1.主语 连系动词 表语,可用于这种句型的连系动词分成两类:表示变化的:turn,become,get,go,stay,remain等;表示状态的:be,seem,look,feel,taste,smell等。

2.主语 不及物动词,注意:不及物的短语动词也可用于这个句型, Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 另这种句型中常有状语,且不用于被动语态。

3.主语 及物动词 宾语,及物的短语动词也可用于这种句型。但如果短语由“动词 + 副词”构成,作宾语的代词只能置于其中,作宾语的名词则既可置于其中也可置于其后;如果短语动词由“动词 + 介词”构成,无论是代词还是名词作宾语,一律置于其后,如:他考虑了(它)这个计划一夜。

He thought it / the plan over all the night.

He thought over the plan all the night.

He thought about it / the plan all the night.

4. 主语 及物动词 间接宾语 直接宾语,一些间接宾语可改成一个由to引起的短语,表示动作是“向谁”做的;一些间接宾语可改成一个由for引起的短语表动作是“为谁”做的。

如:我给他一些钱。/ 他给我买了一本书。

I gave him some money. / I gave some money to him.

He bought me a book. / He bought a+ book for me.

5.主语 及物动词 宾语 宾补,必须注意有多种形式都可以作为宾补的成分,如:n,adj,to do,省略to的不定式,介词短语等。

如表示独一的头衔、职位或身份的名词作宾补时,不用冠词:我们选他当班长。 We made him monitor.




1.巧用非谓语动词。运用非谓语动词,可以使文句看起来更简洁,使语言更加丰富多彩,重点更加突出,增加文采。如:I covered my ears, trying to keep the noises out, but failed. (2004年广东卷)

2.巧用with复合结构。“with+名词/ 代词+现在分词/ 过去分词/ 形容词/ 副词/ 介词”结构,常作伴随状语以增加被描绘内容的生动性和情感性,使文章读起来更简洁明了。试以下两个句子:

I couldn’t go on studying because there was so much noise troubling me. (普通)

I couldn’t go on studying with so much noise troubling me. (高级)2004年广东卷

3.巧用复合句。高考评分标准强调使用语法结构的数量和复杂性,鼓励考生尽量使用教复杂的结构,并且对由此产生的错误采取了宽容的态度。如果恰当运用各类从句,就会使文章出彩。如2006年广东卷:What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like. (定语从句)


(倒装句)Only in this way can Internet Bars be well used by people.

(感叹句)I thought, “How hard mum is working! She must be very tired.”

    5.巧用排山倒海句式。如能运用一个个排比句、对偶句、不定式或短语,可令文章增色不少,给评卷员眼前一亮的感觉。如:The purpose of the program are to make our school more beautiful, to make the air cleaner and fresher, and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in.




1.文章及段落起始的过渡词语:to begin with; generally speaking; first of all; in the first place; in general; generally; in my opinion;

2.文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词语:therefore, thus; in conclusion; in brief; to sum up; in a word (注意:要避免在这些短语之前用“so”)

3.常见的表示先后次序的过渡词语:first; second; next; eventually; since then; afterward; meanwhile; therefore; immediately

4.常见的表示因果关系的过渡词语:accordingly; for this reason; as a result; in this way; consequently; so; due to; therefore; because of; thus

5.常用于比较和对比的过渡词语:in contrast with; similarly; on the contrary; different from; likewise; equally important; on one hand, on the other hand

6.常用于表示举例的过渡词语:a case in point; for example; that is; for instance

7.有关描写图表的过渡词语:during this time/ period; apart from; compared with; from the above table/ chart/ graph; on average; below/ above the average; increase/ reduce/ decrease by

8.常用表示强调的过度词语:furthermore; moreover; besides; in fact; indeed; in particular; what’s more; in addition;








1. 基础写作应测试的能力

a. 写出他人容易读懂的文章


b. 语法、词汇、拼写、标点比较准确




c. 使用一定的句型、词组,清楚表达自己的思想



d. 基础写作主要考查在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性。






第一节 基础写作(共1小题,満分15分)




































使用比较句型结构,比如more(less)..., the same as

表达对比、因果关系,比如while, because

使用过渡词语,比如however, on the other handin conclusion









2. 读写任务应测试的能力









to become brave and successful

to grow strong

to do well for yourself and others





























1. 错误失误类型分析


如把fourth错写为forth,将thought错写为though,把believe写成belive,把surveyed写成surveied,把star写成误写成start,甚至于还有把mother 误写成mather的。






如将50% girls regard TV stars as their idols.写成There are 50% girls regard TV stars as their idols.又如,将Sports stars写成PE stars;再如将Think so写成Think this,如此等等。


这就是典型的跨文化迁移句子结构造成的“Chinglish”现象,也就是按照汉语的思维形式学英语,整篇文章都这样,至多也只有5分。有部分同学大部分句子符合英语的思维习惯,但只要有类似于There are 50% girls regard TV stars as their idols.这样的句型的,最高得分11分,可见,思维方式的迁移有多重要。




如将a person写成a people,将among写成between,将unlike写成dislike等等。


如将look on… as写成look…as,将in my opinion写成to my opinion等等。

类型五: 逻辑混乱错误

如: My idol is my parents.(一个人变成了两个人?) My idol are my parents. (主谓一致?) My idol is my parent.(单亲家庭?) 50% of girls(受调查女生的50%?)




2. 正确理解语法错误对写作效果的影响。


句子结构至关重要(critical, vital)

写作犯错很正常,关键如何理解错误的性质。我校每年高三的第一轮复习的第一讲就是简单句的五个句型,S + Vi, S + Vt + O, S + Vt + Oi + Od, S + Vt + O + O.C, S + Link v + P.确实很英明。因为这样可以尽量避免Chinglish的产生,避免思维的生硬迁移。只要严格运用这五个基本句型,即使全部都写简单句,最差的学生也可以及格。相反,连这五个基本句型都不懂,最多5分。



如果说句子结构正确是写作及格的前提,那么动词时态恰当就是及格的强有力保证。动词时态的运用错误,有两种表现形式,一种是知道时态如何表达,形式正确,只是用错,比如该用过去时的用了将来是或现在时,另外一种是根本不知道如何表达时态,连8种时态的具体表达方式都不知道,比如was make a survey, must made, is to done等等。第一种情况只是适当扣分,第二种情况恐怕要往5分边上靠近,离及格还相差一段不小的距离。这一点我校做得很到位,第一轮复习的第二讲就是时态复习。





良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法。也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。



A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

B. Compared to/ In comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient.

C. When it comes to computers, some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. However,...

D. Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside.  

E. As is known to all/ As we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.

F. Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view.


2. 书信:

A. I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university as a visiting scholar.

B. I read an advertisement in today’s China Daily and I apply for the job...

C. Thank you for your letter of May 5.

D. How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9.

E. How nice to hear from you again.


3. 口头通知或介绍情况:

A. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please. I have an announcement to make.

B. Attention, please. I have something important to tell you.

C. Mr. Green, Welcome to our school. To begin with, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you.


4. 演讲稿:

A. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- A Balance Diet and Health.

B. Good morning everyone! Allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest.



as well as, not only…but (also), including,

A. Not only do computers play an important part in science and technology, but also play an informative role in our daily life.

B. All of us, including the teachers / the teachers included, will attend the lecture.

C. He speaks French as well as English.=He speaks English, and French  as well.=He speaks not only English but also French.

D. E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.



on one hand ,on the other hand,  on the contrary/contrary to ..., though, for one thing ;for another, nevertheless

A. I know the Internet can only be used at home or in the office, but on the other hand, it is becoming more and more popular for much information as well as clear and vivid pictures.

B. It is hard work; I enjoy it though.

C. Contrary to what I had originally thought, the trip turned out to be fun.


. 递进用语:

even, besides, what’s more, as for,  so…that…, worse still, moreover, furthermore; but for, in addition, to make matters worse

A. The house is too small for a family of four, and furthermore/besides/what’s more/moreover /in addition/worse still , it is in a bad location.


. 例证用语:

in one’s opinion,  that is to say,  for example, for instance, as a matter of fact, in fact, namely

A. As a matter of fact, advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life.

B. There is one more topic to discuss, namely/that is ( to say ), the question of education.


. 时序用语:

first/firstly, meanwhile, before long, ever since, while, at the same time, in the meantime, shortly after, nowadays,

A. They will be here soon. Meanwhile, let’s have coffee.

B. Firstly, let me deal with the most important difficulty.


. 强调用语:

especially, indeed, at least, at the most, What in the world/on earth.. , not at all ,

A. Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.

B What in the world/on earth are you doing?


. 因果用语:

thanks to, because, as a result, because of/as a result of , without, with the help of..., owe ...to...

A. The company has a successful year, thanks mainly to the improvement in export sales.

B. As a result, many of us succeeded in passing the College Entrance Examinations.

. 总结用语:

in short; briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, in a word, as you know, as is known to all

A. Generally speaking, sending an e-mail is more convenient than sending letters.

B. In short, measures must be taken to prevent the environment being polluted.




1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

There are different opinions among people as to……Some people suggest that


2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying……It's the experience of our forefathers,however,it

is correct in many cases even today.

3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, …… which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ……

Second,……What makes things worse is that…….

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

Nowadays,it is common to ……. Many people like …… because ……


5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and …… is not an exception,it has both advantages

and disadvantages.

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

People’s opinions about …… vary from person to person. Some people say

that ……To them,……

7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem …… which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

……has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

……has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it

has  brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it

can be seen that……while. Obviously,……but why?


1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of……t the same time,they


2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don't think it is a very good way to solve …….For example,……Worst

of all,…….

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

……is necessary and important to our country's development and construction. First,……What's

more, ……Most important of all,……

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can……

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with……we should take a series of effective measures to…….

For one thing,For another,

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. ……In addition.……All

these measures will certainly…….

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……   

Why…… The first reason is that ……The second reason is ……The

third is…….For all this, the main cause of ……use to …….

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ……also has

its own disadvantages, such as ……

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ……is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ……because…….


1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I

think that ……

2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ……Only in this way can ……in the future.

3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

But ……and……have heir own advantages. For example, …… while……

Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to……

4. 就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……

Personally, I believe that…… Consequently, I’m confident that a bright

future is awaiting us because……

5. 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自己的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, ……So it's urgent and necessary to ……If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better

and better.

6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能……

For my part, I think it reasonable to…… Only in this way can you……

7. 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to……The reasons are as follows. First

……second …… Last but not least,……

8. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

It is difficult to say whether ……is good or not in general as it depends

very much on the situation of…….however, from a personal point of view


9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion


10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable

result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is




When it comes to ..., some think ...

There is a public debate today that ...

A is a commen way of ..., but is it a wise one?

Recentaly the problem has been brought into focus.


Now there is a growing awareness that...

It is time we explore the truth of ...

Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.


... but that is only part of the history.

Another equally important aspect is ...

A is but one of the many effects. Another is ...

Besides, other reasons are...


Suppose that...

Just imagine what would be like if...

It is reasonable to expect...

It is not surprising that...


For example(instance),...

... such as A,B,C and so on (so forth)

A good case in point is...

A particular example for this is...


One of the greatest early writers said ...

"Knowledge is power", such is the remard of ...

"......". That is how sb comment ( criticize/ praise...).

"......". How often we hear such words like there.


(先说故事主体),this story is not rare.

..., such delimma we often meet in daily life.

..., the story still has a realistic significance.


There are many reasons for ...

Why .... , for one thing,...

The answer to this problem involves many factors.

Any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves ...

The first reason can be obiviously seen.

Most people would agree that...

Some people may neglect that in fact ...

Others suggest that...

Part of the explanation is ...


The advantages for A for outweigh the disadvantages of...

Although A enjoys a distinct advantage ...

Indeed , A carries much weight than B when sth is concerned.

A maybe ... , but it suffers from the disadvantage that...


To understand the truth of ..., it is also important to see...

A study of ... will make this point clear


Certainly, B has its own advantages, such as...

I do not deny that A has its own merits.


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw

the conclusion that ...

In summary, it is wiser ...

In short...高三英语教案unit2 cCrossing Limits一、教学目标
1.What is the predicate?
First analyse the following sentences.
A.Tom wrote a letter this morning.
B.She is an honest girl.
在B句中,我们把“she”称为主语,把“is an honest girl”称为谓语部分,只说“她”,不知她是谁,她怎样了;而只说是个诚实的姑娘,又不知谁是个诚实的姑娘,这与A句是一样的。
2.The predicate must contain a finite verb. And we call it the predicate verb.
3.Commonly a predicate must not have more than one finite verb, unless they are
co-ordinated ones. In the sentence, Mrs Green is the subject, went, bought and visited are co-ordinated predicates.
A句改成:I came here and learned English.
B句改成:He will get up early and go to school with you.
5.Another mistake that Chinese students often make is that they write a sentence according to Chinese habit.
A.This year I eighteen years old.
B.The film very interesting.
A.Xiao Ming is a teacher.
B.John is out.
C.He is tall.
D.They are in the room.
E.The news is exciting.
F.He is tired.
G.My work is teaching English.
H.The fact is that you made some spelling mistakes this time.
另一类系动词本身既是个行为动词同时又是个系动词。作为行为动词时,他们与其他行为动词一样,若是个及物动词后边要有宾语,若是个不及物动词,后边往往跟状语。这些既是行为动词又是系动词的词有:get, go, grow, fall, turn, prove, remain, keep, stay, sound, taste, smell, look, appear等。
A.We got there at 6:00 A. M.(到达)
B.Can you get a couple of tickets for the concert? (找,得到)
A.I'm going to town.(进城)
B.He has gone abroad for further education.(去,走)
A.We grow rice in South China.(种植)
A.Be careful not to fall down. (跌倒)
B.The leaves fell to the ground.(飘落)
A.He turned to me for help.(转向)
B.Turn to P.40, please.(翻到)
A.I'll prove to you that the letter is poorly written.(证明)
A.Because of the noise, the rich have left, but the poor will have to remain there.(留下)
A.How long have you kept the picture? (保存)
B.He kept talking.(持续,一直)
A.I stayed at a hotel while in New York.(逗留)
He sounded the alarm by ringing the bell.(发出警报)
Let me taste the dish you cooked.(烹任)
The camels can smell the water a mile off. (嗅)
Look, there comes the bus.(看)
The famous singer appeared on TV again.(出现)
A.I felt my heart beating hard.
B.Let me feel your forehead. You are running a high temperature.
7.His dream has come true.“他的梦想成真”,是个系表结构的句子,但在使用中也常常只与true连用。因此不带有普遍规律。
8.When we talk about the predicate, certainly we'll come to another topic, that is “Tense”.
1.Each sentence is divided into two parts. The first part is called the subject. The second part is called the predicate.
In sentence A, if I only say“Tom”, you are sure to ask“What about Tom?”And if I say“wrote a letter yesterday, ”of course you will ask“Who wrote a letter?”
3.'91 高考中有这样一道题:On Saturday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, bought some bananas and visited her cousin.
4.We students often write English sentences like this:
A.I came here learn English.
B.He will get up early go to school with you.
Are these sentences right or wrong?
5.Sentence A and B are short of verb “be”.
A should be written like this:
This year I am eighteen years old.
B should be written like this:
The film is very interesting.
D句中in the room表示主语的位置。
G句中teaching English 表示主语的内容。

Unit2 Crossing Limits

Period 1 Words and expressions

Teaching Aims and Demands :1.All the students can pronounce all the words
2. Grasp the usages of some words and phrases
Teaching Important Points: The usages of the important words and phrases
Teaching Procedure:
Step1.Ask some of the students to read the words and correct their pronunciation
1.various ______________ ( n.) 2. wealthy _____________(n.)
3 existence ____________ ( v.) 4. unable ______________(反义词)
5.suggest ______________( n.) 6. origin _______________( adj.)
7.equip _______________( n.) 7.evaluate_____________( n.)
1.evaluate v. evaluation n.
evaluate her chances of success ___________________
________________________________________________ (我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评论他的能力.)
evaluate/value evaluate 很少用来表示 “估价”或 “估计”某事物的市场价值, 而是用来表示 “评价” value 估计某物的价值,价格
He _________ the house for me at $3,500.
2. various adj. for various reasons ______________
variety n.. a variety of ______________
3.in the name of 以 …..... 的名义, 代表
I arrest you in the name of the law.
I did it all in the name of friendship.
_______________________________________. (我代表经理前来欢迎你.)
name after _____________ with the name ______________ by name____________
by the name of _________________ under the name of ____________________
4.key n 钥匙;键;答案 adj. 关键性的, 极重要的
a key speech_____________ the key to the answer _______________
keyboard _______________ keynote ____________
5.puzzle n.难题; 迷 word puzzles___________
find the answer to a puzzle ____________
set a puzzle for sb. / set sb. a puzzle ______________
.v. 使困惑 Her reply puzzled me.
_______________________________________. (他不给我回信使我百思不解)
puzzled 困惑的,茫然的 puzzling 令人费解的
She listened with a ____________ expression on the face.
_____________ attitude
6.exchange n. 交换 an exchange of glances 互使眼色
v. exchange A for B _________ exchange sth. ( with sb.) ____________
He exchanged the blue sweater for a red one.
Tom exchanged seats with Ben.
in exchange for 交换
He gave me an apple ___________________ a piece of cake.
7.accurate 准确的, 精确的 an accurate answer ___________
accurate / correct / exact
Is this watch __________?
His answer is __________?
His translation is __________ to the letter.
8.command n.
at/ by sb’s command 受某人指挥, 奉某人之命
I’m here at the manager’s command.
v. command sb to do
The officer commanded his men to fire.
A government minister commands the services of many officials
The officer commanded that the soldiers should fire at once..
9. set sail to/ from/ for 起航
He has sailed ( from Shanghai ) for Dalian.
set about sth/doing sth_______________ set aside _______________
set off ____________ set up _________________
set out ____________         be set in _______________
10.in return ( for ) 作为回报
I bought him a drink in return for his help._________________________.
many happy returns 生日祝词
return fare_____________ return ticket_____________
v. 回到 return (home) from a holiday____________
return to Paris from London _____________
11.bring up 培养; 呕吐;提出
He was brought up by his aunt.
bring up one’s lunch. _____________
bring down ____________ bring about_____________
bring along_____________ bring in _____________
12.accomplish v. 完成, 实现 n. accomplishment n.
accomplish one’s aim; a task 达到目的; 完成任务
an accomplished fact 既成事实
accomplished adj.( = skilled ) an accomplished dancer; cook 有才艺的舞蹈家, 厨师
13. apart from 除......之外( 别无 ) ; 除……之外( 尚有 )
Apart from his nose, he’s quite good-looking.
Apart from the injures to his face and hands, he broke both legs.
14.refer v. 论及 reference n.
refer to 提到; 参考; 涉及; 和……有关
When I said some people are stupid, I wasn’t referring to you.
If you have some questions, refer to the guidebook.
What I have to say refers to all of us.
The book referred to in his speech is on environment.
refer a patient to a specialist for treatment 把病人交给专科医生治疗
He referred the student to the headmaster. 他叫那名学生去找校长.
16.run out ( of ) 用完 / use up
The petrol is running out. / We are running out of petrol.
He has used up all his money.
17.arise 出现; 上升
A strong wind arose in the night. 夜间刮起强风.
Smoke arose from the chimney.
一. 翻译下列短语
1.交换______________________ 2. 建议做某事__________________
3.起航______________________ 4.除…..之外 __________________
5.以……的名义______________ 6.一位诚实的人_________________
7.为了赞扬__________________ 8.达到目的_____________________
9.作为回报__________________ 10.查询________________________
1.To people of the early civilizations, the world map was a great p_________.
2.The contacts between China and Africa over the centuries led to the awareness of each other’s e__________, but still no a___________ maps of the countries around the India Ocean existed.
3.I was w_________ in the street when I saw a tailor’s shop.
4.On his return, Yangliwei was p____________ as a national hero.

Period 2 Reaching out across the ocean

Teaching Aims: 1.Train the students’ reading ability.
2.Learn about exploring the south of the Nile.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Enable the students to understand the text better.
2. How to improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Procedures:
Step1. Review some new words and expressions.

Step2. Pre-reading. Scan the text and answer the following questions.
1.What do you know about the Silk Road?
2.What could have been possible reasons to search for sea routes from China while routes over land were shorter and already existed?
3.In ancient China, there were some famous explorers, such as Gan Ying and Zheng He. What do you know about them?

Step3.Reading Read the passage as carefully as you can. Fill in the following two charts.
1. Find information in the text about contacts between China and Africa, and write in the chart below the periods when these contacts were made, the names of Chinese explorers, the way by which they traveled, and the goods which they brought home.
Period Name Way of travel Goods

2.Which of the animals and animal products that were presented to the Ming court could only be found in Africa? Which could be found in both Africa and Asia? Write your answers in the chart below.

Africa Africa and Asia
Step4.Read the text and find the following phrases and sentences from the text and then explain them in English.
1.The Africans were reaching out to China.

2.The time was ripe.

3.the mouth of the Red Sea

4.For a short time, China had ruled the seas.

Step5.Read the text and find the following important phrases and sentences. 
1. reach out
2. search for
3. find one’s way
4. develop into
5. take……prisoner
6. lead to
7. date from
8. under the command of……
9. in return
10. It is well known that Africa had contacts with India and the Red Sea civilizations from the earliest times
11. Ceylon, with its central position, was the place where Chinese merchants met with Arab merchants and heard about the westernmost lands.
12. The wonderful gift and the contact with the black court so excited China’s curiosity about Africa that Zheng He sent a message to the king and to other African states, inviting them to send ambassadors and open embassies in the new Ming capital, Beijing.
13. The exchange of goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves.

Step6. Homework
Read the text and learn the important sentences by heart.

Period3. Reaching out across the ocean

Teaching Aims 1.Improve the students’ reading ability
2.Grasp the language points
Teaching procedures
Ask four students to recite the four sentences.

Step2.Language points
1.reach out (=stretch out)
He reached out for the dictionary.
2.search for
They are searching for the lost child in the forest.
比较: The police are searching the area for clues.
In search of sb/sth The early explorers went in search of gold.
3.It is well known that Africa had contacts with……
It is well known that……众所周知
注意: As is well known +句子;
What is well known is that……
Eg. _____is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.
A. It B. As C. That D. What
在该句型中,除know 外,还可以用其它的动词. 如report, announce, mention, hope, think, point out, say等.
. It is reported in the newspaper that talks between the two countries are making progress.
4.take…prisoner (=keep …in prison)
He was taken prisoner for a serious crime in 1999.
5.The wonderful gift and the contact with black court so excited China’s curiosity about Africa that Zheng He sent a message to the king and to other African states, inviting them to……
1)so…that..句型,意为 “如此……以致……”.在该句型中so后一般接
Eg. It so happened I saw Professor Zhang at the conference.
We so wanted to see the performance again that we stayed in the hall for a long time.
2)inviting them to send……作定语 open前省略了不定式符号to
6.The exchange of goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves.
far是用来修饰比较级的,表示 “……得多”,by far 也可以修饰比较级,但要放在比较级后,如放在前面,应在两者中间加the
He is taller by far than his brother.
He is by far the taller of the two brothers.
表示比较程度的状语除了far, by far 外,还有even, a lot, much, still, a great deal, a bit, a little等
He knew a great deal more than I did.
Step3. Homework Review the language points and learn the second para. by heart.

Period4 Grammar Review the Predicate

Goals: 1.Review the grammatical point……the Predicate
2.Finish the exercises on P15-16
Step1.Revision. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 那小孩给那位老人5个苹果交换5只鸡蛋。 ( in exchange for)

2. 他决定第二天起航去伦敦。 (set sail for/to )

3. Tom 不关心功课,结果所有考试都失败了。   ( in return )

4. 众所周知,香港是1997年回归祖国的。 ( It is well known that……)

5. 北京是2008年奥运会举办地。    ( where )

    及物动词( 带宾语 )learn, ask 等
不及物动词 ( 不带宾语 )come, go 等
行为动词 持续性动词 sleep, work 等
非持续性动词 start, marry 等

1 动词

be动词am is are was, were

系动词 表示人或事物的特征,状态和变化feel, grow, fall等

表示某种状态的延续性stay, stand 等
助动词do, does, did, have, has, shall, will, would 等
情态动词: can, may, must, shall, will, could, might, need, dare, ought to等
2.动词的五种基本形式: 原形动词, 第三人称单数现在式, 过去式, 现在分词, 过去分词。
3.动词的时态: 一般现在时; 一般过去时; 进行时 (现在进行时和过去进行时); 完成时(现在完成时和过去完成时); 将来时(一般将来时和过去将来时)
4.动词的语态: 主动语态和被动语态
Step3 Exercises. Finish the exercise on P15-16, paying attention to the Predicate.
Step4 Consolidation.
Put the Chinese into English to complete the sentences.
1. ________________________ ( 生活就会变得更加美好)when we listen to each other.
2.We _______________(取得了很大的进步) in the past year.
3.When I ___________ ( 学习 )in the university, I ________(读书) in the morning.
4.He __________________ (做作业) from seven to nine last night.
5. The train _______________( 离开 ) before we got to the station.
6. He ___________________ (一定去过那里) before.

Period5.Integrating skills Reading

Going High: The Pioneers of the third pole
Goals:1. Learn some useful words and expressions
2. Improve the reading ability.
3. Read the text fluently.
Step1. Review the Predicate
1.He helped to search for Dr Living-stone in Africa who___________ ( miss ) for some years.
2.As Livingstone________ (be) already very famous, any news about him _________ (get) the public’s attention.
3.Hardly _______ I _________ (get) into the room when it ______ (start) to rain.
4.By the end of this month, they ___________________ (complete) the road construction.
5.Tom, you are so lazy, this job __________________ (finish) hours before.
6.Somebody knocked at the door while I _____________ (do) some reading.
Step2. Reading
A. Read the text and answer the following questions
1. What does “the third Pole ” refer to in the text?
2. What does the writer call it the third Pole?
3. Why is it difficult to climb Mount Qomolangma ?
4. Who was the first to reach the top?
5. Did the Chinese team ever reach the summit of the mountain? How do you know?
B. Read again and master some useful expressions
apart from adjust to act as rely on
refer to…….as…. run out (of) have no chance of doing
succeed in doing……. be praised as at the age of
C. Read and recite some sentences.
1. All that was left to be conquered was the “ third pole ”, the highest mountain on earth, Mount Qomolangma.
2. Apart from the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels can cause mountain sickness, which can kill.
3. They had no idea what they were up against.
4. The New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, as members of a British team, were the first to make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma.
5. On their return, they were praised as national heroes.
Step3. Homework Read the passage fluently.


Unit 1 That must be a record
Talk about records, adventures and hobbies   Practise measuring and comparing
Review the Subject        Fill in a form

The First Period   Listening & Speaking
Teaching goals:
1. Target Language
a. key words: beard, voyager, tight, tightrope, edition, moustache
b. daily English
Practise expressing measuring and comparing.
2. Ability goals
Enable students to talk about records, adventures and hobbies.
Help them learn to express measuring and comparing.
Teaching important points:
Talk about records, adventures and hobbies.
Practise expressing measuring and comparing.
Learn to use some typical measurements.
Teaching difficult points:
How to use measurements correctly.
Teaching methods:
discussing (cooperative learning), listening, speaking  
Teaching aids: a tape recorder, a projector and a computer
Teaching procedures:
Step I Lead-in
As most of the Senior Grade III students start school in August, the weather must be very hot. The teacher may start the class with the following question. “What is the highest temperature recorded this summer?” Then lead students to do the quiz about the amazing facts on Page1.
T: Good morning/ afternoon, everyone!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. / Ms…
T: It is very hot, what is the temperature?
S1: It is reported the highest temperature is 35°C.
T: Is it the hottest day recoded this summer?
S2: I don’t think so. It was much hotter on July 26. The temperature was 37°C on that day.
T: Good. I’m very glad you are careful about this. But do you know the lowest temperature recorded on earth? (Show the questions on Page 1on the PowerPoint.) Please work in groups and try to find the amazing facts.
Step II Warming up
Students will work in groups to decide the answers. Whether they can guess the answers or not is not important. The aim of this quiz is to stimulate their interest. Two minutes later show the answers on the PowerPoint. ( Suggested answers: BBAABB )
T: Ok. It doesn’t matter whether you guessed the answers or not. How do you find the questions?
Ss: Very interesting.
T: Do you know where to find the answers to such interesting questions?
Ss: The Guinness Book of World Records.
T: Yes, it is a book contains records of all kinds. After class please find more information in the book in the library. In this class we are going to practise measuring and comparing. First look at some typical measurements. Ok, please read after me.
Show the following on the PowerPoint. (m = meters cm = centimeters   h = hours)
Height of people (When referring to people, “tall” is used, not” high”, and measurements are given in feet and inches (but not yards) or meters and centimeters.
She is about 5 foot 6 tall.      The world’s tallest man is 2.55 m.
Speed A speed limit of 30 mph
Sound travels 186,300 miles in a second
Measurement of Temperature
The normal temperature of the human body is 37°C
The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is -89.2°C
Step III Listening
In this procedure, students will hear someone talk about the size and the speed of humans and animals. The purpose of the exercise is to practise measuring and comparing. Before listening, students will discuss the three questions in groups.
T: Are you familiar with the measurements?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok. How tall are you. Wang Fei?
S1: I’m 175cms.
T: Then who is the tallest in your class?
Ss: Li Lei and he is 184cms tall.
T: Then we can say Li Lei is taller than Wang Fei. Do you know how tall Yao Ming is?
S2: He is 2.26 cm.
T: Then among the people we know Yao Ming is the tallest. OK, let’s come to the listening part. You are going to hear someone talk about the size and the speed of humans and animals. Before we listen to the tape, let’s look at the questions on Page 2.
Now work in groups and discuss the three questions. You are given five minutes.
Five minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Various answers may be given.
T: Well done. That’s your opinion. Now let’s listen to the tape and hear what others say.
Play the tape for students to finish the Listening Exercises 2-3 on Page 2. Play the tape again when necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step IV Language Points
1. graduate n. v. graduate –graduation     graduate from after graduation
Graduates with complex knowledge are in great need now.
2. advantage n.优势,好处,有利条件
take advantage of sb. 利用某人,欺骗某人 take advantage of sth. (巧妙地利用某物)
have the advantage of / over胜过,占优势
3. weigh vt. 称……的重量;掂量;考虑;重若干   weight n. weighty adj. (沉重的) 按重量计算 by weight 发福put on weight lose weight
4. beat / defeat / win
5. on earth究竟,到底
This is my dog , his name is Wisdom. That is interesting , why ____ did you give him such a name?
6. speed 迅速地with great speed   以全速at full / top speed 以……的速度at a speed of     加速speed up
7. contain /include
1) The price includes postage charges.    2) My suitcase contains only a few warm-weather clothes.
3) The money I gave you included Tom’s. 4) There are ten of us here, including three girls.
5) Everybody has something to say, me included.
Step V Speaking
An interview of the record-breaking tight ropewalker Adili. While students present the interview, the teacher may show the photos to help the others to understand the interview better.
T: Besides Yao Ming, we have another celebrity (名人). Who is it? (Show the picture of Adili on the PowerPoint)
S1: Adili, a tight ropewalker.
T: Who would like to say something about him?
S2: He was born in Xinjiang in 1971.
S3: He has a lovely daughter.
S4: He is famous as the record -breaking tight ropewalker.
S5: His name is in the Guinness Book.
T: Now Adili is visiting our city and you are going to interview him for the school newspaper. Please don’t forget to refer to the information on Page 3. Work in pairs and 5 minutes later I will ask some of you to act it out.
A Sample of the interview.
A: Adili    B: A Journalist
B: Adili, glad to meet you and welcome to our city! I’m a school journalist from No 1 Middle School.
A: Thank you!
B: The students in our school admire you very much. They are eager to learn something about you. May I ask you some questions?
A: OK. Thank you and I am willing to be of some help.
B: How many years has your family walking on the rope?
A: My family has been walking on tightropes for 430 years!
B: Wow, so many years! Could you say something about the 2002-year record? How many days did you stay on the high wire?
A: In May 2002, I broke a world record by staying on a wire rope for 22 days and beat the 21-day Guinness world record. I walked on the rope up to five hours a day. I spent the rest of the time in a hut at the end of the rope.
B: You are very great. I was told you broke some other Guinness world records. Could you say something about your ropewalk across the Three Gorges? How long was the wire? How high was the wire above the ground and how long did the walk take you?
A: On June 22, 1997 I crossed the Three Gorges on a high wire, which was 646 meters long, 402 meters high and the walk took me 13 minutes 48 seconds. I broke the Guinness world record set by a Canadian.
B. We are very proud of you. In October 2000 you broke another Guinness world record when you walked across Mt. Heng. How long was the wire? How high was the wire above the ground and how long did the walk take you?
A: When I walked across Mt. Heng, I crossed a wire 1,399 meters long, 436 meters high and I spent 52 minutes 13 seconds on it.
B. How great! In August 2003 you broke another Guinness world record at Tiankeng. How high was the wire above the ground?
A: At Tiankeng, I walked 687 meters, about 662 meters above the ground and beat the 402 meters above the ground record.
B. Thank you very much. You have been breaking records. You have been challenging yourself. We should learn from you. Good luck to your future performance.
A: Thank you.
Step VI Homework
Surf on the Internet or use the library to find some information of The Guinness Book of World Records.



The Second & Third Periods   Reading
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the useful words and phrases in this period.
2. Train the students’ reading ability.
3. Help the students to know more about world records.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Master the following phrases and sentence pattern.
Set down, keep track of, stand out, in the first place, make for
Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.
2. Improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to help the students understand the passage better.
2. How to help the students understand the sentence pattern better and use it freely.
Adj. / adv. / n. + as + Sub. + v. , + main clause
Teaching Methods:
1. Scanning the text to learn something about world records.
2. Fast and careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia   2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
It is very hot today ,isn’t it ? What is the temperature?
Is it the hottest day recorded this summer?
Do you know the lowest temperature recorded on earth?
Do you know where to find the answers to such interesting questions?
The Guinness Book of World Records. It is a book containing records of all kind.
Step Ⅱ Fast Reading
Read the text quickly and grasp the general idea of each paragraph.
The text can be divided into four parts:
Part 1: (Paragraph 1) : How and when the first edition was put out.
Part 2: (Paragraph 2-4) : The records that can be printed in the book are put into different categories.
Part 3: (Paragraph 5) : Why people are so interested in world records.
Part 4: (Paragraph 6) : How the Guinness Book of World Record accepts a world record.
Pre-reading: Suggested answers on Page 3
1. He was the then director of the Guinness Brewery, who came up with the idea of writing a book later called the Guinness Book of the World Records.
2. In 1955.     3. 1.6 meters.
4. Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea--- it is 2,500 kilometers from the nearest coast. A special and delicious record was set in 1997 to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China.
5. Lance Armstrong.
Step Ⅲ Listening
Listen to the tape and decide which of the following statements are “true” or “false”.
1. The Guinness company began to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the 1950s.   (F)
2. More than 60,000 new records are printed in the book each year.        (F)
3. An Englishman balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilograms on his head for 33 seconds.   (T)
4. Lance Armstrong’s speed record is more impressive than his struggle against his disease.    (F)
5. The records dangerous to the person attempting it or to others are not allowed in the book.    (T)
6. The records in the Guinness Book of World Records are including different areas of people’s life. (T)
Step Ⅳ Reading Comprehension
1. The idea which led to The Guinness Book of Records came up by _________.      (C)
A. Ross McWhirter B. Norris     C. Sir Hugh Beaver   D. Brewery
2. The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters except _________.        (A)
A. education    B. science and technology C. travel and transport D. the natural world
3. Among the Chinese records in The Guinness Book of Records, some examples are given except _________.                  (D)
A. Tiananmen Square B. Hong Kong’s return to China C. Jiaozi D. the Yellow River
4. The reason why Lance Armstrong’s records are special is that_________.      (D)
A. he is a wonderful winner      B. he won the first place in the race
C. he has achieved brilliant achievements D .he fought against cancer bravely and won his goal
5. Which type of record attempts is NOT allowed in the following? It is ________.      (C)
A. the one that a man can live to be very old
B. the one that a man can balance a small car on his head
C. the one which is dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others
D. the one that a man can wear the longest beard in the world
6. The text is mainly about _____.               (C)
A. a famous book        B. Sir Hugh Beaver came up with an idea
C. The Guinness Book of Records       D. many records in the world
7. From the sentence “..., it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease”, we know that________ .                   (D)
A. his fastest speed is as impressive as his story of struggle against cancer
B. his fastest speed is more impressive than his story of struggle against cancer
C. his story of struggle against cancer is less impressive than his fastest speed
D. his story of struggle against cancer is more impressive than his fastest speed
8. From the text, the main reason that led to Sir Hugh’s idea is that _________.      (C)
A. his hard work    B. his talent     C. his curiosity    D. his careful research
9. From the last paragraph, we can infer that _________.          (D)
A. if a person wants to make a record, he can do it without permission
B. if a person can do bad to others, he can make a record
C. if your idea isn’t suitable, you can also get the permission of the Guinness Book of World Records.
D. The Guinness Book of World Records is very careful about making a record
10. According to the text, which statement is true?            (B)
A. No people in the world are not interested in strange and unusual things.
B. There are many athletic records in the Guinness Book of World Records.
C. There are no Chinese records in the Guinness Book of World Records.
D. All of the 60 000 new records will be printed each year.
Step Ⅴ Language points
Paragraph One:
1. In 1951, the then director of the Guinness Brewery, --在1951年,当时吉尼斯啤酒厂的总裁
then (作定语)当时的,the then ruler 当时的统治者
then (adv.) = at that time (用于过去或将来)     He will come back by then.
当时的(修饰名词) the then government = the government at that time.
那么,因此 (位于句首或句末)              Then what do you want?
固定短语: (every) now and then; from then on; until then; since then
2. conclude -----come to an end Vt /Vi (推断出,断定;完成结束)conclusion n.结论,结尾
to conclude Compare: come to / draw / reach / arrive at a conclusion得出结论
e.g.1) The inquiry concluded that the accident had been caused by human error. 推断,断定
2) The headmaster concluded the meeting at six o’clock in the afternoon. 结束
3) To conclude,I wish you a happy New Year. 最后
最后,总之 in conclusion = lastly In conclusion I’d like to say that you did it very well.
Paragraph Two:
1. Set down / put down / write down
e.g. Set down your heavy bags and have a rest.
   I will set down the story as it was told to me.
   The price limits were set down by the government.
Other phrases:
set aside把……放在一边;留出,拨出    set off 出发;引起;使爆炸
set out 出发;开始(to do )               set about 开始,着手(doing)
set up搭起;树立(榜样);开办          be set in 以…为背景
2. keep track of 1) record sth. ; write down 2) keep informed of sb. / sth.
e.g. Don’t feel bad if you make a mistake. Keep track of (write down) your mistakes and learn from them.
Her mother used to keep track of (write down) every penny she spent.
Mr. Stevens kept track of (keep informed of) his business by telephone when he was in hospital.
It’s hard to keep track of (maintain contact with) all one’s old school friends.
Other phrases:
远离,不接近,避开keep off 远离某地keep away from
一直做某事keep doing sth / keep on doing sth. 阻止;扣留;忍住keep back
记住;想着keep … in mind   保持keep up 跟上keep up with
赶上catch up with 守望keep watch 守信keep one’s promise
记日记keep a diary 管家keep house 阻止某人做某事keep sb from doing sth.
3. reach vt. When will we reach Beijing? (到达)
   Can you reach me that box? (伸手拿下来) Will you reach me the sugar? (递)
reach one’s conscience(打动,影响) 打动良心
   How can I reach you? (与――取得联系;接触)我怎么和你联系?
vi. The woods reach as far as the river. (延伸,达到) 树林一直延伸到河边
I can’t reach so high. (伸出手(或脚))我够不到这么高。
4. balance vt. 1>称,平衡 2>权衡,对比 balance the tow plans 把这两个计划对比一下3>使平衡使(力量等)均等       vi. 平衡;相抵 My accounts balance. 我的帐收支相抵
n. (c) 天平;秤a pair of balances一副天平
(u) 平衡;均衡 be out of balance不平衡 keep one’s balance保持平衡
5. weigh vt. 1>称(――的重量) weigh oneself称体重
2>权衡;考虑weigh one’s words 斟词酌句 weigh sth. in one’s mind考虑某事
vi.1>(+表语)重若干;称分量 weigh heavy (light) (称起来)重(轻)
2>有意义,有分量,有影 响You advice weighs heavily with her.你的建议对她很有影响。
Paragraph Four:
1. Many of 许多,后接代词时,后不加 “the”, many of them 后接名词时,后加 “the”, many of the people。
关于many的几个词组: a good many很多   a great many许许多多
many a(后接单数名词)许多 many a student 许多学生
2. stand out 突出;出色
e.g. A tall man stands out in a crowd. John stood out as a track star.
Other Phrases:
stand by (和…站在一起;袖手旁观)stand for (代表;象征;意味着)stand up 站起;站得住脚
3. as conj.-----though, although (as 引导让步状语从句)
   despite / in spite of + n./ what从句(尽管,不管)
   though/ although+从句 (不与but连用,但可以和 yet, still搭配)
   as + 让步状语从句(表语名词或形容词,副词状语和动词原形必须倒装)
e.g. Although/Though he is young, he can do it well.(句首)
Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently. The air was cold, bright as the sun was.
Try as / though he may , he won’t succeed.    Child as/ though he is, he knows a little.
He never borrows money from anyone though he is poor.(句末)
Tired as he was, he sat up late. = Though he was tired, he sat up late.
4. fade vi 凋谢;褪色;(声音)变弱 Vt. 使褪色 fade away 逐渐消失(声音等) 变微弱;(光等) 变暗淡; 逐渐消失 (+away)
The sound of the footsteps faded away.
fade in / up (使影片中的画面、声音、广播中的声音)渐强
fade out (使影片中的画面、声音、广播中的声音)渐弱
e.g. The strong sunlight had faded the curtains.
All memory of his childhood faded from his mind.
Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.
The shapes faded away into the night.
Paragraph Five:
1. Account
e.g. We could not go on account of rain. 因为;由于
On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals. 绝无理由(or not on any account)
We must take local conditions into account. 考虑到(估计)某事(=take account of sth. )
I bought the car on account.先付, 暂付, 用赊购的办法用分期付款的办法
We must take account of the interests of the States. 考虑
No one could account for the disappearance of the money. Vi (for ) 说明……的原因,说明, 占, 解决, 得分
account n.(U) 叙述;报告;账目;帐户
开立/结束帐户 open /close an account
把钱存入银行帐户 put … into one’s bank account
2. whether ... or ...意为”不管是……还是……”,常引导让步状语从句。如:
Whether we help him or not, he will fail.
Someone’s got to tell her, whether it’s you or me.
3. make for意为”向……走(冲)去;有助于造成(某种关系、情况),可成为”。如:
The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond.
  The climate makes for good health. Does early rising make for good health?
   They are made for each other.
Paragraph Six:
1. attempt vt.
An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.
The boys made an attempt to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.
2. apply for…vt.1>应用,使用2> 敷用,涂―― apply a paste to a wound给伤口涂上膏药 3>专心,注意   vi.1>适用2>申请 apply for a fob求职
apply for a job, apply for hosting a foreign teacher
apply …to …应用于…
We need a rule that applies to everyone. 我们需要一个是用于每一个人的规则。
apply oneself to…专心致志… apply one’s mind to专心于
Students should apply themselves to their studies.
3. inspect / inspection /inspector
e.g. After they had finished building the wall the foreman inspected it to make sure they’d done it properly
Nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.
All food shops should be inspected regularly.
4. confirm vt. 证实;确认;批准 confirmation n 证实;证明;确实
e.g. What you say confirms my opinion.
   The King confirmed me in my possession of the land.
5. Certificate n.证书
Certify v. (指通过某种检验)证明…无误(真实)给(某人)颁发(完成专业培训的)合格证书
a birth / marriage / death certificate出生(结婚、死亡)证明书
a certificate of health 健康证明书
6. State n.1>(c) 状态,状况 the three states of matter物质三态
2>(c; u) 国家;政府 a welfare state 福利国家
3>(c)(美国等的)州the 50 states of the United States
vt.陈述,说明,声明The Prime Minister stated his view on the subject. 首相陈述了他对该问题的见解。 
Step Ⅵ Homework
1. Retell the text.
2. Surf on the Internet and find something about extreme sports.

The Fourth Period   Integrating Skills
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the new words and phrases in this period.
2. Improve the students’ reading ability.
3. Review the use of Subject.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn the following useful expressions: be familiar to , centre on , concentrate on
2. Improve the students’ reading and writing abilities.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to help the students understand the passage better.
2. How to help the students finish the writing task.
Teaching Methods:
1. Practise to revise the Subject.
2. Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia    2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
StepⅠ Fast reading
Read the passage as quickly as possible and answer the following questions.
1. On weekends what do Lin Yong and his friends usually do after finishing their homework?
They will go to the park to do skateboarding.
2. When and how did they come up with the idea to build the ramp?
Three years ago after watching a skateboarding competition on TV.
3. What is their skateboarding club called?
    Fun On Wheels.
4. What is the goal of a skateboarding “competition”?
    The goal is to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new.
5. Is the sport too dangerous in their opinion?
No, they don’t think so. Because they all wear helmets and other equipment to protect themselves. They don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless they are sure that they are skilled enough to perform it safely.
Step Ⅱ Careful reading
Read the passage carefully and finish Ex 1 on Page 8.
Suggested answers :
1. 360 means making a circle in the air. “Hang ten” means “ to fly in the air with one’s feet on the board”.
2. Many extreme sports are about beauty, harmony and thrills. They don’t have rules about winning and losing.
The goal is to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new.
3. “X-factor” means the pure joy of doing something that you did not think you could do and overcoming your fears.
4. Helmets, wristlets, kneecaps, and so on.
5. They like the feeling, the excitement and the thrill that extreme sports bring.
Step Ⅲ Explanation
1. Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate on the way my body moves in the air.
1)concentrate on/upon意为”把……集中在……上,全神贯注于”。
~ (thought/attention...) on/upon集中(思想/注意力…) 于
e.g. We must ~ our attention on efficiency/studies.
concentrate on/upon全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴;专心
You must concentrate on what you are doing.
She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long.
n. concentration camp集中营
There is too much noise outside, I can not ___my attention on my work.
A. fill             B. connect         C. flat             D. concentrate
2)the way 作先行词,后面的定语从句可以由in which或that(也可省略)引导。e.g.
I don’t like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.
The way (that/in which) he answered the questions was surprising.
2. Watching Lin Yong and his friends fly through the air makes you wonder whether the sport is not too dangerous.
e.g. Using the right hand to shake hands is a custom in many countries.
  To learn a foreign language well is not easy.
2)动词-ing作主语,常用于It’s no use/good doing... 和There is no doing...句型中。
e.g. It is no good learning without practice.    There is no littering about.
3. Delight   n. 1. 欣喜,愉快[U]
令…高兴的是 to one’s delight 兴高采烈/高兴地 with delight 以…为乐 take/find delight in
To our delight, our football team won. She ran back home with delight.
2) 乐事,乐趣[C]
He enjoyed the delights of New York’s night life.
vt. 使高兴;使愉快
The clown ~ed the audience.      I’m delighted that you are back.
We were delighted to read your novel.
Step Ⅳ Homework
Write some sentences to describe people using the adjectives in the exercise books.












The Fifth Period   Grammar
Teaching Aims:
1. Review what can be used as subject.
2. Review some important rules about the Subject.
3. Do some exercises about the Grammar item---the Subject.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Master the differences between the infinitive and the v.-ing form used as the Subject.
2. Master the following sentence pattern: It’s no use/good + v.-ing.
3. Pay attention to the Agreement.
Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia   2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Grammar Learning
1. What is Subject?  
The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. Ask the question, “Who or what ‘verb-s’ or ‘verb-ed’?” and the answer to that question is the subject.
e.g. The computers in the Learning Center must be replaced.
The really important issue of the conference, stripped of all other considerations, is the morality of the nation.
2. What can be used as Subject?  
Noun, adjective, nonfinite verb, it, nominative personal pronoun and the subject clause and so on.
e.g. The azaleas were in full flower.杜鹃花正怒放
The unemployed usually lead a hard life.
# the differences between the infinitive and the v.-ing form used as the Subject
(1) 动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作。
Smoking is prohibited (禁止) here. 这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)
It is not very good for you to smoke so much. 你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)
(2) 动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。
Climbing mountains is interesting. 爬山很有趣。(经验)
Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring. 在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验)
It took me only five minutes to finish the job.
It’s no use waiting here.
Every person has rights under the law, but they don’t always know them. 每个人都有权遵守法律,但他们常常不知道
What we need is more time.   When to start is not decided yet.
3. A simple subject can be more than one word, even an entire clause.
e.g. What he had already forgotten about computer repair could fill whole volumes.
4. In English, the subject of a command, order, or suggestion - you, the person being directed is usually left out of the sentence and is said to be the understood subject.
e.g. 1. You step lively there, or I’ll leave you behind!  
2. Before assembling the swing set, you read these instructions carefully.
5. For purposes of sentence analysis, the doer or the initiator of action in a sentence is referred to as the agent of the sentence. In an active sentence, the subject is the agent.
e.g. 1. The Johnsons added a double garage to their house.
2. The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter.
6. In a passive sentence, the agent is not the subject. In fact, sometimes a passive sentence will not contain an agent.
e.g. 1. The dean’s report was reviewed by the faculty senate.
2. Three cities in the country’s interior were bombed.
Step II Consolidation
Fill in the blanks using the right forms.
1. — What’s made you so upset?
— ______ ( lose ) the tickets for the concert.   ( Losing )
2. It’s no use ______ ( regret ) the past mistakes.   ( regretting )
3. The farmer’s _______ ( take ) pity on the snake led to his own death. ( taking )
4. It takes time _______ ( know ) a man.   ( to know )
5. When and where _______ ( build ) the factory is not decided yet. ( to build )
6. The old man as well as their children ______ ( like ) swimming.   ( likes )
Step Ⅲ Homework
Finish all of the Vocabulary and Grammar exercises and write Exercise 3 in their exercise books.









Unit 2   Crossing Limits
Talk about exploring the world
Practise judging situations and making decisions
Review the predicate
Write a persuasive essay

The first period    Listening
Teaching goals:
1. Words and expressions: explore, exploration, discover, discovery, face risks, face challenges, modern means, equipment.
2. Enable the students to learn that exploring in the past and present are quite different.
3. Enable the students to learn how to compare the past and present exploring.
Teaching important points:
Enable the students to fully understand the “problem-solution” part in Warming up and Listening materials.
Teaching difficult points:
By training listening strategies of prediction and doing shorthand, enable students to form a good habit of listening.
Teaching methods:
Team work learning and task-based learning.
Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures:
StepⅠ Revision
Quiz: Who was the first person that mapped the Indian coast?
Who was the first person that discovered the “New World”?
Why did Abel Tasman sail along the coast of Australia and many islands in the Pacific Ocean?
What was James Cook’s purpose of his voyage?
(Keys: Zheng He; Columbus; Tasman was to answer questions about the nature of the geography of Pacific Ocean regions during the exploration; Cook was chosen by the Royal Society of London to undertake a scientific journey to Tahiti to observe and document the event as the planet Venus passed between the earth and the sun. His secret task was to find new landmasses in the south.)
Step Ⅱ Warming up
Task one: World map exploration
How many continents are there in the world? What are they?
( Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America, South America and Antarctic.)
Task two: Discussion
What were the dangers and challenges that explorers had to face in the past while exploring the world?
(First they had to struggle against big storms, icebergs and great rocks that lie unnoticed in the sea. Second, they may easily get ill without fresh vegetables on board. Third, they had to fight against pirates and unfriendly natives.)
Task three: List words and expressions
Item Words and expressions
Words with the meaning of exploration and discovery Make a discovery, expedition, explore the unknown, exploration
Purposes and experiences in the course of an expedition Do scientific research, map the coast, find a new landmass, discover an island, hit a rock, meet with storms, fight against the natives, land, hide in a harbor.
Transport and communication Set out for, set sail for, on board, by sea, on deck, by flag language, by telephone
Step Ⅲ Pre-listening
Task one: Prediction
Now we are going to hear in interview between a reporter and a professor about exploring in the past and at present. Before listening, please think what kind of questions the reporter will ask and list at least three questions.
(What communicating tools did they use in the past? How did they store enough fresh water? How did they deal with sickness in the course of exploration in the past?)
Task two: Question and answer
What modern means can explorers make use of today?
(send messages by radio; take pictures with advanced cameras in space travel; use robots and other advanced equipment to accomplish some dangerous tasks.)
Step Ⅳ While-listening
Task one: Listen for the first time and fill in the chart.
In the tape you are going to hear the differences of communication and transport used in the past and at present. Listen to the tape and fill in the chart of Exercise 2 on Page 11.
Task two: Do shorthand
Listen to the tape for the second time and fill in the chart below.
Risks in the past
Solutions for modern explorers having no map
Similarities between the past expeditions and trips to Mars
Step Ⅴ Post-listening
Discussion: Exploration means advancement. Meanwhile, explorations are not without dangers and challenges. Work in groups and find out possible solutions to the problems.

situations Exploring an uninhabited island
Going through a cave
Discover a special plant
Possible answers:
Dangers and difficulties Solutions
We may meet big waves on the voyage Prepare a boat strong enough and listen to the weather forecast beforehand.
We may get lost in the island Take a compass and make marks along the way. We may get lost in the island
We may find it difficult to make meals Prepare enough food and fresh water and take some matches.
We may be attacked by the snakes Prepare a safe sleeping bag and some medicines.
Step Ⅵ Listening practice
1. Listen to the tape for the first time and do Exercise 2 on Page 153.
2. Listen to the tape for the second time and do Exercise 3 on Page 153.
Step Ⅶ Homework.
1. Use the following words to make sentences or phrases.
Evaluate , various, make a decision, in the name of, solve the energy problem, be rich in, take possession of, damage, disturb, available.
2. Prepare Speaking.


The second period Speaking
Teaching goals:
1. Key words and phrases: evaluate, various, make a decision, in the name of, solve the energy problem, be rich in, take possession of, damage, disturb, available.
2. Expressions used to express opinions:
From my understanding, I find it possible that… In my opinion, nobody has the right to …
For the sake of …, I believe …     In respect for…, we should….
Everything has two sides, but I …     By no means should we …
From my point of view …
3. Enable the students to properly express ideas and opinions. Enable the students to collect facts or examples to support their opinions.
4. Teach students to learn how to express their opinions and ideas in daily life.
Teaching important points:
Learn to collect enough information for speaking by brainstorming.
Teaching difficult points:
How to prepare for a debate.
Teaching methods:
Task-based learning; Debating strategy; Co-operative learning.
Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures:
StepⅠ Revision
Read and review the words and expressions:
evaluate the situation, various solutions, make a decision, in the name of the Chinese emperor, solve the energy problem, be rich in all kinds of resources, take possession of the land, damage the relic, disturb the sleeping child, everything is available.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in
Task: Get familiar with the topic.
Read the third topic of Speaking on page 11 and find out what is talked about in this situation.
(Can we use Robots to Take the Place of Human Beings?)
Step Ⅲ Language preparation
Task one: Collect information (brainstorming)
1. Can robots do all the jobs that human beings can do?
2. Can human beings live like robots on the planet Mars?
3. Why didn’t the scientists of the USA send robots instead of Armstrong and his two co-workers to the moon?
4. What possible dangers will human beings meet on the mars?
5. Is the sacrifice worth doing for the sake of scientific advancement?
6. Are there any space disasters that you have known?
Task two: Present opinions
Work in groups. Each student presents your opinions to the other three. You are required to use the following phrases in the box below.
1. From my understanding, I find it possible that….
2. In my opinion, nobody has the right to….
3. For the sake of …, I believe…
4. In respect for …, we should…
5. Everything has two sides, but I ….
6. By no means should we sacrifice people’s life in the name of science….
Sample: In my opinion, robots should not replace human’s work because of the following reasons. First,…Second,…Third,…
Step Ⅳ Discussion
Task one: Discussion
Work in groups again. The group leader counts the positive and negative opinions in your group. Then the whole group vote to take only one opinion as your group’s opinion.
Task two: Collect information
Work in groups and try to collect enough information for a debate. You had better list as many examples as possible. Students work together as a team to collect enough information for a debate.
Step Ⅴ Debate
Task one: Presentation
Now the whole class will be divided into two large groups. One is to take the positive stand and the other is to take the negative stand. Those who take the positive stand will be in group A. And those who take the negative stand will be in Group B. Each group chooses a representative and a secretary to do shorthand.
Task two: Debate
Two groups debate with each other by using the examples and facts you have collected just now. but each debater has to be brief and come to the point.
Task three: Conclusion
Each group chooses a person to make a conclusion speech.
Step Ⅵ Homework
1. Preview the following words:
curious, wealthy, in exchange for, central position, ambassador, existence, accurate, exist, ripe, command, renew, expedition
2. Read the handout and remember as much background information of Reading as possible.













The Third & Fourth Periods    Reading
Teaching goals:
1. Words and expressions:
Curious, wealthy, in exchange for, central position, ambassador, existence, accurate, exist, ripe, command, renew, expedition.
2. Enable the students to know Chinese contribution to world exploration in the 15th century.
3. Develop the students’ ability of basic reading strategies of bottom-up and top-down.
Students will understand the great contribution Zheng He had made to the world, thus they may take these national heroes as example and follow them.
Teaching important points:
the explorers’ great contribution to world trade and economy.
Teaching difficult points:
Guide the students to pick out the main clue of the passage and the development method of the text.
Teaching methods:
team-work learning; task-based learning.
Teaching aids: a projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures:
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check the homework exercises.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in
Task: Know about great explorers
Please look at the quiz and tick true or false after your reading.
1. Zheng He was a great explorer of the Ming Dynasty. His expedition to the Indian Ocean was 87 years later than Columbus’s exploration to the Atlantic Ocean.          (F)
2. Zheng He’s purpose of expedition was to make trade and show friendship to other lands while Columbus was to seek treasure.                (T)
3. Marco Polo traveled from Italy to China and they stayed in the Ming court for a long time. After that, they wrote stories about their travels in the Far East. Europeans were so inspired by Marco Polo’s accounts that they began searching for sea routes to China, Japan, and the East India.     (F)
Step Ⅲ Pre-Reading
Task: Background information input.
Discuss the questions on page 12 and make presentations.
Sa: In the Ming Dynasty, the passage to the west, where now the central Asia stands, was controlled by Mongols. When the Mongols’ court was overrun by the Ming government, the two powers were unfriendly to each other. As a result, it was almost impossible for the merchants or ambassadors to cross the passage to the west.
Sb: Gan Ying, a great explorer and ambassador of the Han Dynasty, took the route of the Silk Road over land to accomplish a mission given by the Han emperor. He reached many countries along the Silk Road, though he was not able to arrive at his estimated destination—Da Qin.
Sc: Zheng He, a national hero, was famous for his seven voyages across the Indian Ocean, which established China’s rule of the sea in 15th century.
Step Ⅳ While-Reading
Task one: Predicting according to the title.
Please look at the title of the reading material and guess who reached out across the ocean. Why did they reach out across the ocean?
Task two: Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions:
1. What formed the foundation of mankind’s interest in exploration?
2. What was Columbus’ purpose of searching for the wealthy Asian lands?
3. Which ocean does “Western Ocean” refer to?
4. Guess who explored the Western Ocean before Columbus?
Task three: Predict the main idea of the whole passage.
( The passage is mainly about the explorers from China and other lands who explored the Indian Ocean before Columbus.)
Task four: Survey
Read paragraph 2 to paragraph 5 and answer the following questions:
1. In the Han Dynasty, who traveled over land to the East Roman Empire?
2. Between the Han and early Tang Dynasty, which part of Africa developed into the world trade center?
3. During the Tang Dynasty which traveler wrote Record of My Travels?
4. Before the Song Dynasty which means of transport did Chinese travelers mainly use?
5. In the eleventh century, who made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty?
Task five: Generalize the main idea of each paragraph.
Thesis sentence: Many great explorers made expeditions across the Indian Ocean long before Columbus, among whom Zheng He was the most prominent.
Main idea (before Zheng He) P2
China had contacts with countries along the Indian Ocean from the early time, and during ancient time explorers had begun to contact with each other.
Main idea: (before Zheng He) P3
Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty, Swahili kingdoms and the islands off the African coast developed into the world trade centre and attracted merchants from the world.
Main idea (before Zheng He) P4
During the Tang Dynasty, Du Huan, who traveled to many lands, wrote the book Record of My Travels.
Main idea (before Zheng He) P5
In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.
Main idea (after Zheng He) P6
By the beginning of the fifteenth century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.
Main idea (after Zheng He) P7
In the years between 1405 and 1433, under the command of Zheng He, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.
Main idea (after Zheng He) P8
Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.
Main idea (after Zheng He) P9
The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped.
Step Ⅴ Language points:
The Title:
reach归纳拓展 reach (out) for伸出手/脚去够…
as far as the eyes can reach就眼力所能及; 极目  
within one’s reach = within the reach of sb够得着
reach out拓展,伸出
Please reach me that book.
Not a single word reached my ears.
He reached out his hand for the knife, but it was too far away.
We must reach out to those in need.
Jim reached for a gun but he was stopped.
Paragraph One:
1. endeavour--an attempt to do something
In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.
Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human endeavour.
endeavor--formal to try very hard.    They endeavored to change society.
He endeavored to climb the mountain.   You must endeavor to do it better.
Please make every endeavor to be early.
2. puzzle vt. sb + be puzzled感到疑惑 sth + be puzzling 令人疑惑
sth + puzzle + sb使…疑惑
What puzzles me is why they didn’t show up.
He looked a little puzzled. His recent behavior puzzles me.
I could not puzzle out her intentions. We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem.
I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。
苦思,冥思苦想[(+about/over/as to)]
n. (游戏的)猜谜,智力竞赛[C]   难题,谜,难以理解之事[S1] 困惑,迷惑[S]
Her decision was a puzzle to him.
I’m in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situation.
3. search   search spl / sb for sth在…寻找… search for sth寻找某物
in search of 寻找;寻求 in (one’s / the) search for…寻找… search sb搜查某人的身体
The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.
I searched shop after shop for my sister’s birthday present.
The parents searched for their lost boy here and there, but they didn’t find him.
I will make a search for your book.
I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.
4. long before, before long (= soon ) long before和状语,与完成时态连用
long before + n. /从句 早在…之前   It be (not) long before 很久之后才/不久就….
before long不久以后,与将来时或过去时连用
There was a lively market long before.
Before long you will understand what I said is good for you.
I had waited him long before he came.
It won’t be long before you see him again.
It was long before they escaped from the cruel prison.
Paragraph Two:
1. find one’s way 设法到达
feel one’s way摸索着走; 谨慎行事 make one’s way   fight one’s way打出道路
push one’s way 挤出一条路 lose one’s way迷路   all the way
by the way   by way of   in a way in no way in the way
I hope you can find the way home. She couldn’t find the way out of the building.
The soldiers fought their way through the fierce enemies.
2. exchange …for …   in exchange for   exchange … with …
I’d like to exchange five apples for five eggs.
Mary exchanged her seat with Ann.
He is giving her French lessons in exchange for his English lessons
She is giving him English lessons in exchange for his teaching her Chinese.
I gave him a book in exchange for his MP3 player.
I’ve offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week’s accommodation.(膳宿)
Paragraph Three:
off   Keep off the grassland !
cut a piece off the loaf     The ship was brown off its course.
Paragraph Four:
1. be taken prisoner被抓:
Someone who is kept in a prison as a legal punishment for a crime or while they are waiting for their trial.   Our pilot was taken prisoner .
2. wander ( 常与about /in/ through连用)    The children wandered in the woods.
The river wanders through beautiful country.  
They wandered up and down the road aimlessly. His mind wandered back to his college life.
Paragraph Six:
1. awareness: 察觉;意识
be aware of …意识到……I was not aware of the fire.
We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms.
He doesn’t seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.
2. accurate, correct, exact辨析(inaccurate adj. 不准确的)均含”正确的”意思。
accurate 表示”准确的”,精确的,指”通过努力, 使事情达到正确”, 如:
She gave an accurate account of the accident. 她对事故做了准确的描述。
correct 为一般用语, 指”正确的”, 如:
He gave correct answers to the questions. 他对这些问题提出了正确的答案。
exact 表示”确切的”,”精确无误的”,指”与事实完全相符”, 如:
His answer is quite exact. 他的回答完全正确。
Paragraph Seven:
command vt., vi.(常与to, that连用)命令;指挥;统率
The officer commanded his men to fire.
He commanded silence. 他命令大家肃静。
He commanded that everyone make the best of the chance of senior three.
博得;赢得Einstein was really a great man who is able to command everyone’s respect.
掌握;控制;对…有支配权to command oneself控制自己
This island country commands immense natural resources.
俯视;俯临 That fort commands the whole valley.
n. 命令 command internal(计算机的)内部命令
控制;统率The army is under the king’s command. 军队由国王直接统率。
under the command of …在……的领导之下
The army is under the command of General Washington.
Bill is in command of the fleet.
司令部;指挥部;司令官 a high command高级司令官(空军)大队
运用能力;掌握   She has a good command of the French language. 她精通法语。
Paragraph Eight:
He sent a message to…, inviting them to send….他发信给…, 邀请他们派…。当表示打电话、写信、发电报告诉某人做某事时,常用-ing形式表示伴随。
send a message to sb. 送信
Step Ⅵ Homework
Remember the phrases and expressions in this period by heart.







The fifth Period    Integrating Skills
Teaching difficult points:
Generalize the whole passage by picking out key information.
Teaching methods:
Team work learning; Task-based learning.
Teaching aids:
A projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures:
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check homework exercises.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in
What difficulties and dangers will a person face when he climbs Mount Qomolangma?
Step Ⅲ While-Reading
Task one: Predict the content
1. What are needed to conquer Mount Qomolangma?
(necessary equipment and preparations, climber’s skill, courage, strong will and wisdom)
1. What does “going high” mean?
2. What is the passage going to talk about? The pioneers or the third pole?
Task two: Read and check information.
Read the first two paragraphs and answer the 3 questions of Exercise 1 on Page 17.
Task three: Questions and Answers
Read para.3 to para.5 and answer the following questions:
1. Why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions?
2. What makes Sherpas the most reliable guides in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?
3. What might have been the possible reasons that made British expeditions fail in 1922 and in 1924?
4. Why could Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?
5. How do you understand the sentence “Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great achievement”?
After the first successful climbing, why did so many people still want to climb Mount Qomolangma?

Step Ⅳ Language Points
Paragraph One:
1.the origins of the world’s major rivers世界上主要河流的源头
“We cannot escape our origins, however hard we try” (James Baldwin)”无论如何努力,我们也改变不了我们的出身”(詹姆斯?鲍德温)
Many Americans are African by origin.许多美国人是非洲血统。
2. accomplish / complete / finish / achieve
accomplish通常接task, aim, journey, voyage等名词,指成功完成预期目标;
Paragraph Two:
apart from除……之外(aside from)
All the children like music apart from Bobby.
The writer lives apart from his family.
Apart from being too large, the trousers don’t suit me.
Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.
apart adv. 相隔;相距;除去;分开地
Alice and her husband now live apart.
New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart.
They planted the trees three meters apart.
She lives apart from her family.
A few little things apart, the party was a great success.
Paragraph Three:
1. sacred adj.神圣的;与神有关的
Temples, mosques, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.宗教的,与宗教有关的sacred writings宗教经典
The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims.
(常与to连用)神圣不可侵犯的He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father’s wishes.
严肃的;郑重的;庄严的: a sacred promise郑重的诺言
习惯用法be sacred from免除, 不受   hold sacred尊重, 保护
2. act as guides充当向导 act as 扮演;担当;充当。后面所接的名词常可不加冠词。
A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind man. He acts as manager.
One of his friends acted as go-between.
3. ideal adj.理想的;完美的
This dictionary is ideal — it’s exactly what I needed这本词典很理想,正是我所需要的。
空想的;想象中的: ideal plans for making money赚钱的空想计划
n.理想;理想的东西;最终目的: to realize one’s ideal实现最终目的
Paragraph Four:
1. be up against面对,对抗   up against difficulties面临困难
up against it面临极大的困难(多指经济困难)
2. refer to sth /sb as认为某人某物… refer vt., vi. (-rr-)(常与to 连用)查资料;参考
涉及;提到Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer’s ‘proud demesne’.
针对;有关: The new law does not refer to farm land. 新法律与耕地无关。
提交;交付: The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers.商店把投诉转交给制造商。
refer oneself to依赖, 求助于
refer to提到, 谈到, 涉及,参考, 查阅,向...打听[查询],认为与...有关, 认为...起源于...
3.run out用尽,用完(= become used up)其主语通常为时间、食物以及金钱等名词。
His money soon ran out.
run out of用完了,表示主动含义,主语一般是人。
He is always running out of money before pay day.
[注意]run out of还有”从…中流出”之义;run out也表示”流出”,但其后不接宾语。
4. make it做成功,达成; make it to +地点 到达某地
Paragraph Five:
1. arise vi. (arose, arisen) 出现,呈现;发生   arise from / out of由…引起(产生)
Some unexpected difficulties / opportunities have arisen.出现了一些意外的困难(机会)。
2. in one’s attempt to do 尝试做某事 attempt n. vt. 尝试,企图;企图杀害
The prisoner attempted an escape but failed.   They attempted a surprise attack.
They attempted to climb Mt Everest.   He attempted breaking the world record.
He failed in his attempt to win first prize. They made an attempt on the life of the President.
attempted adj. 未遂的,意图的
Step Ⅴ Post-Reading
Turn to page 17 and look at Exercise 2. Explain the following phrases and sentences from the text in English.
Step Ⅵ Homework
1. Recite the important sentences.
2. Wb. Exx.

The Sixth Period    Grammar
Teaching important points:
Different types of Predicate.
Teaching difficult points:
By reviewing the Predicate, get the students to establish a sense of exactness in using the voices and tenses.
Teaching methods:
Team work learning; Task-based learning; Repetition and practice.
Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures:
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check homework exercises.
Step Ⅱ Word study
1. Turn to page 14 and do Exercise one.
2. Turn to page 156 and look at Exercise 4 of Word Study.
Step Ⅲ Grammar Study
What can be used as Predicate?   Verbs: 实义动词、情态动词和连系动词
We parted in 1984 and met again in 1999.(实义动词)He is a good student.(连系动词)
These apples look nice.(连系动词)We can help him with his English. (情态动词)不能单独作谓语
2.比较 中 文         英 文
他现在不会在家的。  He can’t be home now .
你是位老师吗?    Are you a teacher ?
她喜欢看小说。    She likes reading novels.
我要动身去美国。   I am leaving for the USA.
2)谓语动词表达时间的变化形式与表达动作状态的变化形式 往往是一致的。
一. 时态和语态
1. They raise ducks as a sideline (副业) .一般现在时
2. He got his driving license last month. 一般过去时
3. If you go to New Zealand, you are going to like the place. 一般将来时
4. She told me that she would go on trip to Europe the next day. 过去将来时
5. They are having a football match . 现在进行时
6. When I came to see her last time, she was writing an article. 过去进行时
7. By now, I have collected all the data that I need . 完成现在时
8. The telephone rang no sooner than he had come into the house. 过去完成时
9. I’ve been waiting for you for the whole morning. 现在完成进行时
二. 要注意的几个问题
1. 每学一种时态,要反复地、认真地去琢磨这种时态的作用及其使用的语言环境。
e.g. He speaks English .(一般现在时,说明动作发生的经常性。)
He spoke English when he was in New Zealand .(一般过去时,说明动作发生的时间。)
He is speaking English.(现在进行时,说明动作正在进行。)
He has learned English for three years since he came to the USA. (现在完成时,这里说明动作的总和。)
He has been speaking English since he came to the USA. (现在完成进行时,强调动作的连性。)
2. 在时间状语从句或条件状语从句的中,如果主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般现在时来表示将来时;如果主句的谓语动词是过去将来时,那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般过去时来表示过去将来时。
e.g. I will not play tennis if it rains tomorrow.
I would not play tennis if it rained the next day.
3. 在使用现在完成时的句子里,不可以带有表示具体过去时间的状语,如:yesterday , last week ( month , year , etc. ) , two weeks ago , in 1999等;但常和有些副词连用,如: just , before , already , often , never , ever , not…yet , always等等。
4. 在以when提问的特殊疑问中不能用现在完成时。另外,ago不能用于现在完成时的句子里,但是可以用before 来表示”以前”的意义.
1)---When did the train leave? ---It left ten minutes ago. 2)I have read this before.
5. 如果是不表示连续性的动词用于现在完成时的句子,不可以和表示”一段时间”的状语连用。在这种情况下,应该用”It is… since…”的句式来表达。
He has joined the army for five years. (wrong)
It is five years since he joined the army. (right)
1. 要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。
The accident was happened last week.  (wrong)  
The accident happened last week. (right)
2. 主动形式表示被动意义
1)表事物特性 v +adv. (wash, cut, sell, read, wear, write, sell, tear)
The book sells well.  This knife cuts easily.  Paper tears easily.
2)I was to blame for the accident.
3) 在need, require, want, be worth 后的动名词必须用主动形式。
The door needs repairing.= The door needs to be repaired.
This room needs cleaning. This book is worth reading. 
1. 由or 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与靠近它的主语一致。还有either … or … , neither … nor …, not only … but also …   即是就近原则。e. g.
Are you or he to drive ?    Was she or you there ?
2. 由两个名词由with (together with,along with,as well as, rather than,no less than,but, besides,except )连接时,谓语动词应与前面的主语一致。e. g.
Nobody but John and Helen was absent. I rather than you, am responsible for the accident.
3. 英语中,一些表示总称意义的名词,如:police,people,cattle, 等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。e. g.
Some people spend a lot of money on clothes. Cattle are raised everywhere by the farmers.
4. 集体名词作主语时: 指一个整体,谓语用单数;表一个一个的人或整体中的部分成员时,谓语用复数。(class ,club, committee, company, crew, crowd, enemy, army, government, group, party, public, team, family, 等。)
5. 当主语表示时间,重量,距离,价格时,谓语动词用单数。
Five hundred dollars is quite enough for the return voyage (返航).
Seven kilometers was covered in two hours .
6. 当主语是一个从句,不定式或动名词时,谓语一般用单数。
Whether he succeeds or fails doesn’t concern me . (他成功或失败与我无关)
Swimming in the Yangtze River needs great courage.
7. 定语从句的关系代词在从句中充当主语时,从句的谓语应与先行词保持一致。
She is the only one of the students who has passed the examination.
They told us something about the houses which were built in the 1540’s / 1540s.
8. 在强调句中,强调主语时,后面的动词还是由被强调的主语来确定。
I am in the search for my missing gold ring .
其强调句为:It is I who am in the search for my missing gold ring.
Step Ⅳ Exercise:
1. You ___ your father everything, which only upset him.
A. should have told   B. should tell    C. shouldn’t tell   D. shouldn’t have told
2. I ___ to send you the book on writing but there weren’t any copies left in the book store.
A. mean         B. was meaning      C. had meant         D. would mean
3. It is the third time that the student ____ late for school this week.
A. is        B. was      C. has been     D. will be
4. I ___ with a friend in New York just now. I’ll be back next week.
A. stayed        B. have stayed       C. stay              D. am staying
5. By the end of last term, the students ____Oxford English Book III.
A. finished         B. had finished    C. had been finished D. would finish
6. The plan ____ before it ____.
A. had been talked over; was carried out    B. had been talked; was carried
C. was talked over; had been carried out     D. talked over; carried out
7. The water___ too hot. Pour in some cold water, please.
A. is felt         B. is feeling        C. has felt       D. feels
8. If the teacher ___kind to the students, they ___ her now.
A. were; wouldn’t hate             B. had been; wouldn’t hate
C. were to be ; wouldn’t have hated        D. were; wouldn’t have hated
9. My teacher strongly suggested that I ____ to a spare-time school at weekend.
A. ought to go      B. had to go       C. go            D. had better go
10. I would rather you ___ yesterday.
A. had come       B. came         C. would come    D. come
Suggested answers: 1-5 DCCDB   6-10 ADBCB












The Seventh Period    Writing
Teaching goals:
1. Words and expressions:
Possibility, achievement, characteristic, argue, struggle, against, have nothing to do with, rely on, natural process, compare, spoil, the use of technology, lower the value of, instead of
It’s hard to decide…however…   Take everything into consideration, I ….
In spite of …, I still believe…   I am likely to think…because…
My choice will be…
2. Enable the students to master two kinds of useful strategies used in writing: Opinion---examples; opinion--- facts.
3. Get students to write a persuasive essay by following the process: language preparation (presenting opinions---list facts or examples)---writing---improvement.
Teaching important points:
By using situation strategy, collect the needed sentence structures and words.
Teaching difficult points:
Intensify students’ ability to use mind-map strategy to collect information.
Teaching methods:
Team work learning; Task-based learning.
Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures:
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check homework exercises.
Step Ⅱ Language preparation
Task one Face and conclusion
Task two List facts and examples.
Step Ⅲ Pre-writing
Read the narrative part of writing on page 18 and try to get very familiar with what the two different opinions are.
Step Ⅳ While-writing
Task Write opinion sentences by following the chart.
Step Ⅴ Post-writing
Task Check and evaluation.
Step Ⅵ Homework
1. Improve your work after class by following the rules we learnt in class.
2. Review all the words and sentence structures learnt in the unit.







Unit 3 The land down under
Teaching Goals:
1. Talk about Australian history, geography, nature, customs and culture.
2. Practise expressing prohibitions and warnings.
3. Review the Predicative.
4. Write a description of animals.
Teaching Time: Five periods

The First Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master some new words for names of places.
2. Do some listening.
3. Do some speaking to practise expressing prohibitions and warnings.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Improve the students’ listening ability.
2. Master the important phrases and expressions.
3. Make the students be free to talk about the favourite places, give reasons for their decision and make some dialogues.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to finish the task of speaking.
2. How to make dialogues correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in visiting Australia.
2. Listening activity to help the students go through the listening material.
3. Making simple dialogues to practise the students’ speaking ability.
4. Individual, pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: 1. a computer courseware 2. a tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings:
Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Free talk and Lead-in
T: Today we’ll learn a new unit – The land down under. “down under” means “in Australia”. (Write them on the Bb.) So we’ll talk about the land in Australia. Have you been to Australia?
S: No, but we hope we’ll go there one day.
T: Do you know something about Australia?
S: Yes. Australia is in Oceania. It’s in the south of the earth. It lies in the South Pacific Ocean.
T: Very good. What interests you most in the country?
S: Australia has a special kind of animal called “Koala”. It only eats leaves of a particular eucalyptus tree. There is also a kind of animal named “kangaroo” in Australia.
S: Australia also has many great buildings. Sydney Opera House interests me. It is described as the greatest one in the 20th century.
S: …
T: Ok. You’ve known much about Australia. Please look at the map of Australia in your textbooks. It shows six states and two territories, and some famous cities, such as Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne. We can also see the Great Barrier. Please read the new words after the recorder first, and then try to remember them. (Teacher gives students a few minutes to prepare. Then teacher checks them.)
T: If you have a chance to visit Australia. Which of the places would you like to visit?
S: I’d like to visit Sydney. Because it is a seaside city in Australia. I think it has rich beaches and many parks that are really worth seeing. In it, there is the most famous Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
S: I hope to visit Canberra. It is the capital of Australia. I think it has many places of interest. It is the greatest coral in the world. It lies off the northeast coast of Australia. I can dive there and see all kinds of ocean plants. It must be great fun.

Step 3 Listening
T: In Australia, there are many other places to visit, such as James Church, Hyde Park Barracks and modern skyscrapers. And there we can do a lot of things, like surfing, rafting, bush-walking, cycling and other adventure travel. In the listening practice, there are some people to travel. Where will they go? Why will they go to the places? What will they bring and how can they stay safe? We’ll listen to the tape to know them. Now open your books and turn to Page 20 to read each exercise. In them, there is a new word “outbreak” (Write it on the Bb.) It means “remote inland area where few people live especially in Australia.” Are you clear about the word?
Ss: Yes.
T: I’ll give you two minutes to go through the exercises to make sure you know what to do.
T: (Two minutes later.) Now listen to Part 1 of the tape. For the first time, you just listen to get the general idea. When I play the tape for the second or third time, you’ll try to finish Ex. 1 and Ex. 2. Are you clear about that? Ok. Let’s begin. Listen carefully.
(Teacher plays the tape. When students are doing Ex.2, teacher should pause the tape for the students to write down their answers. At last, check the answers with the whole class. If necessary, play the tape once more.)
(In the same way, teacher plays the second part of the tape and asks students to do Ex. 3)

Step 4 Speaking
T: From the listening part, we know that some people do on their travels. Now it’s our turn to plan a trip to Australia. Work in groups of five. First you are meeting to decide where to go and what to do. And you must give the acceptable reason. One of you in each group serves as a guide. If you have any questions, he will answer your questions and help you prepare for your trip. Then finish the role cards on Page 21.
(Teacher gives students a few minutes to prepare. Then asks four students to fill in the cards on Page 21.)
T: Ok. Now I’ll give you another minutes to make up a dialogue about your discussion and write it down on a piece of paper. While doing this, you can use the expressions on the screen. They can help you.
(Show the expressions for prohibitions and warnings on the screen.)
Expressions for prohibitions and warnings:
You can’t / mustn’t ...    Don’t smoke!      Look out!
If you...you’ll ...     Don’t be late!      Take care!
You’d better (not) do it.    No, noise, please.     Be careful!
T: (A few minutes later.) Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T: Which group would like to give a performance?
A: Well all want a trip to Australia, so let’s have a discussion to decide where to go and what to do. I would like to go bushwalking, because I can listen to the voice of nature and enjoy the beauty of it there, I will have a relax at the same time. What shall I need to bring?
Guide: Enough food is necessary. You can’t forget to bring a tent, a cellphone and a plastic bag to collect waste. You should also bring something to protect yourself, such as knives, ropes.
B: If we’re in danger, what should we do?
G: If a snake attacks you, you can use a long stick to frighten it away. A knife will help you if you meet into a dangerous animal. At night, a big fire will make animals keep off.
B: I prefer to go cycling, enjoying the beautiful view. What do I need to bring?
G: I think you should bring some food, a plastic bag, an umbrella and a camera.
D: How do we enjoy our journey?
G: When you see attractive views, you can take photos. It’s convenient to go cycling. You can go wherever you want to go.
C: I want to drive through the country. Because I will make a good understanding of different cultures.
G: I advise you to drive a cross-country vehicle. Fill it with enough gas every day and bring a spare tire. You’d better eat and drink enough.
C: What’s the best time to check the car?
G: Before starting out, you must examine it carefully, including the check of tires, the engine and the brake. You should also take a camera and a notebook to make some notes.
D: I’ll go surfing because it’s exciting. I can enjoy the beauty of broad sea.
C: Where should we go surfing?
G: There are many places in Australia, where the charming broad sea and strong waves will make you forget to return.
C: We have a one-week holiday, and as you know, we don’t want to spend too much money. What place do you advise us to go to?
C: I think going surfing is cheaper. Besides, you all need a relax as you’ll continue your study later. I think after surfing, all of your will have a clear head.

Step 4 Homework
In this class, we’ve talked about some flowers, done the listening and practiced describing how to plant some vegetables. Now today’s homework: Do exercise 3 on Page 30. Have a talk with your partner. Next class we’ll have some students talk about it before class. That’s all for this class.













Period 2   Reading
Teaching aims:
1. Get the students to learn and master the new words and expressions:
2. Get the students to learn the whole text and grasp the main idea of it to improve their reading ability.
3. Learn the fine quality of the scientists in the text.
Teaching important points:
1. Master the usages of the useful words and expressions above.
2. Improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching difficult points:
1. The usages of some words and expressions.
2. How to train the students’ reading ability in learning the text.
Teaching methods:
1. Explanation to get the students to have a clear idea.
2. Discussion to get the students to understand the text easier.
Teaching Aids: A computer, a courseware and a tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in
In the last period, I told you to describe the process of planting and growth of the young plant. Now I’ll let one student to do this before class.
Step 2 Fast-reading
Let’s read the passage to learn about Australia to check your answers. Please read quickly.
(outline) 1. How large is Australia?
4. What’s the capital of Australia?
7. What does the Australian flag look like?
(history) 2. What was Australia founded?
3. Who lives in Australia?
Conclusion (language) 9. How is Australian English different from British and American English?
    Now please read the passage again and answer the questions on the blackboard and then give me your answers.
1. Australia is made up of six states and two territories.
4. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
7. Its flag shows the UK flag and a large star with seven points. Six of the points represent the original states and the seventh stands for all the territories. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.
2. Australia was founded in 1901.
3. Aborigines, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, British and people from other countries live in England.
9. Australia English is different from British and American English in pronunciation and some of the vocabulary.
Now you’ve understood the general idea of the passage. Please read the passage carefully to understand the details.
Step 3 Listening and Consolidation
Now let’s listen to the tape. While listening, pay attention to your pronunciation.
Step 4 Summary and Homework
Today we’ve read a passage and learnt something about Australia, especially Australian outline, history and language. And we’ve learnt some important words, phrases and sentence patterns. After class, please read the passage again until you can retell it. If you are interested in Australia, you can get further information through the Internet. I think you’ll do the best.


Periods 3 and 4   Language points
1. prohibit vt   (尤指以法令)禁止 prohibit sth /doing sth; prohibit sb from doing sth
1)Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.
2) Nuclear powers are prohibited from selling this technology. 禁止核大国出售该项技术。
prohibition c 禁令,禁律
The government will issue a prohibition against selling alcohol to people under the age of 18.
比较forbid (forbade, forbidden) vt 禁止 forbid sth/ doing sth; forbid sb from doing sth; forbid sb to do sth
2. territory /u    1)领土,版图     2)(某一特定的)地区
1) They have refused USA troops to be stationed in their territory. 他们拒不允许美军驻扎在他们国土上。
2) That was an expedition through previously unexplored territory. 那是一次穿越未经勘探区的探险。
3. (转)1) Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories.
2) Women make up only 30% of the workforce.
1) _______________   2) _____________________
译: 我们必须加强努力补回失去的时间.
4. surround vt 1)围绕,环绕 2)包围,围住
译1) 我的家乡四面环山,风景秀丽。
2) Mystery surrounds the actress’s death .
5. represent vt. 1) speak for代表(某人,某一团体) 2) be a sign of (尤指在地图上或平面图里)代表,表示 与stand for 同义
1) Mr Li was chosen to represent the company at the conference. 李被选为该公司出席会议的代表。
2) The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross. 国旗其他星星代表南十字星座。
6. strait海峡 channel海峡 ( 比strait 大)
1) The people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all looking forward to peaceful reunification of the motherland as soon as possible.
2) It is our common desire to develop the cross-Straits relations.
3) swim across the English Channel
7. create 1) make sth exist which didn’t exist创造,创作    2) cause引起,造成
1) The main purpose of industry is to create wealth .
2) This decision will create confusion.(混乱)
译1) 政府计划为青年人创造更多的就业机会.
2) 创造一个又一个奇迹
8. fellow adj   同类的,同事的,同伴的
fellow members同一组织的成员         my fellow Chinese我的中国同胞
a fellow worker同事                   my fellow passenger和我同车的旅伴
n 1) man 男人    2) 家伙,老兄 (带轻蔑或亲昵等意的称呼) What a fellow! 这家伙或好家伙
9. claim v. 1) demand or ask for in one’s own right (根据权利)要求或要求拥有;认领    2) say that sth is right 声称    claim to do; claim that-从句
译1) Can I claim payment for the damage ?
2) No one has come to claim this bike so far.
3) The doctors claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.
4) He claimed that he was not guilty (有罪的).
nc. 合法权利;(根据权利而提出的)要求,索赔
You have no claim to this property.你无权要求这份财产.
They made a claim on the insurance company for the stolen luggage.因行李被盗, 他们向保险公司要求索赔.
10. make it possible for sb to do 使某人有可能…
make it clear to us that 从句   向某人表明,清楚向某人说明
译1) 因特网使我们有更多的机会获取最新信息.
2) 我已向他讲清楚他在这里不再受欢迎.
11. crime c/u   犯罪;犯罪活动
译commit a crime      keep an eye on the new patterns of crime
criminal adj 犯罪的 c. 罪犯,犯人
1) He has a criminal record.          2) The criminal was sentenced to three years in prison.
12. ecology     生态,生态学ecosystem生态系统ecological         adj.生态的
译1) I major in ecology              2) protect the ecological environment
3) be harmful to the ecosystem       4) develop the ecotourism
13. consequence : result c 结果,后果
He broke the law and now he must take/ face the consequences of his actions.
as a consequence结果 as a /in consequence of 由于
There is a constant rise in sea levels in consequence of global warming.
译: 因意见分歧,玛丽断绝了与汤姆的关系.
consequently: as a result 结果
14. original
1. adj existing or happening first   原先的, 最早的
1) The original Australians suffered a lot .原澳洲土著人吃尽苦头.
2) The picture has been returned to its original owner.
3) in the original 用原著的语言
2. c. 原件, 原稿, 原作
1) This painting is a copy ; the original is kept in the national museum.
2) We should read the British literature in the original as much as possible. 我们应尽可能读英国文学原著。
15. resemble(不能用进行时和被动态)look like看上去象;be similar to 与…类似
1) He resembles his father closely.
2) She resembles her mother in character but not in appearance.
16. govern 1) vt 统治(国家) 2) vt/vi   治理(国家,城市等)
1) Taiwan was once governed by the Japanese as long as 50 years.
2) The city is well governed.
3) They accused the opposition party of being unable to govern. 他们指责反对党治理国家无能.
governor c. 省长; 州长; (尤指海外殖民地)总督
17. diverse   adj. 1) various各种各样的,多元的2) different 完全不同的
1) China is a country of a diverse culture.
2) Music and archaeology are diverse subjects.
18. transform : change the form of vt 改变,转变,改造
transform sth into ; transform A to / into B
1) The photochemical (光化学的) reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.
2) That company has been transformed from a family business to a leader in household appliances.
译: 正是什么彻底改变了你的一生?
19. immigrate: come into a country in order to live permanently vi (为定居而)移民, 移居
About 6.6 million people immigrated to the USA in the 1900’s.
immigration n 移民,移民人数
After World War II, mass immigration from nearly 200 countries transformed Australia into a modern nation and a diverse society.
20. strengthen :make sb/sth stronger or become stronger vt 加强,巩固 vi 变强
1) It is clear that the move (举措) is intended to strengthen his rights and position.
2) I think it necessary to strengthen stability and unity further.
区别underline vt 1) emphasize强调 2) draw a line under a word or sentence在…下面画横线
The report underlines the importance of pre-school education.
21. differ (in …) from : be different (in…) from   (在…方面)与…不同
Lily differs in character from Lucy, although they are twins.
译: 中美在语言,人口,社会制度等方面都不相同.
22. get away from 1) escape from 逃离(某地)2) leave 离开
1) I won’t be able to get away from the office before 7 o’clock.
2) The thief got away with millions of dollars’ worth of diamonds.
用get away , get out of, get down, get over, get through, get around填词
1 ) It usually takes a long time to _________ culture shocks.
2) It wasn’t long before the news _________ that the director was charged with bribery (受贿).
3) It is time that you _________ to thinking about your future job.
4) I’m afraid that your daughter failed to _________ her mid-term exams.
5) Denny is always trying to _________ taking the kids to school .
6) How did he __________ with cheating in the exam?
23. concept    概念,理念
1) I can’t grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.
2) New concepts of education are being widely accepted.
24. Difference
British English Australian English
in Australia down under
Australia the land down under
Everything will be OK. 一切都会好起来 No worries
friend / companion mate
female 女人 sheila
the wilderness开垦的荒地 outback
university uni
Hello! G’day mate
Reading II
1.替换 1) We plan to build a highway to connect the harbor with/ to the development .
2) The mountain sickness has something to do with oxygen shortage.
3) Australia has been separated from other continents for millions of years.
译:The subway connects with Bus No 2. _____________________________________________
2. lay ( laid, laid) vt. 1) produce (鸟,鱼,昆虫等)产卵,下蛋    2) put sth down 铺设,打(地基)
This hen lays an egg every other day.
lay a carpet / cables / oil pipes lay a foundation 打地基
短语lay the table 摆好餐具准备用餐        lay emphasis on sth 强调
3)平放 That mother laid her baby gently on the bed.
区别:放置 put, place, set They ate everything that was set in front of them.
3. feed vt. 1) give food to给(人或动物)喂食 feed sb on sth; feed sth to sb;    2) support 养活
vi   (动物)觅食,吃草    feed on sth   (动物)以…为主食或为饲料
1) The patient is too weak to feed himself.    2) In winter we feed our horses on corn.
3) He worked on crazy to feed a large family. 4) Your sheep are feeding on the hillside.
5) Cows feed on hay (干草) during winter.
译1) I’m really fed up with the weather. Why can’t it be sunny?
2) Most of the feedback we have received so far has been positive.
4. give birth ( to sb/sth) 生孩子, 产仔 She died shortly after she gave birth to a baby girl.
5. entire / whole 整个的,作名词的定语,强调全部
The entire village was destroyed in the war.
entirely = completely完全地 His work was not entirely satisfactory.
6. 替换并注明词义
1) In area Australia is approximately the same size of the USA without Alaska.___ _
2) Australia is a wealthy country. ____ ____
3) A long fence runs for hundreds of kilometers across Australia. ____   ___
7. mine c 1) 矿井, 矿 2) 地雷, 水雷 vt 开采, 采矿
1) Dozens of workers are trapped in the mines because of gas explosion.
2) I work in a coal mine.
3) How much coal do you mine a day?
4) mine for gold 采金
8. keep…out (of地方) : prevent …from entering a place 使…不进入
keep out of sth: avoid sth 不卷入
译1) 关上门,别让孩子们进入我的书店.
2) The sign said” Ministry of Defence---Keep out!”
3) I have a hard time keeping out of this political struggle.
keep sb off…=keep sb away from…使某人不靠近或远离某人或某物
keep off …= keep away from…不靠近,远离
1) Children should be kept from the river.
2) You had better keep me off. I have a bad cold.
3) Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草坪.
9. vast 1) large in area (地域)辽阔的 2) large in number (数量)众多的,巨大的
1) The vast plains reach for hundreds of miles.
2) A vast crowd of people came to see the baseball .
vastness u. 空旷无垠的
In Xinjiang I was impressed with the vastness when you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert.
比较wide 1) (两个边缘之间的距离)宽阔的 2) (范围)广泛的
填词1) The college library has a ___variety of books.
2) The ___ majority of people are in favor of the plan.
10. roast vt. (用烤箱或火)烤, 炒 1) roast a chicken烤鸡   2) roast peanuts 炒花生
11. barbecue c. 烧烤野餐,烧烤
have a barbecue举行烧烤野餐   go hiking去远足    go camping 去野营
12. barrier c    1)障碍    2) 屏障
1) Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success. 缺乏信心是阻碍成功的心理因素.
2) We have duties to remove the trade barriers between the two countries.
3) The Yangtze River is a natural barrier to the northeast. 长江是东北面的一道天然屏障.
13. logical 1)合乎情理的,合乎常理的 同义词reasonable , sensible 2) (推理,说明等)合乎逻辑的
1) It’s logical that people who earn more money should pay higher taxes.
2) Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind.编制计算机程序需要擅长逻辑思维的人
14. pointed 1) 尖的,有尖头的 2) 尖锐的, 尖刻的 同义词sharp
I live in a house with a pointed roof.
All the leading newspapers made pointed comments on the wrong decision of the government.




Period 5 Grammar
Teaching Aims:
1. Review some words learnt in the last two periods.
2. Review the Predicative and the Predicative Clause.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Master what part of speech can be used as the Predicative.
2. Summarize the link verbs.
3. Review the words introducing the Predicative Clause.
Teaching difficult points:
How to make the students use the Predicative correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Exercise to review the usages of some words.
2. Inductive method to summarize the link verbs and the words introducing the Predicative Clause.
3. Lots of practice to help students to use the Predicative correctly.
4. Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: A computer and a courseware
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Word study
In the last two periods, we learnt many important words. Now look at the words on the blackboard. Try to think of their Chinese meanings.
Now write the definition of each word using simple English and make a sentence with each one to fill in the form. If necessary, you may use an English dictionary to help you.

Step 3 Grammar
Now turn to Page 25. In the first exercise, some words and phrases are given. Please tell me their Chinese meanings one by one.
Please use the words and phrases to complete the following sentences. After doing it, please check the answers with your partner.
From the sentences, we can see the words and phrases used to fill in the blanks are put behind the link verb “be”, so they are called the Predicative. What part of speech can be used as the predicative? Please tell me one by one.
Now we all know the noun, pronoun, numeral, adverb, adjective, preposition, the v.-ing form, the past participle and the indefinite are used as the Predicative. Besides, a sentence can also be used as the Predicative, which is called the Predicative Clause.
In the tenth sentence, “what is used to be” is used as the Predicative Clause introduced by “what”. What other words can also be used to introduce the Predicative Clause? (that, what, whether, who, whom, whose, when, where, which, why, because, as if, how…)
Can “if” be used to introduce the Predicative Clause?
(No, “if” can only be used to introduce the Object Clause. In general, “if” can be replaced with “whether”.)
Now we all know the Predicative must be put behind the link verb. And we’ve learnt many verbs which are followed by the Predicative. Who can tell me as many verbs as possible?
(become, get, turn, grow, fall, go, come, run.
be, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem, appear.
remain, continue, stay, keep, rest, prove, turn out)
Now look at Part 2 on Page 25. Use the given link verbs in the box to fill in the blanks. While doing this, you must pay attention to their proper form.

Step 4 Summary and homework
In this period, we’ve done some exercise to review some important words and the Predicative. Besides, we’ve practised the link verbs and the Predicative clause. After class, you should do some exercises to consolidate it. Are you clear?






















Period 6 Integrating skills
Teaching aims:
1. Review the Predicative.
2. Review the important words and expressions learnt in this unit.
3. Do some reading and writing to improve the students’ integrating skill.
Teaching important points:
1. Learn animals, size, population, agriculture and climate of Australia.
2. Train the students’ writing.
Teaching difficult points:
Improve the students’ integrating skills – reading skill and writing skill.
Teaching methods:
1. Fast reading to go through the reading material.
2. Discussion method to finish the writing task.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching aids: A computer, a courseware and a tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Reading
From the passage we’ve learnt in the last period, we’ve known the outline, history and language of Australia. Today, we’ll read a passage to learn other things about it. Before reading it, please read the new words in this period and try to remember them.
Now read the passage quickly and find out which subjects are mentioned in it. (The subjects are: geography, climate, sports, animals, population, agriculture and natural resources.)
Quite right. Now read the passage again and find detailed information and fill in the form on the screen.
Information about Australia
Animals Kangaroos, koala bears, birds, snake, dingo, sheep, cattle
Distance 3220 km from north to south, 3860 km from east to west
Size The same size as the USA ( without Alaska)
Population 20 million
Agriculture Wheat, fruit, vegetables, meat, wines
Natural resources Metals, precious stones, coal, iron
Climate Cool and wet winters ……
Sports Swimming, tennis, sailing

Step 3 Listening
Now let’s listen to the tape and read after it.

Step 4 Summary and Homework
Today we’ve read a passage about Australia. From it, we’ve known its geography, climate, natural resources, size, agriculture and its population. After class, please review the contents in the whole unit. So much for today.


Unit 4 Green World
The First Period Warming up and Speaking
Teaching goals:
1. Target language:
a. Important words: tulip, rose, peony, strawberry, bunch,
b. Important sentences:
Can you tell something about each flower?   Where does it come from?
What is it used for?        Which flower is your favorite?
Explain how to grow and take care of the soybean plant.
Describe what to do and how to take care of the flowers you have been given.
2. Ability goals: Enable students to talk about “botany” (including the names, the properties, the usage of certain plants, how to grow and take care of them, etc) and to say something about it.
3. Learning ability goals: Learn how to describe plants (properties; places of birth; what they are used for; how to grow and take care of them, etc).
Teaching important points:
Help students learn to describe plants and how to grow and take care of them.
Teaching difficult points:
How to help students learn more about “botany”, and then give descriptions.
Teaching methods:
Discussion; Pair work; Group work
Teaching aids: Pictures, slides, a PC and a projector.
Teaching procedures & ways:
Step 1 Revision
T: In the last unit, we’ve learned a lot about Australia. Now who’d like to make a general speech on the country?
S: Let me try. Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent. It is a wealthy country, which produces metals, precious stones, coal, grain, meat and wines, and has the biggest iron mines in the world. Australia has about one-sixth of the world’s sheep and produces almost one-third of its wool. The climate in Australia varies from north to south.
T: Anything else?
S: Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories. The first Australians were the aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. The two world wars had a strong influence on Australia. The official language is English, which are quite different from British and American English.
Step 2 Warming Up
T: Good. You really did a great job. Do you know what is the national flower of Australia?
S: Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha)(金合欢,又称相思树).
Show the picture to students.
T: Very good. As shown in the picture, the species is certainly attractive with its showy, large, bright golden flower heads. Now look at the pictures on Page 28 in our textbooks. These are four flowers commonly seen in our daily life. First, match each flower with its correct name, please.
T: There seems no difficulty for you to do this, right? OK, the answer is…
S: ①-rose; ②-tulip; ③-peony; ④-sunflower
T: Well done. Susan, what is your favorite? Why?
S: I love sunflower best of all. There are, I think, three reasons, first, I love eating the seeds of sunflowers, they are delicious; second, their stems can be used to build fences by farmers; third, sunflower oil is very popular in daily life.
T: Great. Lily, can you tell us something about the other three flowers?
S: OK. Tulips are native to Central and Western Asia, and parts of the Middle East, roughly in the region near Afghanistan. Tulips are mainly used for decoration. Tree peony, the Chinese National Flower, native to China, is called as the "King of flowers", which is widely used in Chinese medicine. Rose is native to Southwest Asia, and it is often used as present with the meaning of “love”. Also, rose flower is a kind of important Chinese medicine.
T: Good. As we all know, flowers are only one of the most important parts of plants. Plants are very important to human beings. They provide us food, medicine, decoration, etc. Without them, our world would be dull, lifeless… And growing plants can be both fun and a useful experience. Do you have such experiences? Do you know how to grow certain plants? And how to take care of them? The pictures on Page 29 is an example of planting soybeans. Now everyone, look at the pictures first, then try to explain the stages of growing soybean and how to take of them by describing each picture, you may write down your ideas on the paper.
Move around the class and check their work. Offer language help if needed.
Step 3 Speaking about procedures
T: Kate, would you like to show us your ideas?
S: Glad to. First, put some soft soil in the pot or box; second, put the seeds of soybeans on a wet cloth or put them in the water; then, put the seeds into the soil. After several days, the seeds come into bud and out of the soil. Later on, water them every two days till the green leaves grow.
For this step, the teacher can (or ask the students to ) make a short film to present the stages of growing soybeans.
Step 4 Discussion
T: Well done, Kate. Soybeans are easy to grow. Now imagine you want to plant something else in your garden plot, work in groups and decide which plants, vegetables or flowers your group would grow, how to plant them, how to take care of them, when to harvest or pick them.
Step 5 Oral-presentation
Ask several students to show their answers to the class.
Sample answers: Carrots are loaded with vitamins, and are nutritious. On top of being good for you, carrots taste good, too. So our choice is carrot.
(1) Before planting, work the soil deeply.
(2) Sow them very thinly, about 1/4 inch deep. Cover them with a fine garden soil. Or sprinkle them on top of the soil, and lightly water them into the soil.
(3) Keep carrots well weeded early in the season. They are easily overcrowded, with any competing weeds usually winning out.
(4) Begin to harvest carrots as “baby” size, thinning the row as you harvest. Once you begin picking, you can harvest as needed.
Step 6 Talking
T: Really interesting. But how do the plants grow?
Read the instruction on Page 170 in the WORKBOOK to the students, then ask the students to work in pairs to describe “the process of photosynthesis of plants” in their own language.
A description of basic photosynthesis:
Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.
Step 7 Assignment
T: In this class, we’ve learned a lot about plants and planting. Ask your parents or others to teach you more about planting, if you are interested in. And please do Exercise 3 on Page 30 in the textbooks

Period 2 Reading
Step 1 Warming up
In SB1(下) Unit19, we have learned some knowledge about agriculture. And we have known about one of the greatest scientists in our history — Jia Sixie. Did you remember? How do we plant crops?
(We should plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field next year.)
How do we plough?
(Plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.)
In this unit, we will learn about scientists who are important to the history of botany and agriculture. This word “botany” 植物学, is a word about plants. As we all know, there are many plants around us, such as wheat, corn, tomato, apple trees etc. Without these plants, we can’t live. But how much do you know about them? Who can tell us something about them.
SA: Wheat is a kind of plant that can be made into bread, delicious cakes which can make us full.
SB: Apple trees can produce apples that can provide us vitamins which can keep our bodies fit.
Yes, these plants are very useful, but how do we plant them? Where are they from?
It is a kind of very careful work to plant the crops and trees.

Step 2 Pre-reading
Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?
(His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.)

Step 3 While-reading
Fast reading: How many people are mentioned in the passage?
Carl Linnaeus     Daniel Solander       Joseph Banks        Captain Cook
Careful reading
Keys: 1D 2D 3B 4A?D 5C
1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?
Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.
2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?
To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.
3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?
Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.
4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?
When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering./ berries like straw.

Step 4 Homework
Please read the text several times and then try to write something about Joseph Banks: what do we learn from him?




Period 3 Language Points
1. Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.   wealth意为“财富”,多用作不可数名词。
He gained his ____ by printing ____of famous writers. (NMET 1995)
A. wealth; work   B. wealths; works C. wealths; work   D. wealth; works
2. Secondly, the purpose of the expedition was to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip. 动词不定式可用作表语,表示主语的具体内容,尤其可用于指未发生的情况。
The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, _____ it more difficult.    (上海2005春)
A. not making       B. not make      C. not to make   D. nor to make
3. (P1. L2) Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups…
A. Others had made efforts for the classification of plant species.
B. Others had been trying to group plant species.
C. Others had attempted to classify plant species.
4. (P1. L3) Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system.
A. Linnaeus’ system made it simple and common to show how plants were related.
B. Before Linnaeus developed his system, it was complex and strange to show how plants were related
5. (P1. L6) … Linnaeus’ idea of grouping plants in families was unique.
A. It is very special that he classified plants into families.
B. His idea that plants should be grouped in families was unique.
6. (P1. L9) …although they are different at first sight.
Take the first look at them.
7. (P3. L1) Born into a life of privilege,…
When he was born, he enjoyed a life of privilege.
8. (P3. L2) Many young men in his position would lead a cosy life, but young Banks had an appetite for knowledge.
1) in his position = in a higher social position like him
2) Lead a cosy life = live a comfortable life
3) have an appetite for = have a desire for =long for
9. (P3. L3) Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.
A. because he was wealthy  
B. even though he was wealthy  
C. apart from his wealth
1) despite = in spite of; 尽管,不论 despite his wealth = even though he was wealthy.
2)make a career 向上爬,谋求发迹
He worked to make a career in science means He worked hard for the cause of science.
10. (P4.L1),…the Royal Navy appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeavour to take the members of Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti.
1) appoint … as… 任命
2) take the members … 带领皇家学会成员
11. (P6. L5) …one continent to another on a large scale.
Any public demonstrations on a large scale without the permission of the city authorities is antisocial.
12. (P7. L2) Wonderful discoveries had been made of strange new lands, …
make a discovery of…: He made discoveries of 300 uses for peanuts and 200 uses for sweet potatoes. 他的发现包括花生的三百种用途和红薯的二百种用途。
Wonderful discoveries included new lands, …
13. (P7. L5) From behind his desk, however, he was involved in enterprises…
1) From behind the desk = behind the curtain 幕后
2) be involved in, get involved in 参与,卷入,涉及
Don’t involve other people in your trouble. 别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。
All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。
14. Kew: A district of western Greater London in southeast England. The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were established in 1759 and presented to the nation in 1841. 克佑区:英格兰东南部大伦敦区的西部一区。著名的皇家植物园于1759年建立,1841年被献给国家
Page 32 Language study, exercise 2
Keys: (1) group   (2) female   (3) Herbs   (4) was appointed   (5) botanical (6) was abandoned
(7) globe   (8) Oceania   (9) enterprises   (10) expense.


Period 4 Integrating skills
Teaching aims:
1. Get the students to grasp the main idea of the text so as to improve their reading ability.
2. Get the students to learn the scientific way for the scientists to do their research work—the way to think and observe.
Teaching important points:
1. How to analyses an article so as to grasp its main idea.
2. How to write a description according to the information given.
Teaching difficult point:
How to improve the students’ reading ability — how to analyse an article.
Teaching methods:
1. Pair work or group work to make every student taken an active part in the class.
2. Discussion to get the students to understand what they are learning better.
Teaching aids: A computer, a courseware and a tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Scanning
Find out the important people mentioned in the text.
Charles Darwin From England     Gregor Mendel From Austria   Gote Turesson From Sweden
Choose the best answers according to the passage
1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_     .    C
A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants
B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants
C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants
D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants
2. Darwin observed that the birds with _    _ would eat_      .      B
A. small beaks; hard seeds       B. broad beaks;hard seeds
C. hard beaks;hard seeds       D. broad beaks;soft seeds
3. Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____ .       C
A. the Endeavour B.Tahiti     C. the Beagle    D. space
4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that            . D
A. the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment
B. the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand
C. the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment
D. the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species
5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________ .       B
A. he was invited to join scientific expedition B. he was interested in them
C. he could do a lot Of experiments   D. he wanted to finish his book “On the Origin of Species”
Step 3 Careful reading
Fill in the following blanks
Scientist Research/experiment Result
Charles Darwin Wild life of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses There were differences between the species of the different islands. They showed a clear relationship with those of America’ differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.
Gregor Mendel Flowers and peas Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.
Gote Turesson A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

The text can be divided into four parts
Part I Pa. 1-3:   Darwin and his research.
Part II Pa. 4-5: Mendel and his experiment.
Part III Pa. 6:   Turesson and his study
Part IV Pa. 7:   the importance and significance of the research of the three.
Important sentences in the passage
1. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.
2. Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.
3. As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that that influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.
4. It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.

Step 4 Writing
Different habitat, different dandelions
As shown in the picture, dandelions take on different appearances in different habitats. The first picture shows a hot, dry habitat, in which the dandelion grows low, with thin, yellowish flowers and narrow light green leaves; while the second one shows a wet and cool habitat, in which the dandelion is taller with rich but bright yellow flowers and broader leaves. So we can reach a conclusion like this: plants change their appearance and adapt to the new environment if moved from one habitat to another.

Make some observations of the plants somewhere in the wild areas as required in the textbook, but make sure you are in a safe distance. Make notes of your impressions of the plants. For this task, you can work in groups or pairs in a corporative way, and you must think of ways to describe what you have seen or done.










Period 6 Grammar
Teaching aims:
1. Review what can be used as the object.
2. Review some important rules about the object.
Teaching important points:
1. Master the v.-ing form and the infinitive used as the object.
2. Master the compound object and “it” used as the formal object.
Teaching difficult point:
How to master the differences between v.-ing form and the infinitive used as object.
Teaching method:
Review. Explanation and inductive methods.
Teaching aids: A computer and a courseware
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision
Joseph Banks was born into a wealthy family, and he could have led a life of privilege, but from an early age, he had an appetite for knowledge, he wanted to make a career in science, he chose to pursue his passion to the full, so he devoted his money to the career, he took pain and effort to join the exploration, collecting every possible information about plants, he helped to develop the royal gardens into one of the greatest botanical gardens in the world, etc. He really contributed a lot to the science of botany. His devotion, his pursue for knowledge, his sacrifice will forever encourage us to embrace greater dream, to study and work hard to make our country richer, stronger and more beautiful.

Step 2 Tell what is used as the Object.
Born in 1743, Joseph Banks played an important role in botanical research in the eighteenth century.
(2) Even before going to Oxford in 1760, Banks showed an appetite for knowledge.
As a member of the Royal Society, the 25-year-old Banks paid 10,000 pounds for the equipment of the expedition.
(4) The Royal Society gave him the opportunity he had been waiting for.
Do you know who else joined Banks on the expedition with Captain Cook in 1768?
(6) In 1772 he went on an expedition with a fellow student.
He asked explorers to send him new plant species from around the world, which he included in the collection at Kew Garden.
(8) He enjoyed spending hours in the greenhouses at Kew, among the strange plants from Southeast Asia.
The first “Tea Roses” from China came in a wide variety of pink tones, and it was Joseph Banks who introduced them to England at the end of the eighteenth century.   
(10) As a reward for his contribution to botany, Joseph Banks had a flower named after him.

Step 3 Homework
Prepare for the next lesson: pre-read the pictures on Page 169 WORKBOOK and do the first two exercises after class.
Unit 3-4 Phrases
1 一位有经验的导游    an experienced tour guide    2 由….组成   be made up of
3 弥补;补偿;编造;化妆 make up      4 被…包围   be surrounded by
5 代表… stand for …/ represent        6 澳大利亚同胞 fellow Australians
7.美国独立战争 the American War of Independence 8 一个独立的国家 an independent country
9 公民权 civil rights          10 一个多元化社会 a diverse society
11 对…有影响 have influence on / upon     have an effect on / upon
12 社会和经济动荡 social and economic unrest    13 遭受… suffer from…
14 经济大萧条 the Great Depression       15 从…中受益 benefit form…
16 改变…;转变.. transform…into…/ change… into.. 17 对…的看法 one’s attitude to/ towards
18 提高..的居住条件…improve one’s living condition 19 不同于… differ…from /be different from
20. 喜爱… be fond of …         21 踏上…set foot on…
22 以…为主食… feed on..        23 生….;产生… give birth to
24 使…在外… keep out…         25 使集合在一起 round up
26 一年四季 all the year round        27 与…分享 share. sth with sb
28 在周末 at/ on weekends        29 在周日   on weekdays
30 实现;成真 come true         31 爆发 break out
32. 脱离;放弃;革除 break away from     33. 下蛋 lay eggs
34 闯入;破门而入 break into        35以逻辑顺序 in a logical order
36 因此;作为…结果 as a consequence / as a result / in consequence
37 由于… as a consequence of/ as a result of / in consequence of / due to / owing to / because of..
38 通过法律来加强权利 pass laws to strengthen the rights
39 官方语言 the official language       40 语言障碍 language barrier
41 中号 medium size          42 台湾海峡 Taiwan Straits
43 去野营/ 冲浪/ 潜水/ 远足 go camping/ surfing / diving / hiking
44 被…分开 be separated from        45 和…相连 be connected to
46 澳大利亚联邦 the Commonwealth of Australia    47 朋友,你好!G’day mate!
48 声称… claim sth (for) / claim to do      49 除了…还有…in addition to
50 把…分类成… classify …into..       51 按照… according to…
52 任命某人为… appoint sb as…       53 留心,警惕 look out for
54 详细地   in detail          55 参与/陷入…活动 be involved in
56一代一代传下去 pass on from one generation to the next
57 第一眼,乍一看 at first sight       58 过着安逸地生活lead a cosy life
59和…结为终生好友develop a lifelong friendship with sb
60 生来就享有特权 born into a life of privilege    61 处于某人地地位 in one’s position
62 爱好..;渴望..have an appetite for       63 合某人地口味 to one’s appetite
64 在事业上有所成就 make a career      65 远征 on an expedition to
66 大规模的 on a large scale        67 科学考察 scientific expedition
68 在…中起重要的作用 play an important role in    69 …的关键 the key to…
70 看见;在考虑之中 in view        71 适应   adapt to
72 分类广告 classified advertisements      73 由某人负担费用 at one’s expense
74 一束花   a bunch of flowers       75 知识宝库 a mine of information
76 在…有经验 be experienced at / in (doing) sth    77 传递 hand down
78 为…而设立/准备 be intended for      79 打算去做… intend to do sth
80 商业区 commercial area       81 去世,逝世   pass away
82 年年 year after year        83 给…取名/命名   name …after
84 医学的分支 a branch of medicine      85 在3年的航海中 on the three-year voyage
86 尝试去做某事 make attempts to do sth/ in attempts to do sth / in one’s attempt to do sth
87 征服世界 conquer the world       88 旨在,打算做… be calculated to do sth
89 积累大量的知识 accumulate a great deal of knowledge 90 生活费用 living expenses
91 植物园 a botanical garden       92 提升某人 promote sb to sth
93向某人提供某物supply sb with sth/ supply sth to sb / provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb./offer sth to sb / offer sb sth
94 作为…的报酬 as a reward for      95 开银行帐户 open a bank account
96 某人年轻时期 in one’s youth       97 值得特别关注 deserve special attention
98 与…有关 be related to        99 改变外形 change one’s appearance
100 明显与…相关   have /show a clear relationship with
101 复活 come back to life        102 对…有害 be harmful to
Unit 5 Getting the message
The First & Second Period
Teaching Aims:
I. Learn and master the new words and phrases appearing in this period.
2. Improve the students’ reading ability.
3. Let the students learn to protect themselves from misleading ads.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Master the following phrases: hand in hand; accuse… of; get… across; appeal to; aware of; keep an eye out for
2. Improve the students’ reading ability.
3. Enable the students to understand the passage better.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to help the students understand the reading material exactly.
2. How to help the students finish the concerned exercises after reading.
Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion method to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of ads.
2. Fast-reading to help the students get the general idea of the passage.
3. Careful reading to help the students get the detailed information about the passage.
4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
T: In the last period, I asked you to make some sentences using the three important phrases. Now, who’d like to make a sentence using “take.., into consideration”?
S: I’d like to. When you are looking for a job, you should take working condition into consideration.
    T: Good. Next phrase “in charge of”.
    S: Mr Wang is in charge of our class.
    T: Now the last phrase--be to blame.
    S: Mr Brown is to blame for the car accident.
Step Ⅱ Preparation for Reading
T: Very good. With the development of market economy, advertisements have become a dominant feature in television, radio and newspaper industry. Ads are used to persuade us to buy things. They can be useful when we are trying to decide what we should buy. But some ads can be misleading when they give incorrect or false information. Are ads good or had for people? Please make a list of advantages and disadvantages of ads. Work in pairs. You’re given two minutes to prepare it. After that, share your list with the rest of the class. (Two minutes later, teacher asks some students to read what they wrote. )
T: Now, Li Jun, do you think ads are good or had for people?
S: I think they are good for us. They have some advantages. Firstly, they can help us buy and sell goods. Secondly, they can widen people’s knowledge. Lastly, they can make people more experienced.
T: Good. Sit down, please. What’s your opinion, Wu Dong?
S: I think ads are bad for people. Firstly, ads always persuade people to buy their poorly made products. Secondly, they give people some misinformation. Lastly, they waste people too much time.
Step Ⅲ Reading
T: OK. Sit down, please. Today we’re going to read a passage about advertising. It will tell us the advantages and disadvantages of ads. Before we read the passage, we’ll learn the new words first. (Teacher deals with the new words with the students. )
T: Now open your books and turn to Page 40. Read the passage as quickly as possible. Please underline the advantages and disadvantages of ads mentioned in the text while reading. (Teacher gives the students four minutes to read the passage and then asks two students to read the advantages and disadvantages of ads in the text. )
T: (Four minutes later. )Have you finished?
S: Yes.
T: Wang Li, what are the advantages of ads mentioned in the text?
S: First, they help people make informed choices. Second, they increase product sales and make products cheaper. That’s all.
T: Li Ming, can you say some other advantages?
S: Let me have a try. I think they introduce new products and help people make the right decision.
T: Right. Who’d like to say the disadvantages mentioned in the text?
S: I’ll try. Ads mislead people by making them believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that they will be happier if they buy the product. What’s more, they are annoying. (While the students read out the answers, teacher writes them on the blackboard. )
T: Well done. Sit down, please. Now read the passage again. This time you should read it as carefully as possible. Then answer some detailed questions on the screen. Of course, you can discuss them with your partner if necessary. Now, begin. (Teacher shows the following questions on the screen. )
l. Where can you find advertisements?
2. Why is advertising popular?
3. What’s the basic principle behind advertisements?
4. How does advertising help consumers and companies?
5. Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?
6. What is a “bait-and-switch” ad?
7. How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?
(Several minutes later, teacher checks the answers. )
Suggested answers:
1. Ads are broadcast on TV and over the radio, posted on the Internet and printed in newspapers and on posters in our cities.
2. Because truthful advertisements provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product and frequent advertising increases product sales. What’s more, advertising can make a product cheaper.
3. By introducing a brand name to potential customers and by associating the product with the customers’ needs, companies are about to influence the choices customers make.
4. Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product. By explaining the features, functions and costs of a product or service, ads also allow customers to compare prices and quality before they actually go to the store. Good ads make it possible for companies to introduce new products and increase sales.
5. Because there are many ads every day, advertisers must work hard to get their passage across.
6. A “bait-and-switch” advertisement is an ad, containing a trick, where the customer is shown one product and then given another.
7. We must be careful when we read ads and we must learn to analyze ads.
Step Ⅳ Language points
1. Ads are found almost everywhere--they are broadcast on TV and over the radio,posted on the Internet and printed in newspapers… 广告几乎随处可见——电视和收音机播放广告,因特网上登载广告,报纸上印刷广告……
    ▲over the radio 通过广播(=on the radio,by radio): We hear the latest news on the radio. 我们在广播中听到这个最新消息。
    [链接]on/over the phone通过电话: You are wanted on the phone. 有人打电话找你。
2. The development 0f radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising. 广播、电视和其他媒体与广告业同步发展。
    ▲hand in hand手拉手,联合;连在一起地
    [开放思维] face to face面对面 shoulder by shoulder肩并肩 side by side并排
▲with the development of advertising随着广告的发展: With the development of industry and agriculture. more and more waste is produced. 随着工农业的发展,越来越多的废物产生了。
As the time goes on, it is becoming warmer and warmer. 随着时间的推移,天气变得越来越暖和。
▲go with与……同行: I’ll go with you. 我将和你一起去。
[链接]go with与……相配: Her hat goes well with her dress. 她的帽子和裙子很相配。
3. People react to advertisements in different ways. 人们对广告的反应是不同的。
▲react vi. 起反应(to);有影响,起作用(on,upon)
The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光起反应。
Applause reacts on/upon a speaker. (听众的)掌声对演讲者很有影响。
[链接]react against sb./sth. 反对,对抗某人(事)
The farmers strongly against tax increases. 农民强烈反对增加税收。
react with与……起化学反应: Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。
4. Some people find ads useful and entertaining;有些人发现广告有用也有趣;▲find sb./sth.+形容词/现在分词/过去分词作宾补We find it difficult to remember the words and grammar. 我们发现记住这些单词和语法很难。She found a wallet lying on the ground. 她发现一只钱包掉在地上。When I retuned. I found my bike stolen. 当我回到家时,才发现我的自行车被偷了。辨析:find,find out与discover(1)find多指偶然发现、碰到;后接名词、复合结构或that从句。Have you found the book you have been looking for? 你一直找的那本书找到了吗?(2)find out指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相、真情,调查、找出原因,或发现秘密、错误等,一般接名词、代词或从句。Have you found out why he was late? 你弄清他为什么迟到了吗?(3)discover指发现客观事物的存在,发现存在而不为人所知的事情;可指发现好事,也可指发现坏事;但用于好事较多。Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现了美洲。5. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it. 另一方面. 批评者有时指责公司滥用广告误导我们。让我们相信某种其实很一般的    产品有多么好。购买某种产品会令人更加愉快。▲on one hand…on the other hand (also) 一方面……另一方面……            On one hand the advertisement has a lot of advantages; on the other hand it has lots of disadvantages. 一方面广告有很多好处,另一方面也有很多坏处。    ▲accuse指责,控告,与of连用    The neighbors may accuse you of playing your radio too loudly. 邻居可以控告你收音机的声音开得太大。    He Was accused of stealing in the supermarket. 他被指控在超市里行窃。    辨析:charge, accuse与sue的区别    charge, accuse, sue都有”指责,控告”之意,但accuse与of连用;charge与with连用,而 sue与for连用。    He is charged with murder,他被指控杀人。If you don’t complete the work according to the contract。I will sue you for damages. 如果你不按合同完成工作,我就会因为损失而控告你。6. The basic principle of advertising is fairly simple.广告业的基本原则是相当简单的。▲basic adj. 基本的;基础的: We must grasp the basic principle of maths. 我们必须掌握数学的基本原理。    [发散思维] base n. & v. 基础,根据地,以……为根据basically adv. 基本上Scientific theories must be based on face.科学理沦必须以事实为依据。    ▲simple adj. 简单的,简易的,简朴的,单纯的    The story is written in simple English. 这个故事是甩简单易懂的英语写的。    The doctor lived a simple life. 医生过着简朴的生活。    She wasn’t as simple as people thought. 她不像人们想像中的那样头脑简单。[发散思维] simplify v.使简单,使单纯,简化      simple-minded adj.头脑简单的,愚蠢的高考试题赏析(NMET 2001)I am surprised that you should not have been fooled by such a(n) ______trick.A. ordinary       B. easy        C. smart        D. simple赏析:从surprised一词可知”因对方被如此简单的花招愚弄而感到吃惊”。答案:D7. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across. 消费者每天看到大量的广告。因此广告商必须使出浑身解数使消费者明白他们的意图。▲get across使……被理解;通过He found it difficult to get his Chinese humor across to an English audience. 他发现自己的中国式幽默很难被英国观众所理解。The policeman is getting the children across the street. 警察带领孩子们穿过马路。Please get your idea across to the students. 请让学生们理解你的想法。[开放思维]get about走动;旅        get abroad传开来get along/on with与……相处;进展    get at到达;够着;了解,掌握get away忙得脱不开身       get hack回来get behind落后        get by通过注意:get后接过去分词,是高考的一个考点,希望大家注意。如:get paid / changed / married / burnt / known等。高考试题赏析:(NMET 2004)Sarah,hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to ____ before the party. A. get changed    B. get change    C. get changing    D. get to change赏析:get changed”换衣服”,get后接过去分词表示被动,表示”某人换衣服”。答案:A8. For that reason, companies spend large amounts 0f money employing advertisers. 为此。公司花大笔的钱雇用广告商。▲spend是及物动词,主语必须是”人”的名词或代词,常用于sb. spend money on sth. 或sb. spend money(in)doing sth. 。I spent 180 yuan on the bike.买这辆自行车我花了180元。He spends a lot of money(in)buying books. 他花了很多钱买书。高考试题赏析(2004?上海)According to a recent U.S. survey,children spend up to 25 hours a week ____ TV.A. to watch       B. to watching       C. watching       D. watch赏析:该题考查动词短语。根据句意,排除多余成分(up to)可看出spend time(in)doing sth结构故选C项。答案:C辨析cost,pay,charge与offer 这几个词都表示”花费(金钱)”,但用法不一样。(1) cost是以”物,事”为主语,常用于sth. cost (sb.) some money结构。The coat cost her 20 yuan. 这件外套花了她20元。cost无被动语态。(2) pay用于付款给别人,付一个账单或者付几笔款项等,它是及物动词,宾语可以是”人”或”钱”的名词或代词。Yesterday he paid the money he owed. 他昨天还清了欠款。(3) charge指收取别人多少钱,主语为人或旅馆等。The hotel charged me £10 for a room for the night. 那家旅馆一间房一晚向我收费10英镑。(4) offer出价,开价;提供,出售,“人”作主语。We offered him the house for £1000. 我们要价l000英镑卖给他那幢房子。[比较] We offered him £1000 for the house.我们出价1000英镑买他那幢房子。高考试题赏析(2004?湖南)They ____ us £150 000 for the house. Shall we take it?A. provided       B. supplied       C. shown       D. offered赏析:这句话的意思为:他们出价15万英镑买我们那幢房子,我们卖吗?答案:D9. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions. 接近消费者的最好机会是迎合消费者的情感。▲appeal to投合(兴趣或心愿);吸引,引起兴趣The idea appealed to his father. 这主意很合他爸爸的心愿。How did the course appeal to you? 你觉得这门课程有趣吗?10. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits. 并不是所有的广告都用来促销商品或为公司增加利润。     ▲not all = all not并非所有的(为部分否定),也可写为:All ads are not used to. . . ,all的全部否定为none或nothing,no one。    Not all the students go to see the film. = All the students don’t go to see the film. 并非所有的学生都去看电影。    None of the students go to see the film. 没有一个学生去看电影。辨析:both与everyboth两个都,both的部分否定为not both或both not,全部否定为neither。every每—个,部分否定为not every或every not, 全部否定为none, no one或nothing。Not both of the answers are right. = Both of the answers are not right. 两个答案不都对。Neither of the answers are right. = Both of the answers are wrong. 两个答案都错了。Not every student has a dictionary. =Every student hasn’t a dictionary. 并非每个学生都有一本词典。11. First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”. 首先。我们要警惕“隐藏的信息”▲keep an eye out意思为 “当心;警惕”。如:Keep an eye out! We’re close to his farm. 小心点,我们到了他的农场了。We should keep an eye out for thieves. 我们要防范扒手。[开放思维] look / watch out (for) 小心。当心

The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following:
(1) Words: attach, discount, bargain, bonus
(2) Phrases: differ from, attach.., to, start with, with the purpose of, make sense, think twice
2. Train the students’ integrating skills, especially writing skill.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Master the useful phrases in this unit.
2. Learn to write an advertisement.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to help the students understand the passage better.
2. How to help the students finish the task of writing.
Teaching Methods:
1. Revision to consolidate what we’ve learnt in this unit.
2. Question-and-answer activity to help the students understand the passage better.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
StepⅡ Revision
T: Yesterday we reviewed the Object Complement. Do you remember what can be used as the object complement in a sentence?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK. Wang Ping, can you tell me what they are?
S: The infinitive, the V-ing form, the V-ed, the noun, the adjective, the adverb, the prep. phrase.
Step III Reading
T: In the second period, we talked about advertising. We know that advertisements have many advantages. A good advertisement can increase product sales. And the right word in the world of advertising plays an important role in product sales. Today we’re going to read a passage--Words that sell. It will tell us the influence of the words to products. Before reading, let’s learn the new words first. (Teacher deals with the new words. )
T:OK. Now please open your books at Page 44. Read the passage as quickly as possible and then find the answers to the questions on the screen. (Show the questions on the screen. )
1. How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary language?
2. How do companies choose names from their products?
3. Why do people need advertisements?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?
5. What is strange about the phrases “a free gift” and “an added bonus”?
(Teacher gives the students five minutes to read the passage. After that, teacher says the following. )
T: Now, time is up. Look at the questions on the screen. Who’d like to answer the first question?
S: I’ll try. Ad-makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to create a positive image of the product they are promoting. A good ad often uses words to which people attach positive meanings.
T: Is what he said right?
Ss : Yes.
T: Now look at the second question. Li Hong, you try, please.
Ss: The Company will choose the words which can tell the consumer about the advantages of the product or company, as their names. Some companies prefer a well-known word, while others choose names from old stories or legends. There are also companies that invent new words for their brand or product name.
T: Right. What about the third question?
Ss: People read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting.
T: Good. The fourth question. Any volunteer? Yeah. Guo Li.
Ss: A story, which is used as an ad can attract people’s attention and be very interesting. However, there is a danger in this. It’s possible that the reader or viewer wilt remember the advertisement but not the name of the product.
T: Right. Now look at the last question.
Ss: We should think twice when we are offered a “free gift” or an “added bonus”. The strange words want to pull us into a store, even if we really do not need to buy anything on sale.
T: Right. Your comprehension is right. Maybe you find some expressions difficult to understand. Look at the screen, I’ll explain them to you. Please listen carefully. (Show the following on the screen. )
1. differ from: not be the same: e.g. Chinese differs from English in pronunciation.
2. attach: to connect... with...: e.g. Do you attach any importance to what she said?
3. start with: begin with: e. g. The concert started with the national Anthem.
4. with the purpose of = in order to: e.g. He studies very hard with the purpose of catching up with the others.
5. make sense: have an understanding meaning: e. g. What you say makes no sense.
6. think twice: think carefully: e. g. You should think twice about employing someone you’ve never met.
(Explain the notes to the students and write the following on the blackboard: differ from, attach.., to start with, with the purpose of, make sense, think twice, )
Step Ⅳ Reading and Discussion
T: Now let’s listen to the tape carefully. You can read it when I play it the second time. Pay more attention to your pronunciation. Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK. Let’s begin. (Play the tape twice for the students to listen to and repeat. After listening to the tape, the students are allowed to read the passage aloud for a while. )
T: OK. Now stop here. Let’s have a discussion. Try to think of a list of products and company names. Work in pairs. Discuss why the names were chosen. Are you clear?
Ss : Yes.
(Three minutes later, ask some students to report the result of the discussion.)










Unit 6 Going west
Periods 1 & 2   Speaking
Teaching goals:
1. Target language: quit, apply (...) to ..., add up, circumstance, lose heart, assessment, take it easy, common sense, survival, biscuit, alcohol, goat, flour, nail, razor, bedding
I believe in myself and know I can achieve my goals.
I am more of a leader than a follower.
I know exactly what I want in my life.
I stand for what I say, and always act according to my beliefs.
I am honest with myself and know my weaknesses.
I always finish what I have started.
I am never disappointed for very long.
I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances.
I am strong and ready for any challenge.
I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something.
2. Ability goals: Enable the students to talk about perseverance and success with the target language.
3. Learning ability goals: Through oral practice, enable the students to learn how to talk about perseverance and success.
Teaching important points:
Learn how to survive on a desert island with limited food, tools and materials.
Teaching difficult points:
Help students learn how to overcome all sorts of difficulties in order to survive.
Teaching methods:
1. Talking; 2. Discussing; 3. Students-centered approach.
Teaching aids: A computer and a projector.
Teaching procedures & ways:
Step Ⅰ Revision
T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Let’s check the assignment for last unit. First, let’s have a dictation. ...
Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Warming up
T: Boys and girls! Look at the two pictures. Do you know who he is?
Ss: No.
T: He is Lance Armstrong. I’ll tell you a story about him.
When Lance Armstrong zipped past this field of sunflowers during the Tour de France, the 27-year-old cyclist already had reason to celebrate. In 1997, doctors diagnosed the Austin, Texas, native with testicular cancer, which had spread to his abdomen, lungs and brain. Armstrong was given only a fifty-fifty chance of survival. He fought those odds with a risky cancer treatment and continued to train between chemotherapy sessions. Armstrong not only beat the cancer, but when he zoomed across the finishing line in Paris on July 25, 2000, out-pacing his closest competitor by seven minutes and 37 seconds, he became only the second American to win cycling’s premier event.
T: What makes him beat the cancer and succeed? I’ll give you two minutes to discuss with your partners.
T: (Two minutes later.) What’s your answer?
SA: Perseverance.
T: Good. What kind of person do you think can succeed?
SB: No matter what difficulty he comes into, he always believes that he will succeed and never gives up his goals.
T: Do you know what kind of person you are? Let’s do the quiz below on P46. Read the instruction and then add up your score.
T: (After students finish the quiz.) OK, now you may make a self-assessment according to the results on P47. You will know about yourself.
Step Ⅲ Speaking
T: Have you read the book “Robinson Crusoe”? Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe”?
SC: Yes, I have. Daniel Defoe wrote the book “Robinson Crusoe”.
T: Could you tell us the general idea of this book?
SC: Yes. The story starts with Robinson Crusoe’s running away from home. An inexperienced teenager and a young man full of bright fancies about the future, he naturally chooses to go to sea, because in those days it meant a chance to live a chivalrous life, to see the wonders of the world and to make a fortune. After many setbacks and adventures on the sea, he settles down in Brazil as a planter. But the call of the sea is so strong that he soon embarks on another voyage, this time, to Africa. Unfortunately a big storm blows the boat off its course and shipwrecks it near an island.
Of all the ship’s crew Robinson alone escapes to the shore after strenuous efforts. After salvaging from the wrecked ship some stores of necessity such as bread, rice, barley, corns, planks, lead, gunpowder, an axe and two saws, which he later manages to bring to the island with a self-made raft. After several futile attempts to leave the island, Robinson settles himself down to a hard and lonely life. He grows crops, domesticates animals and builds comfortable homes for himself. His life turns better when he saves a young Negro from the hands of savages, whom he names Friday. Robinson teaches him English and educates him in such a way that Friday soon becomes a loyal servant and an indispensable help to him. He struggles to live for 27 years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England.
T: You’ve done a good job. Do you understand what he said?
Ss: Yes.
T: Robinson managed to survive on the island for more than 27 years. Suppose you were cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do to survive? Turn to P48, read through the part of Speaking and discuss with your partners. I’ll give you ten minutes to prepare it.
T: (After ten minutes.) Have you finished? That must be an unusual experience. What can you do there? Can you make other tools based on the tools and materials you have? What can you make? What spirit you think you should have to overcome all sorts of difficulties? Volunteer?
SD: If I were cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean like Robinson Crusoe, I would not know what to do but feeling sad, sullen, and lonely. Living in a desert, I would miss my parents and friends. But soon I would cheer up and do something to make myself happy. Though I couldn’t make a tool, I could make full use of the things I had. I could not only use axe to chop wood but also go hunting with gun. Wood would be used to warm myself and cook food. The important thing is that I believe as long as I am alive, I’ll have a chance to go back home. I think strong will and never-give-it-up spirit make me overcome all sorts of difficulties.
SE: I wouldn’t know what to do but crying and feeling lonely. I would feel sad for a long time because I would have to do everything myself. If my families lived with me in the island, I think it would be better than living in the city full of pollution. I would use ink and paper to practice painting day by day. If I could return my home, I wished I would become a famous painter. I think hope makes me overcome all sorts of difficulties.
T: Good. We should be optimistic about difficulties and never give up.
Step Ⅳ Listening
Ask students to go through the exercises on page47 first, and then try to listen to it carefully and get the answers. For the first time you just listen to it, don’t write anything. For the second and third time, please write your answers.
Step V Language points
1. quit vt. 过去时,过去分词quit或 quitted,现在分词quitting
1). 离开; 退出: He quitted Paris after a week. 他一周后离开了巴黎。
2). 放弃,停止 [+v-ing]: He has quitted smoking.他已戒了烟。/ She asked them to quit talking.她要求他们不要说话
quit a job 辞去工作
advised them to quit their dissipated ways. 劝导他们撇弃放荡的生活方式
1). 离开; 迁出: If he doesn’t pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit. 如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。
2). 停止: Its almost 5 o’clock; time to quit.都快五点钟了; 该下班了。
3). 放弃斗争,认输
4). 【口】辞职: I’m going to quit next week.我将在下周辞职。
2. apply
apply sth to sth 运用,应用某事物: The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology. 这项研究成果能应用于新的技术开发方面。
I’d never apply the word “readable” to any of his books. 我决不会把他的任何一本书称为是”可以一读的”。
apply (to sb) (for sth) 申请,请求
We’ve applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project. 我们已向一个慈善机构提出申请,要求其为这个项目提供资助。
apply to sb / sth 与某人/某物有关;有效;适用
What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的仅仅适用于你们中的部分人。
apply oneself / sth to (doing) sth 集中精力(做事);专心
You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work / studying. 你只有真正专心致志学习,考试才能及格。
3. adapt (sth / oneself) to sth 适应新环境等
Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system. 许多软件公司改编通用程序以适应新的操作系统。
The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environment. 儿童的好处在于他们可以很容易地适应新环境。
adapt sth for sb / sth 使某事物适合于新的用途、情况等;修改某事物
The play had been adapted for children. 该剧已被改编适合儿童观看。
4. add (sth) up 加起来
The waiter can’t add up. 这个服务员不会算账。
Add up all the money I owe you. 把我应付你的钱都加在一起。
add up to ... 总计,总共;相等于;意为
These numbers add up to 100. 这些数目合计为100。
These clues don’t really add up to very much. 这些线索没什么实际意义。
5. circumstance n. 情形;情况 the whole circumstance全部情况
(pl) 经济状况;物质环境easy circumstances经济状况优裕
(pl) 环境The circumstances forced me to accept. 环境迫使我不得不同意。
in no circumstances决不: Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money
in / under the circumstance在……情况下,既然如此:Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.
6. lose heart 泄气,灰心
Don’t lose heart even if you fail in the exam. 考试中即使失败了也不要失去信心。
by heart默记          have a change of heart改变主意
have...at heart把……牢记在心      have the heart to do有勇气做
heart and soul全心全意地       lose one’s heart to 爱上某人,倾心于
take heart振作精神
7. assessment n.
He made a careful assessment of the situation. 他对形势作了细致的评估。
assess vt. assessed, assessing, assesses 估定, 评定对...进行估价,评价
It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。
8. take it / things easy别着急,别紧张,慢慢来,多休息(从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松)
I like to take it easy when I’m on holiday. 我在假日里愿意轻松一些。
Take it easy. We’ll take care of everything. 别着急。一切由我们照料。
Our teacher told us to take it easy before the examination. 老师交待我们考试前要放松。
—I’ve caught a bad cold, and had a headache. —Take it easy and drink more water.
9. keep sth up 继续使某事物保持同样的(通常指高的)水平;不让(精力等)衰退,维持,保持;遵守某事物;保养,维修(房屋,花园等)
Will the weather keep up? 这样的天气会持续下去吗?
When I stopped studying, I was still keen to keep up French. 我不读书了,可还是很想坚持学法语。
They sang songs to keep their morale up. 他们唱着歌以保持高昂的士气。
Wherever Jews live together, they keep up old customs. 犹太人聚居的地方,古老风俗都在沿袭着。
The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up. 他们的房子维修费用贵得他们越来越维修不起了。
keep away from避开,离开      keep back后退,阻止
keep...from不使做,不做      keep from doing避免做
keep off...离开,使不接近       keep on继续
keep out不进去,使不接近      keep out of置身于……之外,从……离开
keep up with跟上
10. survival n.
1). 幸存; 残存[U]
2). 幸存者; 残存物[C]
The old man is a survival of the past age. 这老人乃上一个时代的遗老。
survive   vt.
1). 在...之后仍然生存, 从...中逃生
Only two passengers survived the air-crash. 这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。
2). 比...活得长; 丧失 (配偶,亲人等)
She survived her husband by twenty years. 她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。
vi. 活下来, 幸存; 残留[(+on)]
Few survived after the flood. 洪水后极少有人生还。
Step VI Homework
T: Find more information about Robinson’s adventure, to see how he survived on the island. You may borrow the novel from library or search on the Internet. So much for today. Bye!
Comprehend the text







Periods 3 & 4 Reading
Teaching aims:
1) Make the students know about the text.
2) Learn some of the important new words and expressions.
Teaching Important points:
1) How to improve the students’ reading ability.
2) How to make students master the useful words and expressions.
Teaching methods:
1) Discussion   2) Fast reading   3) Practice
Teaching aids: 1. the blackboard    2. a tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead in
As we all know, there are many people who are from other places in our city. They come here for different reasons, some because of the war, some because of the poor soil and some because of the bad weather in their places. There are many difficulties for them going from one place to another. Can you imagine what difficulties did they go through? At that time, there are no cars and trains. And the transport is not so convenient.
Now, read the test in your books, you will learn about something about the settlers from other places.
Step 2 Fast reading
Read the text then answer some questions.
1. When did we decide to move to another place?    (1845,10)
2. How long did the journey last? (About a year)
3. What is our first destination? (India Greek in Kansas )
4. Is the journey hard? Can you make some examples about it? (Yes, it is hard. You can make many examples. )
Step 3 Careful reading
Exercise 1 True or False
(F )1. We traveled alone.       with many other families
(F )2. We traveled day and night.       by day
(T )3. During walking through the desert, we couldn’t ride the wagons.
(T )4. For many weeks we had suffered from heat, thirst and starvation.
(F )5. During the long journey, we could help each other.
The situation was so desperate that, in most cases, no one could help another. Each had all he could do to save himself and his animals.
(F )6. When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed.        I didn’t agree.
(T )7. When the animals smelt the water, they all ran.
Exercise 2   Choose the best answers
1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that .   答案:C
A. California was in desert B. California was far away
C. California was a wonderful land described in a book
D. California was the largest state in the USA
2. People moving to the west would meet in .   答案:A
A. Kansas        B. California        C. Salt Lake Valley D. Salt Lake Desert
3.On which day did the author enter the Salt Lake Desert?   答案:B
A. April 12.       B. November 4.      C. October 15.       D. December 25.
4.Why did the travelers call their 90-mile drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “Long Drive”? 答案:D
A Because the landscape was dry and barren. B. Because water was salty and not drinkable.
C. Because their water supply was so low.    D. All of the above.
5.After the travelers burnt their wagons, they had to go on their feet with another miles to go.   答案:B
A.2 500      B.500      C.90      D.45
6. What does the author mean by saying “No, I won’t give up. I knew that giving up meant a shallow grave in the sand.” ?     答案:A
A. He was determined to go on with the journey ,for he was sure to die through Salt Lake Desert unless he struggled against the hardship.
B. He was sure to continue the journey, for he would die because of the sand.
C. He intended to go on with the journey , for death would wait for him unless he paused in the desert.
D. He was going on with the journey ,for nobody would escape from the desert if he gave in to the bad fate .
7.The animals almost ran when the travelers reached the edge of the desert, why?   答案:C
A. Because they were tired and weak.     B. Because they had no burden.
C. Because they must have smelt the water.    D. Because they went back to their home.
8.How long did the author spend finishing the journey? 答案:C
A. More than 40 months.       B. About 2 months.
C. About a year.              D. About a year and a month.
9.Which of the following description can indicate that the wagons were not the most suitable means of transport? 答案:C
A. The cattle became tired and weak. The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden.
B. As the animals could no longer pull the wagons, we burnt them and packed the oxen with our supplies.
C. The journey through the mountains and deserts in the central part of the continent was the most trying part. sometimes the wagons had to be lifted and pulled up when there were no roads.
D. For miles both sides of the road were lined with dead animals and starvation.
10.From the text, we can infer . 答案:D
A. the author and the travelers had to go all day and all night long
B. there was no oxen left when the travelers reached California
C. many travelers died when their days of hardship came to an end
D .it’s a long way to travel from the author’s hometown to California
11.The best title of the text is . 答案:B
A.A Journey To California       B. Long Drive
C. The Salt Lake Desert       D. Enjoy Your Life
12.what can we learn from the ending of the story “Going West”?   答案:D
A. People shouldn’t set foot on a wild land because of hardship.
B. Travelers should travel light
C. Travelers should arrange for their journey before setting off for their destination.
D. Perseverance can go hand in hand with survival or success in time of danger or difficulty.
Ex.3. The main idea of the text:
The text related a story that the hero’s family and many other families moved to the West. They ran into many difficulties on the way to the West. Faced with the difficulties, they didn’t give up. Finally they got to the West and started a new life.
Part 1 (1) The cause and the beginning of the journey
Part 2 (2) The first destination of the journey
Part 3 (3-5) The most trying part of the journey
Part 4 (6) Reaching the promised land (The end of the journey)
Step 4 Language points
1. beyond prep. 在或向(某物)的远处;迟于或超过(某一时间);越过(某事物)范围;除了
The road continues beyond the village up into the hills. 这条路绵延不断越过村子直入山中。
She carried on teaching well beyond retirement age. 她早已超过退休年龄仍在教书。
After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond recognition. 25年了,市中心已变得认不出来。
I didn’t notice anything beyond his rather strange accent. 除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外,我没注意到别的。
2. draw 1).画 2).拉 3). 取出,拔出 4). 移动,行进 5). 吸引 6)接近
常用词组 (1) draw a conclusion 得出结论    (2).开到路边停下      (3) draw out 提取
(4) draw up 起草,制订计划或协议         (5) draw upon 依靠,利用 (6) draw back 后退,退开
    (7) draw one’s attention
1) Something is wrong with his teeth. He has had it drawn out.
2) The National Day is drawing near.(coming)
3) Aristotle drew a conclusion from his experiment.
4) The breath-taking scenery drew the tourists’ attention.
4. leave behind忘了带;留下
I’ve left my pen behind. 我忘了带笔。
I’m afraid we must leave Xiao Lin behind.恐怕我们得把小林留下。
When he went to work in Saudi Arabia, he had to leave his family behind. 他前往沙特阿拉伯工作时,他不得不留下他的家人。
leave sth aside 不考虑      leave alone不打扰
leave out遗漏       leave off停止
5. lose one’s way迷路
When they went into the forest, they lost their way. 他们进入了森林就迷了路。
all the way一直      by the way顺便一提     by way of经过,经由
find one’s way找到路,设法到达     get into the way of doing养成做……的习惯
in any way不管怎样,好歹 in a way在某种程度上,有点 in no way决不
in the way妨碍      lead the way领路,指导    make one’s way前进,行走
No way没门       on the/one’s way(to)...在去……的路上
under way(计划等)进行中
6. burden n. 重负;(难以承担的)职责、义务、责任等
The little donkey struggled under its heavy burden. 小驴在重负下挣扎。
Buying a house often places a big financial burden on young couples. 对于年轻夫妇来说,买房通常是一种沉重的经济负担。
burden (v.) sb / oneself (with sth) 加负担于某人(自己)
I don’t want to burden you with my problems. 我不想用我的问题给你增加负担。
7. accustomed a. 1). 惯常的,通常的 2). 习惯的,适应了的
her accustomed smile她惯常的微笑
He is accustomed to work hard一向勤奋工作
I am accustomed to sleeping late.我习惯于睡得很晚
I’m not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises. 我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。
I’ve been accustomed to looking after them.
It’ll take time for me to accustom myself to the changes. 我需要花时间来适应这些变化.
8. starvation n. 饥饿;挨饿;饿死[U]
The old woman died of starvation. 老妇人被活活饿死。
starve vi. 1). 饿死 The explorers starved to death in the desert. 探险者们在沙漠中饿死了。
2). 挨饿 3). 【口】饿得慌 Let’s get something to eat; I’m starving. 我们吃点东西吧;我饿坏了。
4). 渴望;极需要 (+for) The plants are starving for water. 这些植物极需要水。
9. anxiety n.
1). 焦虑,挂念[U][C][(+about / for)] The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughter\’s health. 母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。
2) 焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事[C][(+to)] That is a great anxiety to me. 那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情。
3). 渴望[C][(+for)][+to-v] Their anxiety to go was obvious. 他们想去的急切心情是显而易见的。
10. come to an end 结束
The meeting came to an end at last. 会议终于结束了。
come to a stop 停止     come to a decision 作出决定 come to a conclusion 得出结论
come to a person’s aid 援助某人 come to an arrangement (agreement) 达成协议
All good things must come to an end. 一切好事迟早都会结束。(天下没有不散的宴席。)
at the end of 在...结尾,在....末端 in the end 最后,终于     bring to an end 使…结束
on end on end 竖着, 连续地 make an end of 终止,除掉 end (up) with 以…告终
put an end to 结束,终止    make ends meet 收支相抵
10. on all fours 双手和双膝着地,趴着
The baby was crawling about on all fours. 婴儿那时正在满地爬。
1. quit; stop; pause
I’m going to quit smoking next week. 下星期我准备戒烟。
Would you quit your job if you got lots of money? 如果得到大笔钱,你会不会辞去工作呢?
He stopped the medicine and left the room. 他停下机器,离开了房间。
You can’t stop our going if we want to. 如果我们想去,你是阻止不了的。
She paused to get her breath back and then carried on jogging. 她停下喘口气然后继续慢跑。
2. believe; believe in
“believe”意思是相信某事物的真实性或认为某人的话属实;”believe in”意思是相信某事物或人,以及肯定某事物的价值或正确性,还可以表示相信某人或事物的存在。
Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we’d been visited by a creature from Mars. 奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们一个火星人来过时,居然没人相信。
I’m told he’s been in prison, and I can well believe it. 有人对我说他进过监狱,我完全能够相信这一点。
The robbers are believed to have escaped form Heathrow Airport. 据说强盗从西斯罗机场逃脱的。
He believes in getting plenty of exercise. 他相信多做运动必有好处。
I believe in his good character, no matter what you say. 不管你怎么说,我相信他品德良好。
Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?
1.The animals dragged their legs, too weak to ... their tongues hung out ... (L12, Para.3)
这句话中的两个划线部分都在文章中充当状语,第一个是形容词短语做状语,并用”too ... to ...(太...... 而不能......)”结构加以修饰;第二个划线部分由名词加过去分词(表示被动)构成,称为独立主格结构,该结构还可以由名词加现在分词、不定式、形容词、副词或介词短语构成。 例:
Little Mary was standing in front of the headmaster, too afraid to say a word. 小玛丽站在校长面前,因为太害怕而说不出一句话。
The test finished, we began our holiday. 考试结束了,我们开始放假。
Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. 如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。
The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. 会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。
He came into the room, his ears red with cold. 他回到了房子里,耳朵冻坏了。
He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆
2. Lying around them were chains ... (L3, Para. 4)
这是一个表语提前的完全倒装句,句子的主语是”chains”,”Lying around them”为表语。 例:
Gone are the days when they would do what they liked. 他们可以随心所欲的日子过去了。
Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. 出席会议的有怀特教授、史密斯教授以及其他的客人。
3. If untreated, it would produce ... (P. 53)
这句话涉及两种语言现象, “if untreated”为状语从句的省略:当特定的连词when, while, if, although, even though等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,并且从句中出现be动词,可以省略状语从句的主语连同be动词,留下连词加分词的形式;而主语的”it would”则使用了虚拟语气中的非真实条件句,表示未来事情发生的几率不是很高。这句话说完整应为”If it were untreated, it would produce ...”。 例:
Don’t speak to me unless spoke to. 除非我和你说话,否则不要和我说话。
Look out while crossing the street. 过马路时要当心。
If my lawyer had been here last Saturday, he would have prevented me from going. 如果我的律师上星期六在这里,他会阻止我去的。
If you should succeed, everything would be all right. 如果你成功了,一切都会好的。
If they were here, they would give you some advice. 如果他们现在在这里,他们就会给你建议了。
1. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _____ the girl and took her away, ____ into the woods. (2004上海春季卷)
A. seizing, disappeared B. seized, disappeared C. seizing, disappearing D. seized, disappearing
2. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _____ your lecture. (2000上海卷)
A. couldn’t have attended       B. needn’t have attended
C. mustn’t have attended       D. shouldn’t have attended
3. ---- Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?   ---- Oh, that’s ________. (2003北京春季卷)
A. what makes me feel excited      B. whatever I feel excited about
C. how I feel about it        D. when I feel excited
4. I can think of many cases _____ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay. (2003上海卷)
A. why      B. which     C. as      D. where
[为你支招]本题主句完整,从句完整,根据选项,可以判断出此处需要一个关系副词连接主句和定语从句;根据先行词”case”,应选择答案D,表示”在这些情况下”,也可使用”in which”。
5. They _____ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we ____ it as no good results have come out so far. (2005江苏卷)
A. had been working; are still working     B. had worked; were still working
C. have been working; have worked     D. have worked; are still working
Step 5 Translation
1.believe in 信任;信耐     2.stand for 代表;代替     3.adapt to 适宜
4.lose heart 灰心;泄气     5.be cast away (被)抛弃    6.give up 放弃
7.less than 少于;不足     8.set off for 开始(旅程);出发 9.move on 继续前进
10.take the way 出发;首途    11.lose one’s way 迷路    12.hang out 伸出
13.in desperate need of 在极度需要的(时候)     
14.on our feet=on foot 步行
15.be accustomed to doing sth. (通常用于被动语态)习惯于
16.suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦
17.hurry on to (with) 赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事   
18.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事
19.start doing sth. 开始做某事 20.go on all fours 用四肢
22.stare at 瞪视; 凝视
21.(at) the edge of (在)……边缘       
23.come to an end 结束;终止

Period 5 Grammar
Teaching aims:
1. To review the words and expressions learned in the reading.
2. To summarize the usages of the Attribute.
Step 1 Revision
1. What can we learn from this text?
When we come across problems, we shouldn’t try to escape. Instead , we should learn to face reality and solve the problems. As long as we overcome the difficulties and never give up, we will achieve our goals and succeed. More over, we all have dreams in our heart. As long as we insist and keep making great efforts, I believe we will make our dreams come true one day.
2. Consolidation
In the ____ of 1845, after his father read a book about ____, he decided to ____ there. His family and many other families ____ for their journey by the middle of October. After traveling through ____, they had to spend ____ in Kansas. Until ____, they wouldn’t leave. They traveled by day. On November4, 1846, they entered ____ and soon lost their way. Due to lack of ____, the oxen had no strength to pull the wagons and were burnt. People had no choice but to cover another 500 miles ____. At last, they ____ all the difficulties and got to the west on the morning of ____. They started their new life there.
Keys: spring, California, move, 4 states, the winter, April 12, 1846, the desert, water and grass, on foot, overcame, Christmas Day
Step 2 Grammar 定 语
The green bike is mine. 那辆绿色的自行车是我的。
Is there anything wrong with your radio?你的收音机有毛病吗?
Miss Green is a responsible girl. 格林小姐是一位负责任的姑娘。
She told us good news. 她告诉我们好消息。
Can you answer those questions? 你能回答这些问题吗?
Your hair needs cutting. 你的头发需要理了。
This could change our lives. 这可以改变我们的生活。
Which class are you in? 你在哪个班?
His company is on the 23rd floor. 他的公司在二十三楼。
There is only one way to work out the maths problem. 这个数学题只有一种解法。
Mother bought two pounds of oranges yesterday. 母亲昨天买了两磅桔子。
Fifty students attended the party. 50名学生参加了晚会。
There are three women doctors in the medical team. 这个医疗队里有三位女医生。
They are going to send a trade delegation to China. 他们决定派一个贸易代表团来中国。
This is my bike. Tom’s bike is over there. 这是我的自行车,汤姆的自行车在那边。
Today’s newspaper is on the desk. 今天的报纸在桌子上。
【注】名词作定语时用单数形式,但man, woman作定语修饰名词时,应该与被修饰的名词在单复数上保持一致。
▲副词作定语   副词作定语修饰名词时一般要后置。如:
The climate there is mild. 那儿的气候很温和。
The buildings around were badly damaged. 附近的建筑受到严重损坏。
The scenery up at the lake is very beautiful. 湖泊的风光很美。
In the room upstairs lived an old couple. 楼上的房间里住着一对老夫妇。
▲介词短语作定语   介词短语作定语时,放在被修饰名词之后。如:
That has nothing to do with the matter under discussion. 这和讨论的问题没有关系。
Yesterday the scientist made a report on modem science. 这位科学家昨天给我们作了有关现代科学的报告。
▲不定式作定语 不定式作定语时,通常放在被修饰名词或代词的后面。如:
Do you have anything else to say?你还有什么话要说吗?
I have a lot of work to do today. 今天我有很多事情要做。
She had only a cold room to live in. 她只有一间寒冷的房间居住。
He is an honest man to be depended on. 他是一个诚实的可以信赖的人。
▲分词作定语   单个的分词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词或代词之前;如果是分词短语作定语,则应后置。如:
The headmaster gave an inspiring speech yesterday. 昨天校长作了一个激动人心的演讲。
There are a lot of children needing medical attention. 有大量儿童需要医疗照顾。
She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上有优愁的表情。
What do you think of the play put on by the students? 你觉得学生们演的剧怎么样?
There is a swimming pool in our school. 我们学校里有一个游泳池。
He bought some sleeping pills in the hospital. 他在医院里买了一些安眠药。
Tom’s parents bought a pair of running shoes for him as a birthday present. 汤姆的父母亲给他买了一双跑鞋作为生日礼物。
Where is Helen? She is in the reading room. 海伦在哪里?她在阅览室里。
a sleeping child 一个睡着的孩子 (现在分词)   a sleeping car 卧车 (动名词)
running water 流水 (现在分词)              running shoes 跑鞋 (动名词)
The girls who he employs are always complaining about the pay. 他雇佣的女孩子们总是抱怨她们的工资低。
Everyone who knows him likes him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。
All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.落在地上的苹果都被猪吃了。
She didn’t tell me the reason why she refused the offer. 她没跟我讲她拒绝这工作的原因。
There are times when such things are necessary. 有时候这样的事是必要的。
That’s the hotel where we were staying last summer. 这是我们去年夏天住过的宾馆。
【注】有关定语从句的详细内容请同学们参阅《中学英语1 +1》第一册上册的相关内容。

【语法专项训练】 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。
1.I have_____________________________________(没有什么特别的活动)tonight.
2. These are_____________________________________(通往海滨的路).
3. Perhaps______________________________________(在未来的岁月中)we shall meet again.
4. That has no relation to_________________________________(讨论的问题).
5. Is anything _______________________________________(出什么事了)?
6. It’s a very ________________________________________(有说服力的例子).
7. There was a tong line _________________________________________(在超市外等候).
8. She had a ________________________________________(脸上有忧愁的表情).
9. What do you think of _____________________________________(学生们演的剧)?
10. What’s __________________________________________(你们政府对这个问题的态度)?
11. ______________________________________________________(这令我深思。)
12. ________________________________________(他该走了。)
13. ______________________________________________. (她是做这项工作合适的人选。)
14. _______________________________________________.(我已失去了对自然历史的兴趣。)
15. ________________________________________.(我在报纸上看到一样可能使你感兴趣的东西。)
16. Would anyone ____________________________(目击这一事故的)please get touch with the police?
17. The man _____________________________________(和我一道旅行的)couldn’t speak English.
18. There are times _______________________________________________(这样的事是必要的).
19. She didn’t tell me the reason ___________________________________(她拒绝这项工作的).
20. That’s the hotel ________________________________________________(我们去年夏天住的).

1. nothing special on         2. the roads leading to the beach
3. in years to come         4. the matter under discussion
5. the matter with you         6. convincing example
7. waiting outside the supermarket      8. worried look on her face
9. the play put on by the students       10. your government’s attitude towards the problem
11. This has given me a lot to think of      12. It’s time for him to be off
13. She is the best person for the job      14. I’ve lost my interest in natural history
15. I saw something in the paper which might interest you  
16. who saw the accident
17. with whom I beveled        18. when such things are necessary
19. why she refused the offer       20. where we were staying last summer














Period 6 Integrating skills
Teaching aims:
1. To get the students to understand some words and phrases in the text.
2. To help the students summarize the main points after they read the dialogue.
Step 1 Skimming
After reading the text, answer the following questions:
(1) What did the dialogue mainly tell us?
The dialogue mainly told us about the history of the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled races.
(2) For what purpose did the people use the dog team?
People used the dog team to deliver the vaccine from Anchorage to Nome.
Step 2 Scanning
Find some information to fill in chart:
The brief introduction to the story            The time In the winter of 1925
The place A small city called Nome
The plot A terrible disease called diphtheria struck Nome, but there were no enough vaccine.
Luckily, the doctors found a good supply of it in Anchorage. However, the frozen sea and the shortage of the plane made it impossible to deliver the vaccine fast. So people decided to use a dog team. These dogs and their drivers overcame all the difficulty and worked day and night to make sure the vaccine can arrive on time.
The result The children were saved by the vaccine because of the great efforts made by the dogs and their drivers. In order to remember these heroes, the local people set a bronze sculpture of a dog in New York’s Central Park. This is a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of others.
Step 3 Further reading
Judge whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) The first dog race was a race against time. ( T )
(2) The disease which struck the Nome was called flu. ( F )
(3) If doctors couldn’t get enough vaccine, the children would die quite soon. (T )
(4) The doctors could do nothing but use the dog team to deliver the vaccine because there were not enough ships and planes. ( F )
(5) During the journey, the dogs and their drivers should fight against the hot weather. ( F )
(6) When the dogs and their drivers arrived on time, they were warmly welcomed. ( F )
Step 4 Language study
1. anniversary 周年纪念;周年纪念日
a wedding anniversary the 20th anniversary of our country’s independence
2. supply n. [复] 供应品,供应量 vt. 提供, 供应,   supply sb. with sth.   supply sth. to sb.
1). The electricity company supplies electricity to houses.
2). We supplied them with money and clothes.
3. deliver: 释放,移交,投递,发表,给予,表达, 接生
deliver sb. from sth.把某人从…解救出来 deliver sth to/ over sb把某物交付某人.
deliver a message 带信,传话 deliver a speech发表讲话 deliver over (up) (to) 移交,交给
He delivered himself up to the police. 他向警方自首了.
Would you deliver my message to your mother? 你可以帮我传口信给你母亲吗?
The mailman delivers the mail twice a day in this area. 这个地区的邮差每天送两次信。
He delivered a long speech. 他发表了一场很长的演说。
The doctor managed to deliver the triplets safely. 医生总算平安顺利地接生了那三胞胎。
4. stake n.桩,水刑柱,赌注 v.系于柱上,打赌
tie sth to a stake把…拴在柱子上 play for high stakes下大赌注赌钱
stake…on…把…押在…上       be at stake 生死攸关
He staked all his hopes on his son’s success as a statesman. 他把所有的希望都寄托在儿子身上,盼望他成为成功的政治家
He left the gambling game when they played for high stakes. 赌注太高时他离开了赌局
I’m going to stake $5 on that watch. 那块表我押5 美元.
Our children’s life is at stake. 孩子们的生命濒临危险.
5. risk n.风险, 保险对象 vt. 冒…的危险
do sth at the risk of one’s life=risk one’s life to do sth冒生命危险去做…
at all risks = at any risk无论冒什么危险,无论如何
at (one’s) risk 有危险        run (take) a risk (risks) = risk doing sth 冒险
If you go out without your raincoat, you run the risk of getting wet. 如果你出门不带雨衣,就有可能被淋湿.
We can’t risk your catching the measles. 我们不能让你冒染上麻疹的危险
Too many lives were at risk. 太多的人有生命危险
6. prevent v. prevention n. preventable 可预防的 preventive预防的
prevent sb from doing prevent disease
Try to prevent fires in dry weather. 干旱天气预防火灾
There was nothing to prevent him becoming engaged. 没有什么能阻止他订婚
Prevention of illness is better than curing it. 防病胜过治病
7. cover vt. 掩盖,掩护,包括, 走过, 支付, 报道 n. 盖子, 封面
be covered with 盖着… from cover to cover从头至尾 cover 6 miles 走了6 英里
cover a conference采访会议 cover the expense 负担费用   a cover for…盖子
She covered her face with her hands. 她用手蒙住了脸.
I didn’t cover as much ground as I had wanted.我没有走完我原打算走的那么多路.
This report covered all aspects of the problem.这个报告涵盖了这个问题的所有层面
8. go for
(1)攻击,批评 She really went for me when I came in late. 我来晚了,她狠狠地骂了我一顿。
(2)试图得到,争取获得 Smith is going for gold in the 200 meters. 史密斯想争夺200米金牌。
(3)挑选,拿 When you offer him sweets, he always goes for the biggest one. 你给他糖果时,他总是挑最大的。
(4)喜欢,被……吸引 Do you go for modern music? 你喜欢现代音乐吗?
(5)适用于,应用于 He thought the lunch was terrible, and the same goes for all the rest of us too. 他认为这顿午餐糟透了,我们其他人也有同感。

Step 5 Translation
1. the eightieth anniversary of sth. …80周年纪念日
2. a race against time 与时间赛跑,抢时间
3. save…from 挽救……免于
4. there was widespread relief 足以令人欣慰
5. Every minute counted/counts. 没分钟都非常关键。
6. up to 一直到,等于
7. at stake 在危险中;关系重大
8. the golden rays of the dawn 黎明的第一道曙光
9. a memorial to sb. / sth. 的纪念馆
10. risk one’s life to do/doing 冒险去做某事 risk doing
11. diseases of that kind 那样的病
12. a historical event历史事件


Unit 7    A Christmas Carol
The First Period
Teaching goals
1.Target language
a. Key words & phrases: Christmas Eve, be celebrated, Santa Claus, role, shilling, freezing, put on, candle, convenient, fair, wage, excuse, make sure to do, nephew, merry, leave it alone, do somebody good, admit, clapping, very, abundant, comfort, suffering, in want of, provide, warmth, afford to do…,idle, make a contribution, be badly off, would rather do…, personally, occupy, constantly, be gone, fall asleep, make it short, close up, believe in
b. Key sentences:
If you were working harder, you wouldn’t be clod.
If I hear another word from you, you will go where it is really cold.
So, although it has never put a piece of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good.
Mr Scrooge, when many of us enjoy abundant comfort, we would like to ask you to open your heat to the poor, whose sufferings are great.
And make it short, because it’s tine to close up.
2.Ability goals
a. Enable the students to appreciate a play and know the characters of the persons in a play.
b. Enable the students to discuss about a person.
3.Learning ability goals: Teach the students how to know the characters of the persons in a play by learning his words and behaviors.
Teaching important points
a. Talk about social responsibilities.
b. Get the main idea of the play.
c. Discuss the question of comprehension: What kind of person is Scrooge?
Teaching difficult points
a. Appreciate the beauty of a play.
b. Make the students find Scrooge’s real feelings and what kind of person Scrooge is.
c. Enable them to understand how selfish and mean Scrooge is.
Teaching methods
1. Listening to the tape;
2. Group discussion and presentation;
3. Multi-functional teaching equipment
Teaching procedures & ways
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Ask them to have a discussion in order to make them further understand the knowledge of Christmas and try to make them realize Christmas is the time when everyone should open their hearts to others and be friendly to others.
No one is an exception.
T: There are three questions to discuss.
1. How is Christmas Eve celebrated in western countries?
2. What Christmas songs do people sing? Can you sing some of them?
3. What do you know, about Santa Claus? What is his role?

Step II Pre-reading
Get the students to know some general knowledge about Charles Dickens’ play—A Christmas Carol by asking them some simple questions. This step is very important because it is easier for the students to further understand the main idea of the play. Explain the general knowledge as patiently as possible.

Step III Reading
1. Details checking
Ask the students questions about the main idea. But the teacher should make sure that the students can answer all the questions because only so can the students know what kind of person Scrooge is.
T: Now I think you must know the details of the play.
Please look at the sentences in the slide. Try your best to judge whether they are true or false.
1. It was cold in Scrooge’s office and Bob had to warm himself over the candles.
2. Scrooge was willing to let Bob have a day off because it would be Christmas the next day.
3. Scrooge was invited by his niece and he accepted the invitation happily.
4. A gentleman arrived at Scrooge’s office because he wanted to collect some money for the poor.
5. Scrooge didn’t want to give the poor any money because he was poor himself.
6. In Scrooge’s dream he met his old friend—Jacob Marley.

Step IV Listening
This time the students should listen to the tape as carefully as possible. They should not only pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation but also understand the main idea of the play as well.

Step Ⅴ Play-acting
This step aims at making the students fully involved in the situation. In this step, the students’ performances are the most important things. So the teacher should act as a guide. Don’t interrupt them if they make mistakes.

Step Ⅵ Post-reading
In this procedure, the students are asked to read the play once more. But this time they should read the play more carefully. As a result, more difficult questions will be asked so as to check whether the students have really grasped the character of Scrooge and how his words and actions show his character.











The Second Period
Language points:
1. carol   (carol(l)ed)
vi. 欢唱; 啭鸣; 唱颂歌She used to carol cheerfully every morning. 她过去经常每天早上欢乐地歌唱。
vt. 歌颂; 欢唱The company’s salesman has been caroling its glories for many years. 公司的推销员多少年来都在歌颂公司的辉煌成就。
n. 欢乐的歌, 颂歌, (尤指)圣诞节颂歌

2. care for
喜欢I don’t care for tea. 我不喜欢喝茶。
照顾;照料;抚养 The children are well cared for in the hospital.
He’s good at caring for sick animals. 他精心照料生病的牲畜。

3. fake
捏造者;冒牌货,赝品The teapot looked old but was a recent fake. 这把茶壶貌似古董,却是一件新近制作的赝品。
adj. 伪造的;捏造的 vt. faked, faking伪造;捏造
假装;装做He faked illness=pretended to be ill. 他假装生病。

4. standard   n.标准;水准standard of living生活水平(= living standard)
Your work is not up to the standard. 你的工作不够标准。
(用来衡量重量和纯度的)标准,基准 (任何一种仪式的)旗帜   旗杆 (货币的)本位制,金本位制
adj. 普通的;平常的standard sizes一般尺寸
极佳的;模范的;标准的standard work模范作品

5. frost n.
严寒;冰点以下的温度Frost can kill off a young plant. 严寒会摧毁幼苗。
严寒天气 霜The grass was covered with frost. 草上盖满了霜。
of frost 冰点之下There was 5 degrees of frost last night. 昨晚气温为零下五度。
vt.(常与over, up连用)使盖满霜The cold has frosted the windows. 天气寒冷使窗上结满了霜。使金属、玻璃等表面粗糙

6. wage n.
(常用pl) 工资What is my weekly wage? 我的周工资是多少?
His wages are $460 a week. 他的工资每星期460美元。
vt. waged, waging 进行;开展;发起The North waged war on the South. 北方发动对南方的战争。

7. admit vt., vi.   -tt-
许可进入,准许进入This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。
容纳, 容许The cinema admits about 2000 people. 这座电影院大约可坐 2000 人。
The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation. 这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。
承认;供认He admitted his crime. 他招认了罪行。

8. clap vt., vi.   -pp-
拍手;击掌The nursery teacher clapped her hands to attract the children’s attention. 幼儿园的教师拍拍手,要孩子们注意。
鼓掌(表示赞许)When the singer finished, we clapped. 歌唱家唱完时,我们鼓掌。
以手轻拍(表示友善)The coach clapped the new member of his team on the back to suggest his encouragement. 教练轻轻拍了拍新来的队员的背表示鼓励。
急速处理;用力地放The judge clapped the criminal in prison. 法官马上将犯人送进监狱里。
clap eyes on看见It’s many years since I clapped eyes on him. 我最后一次看见他是多年前的事了。
n. 突然的响声;砰然出声a clap of thunder雷鸣声
clap on很快地戴上She clapped her hat on. 她很快地戴上帽子。

9. idle   adj.
停顿的;不工作的;不做事的;空闲的Men are left idle when machines break down. 机器坏了时,工人们便无事可做了。
懒惰的That boy is really idle. 那男孩真懒。
无用的;无价值的It would be idle to argue further. 再辩论下去也不会有什么效果。
无因的;无由的His words were just idle threats; You don’t have to take them too seriously. 他的话只不过是吓人的空话,你不必太认真了。
vi., vt.   idled, idling 不做事;游手好闲idling in the park在公园里闲逛
(与away连用)消磨时间idling away the hours消磨时光

10. close up
关闭;停歇The old road has now been closed up since the highway was open to public use. 自从高速公路通车以来,那条旧公路已经封闭了。
靠拢;靠近;靠紧The teacher told the children to close up to each other near the camp fire and then began his story. 老师叫孩子们在营火旁互相靠拢些,接着就开始讲起故事来。

The Third Period
Review the adverbial:
I. 独立主格结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等。
1. 作时间状语
1) My shoes removed, I entered a low-ceilinged room, treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting.=After my shoes were removed, I entered a low-ceilinged room, treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting.(我脱掉鞋子后,走进一间屋顶很低的房间,小心翼翼地踩在柔软的塌塌米垫子上。)
2. 作条件状语
Weather permitting, they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.=If weather permits, they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.(如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。)
3. 作原因状语
The storm drawing near, we had to put off our plan.=As the storm drew near, we had to put off our plan.(由于暴风雨临近,我们只好放弃计划)
4. 作伴随状语
I took out my book, open it, and drawing pictures in it, my teacher looking angry.(老师愤怒地看着我拿出书,打开它,然后开始在上面画画。)
1) 独立主格结构使用介词的问题: 当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词),也不用复数。但 with 的复合结构不受此限制。例如:A robber burst into the room, knife in hand.(hand前不能加his)劫匪冲进房间,手里拿着刀。
2) 当表示人体部位的词做逻辑主语时,及物动词用现在分词,不及物动词用过去分词。例如:
He lay there, his teeth set, his hand clenched, his eyes looking straight up. 他躺在那儿,牙紧咬,双手握拳,两眼直勾勾看着上面。
3) 分词的逻辑主语有两种:一是悬垂分词的逻辑主语,其二是独立主格结构的逻辑主语。在悬垂结构中,分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,如果两者不能构成逻辑上的一致关系则该句结构是错误的.如: Seen from the space, the earth look like a blue ball. (从太空看起来,地球像个蓝色的球体。)这个悬垂结构seen from the space = when the earth is seen, …
Laughing and chatting, the pupils left school for home. 孩子们说说笑笑回家去了。
同上述结构一样,Laughing and chatting = the pupils were laughing and chatting, …
So many comrades being absent, the meeting had to be put off. 这么多同志都缺席了,所以会议只得延期。
We all went home, he remaining behind. 我们都回家了,只有他留在后面。
Weather permitting, we will go for an outing next week. 如果天气许可,我们下周去郊游。
The class (being) over, the teacher dismissed the students. 下课了,老师把学生打发走了。
The job done, we all went home. 工作完成之后,我们就都回家去了。
With the tree grown tall, we get more shade. 随着树的不断长高,树阴也越来越浓密了。
Everything taken into consideration, this plan seems to be more feasible. 把一切考虑在内,这个计划看起来可行。
They worked throughout the night with the lamp lighted. 他们挑灯夜战。
1. 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词;
The coward was backing, his face being deathly pale toward another room.(那个胆小鬼向另一个房间退去,脸色煞白。)
2. 名词(代词)+形容词;
The food delicious, I was full.(食物非常可口,我也很饱了。)
3. 名词(代词)+副词;
This little excitement over, nothing was to be done but to return to a steadfast gaze at my mute companion.(一阵小小的兴奋过后,除了再去死死地盯着我的哑伴外,别无它事可干了。)
4. 名词(代词)+不定式;
I to go to New York, he asked me not.(我要去纽约,他却要我别去)
5. 名词(代词)+介词短语构成。
The mayor of Hiroshima strode at a leisure pace toward the puzzled journalist, a bunch of flowers in his hands.(广岛市市长双手捧着一束鲜花,迈着方步走向那个迷惑不解的记者。)
另外,我们最常见的独立主格结构是with引导的独立主格结构。比如:Our vicar went to see what was happening with a torch in his arm. 这种用法中的with不表达什么意义,因而常可省略。表示伴随情况时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构:with + 名词(代词)+ 现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语。例如:
He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raise.他举手着站在那儿。
The murderer was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。
A. being tied     B. having tied     C. to be tied     D. tied  
答案D. with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词"手"与分词"绑"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D.
Ⅱ. 动词不定式和分词用作状语
一般判别二者之间的区别使用是根据不同的标志词来确定的,或者说用marker来确定它们。例如,动词不定式表示目的的有in order to, so as to。表示结果的有:so … as to, such … as to, enough to, too … to等。请看例句:
He shouted so as to be noticed.(目的)
She started early in order to avoid the rushing crowds.(目的)
Would you be so kind as to lend me your bike?(结果)
He is such a fool as to think that his idle chat can influence others.(结果)
The boy is old enough to look after himself.(结果)
His eyesight is too poor to read such small letter.(结果)
She wept to hear the news.(原因)
I rejoiced to hear that my son had been admitted into the famous university.(原因)
有些不定式短语可用来修饰整个句子,可以称作句子状语。这种状语不修饰谓语,而说明说话人的想法。如常见的有下列短语:So to speak,to tell the truth,to be honest, to make matters worse,to sum up (总而言之), to conclude (总而言之), to be sure, to be brief, to begin with, strange to say , sad to say, needless to say, not to mention, to be frank with you, to make a long story short(长话短说), to be exact, not to speak of(更别说), to say nothing of(且不说) Eg:
To tell you the truth, I’ve never heard of the book.
To be honest, I don’t quite like the dish.
To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’ve no money.
To be frank with you, I like you, and should be glad to give you any help I can.
He’s a nice person, to be sure.
To cut a long story short, he beat them one by one.
You’ve wasted eight hours’ time, to say nothing of the material.
① 时间
Looking up suddenly, Robert saw a rainbow in the sky.
Floating on water, a ship displaces an amount of water equal to its own weight.
Hearing the news that her son was rescued, she felt greatly relieved.
② 原因
Not knowing how to pronounce the word “plough”, the Frenchman looked up it in a dictionary.
Considering the importance of the experiment, they checked the result again and again.
Living in a remote village, we rarely have visitors coming.
③ 条件
This same thing, happening in the peacetime, would be a great disaster.
Unless meeting with unexpected difficulties at the office today, I shall be home early tonight.
④ 让步
Granting the achievements to be great, we have no reason to be conceited.
Walking and sleeping, he has the plan in his mind.
The chemical composition of water is H2O, whether being solid, liquid or vapor.
⑤ 结果
Their car was caught in the traffic jam, thus causing their delay.
We introduced a lot of advanced devices, thus saving much time and labor.
⑥ 目的
The people are working hard, striving to realize our country’s modernization.
We held a meeting, marking the anniversary of his death.
⑦ 方式(也称伴随)
They stood by the roadside, watching the parade.
She stood motionlessly vacantly, looking at the sea.
They sat together, studying carefully the design of the new project.
有些分词短语并不表示句子主语的动作,而是表示说话人的态度,作句子状语。如常见的有下列短语:Seeing that(由于,考虑到), considering that(由于,考虑到), taking everything into account/consideration(把一切考虑在内), judging from/by, given(假设,如果,考虑到), generally speaking, frankly speaking, strictly speaking, roughly speaking(大约地说),considering, talking of, supposing(假设), providing, provided, regarding, respecting, concerning. Eg:
Considering all the possibilities, I really believe that I’d prefer to make any change now.
Women, generally speaking, live longer than men.
Strictly speaking, I should not be here.
Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.
His acting was remarkable, taking into account his youth and inexperience.
Considering the distance, he arrived very quickly.
Supposing she doesn’t come, what shall we do?
Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation.
It seemed bad-tempered to send him away,given that he only wanted to take photographs.
注意:有些过去分词短语作状语,并不表示分词与句子主语是被动的关系,而是表状态,如:be dressed in, be faced with, be devoted to, be surrounded by, be separated from, be seated, be determined to等。Eg:
Dressed in white, he looks like a nurse.
Separated from other continents from millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else in the world.
Faced with danger, he stayed calm.
Ⅲ. 形容词也可置于句末作状语,并通常与前面的句子之间有逗号隔开,可表方式、伴随、结果、时间等,相当于副词的功能。如:
At last he got home, tired and hungry. 最后他终于到家了,又累又饿。
Holmes and Watson broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man lying on the floor, dead.福尔摩斯和华生强行进入这位叔叔的卧室,发现他躺在地上,死了。
Ⅳ. 副词作状语
1.表方式的副词,修饰不及物动词时通常置于动词之后;修饰及物动词时,通常置于宾语之后。如:The baby slept soundly. She speaks English well.
但以-ly结尾的副词,修饰动词时,也可置于其它的位置,如:We warmly supported him. He carefully wrote a letter.
2. 表频率的副词always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never…通常置于be 动词之后,行为动词之前,或置于情态动词、助动词与行为动词之间。如:
I usually get up at seven. I am always busy. I have never heard of it.
3. 表地点的副词here, there home, upstairs, downstairs, abroad, downtown(市中心)常置于所修饰的动词之后,而且前面不用介词。如:go abroad; come here
4. 表时间的副词today, tomorrow, yesterday, next day, last week, this afternoon, three day ago, several years before常置于句末且前面不用介词,但在加强语气时也可置于句首。如:
I went to see him yesterday. Yesterday I saw a good film.
5. 同类副词同时出现在一个句子中时的顺序为:小单位副词+大单位副词。不同类副词同时出现在一个句子中的顺序为:地点副词+方式副词+时间副词。如:
I’ll meet you at three o’clock this afternoon. 我将于今天下午三点见你。
We arrived here safely yesterday. 昨天我们平安抵达此地。
The plane will arrive at the airport at 5 in the morning.飞机将于凌晨5点到达机场。
6. 放在be动词、助动词have, has, shall/will+副词+过去分词/现在分词/动词原形可构成进行时态、被动态、完成时态、将来时态。如:
He is still standing there.   Tom has just left.   We shall soon be there.
He is highly respected by his colleagues.
若被动态后无其它修饰语,此副词可置于过去分词之后。The work has been done carefully.
7. still(仍然),no longer(不再)位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,其它动词之前。如:
She is eighty years old, but she can still read without glasses.
They still don’t know the truth.
Your arguments are very interesting, but I still think you’re wrong.
Mr. Smith no longer works here.
8. 连接副词therefore, however, nevertheless, moreover, besides, likewise, otherwise, hence, thus, similarly, accordingly, furthermore等一般放在句中起连接作用。如:
We fished all day; however, we didn’t catch anything. 我们整天钓鱼,可是一条鱼也没有钓到。
9. 焦点副词even, just, merely, only, really, simply等是用来强调突出特定词语的意义,位置比较灵活,随着位置的不同,强调的重点也不相同。如:
Only Tom didn’t pass the exam. 只有汤姆没通过这次考试。
I simply didn’t know why he should behave like that. 我简直不知道他为何表现得那样坏。
10. 观点副词frankly, seriously, personally, luckily, obviously, roughly, generally, undoubtedly, evidently等常用于句首修饰整个句子,表示说话人对话语的看法。如:
Frankly, I’m not satisfied with your work at all. 坦白地说,我对你的工作一点也不满意。
Ⅴ. 状语从句(略)








The Fourth Period
Teaching goals
1. Target language
a. Key words & phrases: recognize, have a look through… take one’s place, golden, poverty, ambition, aspiration, one by one, bond, date back to, be content to…pudding, feast, selfish, have mercy, shadow, be praised for… deliver, huge, turkey, on the contrary, toast to, generous, attend to, at the hands of, justice, be thrown in prison, revenge, fortune, roots, fall in love, strangely, avoid, for fear of, background, belongings, influence, sentence him to death, make a sacrifice to do…act
b. Key sentences:
I think it’s because he walks slower than he used to, as of late.
The rich could do as they liked, while the peasants suffered.
Strangely the two men looked so much alike that people thought they were twins.
Upon arrival, Darnay was immediately arrested as an enemy of the people and thrown into prison.
2. Ability goals
a. Enable the students to understand characters’ feelings when they are reading a play.
b. Enable the students to discuss in groups about such a topic as “What made Scrooge turn over a new leaf”.
3. Learning ability goals
Help the students to appreciate the beauty of a play
Teaching important points
a. Learn about the usage of the sentence patterns.
b. Get the main idea of the play.
c. Discuss the question of comprehension: What made Scrooge change his life?
Teaching difficult points
a. Appreciate the beauty of a play.
b. Make the students find Scrooge’s change of life. Make them understand we can change ourselves.
Teaching methods: Scanning; Discussion;
Teaching procedures & ways
Step 1 Revision
Get students to retell the first part of the play.
Step 2 Presentation
Ask the students to listen to the tape of the text. While listening, they should try their best to catch the main idea of the play.
Step 3 Reading
Check the students’ understanding and divide the play into three scenes. And then explain the sentences one by one. Of course, different ways should be employed to make them feel excited all the time. Then get students to tell Ture of False of the following sentences.
1. In the dream it was Christmas Eve and the Cratchits were having a Christmas dinner.
2. In the dream Tiny Tim was ill but his father couldn’t afford the medicine for him.
3. These things really happened to the Cratchits.
4. On seeing the scene Scrooge wanted to change his life.
5. Scrooge ordered a big Christmas tree for the Cratchits.
Step 4 Discussion
In this step the students are asked to discuss the questions on Pages 62&63 in groups in order to make them further understand the main idea of the play.
Step 5 Language points
1. firm adj.
坚牢的,坚固的You must always build on firm ground. 你必须始终脚踏实地。
稳定的;坚定的a firm belief坚定的信念The teacher was firm and did not change her mind. 老师很坚决,他不改变主意。
adv. 坚定地;稳定地to stand firm站稳
vt., vi. (常与up连用)变坚固,变坚实;变稳定The jelly firmed quickly. 果冻很快就凝结起来了。

2. shadow n.
暗处;阴影The shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world. 一场更大的经济危机的阴影笼罩着世界上大多数发达国家。
影子The earth’s shadow sometimes falls on the moon地球的阴影有时投落到月球上。
阴暗处shadows under the eyes黑眼圈
虚有其表之物;无实质之物worn to a shadow虚弱得不成人形
形影相随的人或物The dog is your shadow. 这只狗与你形影相随。
微小;丝毫without a shadow of doubt无丝毫的怀疑
影响力;庇护He lived in the shadow of his famous father. 他在名声显赫的父亲的庇护下生活。
be afraid of one’s own shadow胆小,胆怯; 神经过敏
vt. 投阴影于; 遮蔽The house is shadowed by a huge tree. 那房子被一棵巨大的树所遮蔽。
暗示; 预示 (forth, out) shadow forth some future occurrence预示将来的事
跟踪He is shadowed by a spy. 他被侦探盯梢。
adj. (before noun.) used to refer to senior politicians of the main opposition party who would become government ministers if their party won the next election 影子内阁的

3. idol adj.
高尚的;崇高的It was a noble act when he saved his friend from drowning. 他把朋友从水中救起是高尚的行为。
宏伟的;壮丽的a noble sight壮丽的奇观
贵族的;显贵的noble birth贵族出身

4. aspiration n.
野心;雄心; 企图be full of ambition野心勃勃
所希望的东西One of his ambitions is to become the President of the Motor General. 他的抱负之一是当通用汽车公司的总裁。

5. indeed adv.
的确是;实在是I was indeed very glad to hear the news. 我听到这消息的确很高兴。
(表示惊奇、反语等)真的,的确’Who is this woman?’ ‘Who is she, indeed!’(I wonder at your asking.) “这个女人是谁?”“她是谁,真是!”(难道你不知道吗?)
(用于very + 形容词或副词后,加强语气)Thank you very much indeed. 实在太感谢你了。





The Fifth Period (Exercises)
1. ——When _____ again?     ——When he _____, I’ll let you know.
A. he comes; come B. will he come; will come C. he comes; will come   D. will he come; comes
2. ——I’m going to the post office.    —— _____ you are there, can you get me some stamps?
A. As         B. While        C. Because        D. If
3. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _____, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
A. whom       B. where        C. which        D. while
4. ——What was the party like?    ——Wonderful. It’s years _____ I enjoyed myself so much.
A. after       B. before        C. when        D. since
5. I thought her nice and honest _____ I saw her.
A. first time      B. for the first time    C. the first time      D. by the first time
6. _____ you have seen both fighters, _____ will win?
A. Since; do you think who          B. As; who you think
C. When; whoever           D. Since; who do you think
7. _____ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
A. Now that       B. After       C. Although       D. As soon as
8. After the war, a new school building was put up _____ there once had been a theatre.
A. when         B. where        C. then         D. when
9. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.
A. which        B. where        C. that          D. when
10. We’ll have to finish the job, _____.
A. long it takes however          B. it takes however long
C. long however it takes          D. however long it takes
11. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _____ great it is.
A. what         B. how         C. however        D. whatever
12. _____ journalism seems like a good profession, I would prefer to be a teacher.
A. Although        B. Even         C. No matter        D. Now that
13. I don’t like _____ you speak to her.
A. the way        B. the way in that     C. the way which     D. the way of which
14. You will succeed in the end _____ you give up halfway.
A. even if         B. as though      C. as long as       D. unless
15. She found her calculator _____ she lost it.
A. where         B. when         C. in which        D. that
16. The man will have to wait all day_____ the doctor works fast.
A. if            B. unless         C. whether         D. that
17. --- Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?   --- Yes. I gave it to her ____ I saw her.
A. while         B. the moment     C. suddenly        D. once
18. Hundreds of jobs _____ if the factory closes.
A. lose          B. will be lost     C. are lost         D. will lose
19. John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out _____ he phones.
A. as long as        B. in order that     C. in case        D. so that
20. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some _____.
A. at last        B. in case        C. once again      D. in time
21. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could answer the phone.
A. as           B. since         C. until         D. before
21. The reporter said that the UFO _____ east to west when he saw it.
A. was traveling     B. traveled         C. had been traveling D. was to travel
22. The WTO cannot live up to its name _____ it doesn’t include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.
A. as long as         B. while         C. if         D. even though
23. Faced with a bill for $10,000, _____.
A. an extra job has been given to John.      B. the boss has given John an extra job
C. an extra job has been taken         D. John has taken an extra job
24. He hurried to the booking office only ____ that all the tickets had been sold out.
A. to be told         B. to tell       C. told        D. telling
25. ---Did Linda see the traffic accident? ---No, no sooner ____ than it happened.
A. had she gone      B. she had gone     C. has she gone     D. she has gone
26. Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way ____ to the Home Circle Building.
A. easy enough      B. enough easy    C. easily enough     D. enough easily
27. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel ____ I heard the steps.
A. while        B. when        C. since        D. after
28. In time of serious accidents, ____ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.
A. whether        B. until        C. if        D. unless
29. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ____ yesterday.
A. was happening    B. happens       C. has happened    D. happened
30. _____ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.
A. Since          B. Unless        C. As        D. Although
31. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, ____, in fact, there were 40.
A. while         B. whether       C. what        D. which
32. ____you’ve tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is.
A. Unless        B. Because        C. Although       D. When
33. If you are traveling _____ the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do.
A. in which        B. what         C. when        D. where
34. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, ____ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.
A. since        B. when         C. as         D. while
35. So difficult ____ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.
A. I did find       B. did I find        C. I have found      D. have I found
36. It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, ____ if you don’t speak the language.
A. extremely    B. naturally      C. basically       D. especially  
37. It is so nice to hear from her. ____, we last met more than thirty years ago.
A. What’s more    B. That is to say    C. In other words    D. Believe it or not
38. Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach required standard.——____, you failed.
A. in the end    B. after all       C. in other words   D. at the same time

Unit 6 Going West(Teachers’ edition)
Period 1   New words and expressions
Teaching aims:
1)Read the new words and expressions.
2)Learn some of the important new words and expressions
1.quit [ ] vt. 过去时,过去分词quit或 quitted,现在分词quitting
1). 离开;退出
He quitted Paris after a week. 他一周后离开了巴黎。
2). 放弃,停止 [+v-ing]
He has quitted smoking.他已戒了烟。
She asked them to quit talking.她要求他们不要说话
quit a job.辞去工作
advised them to quit their dissipated ways. 劝导他们撇弃放荡的生活方式
1). 离开;迁出
If he doesn\'t pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit. 如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。
2). 停止
It\'s almost 5 o\'clock; time to quit.都快五点钟了;该下班了。
3). 放弃斗争,认输
4). 【口】辞职
I\'m going to quit next week.我将在下周辞职。
2.apply [ ] vt.
1). 涂,敷;将...铺在表面 (+to)
The nurse applied the ointment to the wound. 护士把药膏敷到伤口上。
2) 应用;实施 (+to)
We should apply both theories in the language classroom.
He applied the brakes.他踩刹车
This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。
She applies all her money to her mortgage(抵押). 她将她所有的钱都用来付抵押贷款
apply oneself to 专心从事,埋头于…
The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
Students should apply themselves to their study. 学生们应该专心致志地学习。
注意:He applied to the company for the position.他向公司申请这一职位。
3.add up 把...加起来
Add up 3, 4 and 5 and you\'ll get 12. 把三、四、五相加,总数是十二。
Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。
He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up all the weights.
add up to 总计为,总数达
His education added up to no more than one year.他受的教育加起来不过一年。
add…to…把…加到…上/里 // add to 增加,增强
add fuel to the fire 火上加油    add color to 增色
Will you add some sugar to your coffee?
Your carelessness adds to our difficulties.
4.circumstance [ ]
In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately.在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。
under no circumstances ,in no circumstances,无论如何不;决不
词组:under the circumstances或in the circumstances 在这些情况下;情况既然如此
The circumstances forced me to accept. 环境迫使我不得不同意。
Maybe under these circumstances we may say that man can conquer nature.
It depends on [upon] circumstances. 这要视情况而定。
Under no circumstances should you step out of the house.
5.Don\'t lose heart. 别泄气。       lose sight of忘记,忽视
lose one’s heart to爱上 lose contact with 与 …失去联系 lose control of对…失去控制
lose face丢面子      lose hold of 松手,放开           lose interest in对…失去兴趣
6.assessment [ ] n.
He made a careful assessment of the situation. 他对形势作了细致的评估。
assess [ ] vt. assessed, assessing, assesses
估定, 评定对...进行估价,评价
It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。
7.take it easy别着急,别紧张,慢慢来,多休息(从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松)
Take it easy. We\'ll take care of everything. 别着急。一切由我们照料。
Our teacher told us to take it easy before the examination. 老师交待我们考试前要放松。
---I’ve caught a bad cold,and had a headache.
---Take it easy and drink more water.
8.keep up保持,维持,坚持;持续,继续:
We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up. 我们请她别再说话了,但她依旧说下去.
Keep up! 坚持!
keep up a good state of mind 保持一个良好的心态
Keep up your courage!鼓起勇气
Keep up your spirits! 振作精神
I don’t know how long the rain will keep up.不知道这雨会持续多久。
I have formed the good habit of getting up early, but I don’t know if I can keep it up.不知道是否能坚持下去
keep up with 赶上 /keep back阻止,扣下,隐瞒 /keep down控制,卧下 /keep off 不接近
/keep on继续,保持 /keep out不准入内/keep out of 置身于…之 /keep to坚持/keep(sb) away (from sth)使(某人)离开(某物)/keep sth. in mind 记住
9.survival [ ]n.
1). 幸存;残存[U]
2). 幸存者;残存物[C]
The old man is a survival of the past age. 这老人乃上一个时代的遗老。
survive [ ] vt.
1). 在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生
Only two passengers survived the air-crash. 这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。
2). 比...活得长;丧失(配偶,亲人等)
She survived her husband by twenty years. 她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。
vi. 活下来,幸存;残留[(+on)]
Few survived after the flood. 洪水后极少有人生还。
10.relief [ ] n.
1). (痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除[U][S1][(+of/from/on)]
The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻她一些痛苦。
Will this medicine give immediate relief from the pain? 吃了这药能马上止疼吗?
2). 轻松,宽心,慰藉[U][S1]
Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。
I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.听说我通过了考试,感到轻松多了。
3) 救济;补助;解救[U]
to send relief to flooded areas 将救济物资运送给灾区
11.deliver [ ] vt. n.
1). 投递;传送;运送[(+to)]
The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 那个邮差准时地投递信件。
Some new books have been delivered to the school. 一些新书已被送到学校。
2). 发表;讲;宣布
He delivered an important report at the meeting. 他在会上作了重要报告。
3). 给...接生;生(婴儿)
She delivered twins in the evening. 晚上她生了一对双胞胎。
Which doctor delivered the baby? 哪位医生接生了这个婴儿?
12.tough [ ] a.
1). 坚韧的,牢固的,折不断的
This material is as tough as leather. 这料子像皮革般坚韧。
a tough policy 强硬的政策
2). (肉等)老的,咬不动的
The steak was so tough I couldn\'t eat it. 牛排太老了,我咬不动它。
3). 困难的 the toughest questions.最困难的问题
He faces the toughest test of his life so far.他面临着人生最严峻的考验。
a tough guy 硬汉 tough meat 老肉 tough attitude 强硬的态度   a tough task 棘手的任务   a tough customer 难缠的顾客   a tough neighborhood 治安很差的住宅区
13*wrap [ ] vt. wrapped, wrapped
1). 包,裹[(+up/in)]
I wrapped the book in brown paper before I mailed it. 我先把书用牛皮纸包好,然后邮寄。
2). 缠绕,披[O][(+around/about)]
She wrapped a scarf around her neck. 她把一条围巾围在脖子上。
3). 覆盖;遮蔽
The skyscraper was wrapped in fog. 摩天大楼为雾所笼罩。
14.tie up [ ]
1). 系住
He tied up the horse and went into the inn. 他系住马,走进了小酒店。
2). 使受阻
The traffic had been tied up for three hours. 交通阻塞已有三个小时。
15.packet [ ] n. . 小包(裹);小捆;小袋[C][(+of)]
The mailman brought a small packet. 邮差送来了一个小邮包。
He bought a packet of cigarettes. 他买了一包香烟。
16.go for为…而去,努力争取 He is going for a job.他正在求职
I really go for progressive jazz.我十分爱好渐进式爵士乐。
She doesn’t go for men of this type.她不喜欢他这种类型的男人。
Go for it,John. We know you can beat him.去吧,约翰。我们知道你能赢。
        Period 2 Warming up, listening and speaking
Teaching aims: Try to improve the students abilities of listening and speaking
Step 1 Warming up
   Ask the students to fill out the form ,write their score for each question in the box and add up the total score.
Step 2 Listening
   Listen to the tape and finish the exercises on page 47.
Step 3 Speaking
   The speaking activity is tied in with the listening. Encourage the students to think creatively.

                      Period 3     Reading
Teaching aims:
1. Help the students improve the skills of summarizing and scanning.
2. Underline and analyze some key phrases and sentences.
3 . Get the students to know the importance of perseverance.
1 When did we decide to move to another place? 1845,10
2 How long did the journey last? About a year
3 What is our first destination? India Greek in Kansas
4 Is the journey hard? Can you make some examples about it?
Yes, it is hard. You can make many examples.
Exercise1. True or False
5.It took much time for the writer to decide what they should bring for the journey.(T)
6. We traveled alone. (F with many other families)
7.Indian Greek in Kansas was the meeting place for people moving to the east.(F)
8.On November 4, 1846, the travelers entered the Salt Lake Desert and soon lost their way.(T)
9.The travelers burn their animals because they were ill.(F)
10.The travelers were shocked to see the horses and oxen,suffering from heat ,thirst,and starvation.(F)
11.During the journey ,the travelers were helpful to each other.(F)
12 .When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed. (F I didn’t agree.)
13. When the animals smelt the water, they all ran. (T)
Exercise 2
Choose the best answers
1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that . 答案:C
A. California was in desert B. California was far away
C. California was a wonderful land described in a book
D. California was the largest state in the USA
2.People moving to the west would meet in . 答案:A
A. Kansas B. California C. Salt Lake Valley D. Salt Lake Desert
3.On which day did the author enter the Salt Lake Desert? 答案:B
A. April 12. B. November 4. C. October 15. D. December 25.
4.Why did the travelers call their ninety-mile drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “Long Drive”? 答案:D
A Because the landscape was dry and barren. B. Because water was salty and not drinkable.
C. Because their water supply was so low. D. All of the above.
5.After the travelers burnt their wagons, they had to go on their feet with another miles to go. B
A.2 500 B.500 C.90 D.45
6.Why didn’t the author stay behind with the children and wait for help? A
A. Because that meant he/she would die.
B. Because he/she knew that children were tiresome.
C. Because he/she knew that there was a wagon waiting for him/her.
D. Because he/she felt he/she could get a prize by his/her father.
7.The animals almost ran when the travelers reached the edge of the desert, why? 答案:C
A. Because they were tired and weak. B. Because they had no burden.
C. Because they must have smelt the water. D. Because they went back to their home.
8.How long did the author spend finishing the journey? 答案:A
A. More than 40 months. B. About 2 months.
C. About a year. D. About a year and a month.
9.From the text, we can infer . 答案:D
A. the author and the travelers had to go all day and all night long
B. there was no oxen left when the travelers reached California
C. many travelers died when their days of hardship came to an end
D .it’s a long way to travel from the author’s hometown to California
10.The best title of the text is . 答案:B
A.A Journey To California B. Long Drive
C. The Salt Lake Desert D. Enjoy Your Life
Detailed reading
1.Fill in the chart:
Time Events
October, 1845 set off for the journey
April ,1846 continued the journey westward
November, 1846 entered the desert and lost the way
For many weeks travel in the Death Valley
Christmas Day reached the promised land
2.The main idea of the text:
The text related a story that the hero’s family and many other families moved to the West. They ran into many difficulties on the way to the West. Faced with the difficulties, they didn’t give up. Finally they got to the West and started a new life.
Part 1 (1) The cause and the beginning of the journey
Part 2 (2) The first destination of the journey
Part 3 (3-5) The most trying part of the journey
Part 4 (6) Reaching the promised land (The end of the journey)
1 Where in the text do you find evidence that the wagons were not he most suitable means of transport? You can find your answers in paragraph 3.
2 Why did the travelers call their ninety mile-drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “long drive”?
We had to travel long without water or grass for the animals to eat. It was hard.
3 What can you learn from this reading passage? What impresses you most?
1)After suffering from many difficulties, we can live a better life. Facing the hardship, never give up, etc.
2)The courage of the people impresses me most.

Period 4 Language Points
Teaching aims:
1. Grasp some important phrases in the text.
2. Learn some language points.
Step 1   Revision
1.What can we learn from this text?
When we come across problems, we shouldn’t try to escape. Instead , we should learn to face reality and solve the problems. As long as we overcome the difficulties and never give up, we will achieve our goals and succeed. More over, we all have dreams in our heart. As long as we insist and keep making great efforts, I believe we will make our dreams come true one day.
In the ______ of 1845, after his father read a book about _________, he decided to _____ there. His family and many other families ________ for their journey by the middle of October. After traveling through _________, they had to spend __________ in Kansas. Until ____________ , they wouldn’t leave. They traveled by day. On November4, 1846, they entered __________ and soon lost their way. Due to lack of ______________, the oxen had no strength to pull the wagons and were burnt. People had no choice but to cover another 500 miles ________. At last, they _________ all the difficulties and got to the west on the morning of _____________. They started their new life there.
Keys: spring, California, move, 4 states, the winter, April 12, 1846, the desert, water and grass, on foot, overcame, Christmas Day
Step 2   Language study
1. beyond [ ] 介词 prep.
What lies beyond the mountains? 山的那一边有什么?
This work is beyond my grasp. 这件工作非我力所能及。
Don\'t stay there beyond midnight. 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。
Understanding this article is beyond my capacity(能力). 我看不懂这篇文章。
It\'s quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker. 我实在无法理解为什么她会嫁给这样一个烟鬼。
The fruit is beyond my reach. 那个果子我够不着。
4). (常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中)除...之外
He has nothing beyond the house. 除这幢房子外,他别的什么也没有。
* beyond all praise 赞美不尽         beyond belief难以置信
beyond compare 无与伦比的       beyond description无法形容
beyond words无法用语言表达
2.leave behind忘了带;留下
I\'ve left my pen behind. 我忘了带笔。
I’m afraid we must leave Xiao Lin behind.恐怕我们得把小林留下。
When he went to work in Saudi Arabia, he had to leave his family behind.
* leave sth aside 不考虑           leave alone不打扰       
leave out遗漏                  leave off停止
3.burden n.负担;责任,义务:
The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背着重负而弯腰。
He could not carry the burden alone. 他一人挑不起这副担子。
The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me. 组织这次活动的责任落到了我头上
It is a burden to the people. 这对人民是一种负担。
The burden fell on me. 责任落在我身上。
1.) 加重压于,加负担于,烦扰[(+with)]
The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes. 政府使国民负担重税。
2.) 加负荷于,使载重[(+with)]
He was burdened with a large bundle of magazines. 他吃力地捧着一大捆杂志。
4.desperate [ ] a.危急的;绝望的,极严重的
He was desperate when he lost all his money. 当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。
The prisoners grew increasingly desperate.犯人越来越绝望。
the desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help. 饥饿者脸上那绝望的样子;绝望的呼救声
a desperate illness; 绝症;a desperate situation. 危险境地
5.accustomed [ ] a.
1). 惯常的,通常的
2). 习惯的,适应了的
her accustomed smile她惯常的微笑
He is accustomed to work hard一向勤奋工作
I am accustomed to sleeping late.我习惯于睡得很晚
I\'m not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises.我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。
I’ve been accustomed to looking after them.
It’ll take time for me to accustom myself to the changes.我需要花时间来适应这些变化.
6.starvation [ ]n. 饥饿;挨饿;饿死[U]
The old woman died of starvation. 老妇人被活活饿死。
starve [ ] vi.
1). 饿死
The explorers starved to death in the desert. 探险者们在沙漠中饿死了。
2). 挨饿
3). 【口】饿得慌
Let\'s get something to eat; I\'m starving. 我们吃点东西吧;我饿坏了。
4). 渴望;极需要 (+for)
The plants are starving for water. 这些植物极需要水。
7.anxiety [ ] n.
1). 焦虑,挂念[U][C][(+about/for)]
The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughter\'s health. 母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。
2) 焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事[C][(+to)]
That is a great anxiety to me. 那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情。
3). 渴望[C][(+for)][+to-v]
Their anxiety to go was obvious. 他们想去的急切心情是显而易见的。
8.come to an end 结束
The meeting came to an end at last. 会议终于结束了。
come to a stop 停止 come to a decision 作出决定 come to a conclusion 得出结论
come to a person’s aid 援助某人          come to an arrangement (agreement) 达成协议
All good things must come to an end. 一切好事迟早都会结束。(天下没有不散的宴席。)
at the end of 在...结尾,在....末端     in the end 最后,终于
bring to an end 使…结束           on end on end 竖着, 连续地
make an end of 终止,除掉        end (up) with 以――告终
put an end to 结束,终止          make ends meet 收支相抵
9.lose one’s way become lost 迷路;迷失
Lily lost her way in the woods. 莉莉在森林里迷了路。
feel one’s way   fight one’s way    make one’s way
push one’s way    wind one’s way
Step 3 Translation
1.believe in 信任;信耐
2.stand for 代表;代替
3.adapt to 适宜
4.lose heart 灰心;泄气
5.be cast away (被)抛弃
6.give up 放弃
7.less than 少于;不足
8.set off for 开始(旅程;赛跑);出发
9.move on 继续前进
10.take the way 出发;首途
11.lose one’s way 迷路
12.hang out 伸出
13.in desperate need of 在极度需要的(时候)
14.on our feet=on foot 步行
15.be accustomed to doing sth. (通常用于被动语态)习惯于
16.suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦
17.hurry on to (with) 赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事
18.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事
19.start doing sth. 开始做某事
20.go on all fours 用四肢
21.(at)the edge of of (在)……边缘
22.stare at 瞪视; 凝视
23.come to an end 结束;终止
24.a race against time 与时间赛跑
25.save…from 挽救……免于
26.take up to 占用(时间;空间)
27.at stake 在危险中;关系重大
28.risk one’s life to 冒险去做某事
29.apply…to… 运用;应用
30.add up (两个或两个以上的数量或量)加起来
31.take it easy 别紧张;放松点
32.keep up 维持;保持;使某事处于高水平
33.common sense 常识;情理
34.leave behind 忘带;留下
35. live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存
36.tie up 系;拴;捆
37.go for 为……去;努力获取
          Period 5    Word study and Grammar
Teaching aims:
1. To review the words and expressions learned in the reading.
2. To summarize the usages of the Attribute.
Period 6     Integrating skills
Teaching aims:
1. To get the students to understand some words and phrases in the text.
2. To help the students summarize the main points after they read the dialogue.
Step 1    Skimming
After reading the text, answer the following questions:
(1) What did the dialogue mainly tell us?
The dialogue mainly told us about the history of the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled races.
(2) For what purpose did the people use the dog team?
People used the dog team to deliver the vaccine from Anchorage to Nome.
Step 2    Scanning
Find some information to fill in chart:
             The brief introduction to the story
The time     In the winter of 1925
The place A small city called Nome

The plot A terrible disease called diphtheria struck Nome, but there were no enough vaccine.
Luckily, the doctors found a good supply of it in Anchorage. However, the frozen sea and the shortage of the plane made it impossible to deliver the vaccine fast.So people decided to use a dog team. These dogs and their drivers overcame all the difficulty and worked day and night to make sure the vaccine can arrive on time.

The result The children were saved by the vaccine because of the great efforts made by the dogs and their drivers. In order to remember these heroes, the local people set a bronze sculpture of a dog in New York’s Central Park. This is a memorial to all who
Risked their lives to save those of others.
Step 3   Further reading
Judge whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) The first dog race was a race against time. ( T   )
(2) The disease which struck the Nome was called flu. ( F    )
(3) If doctors couldn’t get enough vaccine, the children would die quite soon. (T )
(4) The doctors could do nothing but use the dog team to deliver the vaccine because there were not enough ships and planes. ( F    )
(5) During the journey, the dogs and their drivers should fight against the hot weather. ( F   )
(6) When the dogs and their drivers arrived on time, they were warmly welcomed. ( F   )
Step 4    Language study
1.anniversary 周年纪念;周年纪念日
a wedding anniversary        the 20th anniversary of our country’s independence
2.deliver: 释放,移交,投递,发表,给予,表达
deliver sb. from sth.把某人从…解救出来 deliver sth to/over sb把某物交付某人.
deliver a message 带信,传话         deliver a speech发表讲话
deliver over (up) (to) 移交,交给       deliver a baby生孩子
He delivered himself up to the police. 他向警方自首了.
I delivered the message and parcel to her. 我把信和包裹交给了她.
3. stake n.桩,水刑柱,赌注      v.系于柱上,打赌
tie sth to a stake把…拴在柱子上        play for high stakes下大赌注赌钱
stake…on…把…押在…上             be at stake 生死攸关
He staked all his hopes on his son’s success as a stateman.
     He left the gambling game when they played for high stakes.
     I’m going to stake $5 on that watch. 那块表我押5 美元.
     Our children’s life is at stake. 孩子们的生命濒临危险.
4. risk n.风险, 保险对象              vt. 冒…的危险
do sth at the risk of one’s life=risk one’s life to do sth冒生命危险去做…
at all risks=at any risk无论冒什么危险,无论如何
at (one’s) risk 有危险
run(take) a risk (risks)=risk doing sth 冒险
If you go out without your raincoat, you run the risk of getting wet.
We can’t risk your catching the measles.我们不能让你冒染上麻疹的危险
Too many lives were at risk. 太多的人有生命危险
5.prevent v.    prevention n.    preventable 可预防的 preventive预防的
prevent sb from doing           prevent disease
Try to prevent fires in dry weather.干旱天气预防火灾
There was nothing to prevent him becoming engaged.没有什么能阻止他订婚
Prevention of illness is better than curing it.防病胜过治病
6.cover vt.掩盖,掩护,包括,走过,支付,报道    n. 盖子,封面
be covered with 盖着…           from cover to cover从头至尾
cover 6 miles    走了6 英里       cover a conference采访会议
cover the expense 负担费用         a cover for…盖子
She covered her face with her hands. 她用手蒙住了脸.  
I didn’t cover as much ground as I had wanted.我没有走完我原打算走的那么多路.
This report covered all aspects of the problem.这个报告涵盖了这个问题的所有层面
Step 5   Translation
1. the eightieth anniversary of sth. …80周年纪念日
2. a race against time 与时间赛跑,抢时间
3. save…from    挽救……免于
4. there was widespread relief 足以令人欣慰
5. Every minute counted/counts. 没分钟都非常关键。
6. up to 一直到,等于
7. at stake   在危险中;关系重大
8. the golden rays of the dawn 黎明的第一道曙光
9. a memorial to sb. / sth. 的纪念馆
10. risk one’s life to do/doing 冒险去做某事   risk doing
11. diseases of that kind 那样的病
12. a historical event 历史事件