鹿晗带你飞新发型:Zacks Investment Research: Proven Stock Ratings Research Recommendations

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The Hidden Bulls of December, 2011
Only a few investors have the tools to spot them.
Fewer still have the temperament and timing to fully profit from them.
(Opportunity closing early: 11:59 pm Saturday, December 10 - Tonight.)

Fellow Investor,
Let me introduce myself. I'm Kevin Cook, Senior Stock Strategist at Zacks.
And today, I couldn't be more excited about the way the markets are shaping up.
In fact, I am about to brief you on four profit sectors that we're tracking with intense interest.
But first I want to show you what's happening right now, behind the scenes, while most traders are unsuccessfully chasing the market.
A handful of professionals are making money. A lot of money.
Even during corrections and recessions. Even while the market thrashes and whipsaws with volatility.
Their Simple Secret
The strategy itself is not hard. The pros know how to "read the minds" of institutional investors, and how to time the market . . .

. . . so they get in and out before the big money does.
They know when irrational doubts and fears are distracting investors from seeing the "Hidden Bulls" until it's too late to fully profit from them.
Let me give you an example: During the depths of the Great Recession in 2009, I saw a unique and massive buying opportunity, and was able to rack up a flurry of double-digit gains in two to six months.
Including a +75.3% gain from Caterpillar (CAT) . . .

a +49.4% gain in Foster Wheeler (FWLT) . . .

and a +200% gain with Apple options (AAPL).
I also recommended taking strong positions through Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), betting on growth in biotechnology, energy, and technology. Within six months, each of these sectors had risen more than +25%.
During those desperate days of March, 2009, I went on national television to talk about the hidden bull opportunities.
Few believed me then. Yet, I considered them to be slam dunks.
Why? Because the market was speaking loudly: We were not headed into the abyss of complete financial meltdown. Companies with real customers for products in real demand were going to continue to pile up profits.
Hidden Bulls Like Those Are Abundant Today
Right now, while the market is swinging up and down, there is plenty of low-hanging fruit for the picking. IF you know where and when to grab it.
But, chances are, you and your friends could use some help in that regard.
Look, most investors are in the same boat. The market sails well into the green and you make money. But maybe you hold your stocks too long and then you lose those gains.
Self doubt runs rampant. It goes something like this:
The market moves upward. Is the rally for real?
The market moves downward. Will the pullback turn into a full-blown correction?
Have I figured it out correctly? Is it too late to take advantage of the upswing or the downswing?
So there you are, selling at the lows. Then -- whoa -- you find that the market was actually about to bounce, and you could have made substantial profits "buying the fear.
You could also have preserved more capital on existing positions if you only had reliable ways to time the market. It seems you just can't make real money unless the U.S. market is flying upward.
Sound familiar? If so, I have something to ask you: Who says you have to buy and hold?
To use a phrase I coined during the last recession, what if you could "buy and trade"?
Why Settle For Waiting Out The Market?
It hurts your portfolio when you get in after the market goes up -- and when you get out after the market goes down.
Why can't you be on the right side of a market swing?
Imagine buying after others have panicked and created the market bottoms. Then riding the upswing, cutting losers early, and staying aboard winners for outsized profits.
Let me put this another way: Why restrict your money-making ambitions to the relatively few periods when the market is most bullish?
The best professionals know that even in the worst of times, there is always a bull market somewhere. There are always great trades out there waiting for a keen eye and shrewd conviction.
These people can profit when the market goes up . . . when the market goes down . . . and when the market goes sideways.
Here's How They Make That Money
For starters, they're up to their elbows in research. They're watching the markets in real time.
Even after Wall Street's closing bell, they're monitoring foreign markets.
They're combing through stock charts and analyst reports. Sifting and sorting through hundreds, even thousands of stocks.
They're searching and waiting. Then buying and selling when the numbers and charts say the odds are in their favor.
This describes the world of the pros at the big trading firms, investment banks, and hedge funds. I call it "total immersion, instant access.
Can You Keep Pace With The Pros?
Can you immerse yourself in rich information networks, with your fingers hovering over the buy and sell buttons? Can you catch the emotional swings to pinpoint bottoms and tops?
Are you willing to devote several hours a day to your investment portfolio?
My guess is that you can't and won't. Few non-professionals can spare that much time. Fewer still have training and instincts refined through years of trial and error.
But that's what it usually takes to invest like the pros.
Since most investors can't compete with Fidelity traders, or Jim Simons at Renaissance Capital, or John Paulson, or a hundred other momentum hit-and-run hedge funds . . .
What Can We Do To Get Similar Outsized Returns?
Fortunately, there is now another alternative. I'm going to show you how to consistently beat the market, buying low and selling high, going short as well as long, and making well-timed options moves.
What's more, you can do all this without the training and toil, and without subjecting yourself to the frenzy of day-trading.
That's Where Our New Zacks Tactical Trader Comes In
This service detects and exploits short-term trading opportunities found in market swings. It's designed to do one thing particularly well: Make money quickly.
And it will fire every weapon in the Zacks arsenal to do that.
I will personally provide you with carefully timed moves and explanations, private market commentary for today and forecasts for tomorrow.
Here's What Prepared Me For This Mission
Now you should know something about my background. As an institutional currency trader for nearly a decade, I traded $100 million dollars per day in the hyper-kinetic world of cash-futures arbitrage.
I was a market-maker in the biggest market in the world -- $4-trillion-dollar-a-day interbank currency. And I provided liquidity to the biggest banks and hedge funds in the world.
Like a jungle guerilla-fighter in a war of titans, I learned how the big guys shift money and execute strategies that catch the big moves every week.
During my tours of duty on the trading desks of all three of the major "theaters of operation" -- Asia, Europe, and North America -- I traded over 1 million futures contracts and nearly $200 billion in currency.
And having my mind tuned to all the major economies of the world 24/7, I developed a natural sense for what moves money around the globe.
The Money Trail
For years, I've followed the money moves of institutional portfolio managers and studied their behavior.
I know how they think, what their job descriptions dictate they must do.
They aren't the ones selling at the bottom before the market turns. But when the market sells off to new lows and then reverses as it did on October 4, 2011, you know they're behind it.
As mentioned earlier, I became very bullish at the bottom of the Great Recession in 2009 and harvested substantial gains based on that conviction.

Then, as the market continued to rebound, I made triple-digit options gains on stocks like Ford, Suncor, Chesapeake, Eaton, Marathon, Veeco Instruments, Sandisk, Apple, and Google.
In November 2009, I was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on CNBC about the moves in gold as it was making new highs above $1,150.
My forecast was that it would vault to $2,000 in the next 18 months.
This turned out to be just short of spot-on. Gold reached $1,900 rather than $2,000. And it took 21 months not 18.

One month after that call on gold, the first cracks began to appear in Greece. I went on CNBC three times over the next six months and said to sell the euro currency at $1.47, $1.38, and $1.33 . . .
. . . all before it finally fell to $1.18 in June, 2010.
And when the U.S. markets were severely rattled by the Flash Crash of May, 2010, I went on CNN with Richard Quest in London to reassure the Europeans that the impact would be negligible and that the bull market was not over.

After a typical summer correction in 2010, the S&P made new highs by early November. Meanwhile, in early 2010, I made IBM my "safe money" pick to outperform the S&P 500 for the next three years.
Why IBM? The same reason Warren Buffett recently picked up $10 billion worth of shares.
IBM plays a dominant role in enterprise services. Its "smart grid" energy efficient technology serves dozens of local governments throughout Europe and Asia.
As of Q3 2011, this stock has beaten the market by almost 4 to 1!
But it wasn't until April, 2011 that "the lights really went on" for me.
That's when I joined Zacks, and began to use their time-tested fundamental model to screen thousands of stocks instantly, every day, based on Len Zacks' discovery:
The most powerful force that moves stock prices
is earnings estimate revisions.
For me, this was a transforming revelation. It meant I could get the most out of my market swing predictions by focusing on specific companies that are firing up to outperform (or underperform) others in their sectors.
Armed with the Zacks Rank, I have a higher probability of knowing where the big money is going weeks before it gets there.
What Can This Mean For You?
It means you can be on top of events rather than operating in their aftermath.
For example, when I called the summer 2011 slide, I first warned on May 31 that "the highest probability scenario is for the market to move sideways to lower.
The U.S. economy was slowing down and European monetary problems were heating up. Then it happened . . . the event that took the market swiftly down.
No, it wasn't the Debt Ceiling Debacle . . . it was the GDP report of July 29 that told us the economy only grew at +0.85% in the first half of 2011!
This was the most stunning fact to money managers.
Then, on top of that news, Congress couldn't agree on a budget that would assure our creditor nations like China and Japan that we would pay our debts. This shook confidence around the world.
Could the U.S. recovery be stalling so badly as to slip into recession? Now that was troubling!
All of a sudden, portfolio managers had to re-work their equity valuation models. The newest input was "50% chance of recession!"
For Some Of Us, This Weak Market Offered A Strong Opportunity
On August 3, when the S&P dipped to 1,250, I warned to "Look Out Below!" because the crack of support at 1,250 was about to give way like a bursting dam, and my new target was 1,200.
The next day, the S&P fell 60 points -- nearly 5% in one day -- to close at exactly 1,200!
On August 5, I reported that we had just entered "The Recession Waiting Game" and that the market would range-trade between 1,150 and 1,250 for the next 3 months until fund managers had more data. Few made that prediction.
Then, on August 16, when the S&P slipped to 1,100, I told Zacks readers that we had entered an "EXTREME VALUE AREA." Long-term investors should buy their favorite stocks with both hands at that level.
And in late August, I painted a picture for investors and traders where the S&P could actually fall below 1,100, but that this would be a capitulation day.
It would be a very loud signal to buy.

Well, we got that dip on October 4, and it came within a stone's throw of my target of 1,050 on the S&P. Then the market rebounded 50 points in the last hour of trading. Exciting for those who shared our timing strategy!
You see, I never bought into the "double-dip recession" that so many were predicting. Instead, my followers were told to consider buying certain stocks anytime they dipped below a specified price.

For example, my $85 target for buying Cummins (CMI) was reached when the market dipped October 4.
Less than a month later, it had jumped to over $100. Think how much fun you would have had with that sharp, fast climb.
In fact, immediately after the October 4 dip, I recommended loading up on the bull side because the bottom was in.
And we rode the rally.
Will all of our Tactical Trader predictions be as successful as that? Of course not. But recent market turbulence is creating trading setups that most investors never see.
The Power Of Patterns
These patterns have enabled me to correctly call SIX market swings in a period of little more than two months.
For example, as the S&P 500 was bouncing off a new support level around 1,140, I said "Greece wasn't such a tragedy for our markets -- or for Europe!"
So I recommended going long on the market, buying the 3X Leveraged S&P 500 ETF (UPRO) at $50 on September 12.

Then I forecast that the market would trade to the top of a big "bear flag channel" formation around 1,220 to 1,240.
But I also warned that "the bottom was not in!" The purpose of our UPRO trade was take advantage of a temporary upswing, because the market would soon fall to S&P 1,050 in a classic capitulation.
Yes, we got our rally to S&P 1,220 and sold our UPRO shares for $57.50. That amounted to a +15% gain in only 5 days.
And then the market fell for the next two weeks, before hitting 1,075, almost exactly what the pattern showed me.
Four Profit Opportunities On Today's Watch List
As of now, I am closely monitoring four areas that can make significant money for us no matter which way the market breaks.
We're looking to profit from broad swings in . . .
Currencies (notably the Euro and the Aussie Dollar)
Plus, as the Euro Debt Crisis drags on, we'll explore opportunities arising from the problems of the PIIGS -- Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain.
Every negative turn seems to stir up doubts and fears that send ripples through U.S. markets. But that can be very lucrative for us. Emotions like these lead to swings that churn up Extreme Value Areas.
We Can Make Most Of Our Money While Other Investors Behave Irrationally
That's when we'll apply the principles of "Behavioral Finance." And follow Zacks Rank and other fundamental signals to determine when the time is right to buy and sell.
We'll exploit these market swings with individual stocks, ETFs, options techniques like straddles and strangles, and more.
Here's The Beauty Of This Arrangement:
As a member of Tactical Trader, you can receive email alerts showing exactly what to do and when to do it. Starting today.
In other words, you can benefit from all of our moves without shadowing companies and markets for hours a day.
And there's something else that investors outside the world of Zacks Investment Research will find remarkable:
Two Powerful Guarantees:
The first simply ensures your satisfaction. Unconditionally. It provides a full refund within 90 days if you decide to cancel for any reason.

The second is a unique full-refund performance guarantee. We feel that you shouldn't have to pay for Tactical Trader if it doesn't beat the market.Details. In other words, you may claim a 100% refund of your annual subscription.
But let me assure you. This performance guarantee isn't just for a few days or weeks. It's good for your full year of membership.

Plus, there's another incentive if you join us now. You'll save a great deal of money.
Join Before 11:59 pm Today, While Tactical Trader Is Still Open To You
This is a restricted service that will close to new investors December 10, TODAY, because of tremendous demand. To maximize profits for our members, we must restrict the number of people who share its quick in-and-out moves.
For investors who are admitted into this service, the regular annual cost will be $1495 for private daily alerts and market insights, plus a full array of stock, option, and ETF moves to take advantage of market swings.
That in itself would be quite a bargain.
Yet, today, you can get in for only $995. That amounts to less than $3 a day. You'll save $500 byjoining now.
Another attractive benefit is that you may be able to use your Tactical Trader membership as a federal tax deduction.

We don't offer tax advice - please check with your tax specialist for specific IRS guidelines on deductions.
Free Bonus Guide
Plus, you get a valuable Free Bonus that shows how to get the utmost benefit from this service.
It's the Tactical Trader Guide, quick-read handbook for limiting your losses and maximizing your gains.
Closing Early. Don't Miss Your Entry Point.

Here's What To Expect As A Member Of Tactical Trader:

Private daily alerts and commentary.

Typically, 10 stocks or positions are on the board at any one time -- it's easy to follow them.

Holding periods are expected to average 1 to 12 weeks.

Full-refund 90-day satisfaction guarantee.

Bonus Tactical Trader Guide.

A $500 Charter Member savings
Please don't forget that this is a restricted service and we can't allow everyone to get in on our fast-breaking moves.
It was slated to close December 12 but due to tremendous demand, we are closing it early, December 10 - Today.
So I strongly encourage you tojoin right now.
Remember, you're covered by two full-refund guarantees, so don't hesitate to get started.
Call us toll-free at 1.888.775.8348. Outside the U.S., 1.312.265.9239. Phones are answered 9 am to 5 pm weekdays.
Or just click here to join online.
I look forward to our time together as we ride both upward and downward market swings. Let's cash in on bulls that are hidden from most of the world's investors.
We'll use the full arsenal of Zacks research and tactics to make money in every direction.
I'm Kevin Cook, and here's to great prosperity in the days and years ahead.
Happy holidays to you and your family. Thank you and good trading!

Kevin Cook
Senior Stock Strategist

Early Closing: Access Now Ends 11:59 pm Saturday, December 10 -- Tonight. No Extensions
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