怎么查看主板电池状态:真实生活英语Unit4:Traveling 旅游

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真实生活英语Unit4:Traveling 旅游
II. Leisure闲暇Unit 4 Traveling
旅 游Part One: Expressions1. Where’s the nearest tourist infomp3ation center?
2. What’s the best way to get to the museum?
3. What time does it close?
4. Can you recommend a good hotel?
5. I’d like a window seat, please.
6. Is the flight leaving on time?
7. What’s the gate number?
8. What time are we boarding?
9. Is there an entrance fee?
10. Do you have any infomp3ation about the river cruise?
关于坐船游览是怎么样的?Part Two: Dialogues1. Tourist Infomp3ation 游客信息(咨询)
A: Excuse me.
B: Yes?
A: Do you have any infomp3ation about the city sights?
B: Sure. There’s a lot here in this pamphlet.
A: Thank you. And what’s the best way to get downtown?
B: Take the subway. It’s $1.50 per ride. You can buy a metro card at the station.
A: You’ve been very helpful.
B: My pleasure.
A: 打扰一下。
B: 什么事?
A: 关于市区观光有没有信息可以提供?
B: 当然有。这本小册子里面有很多介绍。
A: 谢谢。去商业中心怎么走最好?
B: 坐地铁。单程是1.5美元。你可以在地铁站买到地铁卡。
A: 你帮了我的大忙。
B: 很乐意为你服务。2. Traveling by Plane飞机旅行
A: Can I see your ticket please?
B: Here you are.
A: Ok, Mr. Smith. Do you have any bags to check?
B: Just this one.
A: And would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
B: Aisle, please.
A: Boarding time is 10:20am.
B: What’s the gate number?
A: Gate 29C. Have a nice flight.
A: 您的票呢?
B: 给你。
A: 哦,史密斯先生,你有什么行李要托运的吗?
B: 就这一个。
A: 你想要一个靠窗的位子,还是靠过道的。
B: 靠过道的。
A: 登机时间是上午10点20分。
B: 在几号门?
A: 29C。祝您航程愉快。3. Hotels 酒店
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, do you have any rooms available?
A: A single?
B: No. I need a double and three triples. My family is waiting for me in the car.
A: Please fill out this fomp3, sir.
B: Ok…Here you are.
A: Here are your keys. Check out time is noon.
B: Is breakfast included?
A: No.
A: 我能为您效劳吗?
B: 是的,你们还有房间吗?
A: 单人间吗?
B: 不是,我需要一个双人间和三个三人间。我家人在车里等我。
A: 请填一下这张表,先生。
B: 好的。给你。
A: 这是钥匙。退房时间是中午。
B: 包早餐吗?
A: 不包括在内。Part Three: Substitutions1. A: Do you have any infomp3ation about (city sights/ transportation/ hotel rooms)?
  B: Sure, it’s all in this pamphlet.
当然,这本小册子里都有。2. A: Can you tell me the best way to get to (downtown/ the theater/ the river)?
  B: Take bus No. 4.
坐4路公共汽车。3. A: You’ve been very (helpful/ kind/ considerate).
  B: My pleasure.
你(帮了我的忙/真好/ 想得真周到)。
非常乐意。4. A: Do you have any fomp3 of identification?
  B: Here’s my (passport/ driver’s license/ member’s card).
这是我的(护照/驾驶执照/会员卡)。5. A: Any seat preferences?
  B: Yes, I’d like (a window/ a middle/ an aisle) seat, please.
有,我想坐(靠窗/中间/靠过道)的座位。6. A: When do we (board/ depart/ arrive)?
  B: At 6:49pm.
下午6点49分。7. A: Have a nice (flight/ trip/ time)!
  B: See you!
再见。8. A: Do you have a (single/ double/ triple) room available?
B: For how many nights?
住几个晚上?9. A: Is (breakfast/ tip/ laundry service) included?
  B: No.
不包括。10. A: Any other questions?
   B: When is (check-out time/ breakfast finished/ the karaoke room open)?
Part Four: Monologue“Traveling involves so much stress! Preparation is especially hard - trying to arrange the transportation, accommodation, and time off from work.  Packing isn’t easy. How can you possibly know everything you may or may not need in a place that’s largely unknown to you? Assuming you ever reach your destination, you have to communicate with people who often don’t speak your language and you have to navigate your way around an area you have no idea about. How are you supposed to relax under such conditions? And all that money you’re spending!  For what?  I don’t get it at all.” 
--George Threadborne, disgruntled traveler
                          --不满的旅客            乔治·斯瑞得-- pamphlet  小册子
-- aisle  通道,走道
-- boarding time 上(船、车)的时间
-- gate  大门;栅栏门
-- available  可用的,可利用的
-- included  被包括的
-- transportation 运输工具;交通车辆
-- preference 更加的喜爱,偏爱
-- identification  身份证明;身份证
--accommodation  住处;膳宿