macbookpro如何装软件:ipmitool interface to check warning led statu...

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ipmitool interface to check warning led status?

Ryan Cox ryan_cox at
Mon Sep 12 13:09:18 CDT 2011

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I usually use ipmitool for lots of things but found that SNMP works well for this.  I don't remember off the top of my head what the return values are, but "3" is healthy.Here is some random line noise (from a bash script) that I hacked together a while back.  It has a function for getting blade status as well as the chassis status of a Dell M1000e.  It has been tested with M610's and M910's.  Hopefully it's at least somewhat intelligible.  There were some oddities in a few things, if I remember right, that I don't feel like looking up at the moment which are the cause of some of the interesting "|" and "||" parts.  The code below correctly handles all of them and hasn't failed us yet with >900 blades over the year the script has been in use.  Let me know if you have any questions.Hope this helps.Ryan Cox================================================function checkchassis {     local retval=$(/opt/net-snmp/bin/snmpwalk -M /root/dell_mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs -c public -v2c "$1" DELL-RAC-MIB::drsChassisStatusGroup 2>/dev/null |grep Curr |egrep -v 'drsGlobalCurrStatus|Blade' |grep -q critical && echo 5 || echo 3)     if (($retval==3))     then         return     fi     # ...     # code to add the problem to a database}function checkblade {     local retval=$(/opt/net-snmp/bin/snmpget -t 1 -r 1 -M /root/dell_mibs:/opt/net-snmp/share/snmp/mibs -m /root/dell_mibs/rac_host.mib -c public -v2c -O qve $1-idrac DELL-RAC-MIB::drsGlobalSystemStatus.0 2>/dev/null || echo -n '3')     local slot=$(/opt/net-snmp/bin/snmpget -t 1 -r 1 -M /root/dell_mibs:/opt/net-snmp/share/snmp/mibs -m /root/dell_mibs/rac_host.mib -c public -v2c -O qve $1-idrac DELL-RAC-MIB::drsProductSystemSlot.0 2>/dev/null || echo -n 'FAIL')         #slot already has double quotes around it     if [[ "$slot" != "FAIL" ]]     then         # track location of the host in case it accidentally gets swapped         # ...         # code to set the location of the blade in the chassis to a database     fi     if (($retval!=3))     then         # ...         # code to add the problem to a database     fi}================================================On 08/22/11 15:03, Howard Powell wrote:> I am writing a small php-generated website to monitor a rack of equipment in a remote room.  One of the things I've been able to do successfully is get ipmitool to query the ambient and/or internal operating temperatures of each server in my rack and display these as hover overs on the website.>> One feature I'd love to add is a quick green or yellow/red "dot" on the page that reflects the status of the chassis warning LED on the front or back of the server.>> I've found that I can query the delloem sysinfo part of ipmitool and get a status, but in some cases an event that generates an error in the system (such as a watchdog reset) will trigger the blinking LED but still shows up as status: ok in ipmitool.>> Another attempt was to read the sel list and try to grab anything that's not "normal", but there are situations where the LED is blue while a warning is in the sel (such as ambient temp warnings that are now OK).>> Can anyone suggest an ipmi sensor that I can query with ipmitool (from OpenIPMI) that might give me a more accurate idea of what state the system is in (or as it may be, what color the led is indicating)?>> Thanks!> Howard>>>> Howard Powell> hbp4c at>>>>>>> _______________________________________________> Linux-PowerEdge mailing list> Linux-PowerEdge at> Ryan CoxSystems AdministratorFulton Supercomputing LabBrigham Young University-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: 

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