雪铁龙c5导航重启:Stabilize the location of your new leader

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 00:02:34


                       Stabilize the location of your new leader

With the above;

When the U.S. clothing giant Gap Inc. announced the hiring of former Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chairman Pressler (Paul Pressler) as the new CEO, the parties talking.
People compete to ask: "Who is this guy? His retail, fashion and apparel industry in the end understand?"

Become the world's largest clothing retailer's CEO at the beginning of the professional, Pressler was faced with enormous challenges. As from the customers, the company's declining sales and profits plummeting.
Staff morale is also at the lowest point.

However, the beginning of one hundred days in office, Pressler cleverly through their own words and actions, decisions and measures, will be quickly pushed the Gap's revival track.
Specific action plans in advance, before he took eight key steps - that took hundred days of the "eight-point plan."

Activities to prepare

Running before the game, you must first do some preparations before getting on the starting line. As Gillette (Gillette) 70-year history, the first from outside the company's CEO, Jier Ci (Jim Kilts) before the formal inauguration (the first public announcement from the company appointed a new leadership to the new leadership took office the first day between the formal that period of time, known as the countdown period, the "countdown" phase - Editor's note), the company conducted a thorough investigation.
Jier Ci said, "I try from a competitor's point of view to assess the Gillette Company." In the countdown, please follow the following guidelines.

fully understand the situation.
Use of public information and internal documents available on the company's strategy, competitive position and financial situation to assess.

with the most insightful people exchanges, including employees, alumni, customers, suppliers and industry analysts, listen to their insights.

Do not be finalized in advance with a new strategy to take over the work, because these strategies may be wrong, incomplete, or lack of crowd support.
Instead, you should return all of the information collected into four five themes to explore the research, the main energy into it.

Determine the time in which the key to which the manager or staff to make you want to know what the problem. Question about the number of five or six, to each person asked the same question.
This will establish mutual trust, and help to identify important issues.

in professional training or expertise, their knowledge, lack of ability or experience to assess.

the use of countdown, with the boss, the board of directors and future colleagues to establish a strong relationship, so open-minded and able to absorb the views.

to deal with family problems in order to meet future critical business challenges.
It makes you better to focus on new work, as little as possible to be distracted by the family.

Agree on the desired target

New leaders to hit the ground running, setting up a reasonable goal is one of the things most important thing.
McNerney CEO of 3M (Jim McNerney) suggested: "Before accepting a new position, you should find common ground with everyone." Guiding principles are as follows.

Board of Directors or the hiring manager asked: "What is the goal of this appointment?" Ensure that important goal to find common ground.

the first time in management meetings to introduce themselves, be prepared to answer the following questions: Who am I? My background? Why do I accept this position? I hope to accomplish?
What I hope cooperate with you?

Note that in the early first met, and other meetings, the majority of employees will be with a "selfish" listen to your speech: "This new CEOs come, good or bad for me?"

In the initial management meetings, not just a face to face or exchanged greetings.
Rather, it is to express your expectations of each other, manage to convey the concept of work and establish the tone for the next few weeks a great time.

In the first hundred days before the day of or the whole, you do not get all the answers, do not ask a lot of problems.
When you hear a good question, we should think twice before answer, if there is no right answer to each other to ensure that the future will answer and say to do.

only do a "announcer" and also do a "listener."
In other words, we must learn to listen to others and learning.

Do not be limited to one to one exchange within the company.
Possible and appropriate in the circumstances, more with customers, suppliers, industry analysts to communicate, understand their views.

to consolidate what they know, and communicated to the business object to make a return. Through memos, lectures, and video channels such as local area to carry out.
This will help you and we reach a consensus on the current situation and help you gain broader support.

Excellent management team set up

For anyone, to single-handedly solve all the problems are not possible. You need is not a management team, but a good team. "My job is to set goals, and so that we understand and implement," JCPenney Company, former CEO of Qwest Roma (Allen Questrom) said.
Guidelines are as follows.

If you want to better achieve the vision and strategic plan, the first to do is build a strong team.
with management guru Jim Collins (Jim Collins) words is: "seek first person, after look for a job (First who, then what)."

Do not pick the background like an assistant.
Formation of the team, the enthusiasm to find those with similar values, and skills were complementary.

You know, everyone has their own strengths, there is inevitably inadequate.
Formation of the team, allow everyone to maximize their potential and achieve one plus one is greater than the parts.

clear understanding of their management team's ability to achieve your aspirations. Understand the basic situation of each member of the team, but also found he was able to do something for the whole team.
The challenge, according to the company to determine the composition of the team members to help you work better, and you want to reflect the implementation of the enterprise's values ??and standards.

assessment of the former manager left, and they discussed the state of affairs, to root out the details of the assessment by the operator.
If they can not take responsibility for good, or can not complete the task, it may need to adjust personnel.

Unless the company is facing an urgent crisis, do not immediately make important personnel changes.
If you give them an opportunity to establish clear goals, or pressure on the burden to them, these people may be a huge burst of energy.

You need some trustworthy, cautious and have a good sense of partnership or "confidant."
You can communicate with them to discuss sensitive personnel decisions, to collect ideas - especially in a frank exchange of people do not want the case.

To note the influence of his predecessor.
Recognition of your predecessor, or in some cases, maintenance, he would bring some continuity in the sense of the company, and his own past experiences with the staff together.

formation of the team, we should note that the methods used to motivate them.
Good leaders will continue to adjust their management style, tolerance of ideas, rather than static approach to the senior team affairs.

Set a reasonable strategy for scheduling

For any leader, the most important one is that leadership is really important matters, and the priority of some listed. Eskew (Michael Eskew) as United Parcel Service (UPS) of the CEO, the company's efficiency has made substantial progress. He formed the senior management team, and companies need to provide the services, should attract people, want to handle the transaction and complete the work strategies listed.
Guidelines are as follows.

your time than you imagined and more. Within the first 100 days, you do not have to publish a complete strategic plan.
You want the company to clear the way forward, and not tied to a mature program.

Develop schedule, to the company (or department) to diagnose the problem, we must first understand the customer's view, then to clear the company should pursue in the end is.

strictly limit the number of projects and priorities, so we are not too easy to forget.

Develop short-term schedule, do not make promise, but must do better than promised.

introduction of a clear plan to solve the change in the face of cultural problems and obstacles.

clear operating procedures, including the daily work of the conference, papers and reports formats.

consolidate the initial results, looking for obvious flaws within the enterprise quickly be corrected in order to enhance their credibility as leaders.

Do not be a perfectionist.
You just continue to push forward the strategic agenda of work in it, make adjustments as necessary.

Understand and change the corporate culture

For any new leader, the most important thing is to understand the corporate culture and determine the need to make changes.
IBM's Gerstner (Lou Gerstner) said: "Culture is not one aspect of the game - it is the game itself." Guiding principles are as follows.

As a new leader, to try to understand the corporate culture, a clear need to do much to change this and take appropriate steps to change.

Many new leaders fail because they can not reason is that the culture within the enterprise stubborn resistance, resulting in farther and farther down the wrong path.

assessment of corporate culture, we must first listen and observe. For example: How do people describe this place?
Words are powerful clues, the most common words, behind the true meaning.

Next, to understand the "way of doing things here."
To discover information dissemination network, with significant influence people and unwritten practices.

It is important to understand that even with the boss or the board of directors authorized, not necessarily everything works.
To know the other source of strength, but also to try to get the support of these forces.

prepare for the cultural transformation.
Introduction of new assessment methods, develop new work processes, select the new management team, establish new goals, find agents of change, and to lead by example.

The first step must be valuable. New leader assumed office, the people most likely to accept change when.
Through careful planning, the formation of long-term culture of enterprise carry out a detailed and specific structural changes, your influence will be magnified.

Remember, too much will ruin the reform of the corporate culture - or that will ruin the agents of change.
Slowly, to keep the enterprise to assess changes in tolerance, get feedback and continue the reform process to make adjustments.

Establish a good relationship with superiors

For any new work, the key to the success of one with your boss or the board of directors to establish a good working relationship.
Specific guidelines are as follows.

understand the boss or the board of directors explicit or implicit motives.
You do not only achieve your goals, but also enable them to succeed and maintain its reputation.

If you are a new CEO, it is best to chat with each board member to see what they want.

If you are not a CEO, then the new boss told you to talk about, talk about what he or she enjoy the work, a clear priority to complete tasks, and communicate with them. For example, he used a more formal written reports or progress reports from time to time? She prefers to be by e-mail or letter contact?
If you are a CEO, board of directors of training in one or more counterparts.

with your boss or the board of directors to establish effective communication channels, including formal communication, such as monthly management reports; and informal communication, such as telephone contact before each meeting, an informal meeting or dinner with the boss and the individual directors.

Establish a regular basis with the Board or the boss feedback mechanism.

To communicate effectively

For effective leadership, communication skills are one of the most important factor. Time Warner (Time Warner) Parsons (Richard Parsons) that you let everyone see the same side, and can understand what you mean, you need "more contact with people, meet with them to create opportunities for more with people exchanges. "
Guidelines are as follows.

Know your audience, so that you can better organize your messages posted, in order to better meet their needs.

When presenting your point of view, interspersed with some of the stories, which can make you want to convey ideas more concrete.

Effective communication must not only pass the message, it is a continuous release and receive, in the process the parties to exchange ideas, and can make adjustments before the conclusion.

On various occasions, in various ways to communicate, and to repeat to communicate this way to enhance the message you convey and reasonable allocation of time.

Learn to communicate your most comfortable environment - in the middle of a crowd of people or a small group of people in the middle?
And then choose based on your communication strengths.

To understand how to convey his own signal. In the first days, you have been watching every move in the eyes, and your communication, including messages and implied external signals (such as the way you dress, the allocation of time, the form of communication) will be
exchanges play an immediate effect.

know all the answers are often the wrong answer. People need you to listen and absorb the information.
If you stop and ask questions, or to learn more come back to the data analysis of the problem, you will lose people's trust.

direct access to information from the other mouth.
This requires a lot of time invested, but you will get people more confidence, but also make shareholders more trust you that this will significantly exceed the return on your pay.

Ten traps to avoid

You need to find new leaders and to avoid the most common problems, so it may establish in the first 100 days in a solid foundation, and after one hundred days and even in the days get longer-term motivation.
Ten new leaders fall into the trap easily.

Setting unrealistic goals. "The new leader, the most representative of the trap is in a very short period of time you want to do a million things. This way you are likely to be too full of words, to make excessive promises." GlobalSpec's base
Lin (Jeff Kileen) said.

Or hasty decision-making, analysis of the right or left-analysis, the delay in making a decision. "Do not be too fast to make a promise," Sears (Sears), CEO Lance (Alan Lacy) said.
However, you can not drag an uncertain decision-making has always been.

Trying to do an omniscient person. Another serious problem is, I believe his omnipotence.
If you do not have can not admit that he is, you can not get from other people valuable information.

Identity can not escape the past.
Do not talk too often or your company's past work, this may make people feel unhappy.

Everything is the last to know. Do not put yourself and other people to "isolate" open.
"Tell everyone that you would rather hear bad news, do not do not know anything," said Gillette's Jier Ci.

Denied without any explanation.
If you flatly rejected under the proposal will make the other side of fear, so many talented people to switch to the other party.

Himself as a savior. Savior that only they can assume the task of revitalizing businesses. This will make them into a disaster. Not only that, himself as a lone hero, let your managers know what to do.
As Ji Erci to say: "You can lead, but ultimately only by the staff to achieve goals."

Misunderstanding of the source of power. Most successful business leaders can accurately find the true source of power. 16-year reign, respected CEO Goizueta of Coca-Cola (Roberto Goizueta) on the power source within the company effective management.
Every day he would call the two leaders of major shareholders and board of directors, the latest results communicated to them the situation, and thus maintain their support.

Choose the wrong priorities. New leaders really should focus on problem areas, but if you ignore their own strengths it wrong.
Kodak Kepei Min (Dan Kerpelman) suggested: "a lot of time into all of the key matters to ensure greater success."

Former deliberately derogatory. In any case, we must keep enough of your predecessor, respect, regardless of how you really think. "The new CEO may inadvertently committed many errors," the former CEO of Compaq Pratt (Lew Platt), said: "However, the most common mistake is to criticize the former committed any errors."