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Ye: cultural power "vitality" in whereDecember 14, 2011 07:49 sources:PRC-the People's Daily overseas edition"Ye: cultural power "vitality", the communist party of China where news
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Cultural prosperity should be, but is not only the rise of cultural industry, culture productivity of active.The party's 16 big reports pointed out, the power of culture is deeply rooted in the nation's vitality, creativity and cohesion of.Must put carrying forward and fostering national spirit as a crucial task in our cultural development.

Cultural power, first in the up and down the country strong, to all have so a stream of gas, YiGuJin, a stream of the vigor.

"The vigor"?"In all he found thousands of degrees, suddenly look back, that person but in the lights dim."

I don't understand painting, also dare not have been high FanCeng sir.But listening to a lot of people kua his painting how to "start as god".Hear much, curious, to nankai university lecture, quietly to see a art.Sure enough, the series "Lao tze through figure", is superb, really "the gods"-was appearing a shares the vigor, make the person into the mindsets, is a relaxed and happy.

FanCeng again read of the method are ChuanDeng "album, you see a buddhist monk stood there, the expression, the look in the eyes, clear also appearing a shares the vigor.Whether you appreciate a painting for common sense, to Buddha for the fate, good, is this the vigor!

"Method" like milk, the eternal such as "light", want to pass, that the vigor.

As western takes the lead in realizing modernization, "modernity" is often known as western.Several national country unceasingly in the implements, system and conception, in the mode of production and life styles imitate western."Three pieces of culture"-American computer chips, Hollywood blockbuster movie, McDonald's Fried potato chips, with globalization and sweeping the globe.But the western "universal value", but clearly the lack vitality.Modern triggered a fan of modern disease by heart thing, let a person unsuspecting target we grow old by deserting our ideas, upset you, high YuHeNanTian more heart.

Undeniable, since the Renaissance humanism of carry forward, created the modern human civilization glory.But the intersection of human civilization has walked to quantitative change to the qualitative change of the critical point, the ecological crisis, financial crisis, social crisis...A variety of crisis calls humanism in of negation of negation in the sense of inherit and carry forward, both must emphasize as individual freedom and rights, respect the person's instinctive desires, not "do justice, still out";Also want to restrain the person's excessive inflation, do not go to the other extreme, "still, out for justice".Human desire of unlimited expansion, will cause the human self-destruction.British historian for soup than before, "to avoid the way human suicide, in that now the peoples have the most prepared in two thousand, is to foster the unique thinking method of the Chinese nation."Including that Confucianism, Buddhism, of Chinese traditional culture, it contains the sustainable development of human wisdom, appearing a shares the vigor.

The vitality of the carrier, moist Chinese culture "law breast", save human crisis "ChuanDeng", is a "and" word."The ritual use of the mu, first, WangZhiDao, a beautiful."

"And" of the spirit, is a kind of admit, a kind of respect, a grateful, a kind of harmony."And" texture, and different is, each other containing, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, symbiosis were long."And" the way, is the dialogue for understanding, get along;To consensus seeking unity, works together;To include to seek harmony, harmonious development."And" means, are divided on the basis of 2 for one, and different on the basis of seeking common ground while putting aside differences, benign competition on the basis of the progressive innovation, I for all on the basis of everybody for me."And" philosophy, is "elements", both containing, more preferred;Both fusion more breakthrough;Both inherited, more innovation, is of economics-conflicts designation, food and turn, good advice, beauty of the trend."And" knows, is mei, beauty, beauty of mei mei, the world with the United States.

"The vigor"?The method ChuanDeng milk ", though a brochure, also can give a person to inspiration, urged the people looking for, and people thought."Method" like milk, the eternal such as "light"."And" is the most expensive, "harmony" the honour.

(the author for our guest commentators, the Chinese culture, vice President of the college)

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2011年12月14日07:49   来源:人民网-《人民日报海外版》叶小文:文化强国的“精气神”在哪里--中国共产党新闻
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  “和”的精神,是一种承认,一种尊重,一种感恩,一种圆融。“和”的特质,是和而不同,互相包容,求同存异,共生共长。“和”的途径,是以对话求理解,和睦相处;以共识求团结,和衷共济;以包容求和谐,和谐发展。 “和”的方式,是一分为二基础上的合二为一,和而不同基础上的求同存异,良性竞争基础上的奋进创新,我为人人基础上的人人为我。“和”的哲学,是“会通”,既有包容,更有择优;既有融合更有贯通;既有继承,更有创新,是一以贯之、食而化之、从善如流、美而趋之。“和”的佳境,是各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下和美。

