ff14国际服莫古站:[已译] THE SECRETS OF FEMALE SEXUALITY 女性性之谜(3)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 06:45:25
How I Ran A Phone Sex Line For Women To Call
After my divorce in 1992, I felt very defeated and alone. I had
custody of our two small children, and thus in the evenings I was
stuck at home. So, after I put the children to bed, I turned to the
There was a singles magazine in our area where people put in
personal ads. You would read through the ads and decide which
women to call. You would then call a 900 number and leave a
message and your number. The ladies would then listen to their
messages and decide who to call back.
That was back in the days before there was caller ID. The women
could call and know that you had no way of knowing who they really
were or where they lived. So there was that anonymity which gave
them safety.
I picked women who were recently divorced and about thirty years
old. So when they would call, the rapport would build quickly as we
had much in common and much to talk about.
I would build common ground, based on our similar situations of
having gone through a divorce. This allowed her to feel comfortable
with me.
I also became very good at establishing an emotional connection
with a woman on the telephone. This is critically important. Women
are emotional creatures and they need to establish a connection before
they can feel free to continue further.
Since she understood my situation, I would say to her, “I really
enjoy talking to you. I feel like I can tell you anything, and you
understand it and accept it.” She would reply, “Oh yes, I do!”
This served to make her feel that she could tell me anything as well
and that I would fully understand it and accept it. Thus they would
open up even further.
理解和接受它. 她回回答.当然,我会.这让她感觉她同样可以把任何事情告诉我,同样我也会
For many of these women, by the end of their marriage, they no
longer felt sexual. They weren’t having orgasms, even by
masturbating. They didn’t even fantasize. There was no point in it
They had left their marriages for various reasons, but in all cases
the sex had become boring. Their husbands were lousy lovers. I
asked these women, “Was it because he had a small penis?” They
would reply, “Well, actually, no.”
我问她们,是因为她丈夫阴茎小的原因么?  她们回答:"哎,实际上完全不是."
Many of them had affairs with exciting lovers. They talked about
how much their lover turned them on. So I asked these women, “Was
it because he had a big penis?” They would reply, “Well, actually,
So it didn’t have anything to do with the size of the man’s penis.
The women were lonely. They were reaching out in the dark to talk
to another human being, to have thoughtful human interaction.
For them it was therapeutic to share their secrets, even with an
anonymous person. And because it was anonymous, they were
completely open and honest. I became very good at getting them to
open up and share.
I would ask them, “What do you really want in a man?” They
would describe that, or at least try to describe it to the best of their
ability. Often they didn’t really know themselves; they just knew
what they wanted to feel. The important thing is that they started to
feel those feelings while they were on the phone with me.
So I would then ask them, “How would that make you feel to be
with such a man?” They would begin to describe that. In order to
describe it, they had to imagine feeling it. This caused them to
actually begin to feel those feelings and imagine that they were really
with that man. And because they were talking to me, and had rapport
with me, those feelings got associated to me on a subconscious level.
They did not realize this on a conscious level.
Because I was genuinely interested in what they thought, and
because I made it a point to demonstrate that I was a good listener,
they opened up about what they would really like to have. In other
words, what they fantasized about on an emotional and relationship
When they were basking in a flood of good emotions and feelings,
which were all connected to me, I would ramp that up. After having
established an emotional connection with them that allowed them to
feel very close to me, I leveraged that to move the conversation in a
romantic direction.
I would have them describe to me what they would do on the ideal
“date.” They would describe some romantic night out consisting of
dinner and dancing and walking on the beach. Of course, all of this
would be described in detail. “Then we are seated at our table, which
is adorned with a fine white linen tablecloth and one tall candle.”
Sometimes they would instead prefer that I describe the ideal date.
If so, I would simply narrate the ideal date as described to me by
previous women. Simple really. Give women what they have to
After they are basking in the flood of romantic feelings, all of
which is linked to me, allowing them to feel romantic towards me, I
would then covertly move things in a sexual direction.
I would say, "Do you ever feel alone?" They would affirm.
Then I would pose the question to them, “What would it feel like to
be the opposite of alone? What word could be used to describe that?”
They would try to describe it and try to put a word to it. It served
to remind them that they are alone and to remind them how much they
yearn to feel close and connected.
Then I would say, “Yeah. Sometimes I feel alone. Especially at this
time of night. I think about what it would be like to be with that
someone special. What would we say? What would we do? How
would we make each other feel?”
They would softly say, “Yeah...”
Then I would say, “I feel very close to you right now.” They would
reply, “Yes, I feel very close to you too.”
我然后会说:"现在我感觉你非常亲密" 她们回答说,我也感觉你很亲密.
Then I would softly say, “I wish I were there with you right now.”
They would softly reply, “Yes...”
“If I were there right now, I would want to hold you so close.”
They would softly reply, “Yeah...”
“And I would feel your soft skin against mine.” They would sigh
Here is the critical point...

“And I would ever so softly kiss the side of your neck.”
At this point, fully 80 percent of the women would simply stop
talking and just sigh.
I would continue...我继续
“And I would softly kiss the side of your neck all the way down to
your shoulder.”
And I would slowly describe in detail everything I would do if I
were there. Beginning with what I would kiss. Then what I would
They would start moaning. 她们开始呻吟.
Then what I would lick. 然后我开始添弄.
Within minutes, these women would be screaming in orgasmic
ecstasy. 几分钟后,这些女人在高潮的快感中尖叫.
Fully 80% of these women, all attractive and educated, on the very
first call, to a man they have never talked to before in their life, would
engage in phone sex with me.
Have you ever heard of that before? Intelligent, educated,
professional, successful, attractive women calling a strange man and
having phone sex?
It’s usually the other way around, where men pay $4.99 a minute to
call a woman to have phone sex. And that woman is actually an ugly
old hag in a hair net smoking a cigarette with a monotonic foreign
I continually adjusted and refined my phone sex techniques,
making it progressively more realistic and effective. Just from my
voice and the reality that I created in their mind with sensory rich
descriptions and erotic words and eventually outright naughty
vulgarity, women were having orgasms, then women were having
multiple orgasms, then women were having orgasms without even
touching themselves.

I became extremely good at giving phone sex. I was absolutely
lethal. The phone would ring and I knew that within one hour another
woman that I had never talked to before, would be screaming in
orgasmic ecstasy.
It became routine. I had to work the next day, and I needed a
freshly ironed shirt for work. So I'd be getting women off on the
phone while I was ironing my shirts. I would literally be having
phone sex while I did my laundry!
Picture this... I am looking down at my ironing board, holding the
collar down of my white shirt with my left hand while with my right
hand I press the iron across with the phone pinched between my right
shoulder and chin while I say, “Keep coming for me Baby! I’m gonna
come! Now! NOW Baby! Come harder!” while the woman is
screaming at the top of her lungs right into my ear.
快高潮了,现在,,现在,宝贝,来的很猛烈 "
I was leading a private life in the evenings running a phone sex line
for women. I started feeling like a sex industry worker. 
And these women were well-educated professionals. Elementary
school teachers, mid-level managers, emergency room nurses, stock
brokers, sales directors, fast-rising corporate executives, you name it.
They all had high self-esteem. They came from good homes. They
were the farthest thing from sluts. But when I got on the phone with
them and unlocked their pent-up sexual potential, they became total
these women really opened up and taught me things that fascinated
me. They spoke of their sexual past and their fantasies. I learned a
great deal about the secret sexual lives and thoughts of women from
all of those conversations. That's when I really started to understand
the underlying sexual potential that exists within women.
My beliefs about women began to be shattered and totally
rewritten. I became even more fascinated with the minds of women.
Women are not that complicated after all. It’s just that we don’t
understand them. And that is completely understandable seeing that
social conditioning had lied to us. Even some of the so called, “sex”experts
had unintentionally misguided us through their ownignorance.

I am trying to get you to begin to understand women and to begin
to rewrite your beliefs. When you truly begin to understand women,
they are no longer intimidating, but instead, they are absolutely
fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable.
The reason that I was beginning to be very good at it is because I
genuinely had a passion for it. That is key.