
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 15:09:00
A)     填入适当的词语,让句意完整,成为保护环境的各种措施。
For example:  Plant trees and flowers to make our city beautiful.
77. Walk or            to school instead of taking a car.
78.            while doing some washing.
79. Do not leave            on the ground in a public place.
80. Put            into different parts in order to be used again.
81. Use            instead of plastic bags while shopping.
A) 77. Walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car.
78. Save water while doing some washing.
79. Do not leave waste paper, cans etc on the ground in a public place.
80. Put the rubbish into different parts in order to be used again.
81. Use cloth bags or basket instead of plastic bags while shopping.
B) A Proposal to Make our city clean and beautiful
April 24, 2010
My dear schoolmates,
We live together in the city of Nanjing, breathing the same air around. It is our duty to make our city cleaner and more beautiful.
Now our city is facing some serious problems. As more people own cars today, and this becomes a main cause of the air pollution. Waste water in our daily life makes the rivers smell. And we use too many things made of plastic. It’s important for us to take actions to protect our city.
As a student, everyone can do many things to help. First, let’s walk or ride bikes to school. Second, we should clean the rubbish in time and often keep open the doors and windows of the classroom. We can also put the rubbish into different parts to be used again. Third, we try to use paper bags instead of plastic bags while shopping. Finally, we should plant more trees and flowers around us.
My dear schoolmates, join us and do something now!Our city will look nice and beautiful if every one takes actions from now on.
Yours sincerely,
All students of Class 1, Grade 9
假设某英文报“我爱写作”栏目为了配合创建“学习型城市”,正在举办专题英语征文比赛。请你根据下表所列的内容要点,以 “Lifelong Learning” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,参加比赛。
Lifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning
…Why is lifelong learning important? You go to school and learn. You take tests at school. But learning doesn’t only happen at school. And learning doesn’t stop when you finish high school or university. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can happen when you go to a museum. It can also happen when you read a book. You learn when you play a sport or when you take a trip. Learning is life! We never stop learning. Every day, you can improve yourself by learning something new.
1.       发言稿须包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。
2.       发言稿不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
3.       词数100左右。发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Good afternoon, my dear teachers and fellow graduates,
It is a great honour for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating class of 2010.
It has been three years for us to study in this beautiful school. Our teachers always try to make their lessons lively and interesting. We have learned a lot over these years, but we could hardly succeed without our teachers’ efforts, our parents’ support and our classmates’ help. I would like to thank all of you for what you have done for us. At this moment, I advise all of us to do something for our school, such as donating books, planting trees to make our school more beautiful. What’s more, we should study hard so that our school will be proud of us.
I hope our school will be better and all of us will have a wonderful future!
低碳生活(low-carbon life)
由于过多使用能源,我们的生存环境越来越糟。为了保护环境,节约能源,越来越多的人选择“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”。例如:骑自行车取代开车, 少用塑料袋, 使用二手书, 节约用水, 多做户外活动, 多植树, 少开空调,少乘电梯,等等。根据这些信息,请谈谈你将要采取的措施以及相应的理由。
1.       短文必须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,(提示要点见下列表格)。
2.    短文语句连贯、通顺。字数为80词左右。
3.    文章首句已给,不计入总词数。
use fewer plastic bags,   use second-hand books,   ride a bike,
take less lift,     plant more trees,
Low-carbon Life
Now more and more people get to know it’s important to protect our living environment As a student, it’s my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I’ll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I’ll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I’ll use fewer plastic bags to reduce white pollution. In order to save energy I’ll take less lift and reuse water, At last I will use second-hand books, so we don’t need to cut down more trees.
If everyone takes action, our environment will be better and better. Our world will be more beautiful.
初中三年的学习生活即将结束,同学们都在认真准备迎接人生的第一次选择。假如你叫Dick, 你的同学Simon由于学习时间安排不合理,痴迷业余爱好,现在成绩越来越差,学习兴趣越来越低。请你用英文写一封信给Simon,帮助他分析学习不理想的原因,鼓励他树立自信心,并建议他如何科学安排学习与爱好, 取得最好成绩。要求如下:
2. 词数100左右。短文开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
Dear Simon,
Thanks for your letter. I hope I can offer you some useful advice.
You said you don’t have enough time for your homework. Plan your day carefully. You’d better make a list of all the homework you have to do. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. This will give you an idea of how much free time you have.
You also said you spend so much time on your hobbies that you often forget to do your homework. As a result, you are worse and worse at your lessons. I should say “Be confident!”. It’s important for us to spend some time on our hobbies. This can help us relax after a day’s hard work. The problem is that you should keep a balance between study and hobbies. You can choose one hobby to do each day. Don’t forget about your lessons.
I hope my answers will be of great value to you.
Best wishes
1.       文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数;
2.       词数:80词左右;
3.       参考词汇:设施-facility
Recently I made a survey of the Junior Three students about their physical training.
65% of the students don’t do sports. There are many reasons for this. Half of the students say they have too much work to do and don’t have enough time to take exercise. 30% of the students complain that they have no places where they can relax themselves. Besides there are no enough training facilities. 10% feel that they live too far away from sports ground and some even don’t know how to exercise. Because of few physical activities, many students are in poor health.
We should realize the importance of taking exercise, and take some action to improve the present situation.
4、成功举办全运会(10th National Games of China, in 2005);
1. 词数80左右(不包括已经给出的句子);
2. 条理清楚,语义连贯,句式规范,字迹工整;
Dear Tom,
You know that the second Youth Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing in 2014. But you haven’t ever been to Nanjing. I will tell you something.
Nanjing lies in the east of China. The Yangtze River goes across the city. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. Nanjing is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest around here. There have been a lot of changes during the past 30 years. Many tall building have been built all over the city. It is easy to travel in the city and it is fast to go to other cities in China. In 2005, Nanjing successfully hosted the 10th National Games of China. People in Nanjing are quite kind and friendly. Nanjing has become an open and modern city. I hope you will visit Nanjing soon.
Best wishes!
Yours, Wang Hai
Dear teachers and fellow students:
It’s a great honor for me to have such a chance to make a speech at this special moment and special place.
First, I would like to say “thank you” to all the teachers and students here.
It has been three years since we came to this beautiful school. When we were here three years ago, we felt everything new and strange. We were curious about everything. Our teachers are very friendly and helpful. They always try to make their lessons lively and interesting. When we have difficulty in learning, they are patient enough to help us. We could hardly succeed without our teachers’ efforts. We also make many friends here. We study together, play together and help with each other. We feel very happy in school. Also, I want to say “thank you” to our parents. Thanks for their support. Thanks for what they have done for us.
Last, I wish our school more beautiful and all of us a good future!
Thank you.
Dear Joe,
I have a problem now and I really need your help. The problem is that I love basketball. I used to spend a lot of time playing basketball. But now it becomes more and more difficult because I am in Grade Nine. My teachers and parents don’t allow me to play basketball. They often say that playing basketball too much will affect my study. It’s probably true. However, I think I should be allowed to do the things that I’m interested in. I’m very worried about it and don’t know what to do. You always come up with good ideas to people’s problems. Can you help me?
Best wishes!
Li Ming
A) 参照下面的班规,选择或补充,写出你认为最重要的五条班规。
1. You are to be in class on time.
2. Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the room.
3. Books, pencil/pen, and paper is to be brought to class every day.
4. Class work and homework is to be handed in on time.
5. Listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity.
6. You must do your own work. Cheating(作弊) will not be allowed.
82.                ▲                 83.                  ▲
84.                ▲                 85.                  ▲
86.                ▲
B) 根据你的选择,以“Important Classroom Rules”为题写一篇短文,就三条(或以上)班规,谈谈你的理由,或提醒同学要注意的事项。
注意:1. 语言通顺,语义连贯,详略得当,书写规范;
2. 词数100左右。短文开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple.
I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. I think that students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed.
The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.