北条麻妃丝袜职业:The leading cadre must strive to learn a foreign language "(sequence)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 17:51:29

The leading cadre must strive to learn a foreign language "(sequence)

Jiang zemin

With the deepening of China's reform and opening up and economic and social development to promote, along with the country's international status and international growing influence, China's relationship with the international community is becoming more and more frequent, the countries all over the world pay more and more attention to China. In order to promote business development, we need to strengthen the understanding of the world also need to promote world to know China better.

The world is rich and colorful. The human society has come a long way, the development history of formed in more than two hundred countries and regions, and create a splendid legacy of civilization. The world created by people of all countries is the precious wealth of the human civilization, a peace and common development of the world, can be a all kinds of civilization meet each other and use for reference each other, all countries to treat one another as equals, respect each other, full of energy and colorful world. We should respect the diversity of the world and understand and reference civilizations created by people of all countries, and to promote and strengthen the exchange interaction with people from other countries. To do this, that we need to learn a foreign language.

Our country has five thousand years of history. In the long history, China's nationalities have jointly created splendid Chinese civilization, cultivate and develop the distinct features of the spirit of the Chinese nation. The Chinese civilization and the spirit of Chinese nation is more than five thousand years to endless, development and expansion of the strong spiritual power, is also the Chinese people to keep pace with The Times, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit of the strong spiritual power. We should actively introduced to the world of Chinese civilization and the spirit of the Chinese nation, let the world know better about China and understanding have a broader solid foundation. To do this, that we need to learn a foreign language.

New China was founded more than sixty years especially for over 30 years of reform and opening up, China's modern construction has made remarkable achievements, our country people's life improved dramatically. At the same time, our country has a population of one billion three hundred million, the region is vast, urban and rural, regional development is not balanced, our country and will remain so for a long time is still in the primary stage of socialism. China's history and reality determines that China's development must go the way of the suited to its national conditions. Understand this, we can understand the contemporary China. We should actively introduced to the world our country's basic conditions, let the world know China people adhere to the road of development, development target, the direction of development, create good for China's development of international environment. To do this, also need to learn a foreign language.

Language is the important tool of human communication association. Strengthen with the people of all countries to exchange association, need to learn the language of the country in the same time learning a foreign language, especially leading cadres to lead by example. If can use directly leading cadres in basic language communication to do the promotion of mutual understanding of job, you will have a good effect. My experience is, direct language exchange, for even the most basic communication, its effect also is superior to the indirect language exchange. I say is the most basic language exchange, leading cadres requirements from translation but to go for a full communication at present is not realistic.

Over the years, the central leading cadres to improve the English level taken many measures. From 2001 to 2002, comrade li had organization held two times the provincial or ministerial leadership cadre foreign language classes, I'm very supportive. Recently, the central organization department held the provincial or ministerial cadre intensive English programme. Many leading cadres in efforts to myself, foreign language level overall is continuously improve. But, objectively speaking, our leading cadres foreign language level and in China's economic and social development and the foreign relations growing need also does not adapt, and much more efforts to study and application. I sincerely hope that, our leading cadres from reform, opening up and socialist modernization needs and earnest learning foreign languages, to use a foreign language, master communication skills, actively carry out work.

Learning foreign languages, is the persistence. Learning and to master a foreign language is not easy, takes hard work. As long as grasp regularity, unremitting, accumulate over a long period, they will keep something.

This time, I please zeng peiyan comrade host prepared a introduced the basic conditions of material. Comrade of the ministry of foreign affairs the classify ground to compile the applicable to leading cadre's foreign language its descendants, very meaningful, and it is very necessary. See the they write its descendants, write down these words, for the order.