
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 05:35:12
2011年12月18日 08:56:35
来源: 新华国际


【西班牙《阿贝赛报》12月16 日报道】伊朗军方战略研究中心主任阿里·沙姆哈尼将军今天指出,如果美国继续侵犯伊朗领空,伊朗将击落更多的美国间谍飞机。
据伊朗伊斯兰共和国通讯社报道,沙姆哈尼强调,日前截获一架 RQ-170“哨兵”隐形无人侦察机就表明了伊朗专家的能力。
Iran has said seven frame to intercept the uavs
On dec. 18, 2011 08:56:35
Source:Xinhua international
Xinhua micro bo

The text:biginsmall】 【print】

Iran announced was shot down the United States the uav's photo
The Spanish newspaper el pais December 16 days to report 】 Israel may involved in the United States a few months to the uav dark war against Iran.Iran's official English daily, Tehran times reported yesterday, Iran has already mastered the "four planes Israel and 3 four U.S. drone drone", including not long ago in Iranian interception RQ-170 "sentinel" surveillance.In order to support the charges, Iranian authorities will soon show the drones.
Iranian media quoted officials as saying, four planes Israel from uavs with Afghanistan and Pakistan at the junction of the eastern Iran border into Iran's airspace, American drone is from eastern and southern, that is, from the Persian gulf coast into Iran.
In addition, the official media reported that Iran will also invite foreign ambassador and journalists to visit the exhibition, show them Iran captured uavs.Israel's latest news "point out, this is in the United States after Tehran to intercept drone on the part of the psychological warfare, to prove that Iran can defeat any air permeability of foreign to Iran's nuclear facilities and the view of the information task.The Iranian military says often and the "enemy" in the spy plane conflict, refers to the United States and Israel.
In February 2010, Israel's air force has revealed, a batch of "have the ability in the gulf" uavs put into use, and Iran in its action range.At that time the show "herons plodded" TP wingspan drone 26 meters, endurance more than 20 hours, assembly missiles.In the United States for Iran, Israel's secret war could exacerbate the sensitive area of conflict, for months, the region's verbal threats and hostilities appear constantly.
This year more than happened up surveillance plane into Iran events, the international community about Iran's nuclear program to also increasingly worried.In January, the Iranian revolutionary guard commander announced that the plane flew over the Persian gulf intercepted two of uavs.Facing charges of Tehran, Washington is not denying that participate in dark war.The defense minister Leon papadopoulos tower to the media on Tuesday in the interview with the Afghan border in Iran and the reconnaissance operations "will continue to".
Due to the diplomatic pressure on Iran stagnation, the United States conducted other secret military action to stop the progress of Iran's nuclear program, Israel was also involved in the such action to avoid their opponents military nuclear energy development.
Tehran stressed that if think uranium enrichment plant threat, will move on, which, he said, if the United States and Israel continue to Iran threat, they will be "destroy from the earth."
The Spanish "ABeiSai news" on December 16 days to report 】 the Iranian military strategy research center director ali ShaMHaNi general pointed out today, if the United States continue to infringe Iran airspace, Iran will be shot down more U.S. spy plane.
According to Iran's islamic republic news agency, ShaMHaNi stressed that has intercepted a plane RQ-170 "sentinel" invisible uav would mean that the Iran expert ability.
ShaMHaNi said: "Iran's islamic republic in the protection of its airspace aspects will never give in."He thinks that, if continued to violate Iran air space, the United States should be under international rules punishment.