师大附中2016单身情歌:与女网一姐共进午餐 Brunch with the FT: Caroline Wozniacki

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 22:54:04
2011年11月11日 07:40 AM

与女网一姐共进午餐 Brunch with the FT: Caroline Wozniacki

作者:英国《金融时报》 威廉?利思 评论[2条]


I’m waiting for Caroline Wozniacki, the number-one-ranked female tennis player in the world and the top seed at Wimbledon, and I’m slightly worried that I might not recognise her – even though I met her, briefly, the day before. She had just won the e-Boks Sony Ericsson Open. She was tall, blonde and pretty. But then again, lots of young women in the vicinity of the Café Norden in Copenhagen, where we have arranged to meet, answer this description.

我等的采访对象是当今世界女子网坛排名第一的卡洛琳?沃兹尼亚奇(Caroline Wozniacki),也是今年温布尔登公开赛(Wimbledon)赛会一号种子,本人有点担心的是自己可能认不出她来——虽说前天我曾短暂见过她,当时她刚刚夺得e-Boks索尼爱立信公开赛(e-Boks Sony Ericsson Open)桂冠。她身材高挑、一头金发、长相俏丽。然而,在我们约定会面的哥本哈根诺顿咖啡屋(Café Norden in Copenhagen)周围却是美女如云,这叫我如何是好?

It’s 11am. Wozniacki was going to meet me at 12pm, for lunch, at the posh Café Victor, but now she wants brunch instead. It strikes me, even though she’s the best tennis player in the woman’s game, that she could walk around Britain and hardly anybody would know. That’s the women’s game at the moment, though. Could anyone pick out of line-up the two women – Serbia’s Jelena Jankovic and Russia’s Dinara Safina – who were number one before the Dane? I’m looking at a tall blonde girl, wondering if it’s Wozniacki, but I think not.

现在的时间是上午11点,沃兹尼亚奇原先与我约好于12时在奢华的维克多咖啡屋(Café Victor)一起用午餐,但现在她却早午餐一起吃了。虽说她是当今世界网坛头号选手,但给我的感觉却是:她若走在英国的大街上,几乎不会有人会留意她。虽说如今正是女子组赛事,诸位在一大堆姑娘中挑出塞尔维亚的扬科维奇(Jelena Jankovic)与俄罗斯的萨芬娜(Dinara Safina)有啥困难吗?在沃兹尼亚奇之前,都曾登上过世界第一的宝座。看到身材高挑的金发姑娘,就能确定是沃兹尼亚奇吗?我觉得肯定行不通。

Ah – here she is. Actually, there is something about her. She strides with supreme purpose. She comes up to me and shakes my hand. Up close, she has clear, unblemished skin and perfect white teeth. She’s wearing jeans, trainers and some kind of stretchy Lycra top. Physically, she’s pretty much the healthiest person I’ve ever seen.


I wonder how Wozniacki’s got this far, this quickly. A year ago she was number four. She’s only 20, and she’s never won a grand slam – though she has won almost $10m in prize money to date. She has been a losing finalist once, at the US Open. At the Australian Open, she had a reputation for being bland and dull at press conferences. She said people should ask her more interesting questions. At one press conference she interviewed herself – most bizarre. But the questions she asked and the answers she gave were as bland as ever. She was grinning all the way through. Maybe she’s just some kind of tennis machine, comfortable on court at the expense of having a life. Maybe, like the former number one Ana Ivanovic, she’ll burn brightly and fizzle out. Maybe she’ll be truly great.

我问沃兹尼亚奇这么快就升至世界第一是如何做到的,要知道,一年前她还是世界排名第四。她今年只有20岁,虽说获得的总奖金已经接近1000万美元,但还未夺得过大满贯冠军。她2009年曾闯进美网(US Open)决赛,但与冠军失之交臂。在澳网(Australian Open),她给人的印象是在新闻发布会上表现冷淡呆板,还说记者们应该问些有意思的问题。在一次新闻发布会上,她还自己采访起自己来——真是匪夷所思。虽说从头到尾一直面带微笑,但她的自问自答依然乏善可陈。也许她只是一部打网球的机器,在网球场上如鱼得水,但毫无自己的生活。也许她会与前世界第一伊凡诺维奇(Ana Ivanovic)一样昙花一现后就匆匆谢幕,也许她最终会成为真正伟大的网球选手。

Wozniacki has come alone. No entourage. She’s happy to sit outside. The Café Norden is an upscale version of the sort of place you get all over Europe – a bistro with lots of people sitting outside eating complicated sandwiches and drinking hot chocolate from tall glasses. It’s not posh. But it’s friendly and relaxed. People walking along Str?get, Copenhagen’s main pedestrianised shopping street, keep looking at Wozniacki. They nudge each other and say: “Look! It’s her!” Some people wave and call: “Good luck at Wimbledon!” She’s obviously pretty famous here.


The first thing we talk about is tennis. She loves talking about tennis. And being competitive. She loves that too. The day before, I watched her beat Lucie Safarova to take the Open title. She didn’t exactly smash her; it was 6-1, 6-4, and Safarova, the world number 32, broke her serve. “She can be really difficult,” says Wozniacki. “If you give her the chance to get into the match, she’ll take it.” But Wozniacki didn’t give her the chance. The crowd roared as she whipped the ball around. Before serving, she always did a little dance, paused to look across the net, and bounced the ball three times.

我俩首先聊到了网球,她喜欢谈论网球,也爱聊自己争强好胜。前天,我观看了她在索尼爱立信公开赛决赛中以6:1与6:4直落两局击败萨法洛娃(Lucie Safarova)夺冠的那场比赛,她赢得并不轻松。32号种子萨法洛娃还破了她的发球局。“萨法洛娃很不好对付,”沃兹尼亚奇说。“一旦给了她找到比赛感觉的机会,她会一发而不可收。”但沃兹尼亚奇并未给对方机会,在观众喊声震天的加油声中,她把球打得满场飞。每次发球前,她总要舞动一天身子,再停下来看一下对方球员,然后在地上把球弹三下。

I wonder if she’ll talk about anything other than tennis. She does: she tells me she hasn’t had any breakfast. This is a day off from her complicated dietary regime, which involves eating specific things at regular intervals. She’s very careful about eating the right things. “You need to eat a lot. But you need to eat right. You need the right fuel for the body.” She’ll say this more than once. Of course, she looks fantastic.


After the match, I’d spoken to her opponent Safarova, who told me the toughest thing about Wozniacki is that you can throw pretty much anything at her and she’ll get it back. She’ll grind you down. “Yes,” says Wozniacki. “Even when my opponent hits a very good shot, I don’t just want to get it back. I want to get it back so they have difficulty. And then I can control the point.”


Wozniacki is immensely competitive. She keeps saying, “I’m a competitor”. She says she loves the hyped-up adrenaline feeling of trying to beat an opponent. As a kid, she played volleyball and football; she ran and swam. Now, she boxes and spends hours and hours in the gym, working on different muscle groups. Her Polish parents, Piotr and Anna, were both sports stars. Piotr played football in the Danish league; Anna represented Poland at volleyball. Wozniacki, who was born in Denmark, started playing tennis at the age of seven. “I was a late starter”, she says, “compared to the other girls.” She started beating her father when she was nine. A couple of years later she started beating all comers.


“There are periods,” she says, “when you feel really good. You feel the ball is bigger. The court is larger. You feel like you can’t miss. And then there are periods when you feel, ‘OK, I’m not feeling great.’ But I still need to try to find a way to win. You need to figure out what your strengths are. You need to come back to that.”


The waitress arrives. Wozniacki orders a hot chocolate. I ask for a double espresso. But there’s an odd system at Café Norden. You have to order and pay at the bar. Wozniacki says she wants what will turn out to be a huge fruit salad with melon, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and pineapple. I trudge all the way around the side of the restaurant. There’s a queue. For about five minutes, I watch Wozniacki through the window. Sometimes I wave. It’s awkward.


At the bar, there’s a comforting array of beer taps and a serious coffee machine. I order a big fat open sandwich with ham and cheese and masses of salad. Meanwhile Wozniacki texts somebody on her phone. I wonder who it is. Could it be the footballer Nicklas Bendtner? The Danish press have been speculating that Bendtner and Wozniacki are an item; this week’s Seogh?r magazine, full of celebrity gossip, has spotted the “blonde babe” having an “intim aften” – an intimate afternoon – with the Danish Arsenal striker. There’s a picture of her hugging Bendtner, wearing a black mini-dress, and another one of her playing with her long ice-blonde hair, with Bendtner looking on mischievously. The look in his eyes says “Ding-dong!” I can think of one interesting question I can ask her.

在吧台,有一排赏心悦目的啤酒龙头与一台正儿八经的咖啡机。我点了一份夹着厚实火腿及奶酪的单片三明治以及一大盘沙拉。期间,沃兹尼亚奇在用手机发着短信。我于是问她给哪位发?是不是给足球运动员尼古拉?本特纳(Nicklas Bendtner)发?丹麦媒体一起盛传本特纳与沃兹尼亚奇是一对;本周的Seogh?r杂志(满是名人的花边新闻)发现这位“金发美眉”与效力于英超阿森纳队(Arsenal)的丹麦前锋在一起度过了一个亲密无间的下午(intim aften),而且还配了二张照片:一张是沃兹尼亚奇身着黑色迷你裙与本特纳热烈相拥,另一张是她在摆弄自己那头金色长发,本特纳则在一旁调皮地看着她,眼神似乎在说“瞧你那头浓发!”此时,我立马想到了一个有趣的问题。

For a while, though, we talk about food. Fuelling the tennis machine. This past week, during the tournament, she’s had to be rigorous. “I’ve been eating oatmeal every day for breakfast, with raisins and bananas, for energy. Then some wholewheat pasta with chicken for lunch. Then, for dinner, either chicken and salad or steak and salad.” She likes fillet steak best. “I don’t like the fat around the steak,” she says. And: “I’m a big broccoli fan.” She never eats seafood. She’s had food poisoning twice. She was ill for a week each time. Now she won’t risk it.


In between meals she snacks on nuts. The fuelling process get more complicated on match days. She eats a small amount of pasta exactly an hour and a half before going on court, which can be difficult as she never knows how long the previous match will last. So she watches the score like a hawk, and makes her best judgment. After the match, she eats a small meal of protein, such as a plateful of chicken. That’s five meals a day plus snacks.


But today’s a day off from that. Our drinks arrive. Wozniacki’s hot chocolate is thick and dark; it comes with a couple of biscuits and a bowl of cream. She won’t touch the cream. And she’ll only have a few sips of the chocolate. She takes a tiny bite of the biscuit, puts it down and leaves it.


Left to herself, she’d talk about tennis endlessly. It seems almost rude to ask her anything else. I know what I should ask her. I should ask her if she’s sacrificed her life for a court and a racket and a yellow ball. I should ask her if reaching number one in the rankings has caused her crushing psychological problems, as it did for Andre Agassi and John McEnroe. But for a while, we talk about her training regime. Three hours on court every day. Two 90-minute sessions. In between this, a run. She runs six to eight kilometres one day for stamina, and on a treadmill the next day for speed.

要是由着她的话,她会没完没了地说网球,似乎问她其它的东西都显得不礼貌。我知道自己该问些什么,想问她是否因为网球而牺牲了个人生活,是否与阿加西(Andre Agassi)与麦肯罗(John McEnroe)一样,因登上世界第一后出现了难以承受的心理问题。但过了一会儿,话题又转向了她的训练计划。每天她要在场地上训练三小时的网球——共分为二次训练课,每次历时90分钟。二次训练间隙,每天不是6-8公里的耐力跑,就是在跑步机上训练速度。

The treadmill is tough, she says. “I’m a competitor. Gym work can be tough. But you just try to get though it.” She works on her abdominal muscles with a medicine ball. She works on her back and legs. She goes into the ring with an ex-boxer and punches his hands. Then she does stretching exercises. Then she has a massage. Then a shower. Then protein. Then, later, a steak. “I eat quite big portions,” she says.


Here comes the food. People walk past, smiling and pointing. They take their mobile phones out and take pictures. She is more than tolerant. But she actually lives in Monaco, for the sake of privacy. The way she describes it, it’s practically a colony of reclusive celebrities and elite athletes, like a high-class stable for the best racehorses. They are stars, but they are also prisoners. Novak Djokovic is her neighbour. She has a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment. Sometimes her parents stay with her.

这时,服务员端来了点的东西,不时有人走过,微笑着对沃兹尼亚奇指指点点,还掏出手机来拍照,对此,沃兹尼亚奇显得特有涵养。然而,她实际上是住在摩纳哥(Monaco),就是为了独处而不受干扰。照她的说法,摩纳哥事实上是那些喜欢隐居的名人与体育明星的聚居地,就好比是超级赛马的高档马厩。他们是明星,但同时又是囚徒。德约科维奇(Novak Djokovic)是她在摩纳哥的邻居,她在那有一套两卧室与两个卫生间的公寓,有时父母也过去与她同住。

Her fruit comes on a long plate; there’s a lot of it. But she eats carefully. She takes a tiny sip, her last, of the thick hot chocolate, which must be cold by now. My double espresso is long gone. The big fat sandwich in front of me is one of those precarious creations full of lively chunks of this and that, and oozing sauce. Maybe it was a mistake. I certainly can’t pick it up. So I hack away at it, with bits sliding around.


Wozniacki spears a blueberry. She says she’s not big on ham or salami. She’s very, very disciplined about everything she does. With food, she takes no risks. I take a mouthful of ham, bread smeared with melted cheese, and a thicket of mayo-slick leaves, and the whole thing goes a bit wrong, so I’m left with slop all over my face and fronds hanging from my mouth.


Has she, I ask, got a boyfriend? That, she says, is something she won’t talk about. In the Danish media, she’s always being linked with people. “I think in five weeks I had six boyfriends. They said a boxer, then a ping-pong player and Nadal ... so many I can’t even keep track any more.” She doesn’t mention Nicklas Bendtner.

我问她有没有男朋友,她说自己不愿谈论此事。丹麦媒体老说她与好多人拍拖。“在短短五周时间里,它们讹传我有六位男友,第一个拳击手,接下来是位乒乓球手,然后是纳达尔(Rafael Nadal)……说得太多了,连我本人都没能记住。”但她并未提及本特纳。

Wozniacki is a great football fan, though. Her team is Liverpool but she loves the way Barcelona play; she knows Liverpool’s players; she’s met a lot of Barcelona’s players too. What about Arsenal? “They have a nice style of play,” she says. And now she mentions Bendtner. “He’s nice. He’s funny.” When she’s saying this, she’s grinning and laughing. But she won’t say any more.


So: being number one – is it hard to handle? Having reached the top, do you suddenly feel as if you’re on the edge of a great existential void? “For me, it’s pretty easy. Because I’m so young, and I’ve arrived where I want to be, and I know that I want to stay there as many weeks as possible. I always have goals. Every time I step into the court, I want to win the tournament.” That’s a pretty firm no, then.


And does she think she’s made sacrifices? “No,” she says. “I don’t believe in sacrifices. I believe in choices. For me, I’ve made so many choices on my way to where I am now, and I’m so happy I made the choices I did. Sometimes you’re in the situation where you need to choose between one thing and another. When I was younger: should I go to the party with my friends, and come back at four in the morning? Or should I go to bed at a reasonable time, ready to practise in the morning?” She says she didn’t always make the right choice. “But I pretty much did the right thing most of the time.”


What about Wimbledon? She says she’s fine on grass – the bounce is very similar to the indoor courts she’s just been playing on. I ask her which players she fears. “I don’t fear anybody,” she says. “If I play well it’s tough to beat me. If somebody beats you, it just means she’s too good that day.”


Wozniacki is number one – yet she hasn’t yet won a grand slam. A couple of weeks before she won in Copenhagen, she went out in the third round of the French Open. Of losing badly, she says: “Sometimes you need hard losses to really wake you up.” We talk about Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. I tell her I love Federer. I can tell she’s a Nadal fan. She is. All that power. All that grit. She says, “Federer is a more complete player. But Nadal has the heart.”

沃兹尼亚奇现世界排名第一——但她至今仍未夺得过大满贯。在哥本哈根夺得索尼爱立信公开赛冠军之前的法网公开赛(French Open),她止步于第三轮。对于自己的糟糕表现,她说:“有时需要几场刻骨铭心的失利来唤醒自己。”我们还谈到了费德勒(Roger Federer)与纳达尔,我说自己喜欢费德勒,但看得出她喜欢纳达尔,她是纳达尔的粉丝,喜欢对方的力量与韧性。她说,“费德勒的技术非常全面,但纳达尔韧劲十足。”

Is she a tennis machine? She doesn’t want anything to get in the way of her tennis – maybe not even real life. But maybe she’ll win Wimbledon. Maybe we’ll come to love her. We’ll watch her approach the baseline. We’ll watch her do her little dance, and bounce the ball three times. How many grand slams will she win? “I want to win one,’ she says, “and we’ll take it from there.”


For her sake, I hope she does.


Rahul Jacob on the era of Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe – see Books page




Café Norden


stergade 61, Copenhagen


Hot chocolate DKr45


Double espresso DKr30


Fruit salad DKr85


Ham & cheese sandwich DKr115


Total (including service) DKr275 (£32.40)


