
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 06:31:05


I. 清点单词

1. adaptation n.改编,改写→vt.改编,改写;使适应,使适合 adapt →adj.能适应的,适应性强的adaptable

2. tension n.紧张(局势);张力,拉力→adj.拉紧的;紧张的;易怒的tense →vt.使(某人/物)变得紧张 tense

3. fortune n.财富,运气,好运→n.不幸,灾祸 misfortune→adj.幸运的 fortunate →adv.幸运 fortunately

4. abrupt adj.突然的;生硬的;(言语)不流畅的,不连贯的;(斜坡)陡峭的→adv.突然地;粗鲁地abruptly

5. prejudice  n.偏见→adj. 有偏见的 prejudiced

6. wealth n.财富→adj. 富有的wealthy  →adj.健康的 healthy  →n.健康  health

7. educated  adj. 受过教育的;有教养的→v.教育 educate →n. 教育  education

8. abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的,异常的→adj. 正常的 normal →adv. 正常地,按惯例 normally

9. abuse  vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用→n. 对某人/物的滥用、妄用、虐待 abuse  →adj.辱骂的,责骂的abusive

10. pressure vt.对……施加压力,迫使→n.压力 pressure

11. sigh n.&vi. 叹息,叹气→n.符号;手势;招牌;征兆 vt.签名;做手势表示sign  

12. scarf  n.围巾,头巾→pl. scarfs/ scarves  →n.屋顶(pl.) roofs →n.狼(pl.) wolves →n.肚子;胃(pl.) stomachs  

13. entertaining adj.令人愉快的,有趣的→vt.使某人快乐(with);招待,款待(某人)(to) entertain →n.[U]招待,款待;[C]娱乐(活动);演出 entertainment

14. urban    adj.城市的→adj.乡村的,在乡村的;有乡村特点的 rural         

15. tend vi.趋向,倾向(to do sth.)vt.照料,照管(某人/物)→n.(人或物呈现的)倾向,趋势(to/towards)/(to do sth.)  tendency


II. 词组翻译

1.受到好评;普遍认可 be well received                       2.在…占有一席之地 have a place in   

3.宁愿做…也不愿做… would rather do…than do…        4.对…有偏见 have prejudice//be prejudiced against  

5.不受…伤害/影响等  free from                              6.一心想要,决心要  be bent on 

7.和…相识,结识 make the acquaintance of                  8. 同情/怜悯某人 pity sb.//take pity on sb. 

9.一看到 at the sight of                                               10.从头至尾  from beginning to end  



1.If you were  asked 被要求)to recommend a book to a friend, what book would you choose(会选什么书)?

2. Many people do not read them because they think they are old-fashioned and boring,and have  nothing  to   do   with  (和……没有联系) life today.

3. Excited感到兴奋) by his move to London, Pip(迫不及待去开始)can  hardly   wait   to   begin  his new life.

4.but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see (宁愿死也不愿意看到)any harm come to Pip.

5. His mother dies when he is a baby, and  as   a  result (结果),he experiences an abnormal childhood without any parents.

6. As   his    sadness   turned     to   anger  (当他的伤心变成气愤时), he picked up his new soccer ball and kicked it into the air.

7. Holding  it  gently  in  his  hands (轻轻地把它握在手里),he sat down on the old bench and waited.

8. The gravity of the situation leads her to run away to Ireland, where  (在那里)she opens a chocolate shop and becomes rich.

9. It   is    said  (据说)that about 30,000 people attended this first exhibition.

10. 那是使该地区由沙漠变为沼泽气候的彻底改变。

That was a complete change of climate which transformed the area  from   a desert  into  a swamp.

11. Typical of the Scotch, Burns had      reputation   for   being   (以……著称)funny and charming.

12. After his first book of poetry was published, he was transformed and became   famous   nationwide     overnight .(一夜之间全国闻名)

13.请不要把我牵涉到你的情感问题中。Please don’t  involve me  in  your emotional problems.


IV. 单项选择

1. To achieve your goal,_________ yourself and your direction _________ the most important thing.

A. knowing; is           B. to know; were       C. know; was        D. and know; are

2. The explorer got a disease in blood for the _______ of fresh vegetables and fruit.

  A. sake          B. lack            C. ignorance       D. benefit

3. ----Why not play the music we listened to yesterday?  ----Because it _____ old times.

A. calls on         B. calls for        C. calls in         D. calls up

4. ----What is Rudi up to?  ---- Rudi seems bent ______finding a new job.
 A. on         B. to            C. down        D. over   

5. Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office room _____. 

A. to send it    B. to be sent to      C. to send it to    D. to have it send
6. The thief broke in, trying to open the safe, but ___________.

  A. in no way     B. in vain           C. without effect    D. at a loss

7. ----Are you satisfied with the result?  -----Not at all.It couldn’t be         .

A. any worse       B. any better     C. good      D. bad

8. Difficulties and hardships have        the best character of the young geologist.

A. brought in      B. brought out      C. brought up     D. brought about

9. Sean’s strong love for his country is _____ in his recently published poems.

   A. relieved     B. reflected     C. responded      D. recovered 

10. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, ____?
A. do I           B. could he       C. did he           D. has he

11. He doesn’t believe what Maria said is right,         ?

A. is it        B. isn’t it         C. does he      D. doesn’t he

12. —She isn’t a dancing teacher, is she ?    —______.
  A. Yes, she isn’t    B. No, she is    C. Yes, she wasn’t    D. No, but she was.

13. As a candidate, you must make a good       on everyone you meet if you want to win the election.

 A. decision      B. situation      C. impression      D. position

14. Last week, only two people came to look at the house,      wanted to buy it.

  A. none of them       B. both of them   C. none of whom     D. neither of whom

15. Not until he got to the office      having left the key home.

  A. he remembered   B. remembered he   C. did he remember   D. he did remember