
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 03:35:03
最受欢迎国家排行榜:德国第一,中国第八1# 倒序看帖 打印tT 楼主:emailer 发帖日期: 昨天 10:34只看楼主回复 The BBC World Service Country Rating Poll has been tracking opinions about country influence in the world since 2005. The latest results are based on 28,619 in-home or telephone interviews conducted across a total of 27 countries by the international polling firm GlobeScan, together with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland between December 2010 and February 2011.
自从2005年起,英国广播公司世界广播部就开始通过“最受欢迎国家榜”来追踪各个国家对于世界的影响。从2010年12月到2011年2月,它委托国际调查公司“环球扫描”(GlobeScan)和美国马里兰大学国际政策态度项目(Program on International Policy Attitudes, PIPA)对来自27个国家的28619人进行上门调查或者电话调查,得出了这最新一次的“最受欢迎国家榜”。

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昨天 10:34


Germany was again the most positively viewed nation, with 62 per cent rating its influence as positive (up 3 points).

A spokesman for Globescan said Germany continued to benefit from its reputation as a wealthy nation. In terms of lifestyle and its high-quality products, Germany has a successful image and doesn't have the baggage that countries like the US and China have.


The United Kingdom's positive ratings rose five points to 58 per cent, making it, for the first time, the second most positively rated country.

The spokesman for Globescan said: "Aside from last year's slump, for the UK the aftermath of Iraq is receding. We were seen to play a prominent role in the aftermath of the financial crisis. We are high profile as a successful, democratic, stable, developed country with relatively little baggage."


Positive views of Brazil's influence jumped from 40 to 49 per cent on average over the previous year, with negative views dropping to just 20 per cent.

Doug Miller, Chairman of GlobeScan, commented: "The growing credibility of middle powers is the story this year, especially Brazil and South Africa. The jump in positive views of Brazil follows the successful democratic transition from President Lula da Silva to Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's first female president."
GlobeScan主席Doug Miller评论说:“中等权利国家信任度的上升是今年调查的亮点,尤其体现在巴西和南非身上。巴西总统职位由Lula da Silva成功地民主过渡至首位女总统Dilma Rousseff,这让外界对其的正面印象大增。”


In 2007, the US was among the countries with the lowest ratings, but it has climbed quickly up through the rankings since then.


Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010. Among the countries surveyed both in 2010 and 2011, an average of 44 per cent say that China has a positive influence in the world, compared to 40 per cent in 2010. Despite this overall improvement, the spread by country is split.

The most favourable views towards China are found in Nigeria (85%, up 12 points), Ghana (72%, up 9 points), and Kenya (73%).