
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 04:17:51
2011年12月21日 09:15:26
来源: 中国纪检监察报

The text:biginsmall】 【print】
The practice proved that anti-corruption construction must adhere to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, correct understanding and grasping the objective law, make full use of dialectical thinking, systematic thinking, strategic thinking and historical thinking, with scientific ideas and creative thinking, promote the overall plan as a whole, make great efforts to realize the construction of incorruptness and anti-corruption work to be scientific, social, standardization, glasnost and information.
With effective for the standard, promote scientific anti-corruption construction.Corruption and improve the construction of scientific level, is further incorruptness construction and the urgent task in the struggle against corruption.Only to establish firmly the value and benefits idea, from the economic theory, a systematic method, can achieve maximum efficiency.Scientific analysis of the situation to anti-corruption, an accurate grasp of the internal rules, make the prevention and control of corruption process to have economic, reform and innovation has foresight, the protection mechanism with persistence.Adhere to the practical, in order to solve practical problems as the starting point and the foothold, LiJie formalism and surface articles.Prominent characteristics of practice, not only to strengthen the anti-corruption common problems, also pay attention to the higher requirement specific, advanced experience localization, the local way of lasting effect, promote anti-corruption in practice innovation.Inspection of the corruption and actual effect, should be embodied in places and departments of the characteristic with utilizing education long effect mechanism, and anti-corruption system, power operation monitoring mechanism is increasingly perfect, the impetus, education reform of convincing and system of the supervision of binding, balances the deterrent threat of punishment force, whether strengthened greatly, the impact of poor corruption cases, reflecting the strong unhealthy tendencies of party and government organs, and the party member cadre's complaint is significantly reduced, anti-corruption construction in promoting reform, development and stability is more prominent role, the crowd satisfaction is enhanced, etc.
With the development of democracy for orientation, promote anti-corruption construction socialization.Socialization of anti-corruption is the most extensive and most construction firm foundation.Only maximize the development of democratic politics, guarantee the people's legal rights and interests, and the whole party actively involved in the whole society, can the corruption FuDeChouXin.Along with economic and social progress of modernization, civil rights consciousness unceasingly strengthens, information dissemination channel more diverse and clear.Anti-corruption must face the whole society and broaden the channels of inner-party democracy, improve inner-party democracy management system, and promote the democracy of the scientific decision, expand intra-party democracy to develop people's democracy.To strengthen the legal guarantee, establish protection report (complaint) system, strengthen the public participation in the anti-corruption right remedy means, clear to retaliate against the behavior of the report's disciplinary measures, maximize reduce public participation in anti-corruption costs and risks.The extensive publicity of corruption society, family and individual harmful effects, further strengthen the public clean idea, guide the whole society to accept anti-corruption mainstream values, and create an atmosphere of the ShangJie chung.
With brief and work as the goal, promote anti-corruption construction standardization.The problem of corruption from complex reasons look, system of the deep reasons on radical.Fully depends on corruption prevention and control system, to minimize the corruption problem occurs.To pay attention to both establish binding, controlling system, and pay attention to establish incentive, security system.Strengthening institutions and thorough sex, make regulations loop, make invulnerable.Insist on the whole advancement and combining the key breakthrough, the inheritance and the creativity, and the combination of alignment, break through the key points, in the system will work, tube with good living, the upper and lower time.Establish any decision not optimal, can only satisfying idea, maximum limit compression discretion, enhance the rigid system, and increase the damage of violation of system, the behavior of the system of punishment, accomplish truly move, the offenders shall be prohibited.
To strengthen the supervision and as the core, corruption and the publicity of construction."Justice should not only be realized, shall also be implemented in view of the way."To strengthen the right to the main leadership cadre right by the supervision as the key point, establish and perfect the decision-making, execution, supervision and interdependent operation mechanism, promote transparent power operation.Further implement intresets system, set up and improve inner-party information sharing, situation reflects and making important decisions for comments system.Adhere to the principle of public is not public, is an exception, every social concern, involve the vital interests of the people have to be made public matters.Expand the connotation of the public, especially for cadres appointment, funds use, such as important decisions, not only to do rules, the results public public, but also what process public.Set up and perfect the information openness system, rule of law means perfect information openness system, to create the "sunshine government".To establish and perfect the supervision and reporters news rights and interests protection system, guide and regulate such media as strengthening the supervision of public opinion.
Take the science and technology as a means of anti-corruption informatization construction.Science and technology is an important support effective prevention and control of corruption.According to the integrity of the principle of system science and exertment control theory and information theory principle and information feedback control model, the power in the computer system in the whole process engineering, refined curing various links.Make full use of the information technology of the strengthen supervision and methods, deepening and expanding electronic government affairs and supervisory system function, and gradually put the important investment projects, government funds use, the administration supervision and administrative organs in supervision and management of the performance evaluation system.Speed up development and improve online visible factors market supervision, to avoid the operation of the power man-made factors.To establish and perfect the mechanism of sharing information exchange, the corruption risk areas recognition methods, and explore to establish the corruption in the early warning mechanism, realize the anti-corruption network, automation and real time change.(the author WangChengBo in shandong province, the city of jinan municipal party committee secretary of the discipline inspection commission)
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