汇众驾校:Integrated3 Unit6

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 11:08:15
1) On bright spring days, you can see lovely birds   flutter   among the bushes. (飞来飞去,飘动) 在春光明媚的日子,你可以看到可爱的小鸟在丛林中飞来飞去。2) As a direct result of the economic crisis, unemployment is becoming more    acute   in this country. (严重的,激烈的)
3) If a sheet of glass is lowered into the water and withdrawn, some water will  cling to   it but the rest will be pulled back into the main body of water.(坚持;依靠;依附;紧握不放)
 4) Amid roars of applause, she concluded her speech and returned to her seat, leaving many of us with eyes  streaming  
5) The writer is best known for his bold mixture of fact and  fancy  in his novels. (幻想,想象力,爱好)  作者以他在小说中大胆的将现实与想象结合在一起而出名。
6) True , this football team is comparatively weak. But it is absolutely wrong to  mock   at their attempt to qualify for the World Cup Finals.

7) Much of old Berlin was destroyed during World War II by bombing and by fierce   house-to-house fighting at the end of the war.
 8) No matter how great he is, no artist could be expected to complete a   masterpiece    every day, or even every year.  9) I didn't really like the book. Many of the tales told in it were pure  nonsense   or too wild to be believable.  10) Birds use nests for sleeping only during the breeding season. For the rest of the year, birds sleep in bushes, on the branches, in holes in trees, and even on the bare  ground.  11) It is said the corporation has already subtracted  a number of expenditures from the total cost; yet it still runs as high as 300 million dollars.  12) Playing tricks on others on the first day of April is a custom among European peoples. In English-speaking countries the   victim  of such jokes is called an April Fool. 13) He had a favorite song he used to sing to us in the old days -- "It's a  Sin   to Tell a Lie" -- and I shall always associate it with him.  14) I do prefer to wear smart clothes for work; it's still not easy for women in business to be taken seriously -- I like to  look the part. 15) Make sure that the project is completed on time; for the rest , I am not much concerned.