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2011-12-23 12:57  来源:中国战略论坛  评论 0 条 查看评论 【字体:大 中 小】



Kim jong il's suddenly leave,North KoreaRegime can be successfully in the hands of JinZhengEn fall, it is hard to say!Even if the well in the fall JinZhengEn on a smooth, only twenty-eight years old, he can start the burden?Everything is still uncertain.Kim jong il, north Korea without helm, like the storm is in a boat across the sea voyage of the reef, at any time and destroyed a possible!Where do they?Maybe the Korean peninsula and will begin to turmoil.From America, Japan, Korea nervous attitude, can see clue!Maybe the U.S. imperialists andSouth KoreaWill make good use of this opportunity, to realize their reunification!RussiaStatement on the surface while calm, but believe they secretly also in strengthening the alert.

  North KoreaThe situation of the peninsula of Russia and China, had a big impact, Russia and China, don't want to see a by the U.S. imperialists master and unity of the Korean peninsula.especiallyChinaWhen the American imperialists battalion gradually in the encirclement, a rival of the Korean peninsula, to China is quite important, can ease China's many pressure!Facing the situation in north Korea's unpredictable, believe in shenyang military region now has entered the level of combat readiness, ready to deal with north Korea peninsula possible situations!Especially the frontier forces, at any time by north Korean situation on the unrest and let refugees into China border!The people's own army seems on the responsibility is significant.

The next JinZhengEn can help to look up, for now, to implement the key point JinZhengEn five a work, as long as the five job fulfill, his administration quan can firmly.The following list for everybody analysis:

A, instability, political stability, adopting the related to political stability, and the affections of the measures;

Second, reform often, can be first began from the countryside, the first problem to solve grain, steps than before more;

Three, detente north-south relations, reduce pressure hostile, to put forward relevant measures;

Four, moderate disarmament, reduce military spending, concentrate on financial intensify industrial construction fixed assets investment;

Five, with more closelyChina,RussiaRelationship, strive for more economic aid, provide a higher level of security, this is implementing this four foundation.

(this is net friend upload, do not represent agree with its views or prove its description, is for reference only study with)

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