
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 10:57:18

8、Gerald OHare:Some people just should not be in any Army.



  9、earlsspg:the reason the ditch is there is just for incidents like this



  10、cuoi :Forget pulling out the pin with your teeth and throwing it 40 yards...Th ose things are rather heavy and reason you don't throw over hand. When I was in basic we didn't have a ditch to dive into and the Drill Sgt behind the wall. I was lucky to have survived with only flesh wounds on account the low bid contractor didn't put in enough blasting powder...~ ~~





  11、ReignSupreme:Remind his Captain not to let the soldier throw anything over the Great Wall of China.



  12、Turbojet01:Couldn't have happened to a nicer country!



  13、Carlene Sorrells:I had to watch it twice; the second time to simply amaze at how fast the drill sergeant snatched the trainee's little butt right into the ditch. ZIP...."do wn here, buddy!"


  oyugfoyi :The instructor had incredible nerve and reflexes to stop this being a horrible accident. I suppose that is why he is the drill Sgt!



  14、thismachinekillsfascists :Ah yes, hand grenade training. I remember it well. It was one of the few times in my military service where I was truly scared for my safety. Fortunatel y we not only had blast walls, but we also had well-train ed instructor s who could instantly react to any misfortune . Luckily we were trained without incident. By the way, this is what a real grenade looks like. Not the huge fireball normally seen in Hollywood movies.


  history repeats:youre one of those people that talk about your basic training at every family get together arent you?
