中韩影视文化:美国加州人民 发起将宣判 转基因死刑的 公民投票表决倡议

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美国加州人民发起将宣判 转基因死刑 的公民投票表决倡议

作者:作家静渊   发布时间:2011-10-8 来源:网络


        美国是转基因的策源地, 中国是转基因最大的受害国 。中国的转基因分子, 控制了国家的权力机构, 在国民对转基因一无所知的情况下,  大量引进种植转基因主粮, 更为严重的是, 这些穷凶极恶的转基因分子, 还大量进口转基因大豆转基因玉米, 转基因已经从食用油和饲料肆无忌惮地进入了食物链。

         美国种植转基因, 但是, 美国人并不食用, 出口让中国食用, 美国人民游行和抗议, 是因为转基因毁了美国的土地。而受害最深的不惜以身犯险的中国人却无动于衷! 悲哀啊,或许我们已经被转基因, 只是没有发作而已。

        我们的猪毁了, 母猪不怀孕, 母鸡不下蛋; 但是, 我国目前的反转形势是: 挺转派在行动, 反转派在呐喊, 政府置之不理, 人民沉默不语

中国的反转形势不容乐观,  一个亡国灭种的悲惨结局, 难道就改变不了吗 ?

(2011-10-08 21:46:01) 转载标签:








分类: 批判转基因技术

    转基因食品对消费者与环境,只有风险,没有任何益处。加利福尼亚州为数不断增加的有机食品生产商与健康活动家 在全国许多消费者与农民的支持下 勇敢对抗孟山都及其走狗,采取的第一个步骤是揭露他们用转基因对非有机食品销售商们的食品造成广泛的污染,并在此基础上通过基层为动力的“公民投票表决倡议”程序推动强制性的转基因标识。孟山都及其在全世界的转基因推手非常清楚:“对转基因食品进行标识好比(在食品上)贴上'骷髅与交叉的骨头’标识”!这就是为什么孟山都以及他们在克林顿、布什与奥巴马政府里的朋友竭力阻止对消费者真实的转基因标识法律,甚至阻止就此进行任何讨论,更不用说在国会里进行投票。孟山都与食品销售公司对美国的食品与农场系统即将遭到的一场围绕食品的斗争,将在很大程度上决定美国农业的未来。



The California Ballot Initiative: Standing Up to Monsanto



By Ronnie Cummins  Organic Consumers Association

作者:罗尼·卡敏思(Ronnie Cummins),有机消费者协会

Oct 7, 2011/2011年10月7日






       "If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." - Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994

       《堪萨斯城市之星》(Kansas City Star)1994年3月7日引用孟山都的子公司Asgrow种子公司(Asgrow Seed Co)总裁诺曼·布拉克赛克(Norman Braksick)的名言:“对转基因食品进行标识好比(在食品上)贴上'骷髅与叉骨’标识”!



Monsanto and Food Inc.'s stranglehold over the nation's food and farming system is about to be challenged in a food fight that will largely determine the future of American agriculture. A growing corps of organic food and health activists in California - supported by consumers and farmers across the nation - are boldly standing up to Monsanto and its minions, taking the first steps to expose the widespread contamination of non-organic grocery store foods with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and moving to implement mandatory GMO labeling through a grassroots-powered Citizens Ballot Initiative process.

    孟山都与食品销售公司对美国的食品与农场系统即将遭到的一场围绕食品的斗争,将在很大程度上决定美国农业的未来。加利福尼亚州为数不断增加的有机食品生产商与健康活动家 在全国许多消费者与农民的支持下 勇敢对抗孟山都及其走狗,采取的第一个步骤是揭露他们用转基因对非有机食品销售商们的食品造成广泛的污染,并在此基础上通过基层为动力的“公民投票表决倡议”程序推动强制性的转基因标识。 




This month, lawyers representing a broad and unprecedented health, environmental, and consumer coalition, including the Organic Consumers Association, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap, Center for Food Safety, Mercola.com, Nature's Path, Natural News.com, LabelGMOs.org, Food Democracy Now, and the Institute for Responsible Technology, are filing papers with the California Attorney General's office to place a Citizens Initiative on the Ballot in November 2012 that would require mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods and food ingredients.  If California voters pass this ballot initiative in 2012, it will likely be the beginning of the end for Monsanto and genetically engineered food in the U.S.


    签署该“公民倡议”法律文件的单位包括“有机消费者协会”(Organic Consumers Association),“布罗诺博士的魔术肥皂”(Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap),“食品安全中心”(Center for Food Safety),“Mercola网站” (Mercola.com), “自然道路”(Nature's Path), “自然新闻网站”(Natural News.com),“标识转基因网站”(LabelGMOs.org),“食品民主现在就要”(Food Democracy Now), 与“负责任技术研究所”(Institute for Responsible Technology)。



According to Zuri Star, a Southern California field organizer for the Organic Consumers Association, "The California Ballot Initiative is perhaps our last chance to stop the Biotech Express, to overthrow Biotechnology's dictatorial regime and build a safe and sustainable food and farming system based upon the ethical principles of consumer choice and BioDemocracy."

    依据祖里·斯塔尔(Zuri Star),“有机消费者协会”南加州一位现场组织者,的说法,“加州'公民投票表决’的'公民倡议’可能是我们终止'生物技术快车’、推翻生物技术的独裁王国的最后机会,使我们得以建设一个基于消费者选择与'生物民主’道德原则的安全、可持续的食品与农场系统。”


Moving the Battleground



After twenty years of biotech bullying and force-feeding unlabeled and hazardous genetically engineered (GE) foods to animals and humans, a critical mass of food and health activists have decided it's time to move beyond small skirmishes and losing battles and go on the offensive. It's time to move the food fight over labeling GE food from the unfavorable terrain of Washington D.C. and Capital Hill, where Monsanto and Food Inc. exercise near-dictatorial control, to California, the heartland of organic food and farming and anti-GMO sentiment, where 80-85% of the body politic, according to recent polls, support mandatory labeling.



The trillion-dollar biotech, supermarket, and food industry are acutely conscious of the fact that North American consumers, like their European counterparts, are wary and suspicious of genetically engineered food. Consumers understand that you don't want your food safety or environmental sustainability decisions to be made by out-of-control chemical and biotech companies like Monsanto, Dow, or DuPont - the same people who brought us toxic pesticides and industrial chemicals, Agent Orange, carcinogenic food additives, PCBs, and now global warming. Biotech, food, and grocery corporations are alarmed by the fact that every poll over the last 20 years has shown that 85-95% of American consumers want mandatory labels on genetically engineered foods.

    达到万亿美元规模的生物技术产业、超市与食品产业强烈意识到北美的消费者,像欧洲的消费者一样,对转基因食品谨慎又怀疑。消费者非常清楚,你们不希望食品安全或环境可持续性方面的决定脱离孟山都、道公司(Dow)或杜邦(DuPont)这样的化学与生物技术公司的控制做出,因为正是你们,将有毒的除草剂/杀虫剂与有毒化学品,诸如橙剂落叶剂、致癌食品添加剂、PCB类(多氯联苯类),以及现在的全球温暖。近二十年期间每一次民意调查都表明85%- 95%的美国消费者要求对转基因食品强制性标识,这一事实引起了生物技术产业、食品产业与食品销售商的警觉。


Europe Shows Labels Drive GMOs off the Market



Why are there basically no genetically engineered foods or crops anywhere in Europe, while 75% of U.S. supermarket foods - including many so-called "natural" foods - are GE-tainted? The answer is simple. In Europe genetically engineered foods and ingredients have to be labeled. In the U.S. they do not. Up until now, in North America, Monsanto and the Biotechnocrats have enjoyed free reign to secretly lace non-organic foods with gene-spliced viruses, bacteria, antibiotic-resistant marker genes, and foreign DNA-mutant "Frankenfoods" shown to severely damage the health of animals, plants, and other living organisms in numerous scientific studies.

    为什么欧洲近乎所有的地方没有转基因食品与转基因作物,而美国超市中75%的食品 包括许多称之为“自然”的食品 都受到转基因污染?答案很简单。在欧洲,转基因食品与转基因食物配料都必须标识。在美国,转基因食品与转基因食品配料不标识。到目前为止,在北美洲,孟山都与生物技术推手们享受着可以秘密将基因切割病毒(gene-spliced viruses)、细菌、抗生素—抵抗标记基因(antibiotic-resistant marker genes)、植物以及无数科学研究中的其他活的生物体与食品联系在一起。


Monsanto and their allies understand the threat that truth-in-labeling poses for GMOs. As soon as genetically engineered foods start to be labeled in the U.S., millions of consumers will start to read these labels and react. They'll complain to grocery store managers and companies, they'll talk to their family and friends. They'll start switching to foods that are organic or at least GMO-free. Once enough consumers start complaining about GE foods and food ingredients; stores will eventually stop selling them; and farmers will stop planting them.



Genetically engineered foods have absolutely no benefits for consumers or the environment, only hazards. This is why Monsanto and their friends in the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations have prevented consumer GMO truth-in-labeling laws from ever getting a public discussion, much less coming to a vote in Congress.  And this is why activists are launching the California Ballot Initiative. By moving the battle from the federal level to the state level, by employing one of the last remaining tools of direct grassroots democracy in the USA, the ballot initiative, concerned consumers can bypass Washington and regain their fundamental right to know what they are eating.





Passing mandatory GMO labeling in just one large state, California, where there is tremendous opposition to GE foods as well as a multi-billion dollar organic food industry, will ultimately have the same impact as a national labeling law.



If California food and health activists succeed in putting a GMO labeling initiative on the ballot in 2012 and the voters pass it, the biotech and food industry will face an intractable dilemma. Will they dare put labels on their branded food products in just one state, California, admitting these products contain or may contain genetically engineered ingredients, while withholding this ingredient label information in the other states? Will they allow their organic and non-GMO competitors to drive down their GMO-tainted brand market share? The answer to both of these questions is likely no. What most of them will do is start to shift to organic and non-GMO ingredients, so as to avoid what the Monsanto executive 16 years ago aptly described as the "skull and crossbones" label.

    如果加利福尼亚的食品与健康活动家们能够成功将转基因标识放到2012年投票表决的议题中,而且如果投票通过的话,生物技术产业与转基因食品产业将面临难于对付左右为难的状况。他们是否敢于对他们的食品, 仅仅在加利福尼亚一个州内贴转基因标识,承认这些食品包含或者可能含有转基因成分,而对他们在其他州销售的同样食品不贴这样的标签?他们是否能够允许他们的有机与非转基因竞争者减少他们转基因污染的食品的市场份额?对, 这两个问题的答复大概都是“不”。这些食品生产商与销售商的大部分将转为有机食品与非转基因食品配料,以便避免孟山都的高级管理人员16年前称之为“骷髅与叉骨”作用的标签。


California Label Laws Have National Impact: Proposition 65



A clear indication of the impact of warning labels on consumer products was established in California in 1986 when voters passed, over the strenuous opposition of industry, a ballot initiative called Proposition 65, which required consumer products with potential cancer-causing ingredients to bear warning labels. Rather than label their products sold in California as likely carcinogenic, most companies reformulated their product ingredients so as to avoid warning labels altogether, and they did this on a national scale, not just in California.

    清楚表明对消费性产品贴警示性标识将造成什么影响的一个实例:1986年,加利福尼亚的投票者,在击败产业界费力的阻碍后,通过了称之为“提案65”的一项“投票表决倡议”,要求含有具有潜在致癌性成分的消费产品必须贴警告性 的标识。为了避免在加利福尼亚销售贴有致癌性警示性标识的产品,绝大部分公司对他们的产品的配方进行了修改(去除了有害性的成分—译注),因此不需要贴这样的警示性标识,而且,不仅在加利福尼亚这样做,在全国销售的产品都这样做。


This same scenario will likely unfold again in California in 2012.  Can you imagine Kellogg's selling its Corn Flakes breakfast cereal in California with a label that admits it contains or may contain genetically engineered corn? This would be the kiss of death for their iconic brand. How about Kraft Boca Burgers admitting that their soybean ingredients are genetically modified? How about the entire non-organic food industry (including many so-called "natural" brands) admitting that a large proportion of their products are GE-tainted?

    同样的情景2012年可能在加利福尼亚再现。你能够想像凯洛格(Kellogg)在加利福尼亚销售“早餐玉米食品”贴有承认包含或可能包含转基因玉米的标识?这将意味着他们享有盛名品牌的死亡。Kraft Boca Burgers若承认他们的大豆成分为转基因会如何?整个非有机食品产业(包括许多称之为“自然”的品牌)如果承认他们很大部分产品受转基因污染,又会如何?


Once food manufacturers and supermarkets are forced to come clean and label genetically engineered products, they will likely remove all GE ingredients, to avoid the "skull and crossbones" effect, just like the food industry in the EU has done. In the wake of this development American farmers will convert millions of acres of GE crops to non-GMO or organic varieties.



Finally consumers will be able to tell the difference between organic food (labeled as "organic" and thereby GMO-free); natural food (which will not have a GMO label), and bogus "natural" food (which will be required to display the label "contains or may contain GMOs").



What Now? The Campaign Needs Volunteers and Money



Monsanto, the Farm Bureau, and the Grocery Manufacturers Association are already gearing up to fight against the California Ballot Initiative. They will literally spend millions to spread lies and disinformation that GMO foods and crops are perfectly safe; and that we need more, not less GMO food and biofuel crops in this era of climate change and growing population, etc. As the campaign progresses, they will lie and say that GMO labels will be costly to the food industry and raise food prices. We'll have to counter these lies of course, now and throughout the campaign, but first of all we must make sure that the 2012 GE Food Labeling Initiative actually gets on the ballot.



When corporations like Monsanto decide to launch a ballot initiative in California, or other states, one of the first things they do is hand over a couple of million dollars to a professional petition gathering business. Since, unlike Monsanto, we don't have a couple of million dollars to spare, we're going to have to rely on an army of volunteers to gather signatures. These volunteers can be trained and coordinated by our small, but highly dedicated and experienced, paid campaign staff and consultants, but for the most part we must drive this campaign forward with volunteer labor.



In order to hit the ground running in December, gathering 500-700,000 petition signatures of registered voters to put this measure on the ballot, we need your help now. We need an army of thousands of volunteer petition gatherers to step forward in California. And we need money. OCA and our allied lobbying organization, the Organic Consumers Fund, estimate that we need to raise at least $60,000 over the next month in order to effectively play our part in the California Ballot Initiative Campaign, to pay our staff, consultants, and other campaign expenses.

    为了实现12月该项运动必须达到的目标,即收集到将该项法律手段使该项投票表决倡议进入程序所需的登记投票权人士50万到70万个签字,我们需要你们现在提供帮助。我们在加利福尼亚需要数千志愿者站出来组成请愿支持者签字收集大军。而且,我们需要必要的经费支持。“有机消费者协会”(Organic Consumers Association -- OCA)以及与我们联盟的游说组织“有机消费者基金”估计我们今后几个月需要募集至少6万美元来有效支付我们在加利福尼亚州的投票表决倡议运动中发挥的作用,包括支付我们工作人员、咨询顾问的费用,以及其他运动费用。