
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/02 23:24:28

话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下:


1、We are the 99 percent."


替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t


哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。


2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.”

 替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t(这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。)


哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。 ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。


hey ask me, Who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan? Im going to say, You know, I dont know. Do you know? ” (若他们问我,‘乌兹别克的总统是谁?’,我会说,‘我不知道,那你知道吗?’。)——共和党总统参选人凯恩(Herman Cain)10月7日接受基督教广播网访问所言。 7、“I am on a drug. Its called Charlie Sheen. Its not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.” (我正在嗑一种名为‘查理辛’的毒品,市面上没有,因为若你试过一次,就会致命。你的脸孔会溶化,你的子女会在你爆炸的尸体旁哭泣。) ——美国演员查理辛(Charlie Sheen)二月接受美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)访问所说。 8、“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow” (喔,哇!喔,

3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.”

hey ask me, Who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan? Im going to say, You know, I dont know. Do you know? ” (若他们问我,‘乌兹别克的总统是谁?’,我会说,‘我不知道,那你知道吗?’。)——共和党总统参选人凯恩(Herman Cain)10月7日接受基督教广播网访问所言。 7、“I am on a drug. Its called Charlie Sheen. Its not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.” (我正在嗑一种名为‘查理辛’的毒品,市面上没有,因为若你试过一次,就会致命。你的脸孔会溶化,你的子女会在你爆炸的尸体旁哭泣。) ——美国演员查理辛(Charlie Sheen)二月接受美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)访问所说。 8、“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow” (喔,哇!喔,


(我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)——替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t
巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏


话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy”

 哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。 (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。)


话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真
哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。
 ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。


哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。



话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真
话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真

替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。


替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t6、“When they ask me, 'Who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan?' I'm going to say, 'You know, I don't know. Do you know?' ”

 (若他们问我,‘乌兹别克的总统是谁?’,我会说,‘我不知道,那你知道吗?’。)——共和党总统参选人凯恩(Herman Cain)10月7日接受基督教广播网访问所言。


哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。 7、“I am on a drug. It's called 'Charlie Sheen.' It's not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”



哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。
哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。

——美国演员查理辛(Charlie Sheen)二月接受美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)访问所说。


哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。
8、“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow”

话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真


话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真



话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真
hey ask me, Who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan? Im going to say, You know, I dont know. Do you know? ” (若他们问我,‘乌兹别克的总统是谁?’,我会说,‘我不知道,那你知道吗?’。)——共和党总统参选人凯恩(Herman Cain)10月7日接受基督教广播网访问所言。 7、“I am on a drug. Its called Charlie Sheen. Its not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.” (我正在嗑一种名为‘查理辛’的毒品,市面上没有,因为若你试过一次,就会致命。你的脸孔会溶化,你的子女会在你爆炸的尸体旁哭泣。) ——美国演员查理辛(Charlie Sheen)二月接受美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)访问所说。 8、“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow” (喔,哇!喔,

——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。


替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t9、 “I can't say with certitude.”



哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。


话说美国耶鲁法学院图书馆副馆长Fred Shapiro,六年来每年都精心整理出当年最值得回味的美国人十大名言榜(10 most memorable quotes of the year),2011年度十大名言如下: 1、We are the 99 percent. (“我们是99%”) ——华尔街的占领运动口号。 2、“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” (这个国家没有任何人是光靠一己之力致富,你开了家工厂,真

——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。


替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t

10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.”

替你高兴!但我要说明的是,你利用道路运送货品到市场,这是我们其他纳税人付费铺的路;你雇用职工,而这些职工的教育费用是我们其他人支付;你能安心经营工厂,也是因为有我们支付警力和消防队。) ——民主党参议员候选人瓦伦(Elizabeth Warren)8月在麻州发表的演说。 3、“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” (我和我的朋友们长期受到对亿万富豪友好的国会宠溺,已经够久了。)—— 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)8月15日在《纽约时报》专栏 4、“I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy” (我相信进化,也信任全球暖化的科学家,就当我疯了吧。) ——共和党总统参选人洪博培(Jon Huntsman)8月18日在推特张贴的推文。 5、Oops(矮油) ——共和党总统参选人裴利(Rick Perry)11月9日在辩论会上,记不起自己提出要废除的第3个联邦机构名称,脱口说出oops(“哎哟”)。 6、“When t



哇!喔,哇!) ——苹果共同创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)10月5日临终前遗言,纪录在他的妹妹辛普森(Mona Simpson)的悼词中。 9、 “I cant say with certitude.” (我无法确定。) ——美国众议员韦纳(Anthony Weiner)6月1日被问及是否为不雅照主角时的答复。 10、“Instead of receiving the help that she had hoped for, Mr. Cain instead decided to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package.” (那名妇女并未获得她所希望的帮助,反之,凯恩决定向她提出他的刺激方案构想。) ——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。

——律师欧瑞德(Gloria Allred)11月7日谈及凯恩犯嫌疑性骚扰其客户时所言。


hey ask me, Who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan? Im going to say, You know, I dont know. Do you know? ” (若他们问我,‘乌兹别克的总统是谁?’,我会说,‘我不知道,那你知道吗?’。)——共和党总统参选人凯恩(Herman Cain)10月7日接受基督教广播网访问所言。 7、“I am on a drug. Its called Charlie Sheen. Its not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.” (我正在嗑一种名为‘查理辛’的毒品,市面上没有,因为若你试过一次,就会致命。你的脸孔会溶化,你的子女会在你爆炸的尸体旁哭泣。) ——美国演员查理辛(Charlie Sheen)二月接受美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)访问所说。 8、“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow” (喔,哇!喔,