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环球网记者谭利娅引用美国《纽约时报》报道说,专门研究腐败问题的国际性非政府组织透明国际11月30日发布全球清廉指数报告,按照从0(非常腐败)到10(几乎没有腐败)的评分标准,排名前十的清廉国家包括瑞典、新加坡、挪威、荷兰、澳大利亚、瑞士和加拿大美国排名第24位,中国排名75(2011年排名78),印度为95位缅甸与阿富汗并列排第180位,仅高于索马里和朝鲜这两个排名最靠后的国家。 中国的排名比上不足比下有余与突尼斯和罗马尼亚为邻尚在意料之中,但是东中国的清教徒国朝鲜排名居然与盛产海盗的索马里一起垫底,相当令人疑惑






Why is the CPI based only on perceptions?

Corruption generally comprises illegal activities, which mainly come to light only through scandals, investigations or prosecutions. It is thus difficult to assess absolute levels of corruption in countries or territories on the basis of hard empirical data. Possible attempts to do so such as by comparing bribes reported, the number of prosecutions brought or court cases directly linked to corruption cannot be taken as definitive indicators of corruption levels. Rather they show how effective prosecutors, the courts or the media are in investigating and exposing corruption. One reliable method of compiling comparable country data is to capture perceptions of those in a position to offer assessments of public sector corruption in a given country.