super time是什么意思:改善民生是经济健康发展之必需

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 17:13:28

  正是针对城市化进程中的难题,2011年中央经济工作会议提出:“要重视农民工在城镇的工作生活问题,帮助他们逐步解决在就业、居住、医疗、子女入学等方面遇到的困难,有序引导符合条件的农民工进城落户”。应当说,这抓到了城市化的核心问题。只要按照这种思路去做,并将这种思路落实为具体的、行之有效的政策,农民工及其家庭成员才能真正融入城市生活当中,才能完成由原农村居民向城市居民的转变,同时,中国的城市化进程才能呈现出一种健康推进的态势。 (吴忠民)


[责任编辑: 李海霞 ]

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New Year's eve, President hu jintao through China Radio International, China national radio and China central television speech titled "jointly promote world peace and development of the New Year.(December 31, 2011 xinhuanet)

In 2011, is the world economic upheavals of the year.Our country economy in the world economic upheavals of the background to continue the steady walking, national revenue to step on to ten trillion yuan to a new stage.Along with the enhancement of national strength is, the people's livelihood of constant warm scroll in every Chinese present before: the biggest in history, security room construction faster, more and more people realized how dreams;National each city raised the minimum wage standard, low-income groups have more security;"New farming maintain a" pilot expanded to 40% of the county, more people have a goal from old and a step closer.So, we want to "hold security and improving the people's livelihood" is the development of "fundamental purpose", also is the steady growth, control prices, the structure of the power lies.

As President hu jintao in 2012 in the New Year that in 2011, is China's "1025" period beginning of.In a complicated and volatile international situation and arduous strenuous domestic reform, development and stability of the mission, the Chinese people work together, forge ahead, to continue to push forward the reform, opening up and socialist modernization, maintain stable and rapid economic development, the comprehensive construction well-off society have made new progress.China to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries, actively participate in promoting world economic growth and financial stability, perfect global economic governance, solve international and regional hot problems and other international cooperation, to promote peace and human development to make the new contribution.

The facts proved that every year will have the same heat the people's livelihood, every year, will have a different topic of people.Review just the past 2011 years, the security room, food safety, income distribution reform, health care reform, social security reform, "three fairs" open, stable prices and property regulation reform, education fairness, pension, the 10 big's become common people of the most attention hot topics and the people's livelihood one hot words not only related to the common people's decent lives, but also recorded the 2011 people true feelings, including are glad, also have to look forward to, is the most concerned about people, the most concern, the focus of attention of the hot issue.Review past 2011, China's construction of people's livelihood every advance, is in the people heart will get warm response, the process of the construction of people's livelihood, is the common people dream project, construction of people's livelihood vivid to interpret the "people's livelihood than day, heavy responsibility mountain" concept of people's livelihood.

A country so, a provinces, cities, and a region as well.Inventory sichuan in 2011: high into chongqing economic zone, always the new city, "two of" the interaction, the 12 th west lake expo, the development, the aviation disaster fourth city, wu lead 2 period, the financing of small and medium enterprises, such as affordable housing hot words about the same one sichuan people's livelihood of the people of the event, lay off a strong rise curve, Outlines the sichuan economic development history of brilliant in 2011.Thus, the author thinks that, social development today, the livelihood of the people have mentioned a political level.Focus on the people's livelihood, development of the people's livelihood, improving the people's livelihood, has become our party serve the people wholeheartedly new comments, had become "the three represents" the embodiment of the action, has become a vivid practice of the scientific concept of development.

Because of this, President hu jintao to 2012 puts forward specific requirements.President hu jintao in the New Year points out that: in the New Year, the Chinese people will continue to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to deng xiaoping theory and the important thought of "three represents" as a guide, thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development, scientific development as the theme, speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development as the main line, the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy, and accelerate the economic structure adjustment, strive to guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people and deepening reform and opening up, maintain fast yet steady economic development, promoting social harmony and stability.We will adhere to the "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "Macao people governing Macao" with a high degree of autonomy policy, closely rely on the Hong Kong people, Macao compatriots, efforts to keep the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.We will adhere to the "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems" policy, hold peaceful development of cross-strait relations theme, continue to promote cross-strait exchange cooperation, and benefit the compatriots on both sides.

In face of the new situation and new tasks, we have to take the President hu eager to promote the transformation of the new driving forces, and assigned to specific work.Therefore, the author suggest, at all levels of each department should adhere to the livelihood of the people first, put the livelihood of the people, for the people's livelihood, work hard to solve of greatest concern to the people, the most direct, the most realistic interests problem, truly realize in reform, development and people's livelihood improvement in improving the people's livelihood achieve happiness in harmony.One is to catch people's livelihood to promote harmonious society construction.To solve the education, health, culture, sports, endowment, housing, environmental management, the most common people the hot issues as our starting point and the foothold, further strengthen infrastructure construction, and further improve education, health, medical, cultural level, and constantly satisfy the people's cultural needs and spiritual needs and body health needs, and strive to solve the people to go to school, to go to a doctor, housing difficult, living environment's poor, and constantly improve the happiness index.Two is to stick to the innovative social management guarantee social harmony.To the party committee, government and the people built up a LianXinQiao between,, really bridge, the relationship between the party and the masses closely, and actively resolve all kinds of social contradictions, that the people of the reasonable demands solved.To crack down on all crime, and to maintain the normal social order, to construct the harmonious social environment of peace.To strengthen the work of production safety, reduce the family tragedy, social tragedy, let people's life in harmony sunshine.Three is to carry forward the advanced culture to cultivate harmonious environment.To carry forward the advanced culture, with excellent culture propaganda to politics, ideology and culture in patriotism and socialist constructing the socialist core values, and to increase the cultural infrastructure investment, improve the cultural infrastructure, and constantly satisfy the people's growing cultural demand, through the various forms of patriotism education, rich and colorful spiritual civilization construction activities, improve the overall quality of the people, form good society as a whole.

In short, adhere to the livelihood of the people to promote harmonious, harmonious development, development and improvement of people's life is the guarantee to improve the livelihood of the people basic choices.As long as we sincerely for the people, our work will get the people's support, as long as our true feelings for the people, and the people will join us, overcame many difficulties, a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country in our hard work and dedication of be vividly portrayed.(you will)

[responsibility editor: ZhangLiNa]

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