七怎么写的:What changes China-Russia oil pipeline has brought?

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What changes China-Russia oil pipeline has brought?

By Fan Yingchun and Gao Xing (People's Daily Overseas Edition)

16:57, January 05, 2012
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Edited and Translated by People's Daily Online 

The nearly 1,000-kilometer-long China-Russia oil pipeline had transported more than 15 million tons of crude oil from Russia to northeast China as of 00:47 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2012. The pipeline has met all required economic and technical standards, and been in smooth operation for a year. 

Maximum annual capacity of 30 million tons

The crude oil pipeline starts at the Skovorodino oil pumping station of Russia’s East Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline, passes China’s Heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and ends in Daqing, Heilongjiang province. It has a designed annual delivery capacity of 15 million tons, and a maximum annual capacity of 30 million tons. 

Previously, China’s oil imports from Russia mainly relied on rail transportation. The China-Russia crude oil pipeline with higher conveying capacity and lower transportation costs has created a stable market for Russia’s crude oil exports, and provided stable oil supplies to China. 

China imported 210 million tons of crude oil in the first 10 months of 2011, up nearly 9 percent from the previous year.

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