
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 09:17:24
Swing trading can be a great way to profit from market upswings and downswings, but as I’ve always said, it’s not easy. Mastering the swing-trading techniques takes and effort. To help get you started, I am giving you 15 Rules to think about as you begin – and ultimately master – swing trading.  波段交易*是在市场上升/下降波段中获取利益的最好的一种方法之一,但是如我常言,它不是那么容易。掌握波段交易的技巧需要时间和努力。为了帮助大家起步,我给出了15条交易规则,以最大的机会帮助大家掌握波段交易。
  Rule 1: If you have to look, it isn’t there. Forget your college degree and trust your instincts. The best trades jump out of nowhere and create a sense of urgency. Take a deep breath, then act quickly before the opportunity disappears.规则一:如果你必须看,它在你看不见的地方,忘记你的大学学历,相信你的本能。除了你突发的灵感,最好的交易不可能来自于任何地方。深呼吸,在机会消失前迅速行动。
  Rule 2: Trends depend on their frame. Make sure your trade fits the clock. Price movement aligns to specific cycles. Success depends on trading the right ones. 规则二:趋势是有时间限制的。确定你的交易符合这个时间阶段。价格变化只适用于这个特定的时间段。成功必须建立在你选择了正确的时间段。
  Rule 3: Price has memory. What happened the last time a stock hit a certain level? Chances are it will happen again. Watch trades closely when price returns to a battleground. The prior action can predict the future. 规则三:价格是有记忆的。上一次价格突破到一个层面后发生了什么?机会会再次在这里产生。当价格回到密集交易区时,紧密地观察交易。上一次的变动就是未来的变动。
  Rule 4: Profit and discomfort stand side by side. Find the setup that scares you the most. That's the one you need to trade. Don't expect it to feel good until you take your profit. If it did, everyone else would be trading it. Wisdom from the East: What at first brings pleasure in the end gives only pain, but what at first causes pain end sup in great pleasure.规则四:利润与恐惧伴生,找到最令你惊恐的图形或模式。那个就是你需要进行交易的交易点。直到你获得利润前,不要期望你会找到感觉更舒服的交易点。如果这样,其它每个人都会去进行交易。东方的智者:那些先带给你快乐的东西最终只会留给你痛苦,但是一开始就痛苦是的事情,结果往往是快乐。
  Rule 5: Stand apart from the crowd at all times. Trade ahead, behind or contrary to the crowd. Be the first in and out of the profit door. Your job is to take their money before they take yours. Be ready to pounce on ill-advised decisions, poor judgment and bad timing. Your success depends on the misfortune of others. 规则五:永远站在距离拥挤的人群比较远的地方。和大多数人比,在他们之前、之后或者反向进行交易。做第一个打开利润之门的人。你的工作是去抢他们的钱,在他们抢你之前。做好功课,远离错误的建议、失误的判断和糟糕的时机。你的成功建立在别人的错误(不幸)之上。
  Rule 6: Buy the first pullback from a new high. Sell the first pullback from a new low. Trends often test the last support/resistance before taking off. Trade with the crowd that missed the boat the first time around. .规则六:在创新高的价格第一次回撤时买入,在价格创新低第一次反弹的时候沽空交易者习惯于测试支持/阻力位。和这些交易者相伴会让你错过第一时间乘上通向财富之门的船。
  Rule 7: Buy at support. Sell at resistance. Trend has only two choices upon reaching a barrier: Continue forward or reverse. Get it right and start counting your money.规则七:在支撑位买入,在阻力位沽空(这不是和第六条抵触的吗?)趋势在到达一个障碍的时候只有两个选择,突破或者掉头。做正确的事然后开始数钱。
  Rule 8: Short rallies, not selloffs. Shorts profit when market sdrop, so they start to cover. This makes it a terrible time to enter new short sales. Wait until they get squeezed and shaken out, then jump in while no one is watching.规则八:反弹时放空,而非追空。当价格滑落时放空者开始获利,于是他们将开始回补空单。这是一个下新空单的糟糕时机。应该等到希望出场的空方难受、动摇,纷纷离场时,再一跃入场。
  Rule 9: Manage time as efficiently as price. Time is money in the markets. Profit relates to the amount of time set aside for analysis. Know your holding period for every trade. And watch the clock to become a market survivor. 规则九:管理好时间,和关注价格一样有效在市场上,时间就是金钱。利润和你浪费在分析上的时间紧密相关。熟知你每个交易的持仓时间,看着时钟使你成为一个市场幸存者。
  Rule 10: Avoid the open. They see you coming, sucker. 规则十:回避开盘阶段,他们知道你来了,你这个傻瓜!
  Rule 11: Trades that work in hot markets destroy accounts in cool ones. Stocks trend only 15% to 20% of the time. Price ranges cause grief to momentum traders the rest of the time." 规则十一:在活跃市中交易赚钱,在牛皮市中交易爆仓维持股票(货币对)的趋势只占15%到20%的总交易时间。在剩余的时间里交易是交易者失败的重要因素。
  Rule 12: The best trades show major convergence. Watch for the bull's eye. Look for a single point in price and time that points repeatedly to a trade entry. The market is trying to tell you something. 规则十二:一个最好的交易体现出最主要的获利看着公牛的眼睛。找出一个唯一的价格点和唯一的时间,这些重复出现的点就是入场交易点。市场在试图告诉你一些事情。
  Rule 13: Don't confuse execution with opportunity. Save Donkey Kong for the weekend. Pretty colors and fast fingers don't make successful careers. Understanding price behavior and market mechanics does. Learn what a good trade looks like before falling in love with the software. 规则十三:不要在机会面前迷茫保存Donkey Kong(谁知道什么是Donkey Kong?)给周末。漂亮的颜色和灵活的手指不会给你创造成功的职业生涯。理解市场行为和结构,在沉迷于软件之前学会什么是一个好的交易者。
  Rule 14: Control risk before seeking reward. Wear your market chastity belt at all times. Attention to profit is a sign of immaturity, while attention to loss is a sign of experience. The markets have no intention of offering money to those who do not earn it. 规则十四:获利之前先学会控制风险永远带上这个市场的贞操带(带上控制风险这个紧箍咒)。只关注利润是一个不成熟的标志,而关注风险控制是一个专家的标志。市场没有给不称职的人发钱的意图。
  Rule 15: Big losses rarely come without warning. You have no one to blame but yourself. The chart told you to leave, the news told you to leave and your mother told you to leave. Learn to visualize trouble and head for safety with only a few bars of information. 规则十五:巨大损失很少会没有先兆的除了你自己,没有任何人可以责怪。图表已经告诉你离场,新闻告诉你离场,你妈妈告诉你离场。学会把风险形象化,用很少的信号你就能走向安全区。