
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 12:24:02

1Birds take off from a lake in Bucharest, Romania, which is experiencing a warmer-than-usual winter Photograph: Vadim Ghirda/AP
罗马尼亚布加勒斯特境内一片湖泊的水面上,成群结队的水鸟从湖面上腾空而起。这里经历了一个非同寻常的暖冬。Photograph: Vadim Ghirda/AP
2Two fallow deers look for food in a pile of withered leaves at the Grafenbergerwald wildlife park in Duesseldorf, Germany Photograph: Horst Ossinger/EPA
德国杜塞尔多夫的Grafenbergerwald野生动物公园,两只扁角鹿正低着头,在一堆枯枝败叶中寻找着食物。Photograph: Horst Ossinger/EPA  
3An Asian short-clawed otter eating a fish at Chester Zoo, which has a breeding programme for the species Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters
切斯特动物园里的一只亚洲短爪水獭正在啃食一条大鱼。该短爪水獭正是该动物园繁殖计划中实施繁殖的其中一个物种。Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters
4Flowers captured in Regent's Park, London Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images
在伦敦摄政公园里拍摄到的遍地鲜花。 Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images
5Monkeys help themselves to eat fruit handed out by devout Hindus on a foggy morning in New Delhi, India. Tuesday is the day of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, and so fruit and other food is handed out to monkeys by devotees in order to rid themselves of sin Photograph: Saurabh Das/AP
印度新德里大雾迷茫的清晨,成群结队的猴子正在享用印度虔诚教徒为它们提供的水果自助大餐。周二是供奉印度教神猴哈努曼的日子,信徒们为猴子们发放水果和食品,目的是为了不让它们打扰神灵。Photograph: Saurabh Das/AP
6A cluster of monarch butterflies, shot from below. Every year over 25,000 monarch butterflies huddle together to conserve heat on the pine and eucalyptus trees of Monarch Grove Sanctuary, in Pacific Grove, California. It is thought the butterflies come from as far north as Canada Photograph: Michael Yang/Rex Features
这是从一群黑脉金斑蝶下方拍摄到的镜头。每年都有25,000只黑脉金斑蝶来到加利福尼亚州太平洋格罗夫君主树林保护区(Monarch Grove Sanctuary)的松树和桉树上簇拥成团,以节省体能。据说它们来自遥远的拿大以北部地区。Photograph: Michael Yang/Rex Features
7Storks at the Marquenterre ornithological park in northern France. Located in the Bay of Somme nature reserve, the park has been awarded the Grands sites de France label. For more wetlands photos, see our latest Green Shoots gallery Photograph: Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images
几只鹳鸟在法国北部的Marquenterre鸟类公园里闲庭信步,低头觅食。该公园位于索姆河自然保护区湾,被授予“法国名胜标志保证景点”(Grands sites de France label)的称号。如若欣赏更多有关湿地的照片,可以搜索我们最近发布在“绿芽画廊”(Green Shoots gallery)中的相关图片。 Photograph: Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images
8An inquisitive raccoon in Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada Photograph: Luke Massey/Rex Features
加拿大温哥华的斯坦利公园,一只浣熊正以好奇的目光打探外部的世界。Photograph: Luke Massey/Rex Features
9Spider and web in the jungle of Chitwan national park in Nepal – one of the major tourist destinations in the country Photograph: Narendra Shrestha/EPA
尼泊尔奇旺国家公园是这个国家主要的旅游目的地之一,一只蜘蛛正结网以待猎物的到来。这是一张十分奇特的网。Photograph: Narendra Shrestha/EPA
10A  harp seal pup lies on an ice floe in Charlottetown, Canada. This week it was claimed that thinning ice due to climate change has killed enough seals to render the annual cull unnecessary Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
一只竖琴海豹匍匐于加拿大夏洛特敦的浮冰之上。据称,本周因气候变化,冰层变薄,以使不少海豹丧命,每年都造成不必要的减员,今年情况更是如此。Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
11Waxy tree frogs on a London zookeeper's hand. The zoo has been taking its annual stocktake Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
一位伦敦动物园管理员的手上放着两只糯树蛙(Waxy tree frogs )。该动物园每年都要对该物种进行数量的清点工作。Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
12The critically endangered Panthera pardus orientalis or the amur leopard – a leopard subspecies native to south-west Russia. There are as few as 35 are left in the wild; this beauty lives in Edinburgh Zoo Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/Murdo MacLeod
这是一只极度濒危灭绝的远东豹(学名:Panthera pardus orientalis ),它是豹的一个亚种,原产于俄罗斯西南部。野外生存只有区区35只。这只美丽的动物而今生活在爱丁堡动物园里。Photograph: Murdo
13A pair of whooper swans on a partly frozen field in Perthshire, Scotland Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters
一对大天鹅正在苏格兰佩思部分冰封的水面上如影相伴,相互依偎。Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters
14A grey-headed flying fox bat keeping cool during a heatwave in Melbourne, Australia. The species suffers perhaps more heat stress than an any other native animal species, with dozens dying whenever temperatures hit the high-30s on consecutive days. However, flying along the Yarra river helps them keep cool Photograph: Newspix/Rex Features
一只灰头飞狐蝙蝠正张开双翼,解热纳凉,沉着应对澳大利亚墨尔本扑面而来的热浪。该物种与本地其他动物物种相比,更难应对热应激对它们遭受的伤害。每当连续数天的高温来袭,都会造成数十只这种蝙蝠的死亡。然而,沿亚拉河上空飞翔,可以帮助他们解热纳凉。Photograph: Newspix/Rex Features
15Anemones and barnacles thriving near the hot vents of the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, where a number of new species – including the hairy-chested yeti crab – were revealed this week Photograph: NERC CHESSO Consortium/Oxford University
海葵和藤壶在南极洲南大洋热流喷口的附近蓬勃生长。本周,一些新物种——包括胸部毛茸茸的雪蟹——一一出现在人们的视野中,被人们发现。Photograph: NERC CHESSO Consortium/Oxford University
16A monkey on a young boy's shoulder during an eviction from Uruguay Square in Asuncion, Paraguay. A large group of the Ava Guarani ethnic group have been occupying the square for the past seven months, demanding the right to land Photograph: Jorge Saenz/AP
从巴拉圭首都亚松森乌拉圭广场逐出的人群中,一个小男孩肩背着一只小猴,出现在人流当中。在过去7个月的时间里,数量众多的阿瓦瓜拉尼族人到来乌拉圭广场,在这里为争取属于他们的土地权而抗争。Photograph: Jorge Saenz/AP