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萨提亚成长模式的信念(2011-04-30 12:50:36) 转载标签:


分类: 萨提亚个人成长模式




  1. 我们都是同一生命力的明证。We are all manifestations of the same life-force.
  2. 人类的过程是普遍性的,因此适用于一切情况、文化及环境。Human processes are universal and therefore applicable in different settings, cultures and circumstances
  3. 人们由于相同而有所联接,由于相异而有所成长。People connect on the basis of sameness and grow on the basis of being different.
  4. 父母在任何时候都是尽他们所能去做。Parents do the best they can at any given time.
  5. 父母常重复在他们成长过程中熟悉的形态,即使那些形态是没有功能的。Parents often repeat he familiar patterns from their growing up times, even if the patterns are dysfunctinal.
  6. 感受是属于我们的,我们都拥有它们。Feelings belong to us; we all have them.
  7. 人性本善。他们需要找寻自己的宝藏,以便联结及确认他们的自我价值。People are basically good. They need to find their own treasure to connect and validate their own self-worth.
  8. 健康的人际关系是建立在平等的价值上。Healthy human relationships are built on equality of value.


  1. 我们拥有一切所需的内在资源,得以成功地应对及成长。We all have internal resources we need in order to cope successfully and to grow.
  2. 问题 (困难) 不是问题,如何应对问题才是问题。The problem is not the problem, coping is the problem.
  3. 多半的人倾向选择对他而言是熟悉的而非舒适的应对,尤其在压力之下。Most people choose familiarity over comfort, especially during times of stress.
  4. 我们有许多选择,特别是面对压力做出适当响应而非对情况做出实时反应。We have choices, especially in terms of responding to stress instead of reacting to situations.
  5. 治疗的主要目标是各人可以为自己做出选择。A major goal of therapy is to become one's own choice maker.
  6. 自我价值高低呈现在应对的方式上,自我价值愈高,应对的方式愈人性化。Coping is the manifestation of the level of self-worth. The higher one's self-worth, the more wholesome the coping.



  1. 改变是有可能的,就算外在的改变有限,内在的改变还是可能的。Change is possible. Even if external change is limited, internal change is possible.
  2. “希望”是“改变”最重要的成分。Hope is significant component or ingredient for change.
  3. 我们不能改变过去已发生的事件,只能改变那些事件对我们的影响。We cannot change the past events, only the impact they have on us.
  4. 欣赏并接受“过去”可以增加我们支配“现在”的能力。Appreciating and accepting the past increases our ability to manage our present.
  5. 所谓全人性的目标是接受父母也是人,而不是只以他们扮演的角色来相处。One goal in moving towards wholeness is to accept our parental figures as people and meet them at their level of personhood rather than only in their roles.
  6. 过程是“改变”的途径,故事内容形成情境,而“改变”就在那里发生。Process is the avenue of change. Content forms the context in which change can take place.
  7. 萨提亚模式的主要目标是达到表里一致及高的自我价值。Congruence and high self-esteem are major goals in the Satir Model.
  8. 治疗需要把重点放在健康及正向积极的部分,而非病理负面的部分。Therapy needs to focus on health and possibilities instead of pathology.
  9. 症状是潜意识对问题的解决之道。核对现有问题如何成为案主的难题,认真看待问题,但治疗工作却未必要局限在此范围内发生。The symptom is a subconscious soltion to the problem. Check how the presenting problem is a problem for the client. Take the problem seriously, but not necessarily as the area on which the therapeutic work needs to take place.
  10. “运用自己”是治疗师最有力的治疗工具。The therapist's use of the Self is the greatest thapeutic tool he/she has.