第08ms小队剧场版:日常美语:购物 (二) (音频文字)VOA (ZT)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 02:21:55

日常美语:购物 (二) (音频文字)VOA (ZT)


Professor: Today Kevin is going shopping at a clothing store to buy his girlfriend a present for her birthday. What do you think he's going to get her, Winnie?

他花了1000块钱给自己买了套时髦西装,我估计,他现在肯定没钱了,给女朋友买的八成儿是便宜货! 不信一起听。

Salesperson: Good afternoon sir! Can I help you find something?

Kevin: Sure, I'm looking for something special for my girlfriend. Could you help me find something she'll like?

Salesperson: Sure, do you know what size she is?

Kevin: Uh ... I'm not really sure. She's about your size, maybe a little more petite. I haven't really noticed.

Salesperson: You don't know your girlfriend's size? Uh ... OK.


Professor: Really??? I hope you're kidding. Do you know what the word "petite" means?


Professor: Exactly. In this next section listen for the word "trendy," which means really cool and popular.

Salesperson: Alright ... well what does your girlfriend normally wear? What is her style like?

Kevin: Well she works in an office so she always dresses really professionally. But for her birthday I want to get her something really fun and trendy.

Salesperson: Well let's see ... we have some really nice skirts I can show you. What colors do you like on her.

Kevin: Hmm ... You know, I've never really noticed. But I know that I look fantastic in blue, so let's get her something blue!

Professor: So Winnie, what kind of outfit does Kevin want to buy for his girlfriend?


Professor: Right. And what colors does Kevin think his girlfriend looks good in?

说起来真是让人来气! 他从来就没注意过女友适合穿什么颜色的衣服,就因为自己穿蓝色好看,就要给女友也买蓝色的衣服。我看Kevin爱自己胜过爱女朋友!

Salesperson: Well do you want something inexpensive, or is money no object?

Kevin: I want to get her something reasonably priced, but nice.

Salesperson: Hmm ... so how about $100 dollars? Maybe $200?

Kevin: $200? Come on, it's not like we're married.

Salesperson: Is $100 out of your price range?

Kevin: I don't want to go overboard. I think my budget is closer to $20.

啊? 他的"budget" - 预算,只有20块!我看这些钱只够给人买双袜子的! Kevin真是“浪漫”得让人想揍他一顿!

Professor: Why, Winnie? Women don't think socks are a romantic present? Hmm ... So, that's why my wife was so mad at her birthday last year! But Winnie, can you guess what "money is no object" means?

我想,"money is no object"就是说 “钱不是问题,多少钱都无所谓”的意思。

Professor: That's right. For example, I usually only buy cheap things. But when I look for something important like a good doctor, money is no object.

Salesperson: Umm ... I don't think we have any outfits for $20 here. This is a nice clothing store.

Kevin: Oh ... well, can you recommend a store near here where I could find some really good bargains?

Salesperson: There is a store down the street called Bargain Basement. You could probably find some really cheap clothes there.

Kevin: Wow, that sounds perfect for my budget. I'll go try to find her a present there. Thanks!

Professor Bowman,"go overboard"意思是“过份”么?

Professor: Exactly.

这么说,Kevin连100块都不舍得花?要我说,等他女友把他甩掉时,他可别怪人家 go overboard!

Professor: I agree. Tune in next time to see what happens!


Words and Phrases

1. petite: 指女性身材娇小

2. trendy: really cool and popular 时髦的衣服

3. budget: 预算

4. money is no object: 钱不是问题,多少钱都无所谓

5. go overboard: 过份

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