
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 07:15:08
China to opertionalise 3rd generation nuke reactor next year
中国准备明年启用3代核反应堆 (注,应为operationalize)
BEIJING: China will operationalise its first third generation nuclear reactor by next year despite its cautious approach after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in Japan in 2011.
China's first AP1000 nuclear power reactor is expected to come into operation by the scheduled time of 2013, Xinhua news agency quoted a official as saying.
Chinese government has halted the construction of new nuclear plants to undergo safety checks following the Japan nuclear crisis .
Construction progress of the country's third-generation nuclear reactors is generally "under control", Wang Binghua, board chairman of the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC), said.
China started to construct its first third-generation pressurised water reactors in 2009, which were also the world's first to use AP1000 technologies developed by US-based Westinghouse.
Construction progress has slowed down after a massive earthquake and tsunami caused devastation and sparked a nuclear power crisis in Japan last March, causing delays of six to twelve months for the reactors under construction in China's coastal areas, according to Wang.
Wang also attributed the delays to Westinghouse's design adjustments during construction and a stricter construction requirement for endurance concerns.
It has also taken more time for the construction and management staff to adapt to the construction methods of third-generation reactors, he added.
Simultaneously, China has rolled out its advanced 1,000-megawatt pressurised water nuclear power reactor, ACPR-1000 which could allow it to export technology to other countries, including Pakistan, without the constraints of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues.
The reactor was "independently" developed by China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation, with full IPR and made its debut at the 13th China Hi-Tech Fair in southern city of Shenzhen, state-run People's Daily reported recently.
The technology has incorporated the lessons of the Fukushima nuclear accident.
It can cope with extreme situations, with its all technical and economic indicators meeting the standards of international third-generation nuclear power technology.
China currently has 13 nuclear power plants with varied capacities and constructing 27 others, mostly with 1000mw capacity, made with US, French and Japanese technologies.
Work in all these plants was stopped for safety review after the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors.
The new reactor was also expected to be ready for installation by next year.
在所有这些设施里的工作都停止了,在福岛核危机之后。新的反应堆期望在明年开始建设。  印度网友的留言中有如下观点:

6。Wide eye (New Delhi - Bangalore)
10 hrs ago (05:49 PM)
China is no competition to India. China could leverage her resources, create reserves, strengthen foriegn policy, secure resources around the globe, become mfg. backyard of the world and are evolving a good energy mix including Nuclear. India shouldn't compete such a position directly but leverage her resources in next 20 years and create a unique position in our own area of strengths and stop comparision with China as that boat has sailed. Both India and China have been non-aggressors militarily and like to protect their integrity of their territory. India could do well to put an people oversight on politicians (Lokpal) and take risks in land reforms for agriculture, urbanisation and letting states compete with each other for investments and retain large size of revenues. Democracy has kept India together any other form will see at least 10 to 20 countries out of one. I believe India would do well in fits and starts. We have a very bright young generation that will mutate.

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