林丹 别问下载:中英對照《格林童話》全本

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2012-01-21 23:19:07|  分类:图书馆藏 |字号 订阅

中英對照《格林童話》全本德国:雅格·格林 威廉·格林
篇章名稱Item Descrption
1一隻眼、兩隻眼和三隻眼One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
2一群二流子The Pack of Scoundrels
3七個斯瓦比亞人The Seven Swabians
4七隻烏鴉The Seven Ravens
5十二兄弟The Twelve Brothers
6十二門徒The Twelve Apostles
7十二個跳舞的公主The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
8十二個獵人The Twelve Huntsmen
9十二個懶漢The Elves
10三片羽毛The Three Feathers
11三片蛇葉The Three Snake-Leaves
12三兄弟The Three Brothers
13三位黑公主The Three Black Princesses
14三個小伙計The Three Journeymen
15三個幸運兒The Three Children of Fortune
16三個軍醫The Three Army Surgeons
17三個紡紗女The Three Spinning Women
18三個懶漢The Three Lazy Ones
19三根綠枝The Three Green Branches
20三隻小鳥The Three Little Birds
21三種語言The Three Languages
22上帝的食物God's Food
23上帝的動物和魔鬼的動物The Lord's Animals and the Devil's
25土地神The Gnome
27大拇指遊記Thumbling's Travels
28女水妖The Water Nixie
29小人兒的禮物The Gifts of the Little People
30小毛驢The Little Donkey
31小母雞之死The Death of the Little Hen
32小羊羔與小魚兒The Little Lamb and the Little Fish
33小弟弟和小姐姐Little Brother and Little Sister
34小紅帽Little Red Cap
35小海兔的故事The Crumbs on the Table
36小農夫The Little Peasant
37山雀和熊The Wren and the Bear
38不肖之子The Ungrateful Son
39井邊的牧鵝女The Goose-Girl at the Well
40六個人走遍天下How Six Men Got On in the World
41六個僕人The Six Servants
42六隻天鵝The Six Swans
43天堂裡的農夫The Peasant in Heaven
44少女和獅子The Singing, Springing Lark
45少女瑪琳Maid Maleen
46月亮The Moon
47水晶球The Crystal Ball
48水晶棺材The Glass Coffin
49牛皮靴The Boot of Buffalo Leather
50令人叫絕的樂師The Strange Musician
51四個聰明的兄弟The Four Skillful Brothers
52巨人和裁縫The Giant and the Tailor
53弗雷德裡克和凱瑟琳Freddy and Katy Lizzy
54扔掉的亞麻The Hurds
55母狼高司普和狐狸The Fox and His Cousin
56生命之水The Water of Life
57白蛇The White Snake
58白雪公主Little Snow-White
59白雪與紅玫Snow-White and Rose-Red
60白新娘和黑新娘The White Bride and the Black Bride
61石竹花The Carnation
62同甘共苦Sharing Joy and Sorrow
63好交易The Good Bargain
64年輕的巨人The Young Giant
65死神的使者Death's Messengers
66死神教父Godfather Death
67池中水妖The Nixie in the Pond
69老希爾德布朗Old Hildebrand
70老媽媽The Aged Mother
71老鼠、小鳥和香腸The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
72老漢倫克朗Old Rinkrank
73老蘇丹Old Sultan
74壯士漢斯Strong Hans
75技藝高超的獵人The Trained Huntsman
76沒有手的姑娘The Girl without Hands
77走進天堂的裁縫The Tailor in Heaven
78來自天堂的連枷The Threshing-Flail from Heaven
79侏儒妖Sweetheart Roland
80兔子新娘The Hare's Bride
81兩兄弟The Two Brothers
82兩枚硬幣The Stolen Farthing
83兩個旅行家The Two Travelers
84兩個神秘的小鞋匠The Tale of Cockaigne
85兩個國王的孩子The Two Kings' Children
87忠實的約翰Faithful Johannes
88忠實的費迪南和不忠實的費迪南Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful
89怪鳥格萊弗The Griffin
90拉家常Household Servants
91拉斯廷老兄Brother Merry
92林中小屋The Hut in the Woods
93牧鵝姑娘The Goose-Girl
94狗和麻雀The Dog and the Sparrow
95狐狸太太的婚事Mrs. Fox's Wedding
96狐狸和馬The Fox and the Horse
97狐狸和貓The Fox and the Cat
98狐狸和鵝群The Fox and the Geese
99玫瑰公主Little Brier-Rose
100虱子和跳蚤Little Louse and Little Flea
101返老還童The Little Old Man Made Young by Fire
102金山王The King of the Golden Mountain
103金娃娃The Gold-Children
104金鳥The Golden Bird
105金鵝The Golden Goose
106金鑰匙The Golden Key
107青蛙王子The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich
108勇敢的小裁縫The Brave Little Tailor
109挑媳婦Choosing a Bride
110星星銀元The Star Talers
111玻璃瓶中的妖怪The Spirit in the Glass Bottle
112約麗丹和約雷德爾Jorinde and Joringel
113美麗的卡特琳萊葉和彼夫帕夫波兒特裡爾Fair Katrinelje and Pif Paf Poltrie
114背囊、帽子和號角The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn
115迪特馬斯的奇談怪論The Tall Tale from Ditmarsh
116夏娃的孩子們Eve's Unequal Children
117旅行去Going Traveling
118桌子、金驢和棍子Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-Sack
119海爾﹒柯貝斯Herr Korbes
120烏鴉The Raven
121特魯得太太Frau Trude
122狼和七隻小山羊The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids
123狼和人The Wolf and the Man
124狼和狐狸The Wolf and the Fox
125真新娘The True Bride
126祖父和孫子The Old Grandfather and His Grandson
127紡錘、梭子和針Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle
128釘子The Nail
129強盜新郎The Robber Bridegroom
130教父The Godfather
131清白的太陽揭露了真相The Bright Sun Will Bring It to Light
132甜粥Sweet Porridge
133貧窮和謙卑指引天堂之路Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven
134野兔和刺蝟The Hare and the Hedgehog
136麥草、煤塊和豆子Straw, Coal, and Bean
137麥穗的故事The Ear of Grain
138智者神偷The Rabbit
139森林中的三個小矮人The Three Little Men in the Woods
140森林中的老婦人The Old Woman in the Woods
141森林中的聖約瑟St. Joseph in the Woods
142無所畏懼的王子The King's Son Who Is Afraid of Nothing
143畫眉嘴國王King Thrushbeard
144蛤蟆的故事Tales of the Toad
145費切爾的怪鳥Fitcher's Bird
146傻小子學害怕The Story of a Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Fear
147傻瓜漢斯Hans in Luck
149會唱歌的白骨The Singing Bone
150極樂世界裡的故事The Sparrow and His Four Children
151當音樂家去The Bremen Town Musicians
152萬事通大夫Dr. Know-All
154聖母的孩子Mary's Child
156蜂王The Queen Bee
157農夫與魔鬼The Peasant and the Devil
158鼓手The Drummer
159壽衣The Burial Shirt (The Little Shroud)
160壽命The Duration of Life
161榛樹枝Our Lady's Little Glass
162漢斯成親Hans Gets Married
163漢賽爾與格萊特Hansel and Gretel
164漁夫和他的妻子The Fisherman and His Wife
166稱心如意的漢斯Clever Hans
167墳The Grave Mound
168墳中的窮少年The Poor Boy in the Grave
169瘦莉莎Lean Lisa
170窮人和富人The Poor Man and the Rich Man
171窮磨房小工和貓The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat
172賭鬼漢塞爾Gambling Hansel
173鞋匠師傅Master Pfriem
174貓和老鼠合夥Cat and Mouse in Partnership
175貓頭鷹The Owl
176霍勒大媽Frau Holle
177檜樹The Juniper Tree
178聰明的小伙計The Clever Servant
179聰明的小牧童The Little Shepherd Boy
180聰明的小裁縫The Clever Little Tailor
181聰明的老兄The Clever People
182聰明的格蕾特Clever Gretel
183聰明的愛爾莎Clever Elsie
184聰明的農家女The Peasant's Clever Daughter
185謎語The Riddle
186謎語童話A Riddling Tale
187叢林中的守財奴The Jew in the Thorns
188藍燈The Blue Light
189壞孩子The Willful Child
190懶紡婦The Lazy Spinning Woman
191懶鬼哈利和胖婆特琳娜Lazy Heinz
192鰈魚The Flounder
193鐵漢斯Iron Hans
194鐵爐The Iron Stove
195魔草The Cabbage-Donkey
196魔鬼和他的祖母The Devil and His Grandmother
197魔鬼的三根金髮The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
198魔鬼的邋遢兄弟The Devil's Sooty Brother
199蘿蔔The Turnip
200籬笆國王The Wren
201鸕茲和戴勝The Bittern and Hoopoe

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