
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 16:21:44
极品女红    2011-08-11 23:05:58|  分类:经典音乐


来自英伦岛屿的gregorian(教皇合唱团)(又称“格里高利合唱团”或“上帝之音”),由frank peterson在2000年前后精心筹划。他们沉溺于教堂音乐与合声风格,以翻唱流行经典歌曲为主。gregorian的作品曾在全球34个国家发行、在7个国家创下前10名的成绩,获得1张白金及7张金唱片的殊荣 乐队成员全部由受过专业美声训练的gregorian歌手组成,他们以天籁般的优美和声把传承600年的古典美声演绎成流行音乐,别有一番滋味。
So Sad如此悲伤是Gregorian格里高利合唱团的一首歌,收在专辑【Sadisfaction悲喜交加】里面(专辑贴在下面请欣赏)。Sadisfaction是Sad(悲伤)和Satisfaction(满意)的结合,当然不是词典里查得到的词。悲伤和满足的结合,专辑的名称已够使人浮想联翩,是苦与乐并行,还是满足于自己悲伤?So Sad 如此悲伤可以说表现了这张专辑的主题:对生活中的悲伤的沉思及救赎。这首歌有宗教赞美诗的痕迹,加上对比的女性歌声,以及宠罩全曲的浓浓的迷幻气息,让人不由自主的沉入那玄妙神秘的意境。让人越听越感苦涩,越听越陷入悲伤的深渊,过后却又感到舒服无比,神清气爽,彷佛大哭过后情绪发泄殆尽的愉悦,曲终了仍是意犹未尽。

Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
suscipe deprecationem nostram
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad...
Qui sedes ad dexteram patris, miserere nobis
Gratias agimus tibi,
propter magnum gloriam tuum
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad...
Jesu Christu... Amen
Jesu Christu (so sad, so sad, so sad) Amen
Jesu Christu... Amen
Jesu Christu... Amen

Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
英文Glory to God in the highest
意思是 “荣耀属于至高无上的主!”)
拉丁 Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis
英文 (Lamb of God,) who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
拉丁 Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram
英文 (Lamb of God,) who takes away the sins of the world,
hear our prayer.
[这里Lamb of God指耶稣,且拉丁原文省略了]
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad
拉丁 Qui sedes ad dexteram patris, miserere nobis
英文 (Lamb of God,) who sits at the Father's right hand,
have mercy on us.
拉丁 Gratias agimus tibi,propter magnum gloriam tuum
英文 We give thanks to you, for your great glory
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad, so sad
Tell me why I feel so sad
Jesus Christ...Amen
Jesus Christ...Amen (so sad, so sad) Amen
耶稣基督,阿门(如此悲伤,如此悲伤) Amen
Jesus Christ...Amen
Jesus Christ...Amen

