燃气热水器 漏电保护:12.2.11 note

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 16:23:08

see to it that 努力使…;记得…

Greek n. 希腊语;希腊人
adj. 希腊的;希腊人的,希腊语的
those utterances were profoundly educationalutterance n. 表达;说话;说话方式I have a profound faith in the power of moneyfaith n. 信任;信念;信仰;忠实in Mark's presence,i'm always silent    小说《blackmail》节选第十二讲abrupt ness 唐突Or had they?

  The Duchess faced Ogilvie. "How much do you want?"

  The abruptness took him by surprise. "Well ... I figure you people are pretty well fixed."

  She said coldly, "I asked how much."

  The piggy eyes blinked. "Ten thousand dollars. "

  Though it was twice what she had expected, her expression did not change. "Assuming we paid this grotesque amount, what would we receive in return?"

The fat man seemed puzzled. "Like I said, I keep quiet about what I know."

  "And the alternative ?"

He shrugged. "I go down the lobby. I pick up a phone. "


"No," The statement was unequivocal . "We will not pay, you."

As the Duke of Croydon shifted uneasily, the house detective's bulbous countenance reddened, “Now listen, lady…”

Peremptorily she cut him off." I will not listen. Instead, you will listen to me." Her eyes were riveted on his face, her handsome, high cheek boned features set in their most imperious mold. "We would achieve nothing by paying you, except possibly a few days' respite. You have made that abundantly clear." "That's a chance you gotta..."












The abruptness took him by surprise. "Well ... I figure you people are pretty well fixed."


well fixed=very rich,非常固定=deep-pocketed

*well-fixed:very rich, deep-pocketed有钱的,富裕的

i finger 我认为

piggy=greedy 贪婪

though 即使,

grotesque   怪异的,荒唐的,丑陋的;怪异风格n;我们在说小说中的负面人物

The poor child often plays with a grotesque black doll.

He was a master of the grotesque in painting.

master 大师,代表人物


1. Ogilvie(“探长”):coarse(粗俗的),ill-mannered(没教养的),ill-educated(没文化的)
2. Duchess(公爵夫人):arrogant(狂傲的),decisive(果断的),cruel(残忍的)
3. Duke(公爵):cowardly(懦弱的),indecisive(优柔寡断的),timid(胆小的)





Grotesque characters 负面人物,反派角色

alter =change改变

changeable 可改变的


We returned by the alternative road.

These are alternative medicine.  不寻常的, 非传统性的  ,偏方

not choice..but to..

      but(但是,仅仅只有)I have but one life... 有且仅有一次的生命I'm afraid I have no alternative but to study hard3. 非正统性 This kind of newspaper is alternative press.这种报纸是非正统性报刊
  equivocal 含糊的,模糊不清的,暧昧不明的un equivocal:clear and easy to understand;
 forceful铿锵有力的shifted uneasily 改变,转换, 不安地
bulb 1.球茎。2. 电灯泡  
 bulb (the bulb of eye眼球)bulb ous 像球一样的,胖胖的,贬义bulbous:shape like a bulb,round and swollen肿胀的(贬义)

countenance 1. the face,facial features特征  2. vt. 批准,同意,支持.

Her countenance is like the flowers and the moon. 
oh!guilty!罪过,不好意思,受之有愧,哪里,哪里,接受赞美后说They wouldn’t countenance our suggestion.他们不会同意per capita 每个,人均Per emp tori ly  ,rude and outrageousdictator独裁家dictate命令out超出rage=angerHe was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head.他躺在草地上,两手交叉枕在脑后
   商务英语Advertising  广告
Pop-up ads   自动弹出广告
logo ad.  商标广告
Commercial Film (电视、广播中的)商业广告

CIS=Corporated Identity System  企业识别系统
mind identity 企业的理念识别
behavior identity 企业行为识别
visual identity,简称vi  企业视觉识别
CIS〈Corporated Identity System〉企业识别系统
1、企业的理念识别(mind identity简称mi)
2、企业行为识别(behavior identity,简称bi)
3、企业视觉识别(visual identity,简称vi)

Advertising slogan  广告口号
Direct Mail,简称 DM    直接邮寄广告
首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer,CEO)
Account Executive,简写 AE  业务经理
trade  adj.贸易的,交易的
He trades in silk.  他做丝绸交易
domestic trade  国内贸易
International Trade 国际贸易
World Trade  世界贸易
Global Trade   全球贸易
Foreigh Trade  对外贸易
tangible product  有形产品
intangible product  无形产品
进口贸易 (Import Trade):将外国的商品或服务输入本国市场销售
出口贸易(Export Trade)
过境贸易(Transit Trade)
进口贸易 (Import Trade):将外国的商品或服务输入本国市场销售
出口贸易(Export Trade)
过境贸易(Transit Trade)
Port   n. 港口,口岸
Port of transshipment 转运港
goods in transit 在运品
patent   n.专利
patent right 专利权
直接贸易(Direct Trade)
间接贸易(Indirect Trade)
WTO=world trade organization  
世界贸易组织    中国于2001年12月11日加入
IMF=International Monetary Fund
EFTA=European Free Trade Area 欧洲自由贸易地域;European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易协会
NAFTA=North Atlantic Free Trade Area  北大西洋自由贸易区
GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定
Euro   欧元
U.S.dollar   美元
Pound  英镑
Japanese Yen 日元
CNY    人民币
GBP  英镑
货币代码为GBP=Great Britain Pound
HKD  港币
USD 美元
JPY  日元
EUR 欧元
She complained about the omission of her name from the list.

The girl always complains about lacking suitable raiment.

They will grumble about having to do the work

The sailor(水手、船员) was nailed(被钉在) on the rail(横/围栏、铁轨、责骂、抱怨) for he failed to trail(痕迹、追踪、拖拉) the mail.

And I was hardly the only person with this problem: Yale students complain about papers as much as Londoners complain about the weather.

ridiculous, burlesque, laughable, ludicrous, absurd, derisible, grotesque, preposterous, cockamamie, cockamamy, foolish

An object of ridicule; a laughingstock.

Such a thing is so ridiculously simple that few students or adults, for that matter-have ever thought of it.