离婚 老舍小说在线阅读:上帝也广告

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 15:41:19
     上帝也广告  最近在网上看了一个新闻,说新加坡 150 间教会联合推出的广告,引起了很大迴响。新加坡政府一向对宗教性广告有很严谨的限制,很多时候都不会准许出街,但这套 Campaign 都成功在报刊,地铁灯箱,Direct Mailing以及电视上播出了。这辑广告的质素十分高,连广告大师 Neil French 也认为是 "probably the best-synergised campaign, across all media that he has ever seen"。部份内容如下:

1. "What do I have to do to get your attention? Take out an ad in the paper?" --- God  

「怎样才可令你留意我?是不是要在报纸中抽起一个广告?」--- 神


2. "If I gave you everything you asked for, where would you put it?" --- God
    「要是你祈求的我便全数应许给你,你有没有甚麽多地方摆放它们?」--- 神

3. "If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror." --- God
   「如果你认为蒙罗丽莎的微笑美丽绝伦,那你应看看我的作品,就是镜中的」 ---神

4. "Don't forget your umbrella, I might water the plants today." --- God
     「紧记带雨伞上街,今天我也许要灌溉花草树木.」 --- 神

 5. "If you miss the sunrise I made for you today, never mind, I'll make you another one tomorrow." --- God
  「假如你错过了今天我为你预备的日出,不要紧,明天我再为你预备.」 -- 神

6. "I hate rules. That's why I only made ten of them." --- God

    「我讨厌戒条,所以我只定下十条而已」 ---神

7. "It's not the end of the world. Not until I say so, anyway." --- God
   「世界末日还未到,除非是由我亲口说出来的那日子」 --- 神

8. "Of course I have a sense of humour, I gave you the platypus, didn't I?" --- God
   「我当然有幽默感,我不是为你们创造了鸭嘴兽吗?」--- 神

9. "How can you possibly be a self-made man? I specifically recall creating you." --- God
    「你怎会不是由我创造呢?我特别记得清楚怎样创造你!」 ---神

10. "Nietzche is dead." --- God
    「尼采已死!」 ---神

    (这个广告最受广告人讚赏, 因为尼采的名句是 "God is dead.", 但现在由   神说出一个事实 "Nietzche is dead.", 的确很有震撼力!)