缚道 黑棺:09年自考英语(一)课堂笔记(unit2)

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  Text A   Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes


  1.tax n. & v. 税(款);对…征税The government plans to increase taxes by 3 percent.


  In Britain, tobacco and alcoholic drinks are heavily taxed.


  income tax(所得税) sales tax(销售税)

  import tax(进口税) housing and land tax(房地产税)

  VAT (value-added tax)(增值税) poll tax(人头税)

  tax-collector(税务员) tax-payer(纳税人)

  dodge tax(逃税,漏税) tax-free(免税的)

  2.type n. 类型,种类,品种v. 打字No one knows why he doesn't like this type of work.(没有人知道他为什么不喜欢这种工作。)

  The manager asked Mary to type the letter again.(经理要玛丽把信重打一遍。)

  typewriter(打字机)      typist(打字员)

  3.salary n. 工资     v. (常用被动语态)给…发薪salaried adj. 拿薪水的,领工资的She was happy to know that she would get a promotion and an increase in salary.(得知她将得到提级和加薪,她很开心。)

  Don't worry about him, he will be salaried by a big company.(别为他担心,一家大公司会给他发薪水。)

  With his knowledge and experience he was bound to get a high-salaried post.(凭借他的知识和经验,他一定能找到一份高薪的工作。)

  salary和 wage的区别在于:salary是指为从事非体力劳动的人按月支付的薪水,wage则通常指为从事体力劳动的人按周支付的薪水。

  4.earn v. 挣得;赢得,获得He worked 14 hours a day in order that he could earn enough to support the family.(为了能挣足够的钱养家,他每天工作十四小时。)

  His sincerity earns him friends wherever he goes.(无论走到哪,他的真诚都能赢得朋友。)

  5.percentage n. 百分比,百分率;比例,部分percent/per cent n. 每百中,百分之…

  The percentage of university enrollment will be greatly increased this year.(今年,大学录取的百分比将大大提高。)

  About 70 percent of high school graduates in Nanjing will be enrolled by universities this year.(今年,南京的高中毕业生将有百分之七十被高校录取。)

  6.vary vi. 变化,有不同vt. 改变,使不同Prices of fish vary from 70 cents a pound to one dollar a pound.(鱼的价格从七十美分到一美元一磅不等。)

  The weather in this area varies from hour to hour.(这儿的天气时刻有变化。)

  I didn't vary my plan at the last moment.(我在最后一刻没有改变我的计划。)

  7.graduated adj.(税)累进的;刻度的graduate v. & n. 毕业;毕业生graduation n. 毕业As the federal government has a graduated income tax, the more you earn, the higher tax you have to pay. 因为联邦政府实行累进所得税,所以,你挣的越多,缴的所得税就越高。

  A graduated glass will enable you to know how much water you have put into the vessel.(量杯能够使你知道你在容器里放了多少水。)

  He graduated from high school last year. But it was difficult for a high school graduate to find a satisfactory job.


  After graduation she went to work in a hospital as a nurse. (毕业后,她去医院做了一名护士。)

  8.sale n. 出售,卖;廉价出售sell v. 卖Mr. Smith is now interested in my car and I hope I can make the sale today.(史密斯先生现在对我的汽车感兴趣,我希望今天就能卖成。)

  He sold his bike to Tom.(他把自行车卖给了汤姆。)

  for sale(待售) on sale(上市的)

  a clearance sale(清仓拍卖) sales department(营业部)

  sales promotion(促销活动) sales manager(销售经理)


  9.charge v. 索价;指控;使充满n. 价钱;指控;负责He charged me 10 yuan for a bowl of plain rice.(一碗白米饭,他要了我十块钱。)

  The young man was charged with stealing.(那个年轻人被指控犯了盗窃罪。)

  Charge your glasses and drink to our friendship.(斟满杯,为我们的友谊干杯。)

  The charge for a front-row seat is 250 yuan.(前排座位票价250元。)

  The police arrested him on a charge of murder.(警察以谋杀罪拘捕了他。)

  Who will be in charge of our class when the teacher is away?(老师不在的时候,谁管我们班?)

  10.figure n. 数字;人物;外形v. 想出;算出;估计He has a good head for figures.(他的数字概念很强。)

  No one had expected that his savings could reach 5 figures in such a short time.(谁也没料到在这么短的时间里,他的存款能达到五位数。)

  He was an important figure in American history.(他是美国历史上的重要人物。)

  She was always worrying about her figure as she couldn't resist the temptation of chocolates. (她抵御不了巧克力的诱惑,所以总是担心自己的体形。)

  We are trying to figure out a way to help them.(我们正在想办法帮助他们。)

  Figure out the expenses and see if we have enough money.(算一算费用,看看我们的钱是否够。)

  She brought an umbrella as she figured they might need it.(她带了一把伞,因为她估计他们会需要。)

  11.add v. 增加,增添addition n. 加 (in addition to除…之外)

  additional adj. 附加的,另外的The fire is going out, add more wood to it. (火要灭了,再加些木柴。)

  His explanation adds to my confusion.(他的解释使我更加糊涂。)

  In addition to leaves, these animals eat a great deal of fruit.(除了树叶之外,这些动物还吃大量的水果。)

  It will take an additional two days to finish the work.(还要再花两天时间才能完成这项工作。)

  12.revenue n. 收入,收益;税收The manager is worrying about the drop in advertising revenue.(经理正为广告收入的下降着急。)

  The loss of tax revenue in many areas is getting higher.(许多地区的税收流失越来越严重。)

  the Public Revenue(财政收入,国库收入)

  Inland Revenue(国内税收)     revenue department(税务部门)

  13.diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的diversity n. 多样性;差异He is a man of diverse talent.(他是一个有多种才能的人。)

  They offered us diverse suggestions at the meeting.(他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样的建议。)

  His writing displays the diversities of human behavior.(他的作品展示了人类行为的多样性。)

  A great diversity of methods has been tried in doing this experiment.(实验中尝试过各种各样的方法。)

  14.confuse v. 使混乱,混淆confusion n. 混乱,慌乱What he said just now confuses all of us.(他刚才说的话把我们都弄糊涂了。)

  Her answers have only added to his confusion.(她的回答只使他更加糊涂。)

  15.property n. 财产,资产;(房)地产;特性,性质That car is my property, you cannot use it without my permission.(那辆车是我的财产,没我的允许,你不能动用。)

  The city is growing and property in the center is becoming more valuable.(城市在发展,市中心的房地产越来越有价值了。)

  Many plants have medicinal properties.(许多植物有药用特性。)

  state property (国家财产) personal property(动产)

  real property/estate(不动产) intellectual property(知识产权)

  16.excise n. 国产税,本国消费税exercise n.& v. 行使,运用;锻炼;练习customs n. 关税  (Customs 海关)

  17.fund n. 基金,专款;储备,贮存v. 提供资金,供以款项We would set up a fund to help those children whose parents couldn't afford to send them to school.(我们将设立一项基金,帮助那些父母供不起他们读书的孩子。)

  They have a fund of knowledge and experience to draw on.(他们有丰富的知识和经验可利用。)

  This research is funded by the government.(这项研究由政府提供资金。)

  18.department n. 部,部门;系科the State Department (美国)国务院  the Department of Education 教育部department store 百货商店     the department of physics 物理系

  19.municipal adj. 市的,市政的the municipal government  市政府municipal administration   市政管理a municipal university    市立大学

  20.complain v. 抱怨,埋怨,发牢骚,诉苦complaint n. 抱怨,诉说He complained to the manager about/of the poor after-service.(他对经理抱怨说售后服务太差。)

  She complained about/of her husband's carelessness.(她抱怨说她丈夫太粗心。)

  The teacher complained that the students didn't work hard enough.(老师抱怨学生学习不够努力。)

  It is a common complaint that today's children lack the sense of cooperation.(人们常常抱怨今天的孩子缺少合作意识。)

  21.impractical adj. 不切实际的,不能实行的practical adj. 实际的,可行的His suggestion sounds good, but it is really impractical.(他的建议听起来不错,但是的确不切实际。)

  How long will it be before this theory can be put into practical use? (这一理论还要多久才能被实际运用?)

  22.program n. 计划;(电视)节目;程序v. 使按预定步骤工作;编程They are drawing up a program of water purification.(他们正在制定一个净水计划。)

  Tonight's TV programs will be very interesting.(今晚的电视节目会非常有趣。)

  I know nothing about computer programs.(我对电脑编程一窍不通。)

  You can program it to do different tasks at specific times.(你可以使它在特定的时间按计划完成各项不同的任务。)

  23.view n. 看法,观点;视野,眼界;景色,风景v. 看待,考虑He was unwilling to express his views on what had happened.(他不愿意就所发生的一切发表自己的观点。)

  When we stood on the top of the mountain, the whole city came into our view.(我们站在山顶时,整个城市尽收眼底。)

  Looking out of the window, he had a fine view of the Slender West Lake.(朝窗外望去,他看到了瘦西湖的美景。)

  Several possible buyers have come to view your car.(几个想买车的人来看过你的车了。)

  If you stand in his shoes to view the problem, you will come to a totally different conclusion. (如果你站在他的立场上来考虑这个问题,你会得出完全不同的结论。)

  24.issue n. 问题,争论点;发行v. 出版,发行,颁布At today's meeting we have to spend some time discussing this issue.(在今天的会上,我们得花点时间讨论这个问题。)

  The minute he got the latest issue of the sports magazine, he read it with great interest.(一拿到最新一期的体育杂志,他就津津有味地看了起来。)

  Her first novel issued in May.(她的第一部小说于五月份出版了。)

  He issued instructions that the prisoners should be set free.(他下令释放犯人。)

  25.tend v. 护理,照管tend to 易于,往往会;倾向于She is tending a very sick patient. (她在护理一位重病人。)

  In addition to his full-time job, he tends a bar.(除了一份全日制的工作,他还照管一个酒吧。)

  When you ask her more than one question, she tends to get impatient.(你问她两个以上的问题,她往往会不耐烦。)

  He tends to be optimistic no matter what happens.(无任发生任何事情,他总倾向于乐观。)

  本课主要构词法Conversion (转类法──名词和动词相互转类)

  tax type salary charge packet figure fund protest program view issue tend本课简介Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes 介绍了美国三级政府(联邦政府,州政府,市政府)征收的三种税(income tax,sales tax,property tax and excise tax)。美国人对税收的一致看法是:The taxes are too high. 这篇文章对我们了解美国社会很有帮助,值得一读。


  1.Americans often say that there are two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes.

  句中的that引导的是一个宾语从句,例如:Everybody knows that the earth goes around the sun.(众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。)


  1)他知道我不会责怪他。(He knew that I wouldn't blame him.)

  2)妈妈说他必须在六点以前回来。(Mother said that he had to be back before 6:00.)

  3)我想天气很快会放晴。(I think that it is going to clear up soon.)

  4)我相信他对我说了实话。(I believe that he told me the truth.)

  句中的a person can be sure of …是定语从句,修饰two things, 引导定语从句的关系代词that被省去了。例如:Have you found the book you want?(你找到你要的书了吗?)


  1)他找到了他丢失的那块表。(He found the watch he had lost.)

  2)这儿有很多我感兴趣的书。(There are many books I am interested in.)

  be sure of的意思是;对……确信无疑”,例如:

  ─ Is he going to call us at 9:00? (他会在九点给我们打电话吗?)

  ─ Yes, I am sure of it. (是的,我肯定。)


  1)I am sure of his sincerity. (我确信他的诚意。)

  2)You are sure of a warm welcome.(你肯定会受到热烈的欢迎。)

  3)I don't know for sure whether he will come or not.(我不很确切地知道他是否会来。)

  4)Make sure that you turn off the light when you leave.(确保在你离开时把灯关掉。)

  5)Be sure not to forget what your parents said to you.(千万别忘了父母对你说的话。)

  2.Americans don't have a corner on the ;death” market, but many people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes.

  have a corner的意思是;垄断”,例如:have a corner on the cotton market (垄断棉花市场);have a corner on the black vote(垄断黑人选票)。有时也会见到以in 代替on的用法:have a corner in banking lead在句中的意思是;走在…前列”,;在……领先”,;胜过”。


  1)He leads his class in English.(他在班上英语学的最好。)

  2)He led the broad jump with a leap of 26 feet.(他以26 英尺的成绩在跳远中领先。)

  3)Pollution still leads the list of major problems in that country.(污染仍然是那个国家的头号严重问题。)

  3.Taxes consist of money which people pay to sd)N(来a2onsin (威斯康星) 2   以上内容均来源自工大自考网的自考频道(网址http://www.ccutu.com/zikao/),转载请注明出处