广西北海到越南旅游:Working with date/time values

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Working with date/time values
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Working with date/time values
Working with date/time values assumes the following:
into input variables (SQL statements) or input parameters(stored procedures/functions).
(from fields in result set or from output parameters ofstored procedure)
Binding date/time values
Suppose, we want to update date/time field named FDATETIMEfrom table named TEST ( Update TEST set FDATETIME = :1 )with the value of October 6, 2000 19:00:00.
As usual, the first thing to do is to create the objects.
SACommandcmd(&Connection, "Update TEST set FDATETIME = :1");
Next step is used to actually bind the date/time value intoinput variable:
SADateTime dtValue(
2000 /*year*/, 10 /*October*/, 6 /*day of month*/,
19 /*hours*/, 0 /*minutes*/, 0 /*seconds*/);
or (using C struct tm):
extern struct tm some_tm_Value;
SADateTime dtValue = some_tm_Value;
or (using Windows DATE data type):
extern DATE some_DATE_Value;
SADateTime dtValue = some_DATE_Value;
Next line binds date/time value.
cmd << dtValue;
All that we need now is to execute a query:
Reading date/time values
Suppose, we want to retrieve date/time field named FDATETIMEfrom table named TEST (Select FDATETIME from TEST).
As usual, the first thing to do is to create the objects:
SACommandcmd(&Connection, "Select FDATETIME from TEST");
For more information seeConnecting todatabases.
Next thing to do is to execute a query:
Next step is used to actually fetch the row and accessdate/time data:
if(cmd.FetchNext())  // or while(cmd.FetchNext())
SADateTime dtValue = cmd.Field("FDATETIME");
// access through standard C struct tm
struct tm tmValue = dtValue;
struct tm tmValue2 = (structtm)cmd.Field("FDATETIME").asDateTime();
// access through Windows DATE data type
DATE dateValue = dtValue;
DATE dateValue2 =(DATE)cmd.Field("FDATETIME").asDateTime();
Problems and Questions
If you haven't found the answer to your questions or have someproblems on using the Library, please, send e-mail tohowto@sqlapi.com.