一米九280斤女生:英国画家劳伦斯·阿尔玛-塔德玛(Lawrence Alma-Tadema)作品欣赏-3

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 06:13:37


*国外油画*国内油画 *精致工笔 *风景人物*雕塑奇石
工艺精品 视频电影学习笔记
英国画家劳伦斯·阿尔玛-塔德玛(Lawrence Alma-Tadema)作品欣赏-3
劳伦斯·阿尔玛-塔德玛(Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 1836年1月8日—1912年6月25日)是英国维多利亚时代的知名画家,他的作品以豪华描绘古代世界(中世纪前)而闻名。

A Coign of Vantage by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Favourite Custom by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Silent Greeting by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Comparisons by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Difference of Opinion by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Sculptor's Model by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Cherries by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

At Aphrodite's Cradle by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Kiss by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Between Venus and Bacchus by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Birth Chamber, Seventeenth Century by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Declaration by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Dedication to Bacchus by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Roman Art Lover by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Pyrrhic Dance by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Ave, Caesar! Io, Saturnalia! by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus by Lawrence

A Hearty Welcome by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Reading from Homer by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Listener by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Picture Gallery by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Caracalla by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Roman Artist by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Between Hope and Fear by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Boating by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Love Missile by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Sculpture Gallery in Rome at the Time of Agrippa by Lawren

Alfred Waterhouse by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Favourite Custom by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Street Altar by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Confidences by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Greek Woman by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

A Roman Emperor, Claudius by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

An Earthly Paradise by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

After the Audience by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

An Audience at Agrippa's by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Always Welcome by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Anna Alma-Tadema by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Antony and Cleopatra by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Ask Me No More by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Caracalla and Geta by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Catullus at Lesbia's by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

阿尔玛-塔德玛生于荷兰的德龙赖普(Dronrijp),他的父亲彼得·塔德玛(Pieter Tadema)是一名公证人,在他4岁时便去世了。阿尔玛是他教父的名子,他的生母是他父亲的第二名妻子,家庭人口相当众多。家里原准备让他继承父业,但他表现出了对艺术的强烈偏好,因此将他送至安特卫普,在1852年进入了那里的艺术学院,并在亨德利克·利思(Hendrik Leys)的画室学习。在1859年他协助利思完成了安特卫普一间旅馆的壁画。1860年他也替自己画了一幅自画像。
A Crown他对大理石的逼真描绘使他获得了“大理石画家”的绰号。阿尔玛-塔德玛是一名强壮、幽默和有点肥胖的绅士,他也相当喜爱饮酒、女人、和参加派对。

A World of Their Own by Lawrence Alma-Tadema
