现在津石高速的进展:kindle 3 快捷键快捷方式及隐藏功能

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10-09-26 22:563,654 views2发表评论RSS 2.0
最近买了个Kindle 3 ,网上找到一些资料,贴在这以方便查阅,kindle 3的快捷方式,英文好的可以直接看原文:http://blog.the-ebook-reader.com/2010/08/29/kindle-3-shortcuts-hot-keys-and-hidden-features/
Kindle 3 Shortcuts: General
alt + shift + G = screenshot
alt + G = screen refresh
shift + alt + m = play minesweeper (from homescreen)
alt + home = Kindle Store
alt + top row of letters on keyboard = numbers 1-9
hit menu to check the time
hit menu on homescreen to see available memory
turn off kindle 3 by pressing and holding the power slide for 7 seconds
reset the kindle by pressing and holding the power slide for 15 seconds (restart is also in settings then menu)
change primary dictionary by going to settings then menu
Kindle 3 Hot Keys While Reading
alt + B = add and remove bookmarks
right arrow on nav controller = skip to next chapter
left arrow on nav controller = skip to previous chapter
shift + Sym = Turn text to speech on and off
back turns off text to speech
spacebar pauses text to speech
set cursor down the page to start text to speech from there
Music Controls
alt + space = turn music on and off
alt + f = skip to next track
Kindle 3 Image Viewer
Like the earlier Kindles, the Kindle 3 has a hidden image viewer. It really doesn’t serve much purpose and doesn’t work all that great, but here are the steps needed to set up the Image Viewer if you want to try it.
Plug the Kindle 3 into your computer with the USB cable.
Open the Kindle 3 as if you were adding ebooks to it and create a new folder among the other folders, not inside one of the other folders, and name it “pictures”.
Inside the “pictures” folder, create another folder to add the images into. Adding images directly in the “pictures” folder will not work. You can create multiple folders to have different collections if you want.
Safely unplug the Kindle from your computer and then tap alt + z on the homescreen to add the newly created folders to the book list. Click on the folder and the Image Viewer will launch.
Image Viewer Functions
q = zoom in
w = zoom out
e = reset zoom
c = actual size
f = full-screen
r = rotate
nav controller = pan
page forward and back = cycle through images
Kindle 3 快捷键快捷方式及隐藏功能介绍
Kindle 3 快速键:一般性
alt + shift + G = 撷取萤幕画面
alt + G = 萤幕显示更新
alt + shift + m = 踩地雷小游戏
alt + home = Kindle 商店
alt + 键盘上方英文字母键 = 1-9 数字键
按下 menu 可看到时间和记忆体大小
滑动电源钮约 7 秒,可以关闭 Kindle
滑动电源钮约 15 秒,可以重新启动 Kindle
在 menu 下面的 settings 功能中,可以切换指定字典(推荐可以安装 21世纪英汉词典)
Kindle 3 快速键:阅读中
alt + B = 新增或移除书籤(bookmarks)
shift + Sym = 启动或关闭英文语音功能(text to speech)
右控制键 = 跳下一章节
左控制键 = 回上一章节
Kindle 3 快速键:音乐控制
alt + space = 启动或关闭音乐
alt + f = 换下一首歌曲
Kindle 3 图像观看功能
虽然 Kindle 的图像观看功能很阳春,但假如你有兴趣试试的话,请依照下面步骤操作即可:
1. 使用 USB 线连接 Kindle
2. 进入 Kindle 档桉夹内,自己新增一个「pictures」的空档桉夹
3. 在「pictures」的空档桉夹内,再新增一个档桉夹,例如「出游」,将你想要显示的照片放在这个「出游」的档桉夹中
4. 你可以在「pictures」的档桉夹内新建数个放图像的档桉夹,这在 Kindle 的书目页上都会看到
5. 安全的将 Kindle 从你的电脑连线中移除,然后按下 alt + z ,就可以在书目上看到你刚刚建立的「出游」这些名称,点入后就可以看到照片了
Kindle 3 快速键:图像阅读控制
q = 放大
w = 缩小
e = 重新调整比例
c = 实际大小
f = 全萤幕
r = 旋转角度
控制键 = 移动图片位置
上下页 = 换照片前后顺序