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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月26日 14:18   新浪教育


  Until the late 1940s, when television began finding its way into American homes, companies relied mainly on print1 and radio to promote their products and services. The advent of television brought about a revolution in product and service. Between 1949 and 1951, advertising on television grew 960 percent. Today the Internet is once again transforming promotion. By going online, companies can communicate instantly and directly with prospective customers. Promotion on the World Wide Web2 includes advertising (usually in the form of banners3 across the top of Web sites),4 sponsorships, and sales promotions like sweepstakes,5 contests,6 coupons, and rebates.7 In 1996 World Wide Web advertising revenues topped $300 million.


  Effective online marketers don't merely transfer hard-copy ads8 to cyberspace.9 Successful sites blend promotional and non-promotional information indirectly delivering the advertising messages. To encourage visits to their sites and to create and cultivate customer loyalty, companies change information frequently and provide many opportunities for interaction.


  A prototype for excellent online promotion is the Ragu Web site. Here visitors can find thirty-six pasta recipes, take Italian lessons, and view an Italian film festival, but they will find no traditional ads. So subtle is the mix of product and promotion, visitors hardly know an advertising message has been delivered. Sega of America, maker of computer games and hardware, uses its Web site for a variety of different promotions, such as introducing new game characters to the public and supplying Web surfers10 the opportunity to download games. Sega's home page averages 250,000 visits a day. To heighten interest in the site, Sega bought an advertising banner on Netscape,11 thereby increasing site visits by 15 percent. Online participants in Quaker Oats' Gatorade promotion received a free T-shirt in exchange for answering a few questions. Quaker Oats reports that the online promotion created product loyalty and helped the company know its customers better.



  Yoyodyne Entertainment, creator of Internet promotions, develops online game shows for customers like Internet MCI,12 AT&T, and NBC.13 One of its most successful games is the "Get a Little Closer" promotion for Arrid XX deodorant. After they input their E-mail addresses, contestants receive two trivia questions, each accompanied by advertising, once a week. Later in the week, they receive a hint and more information about the product. Correct answers earn them points, and winners are chosen from top scorers. Prizes include weekend gateways, CD collections, and Ticketmaster gift certificates.14 Because the game lasts eight weeks, participants receive twenty-four different E-mail messages about Arrid during the game. The game appears to be working. Of the 45,000 participants, 25 percent purchased Arrid XX during the game, and brand recognition doubled.

  网上促销宣传的创立者Yoyodyne娱乐公司为MCI,AT&T和NBC等客户推出网上竞赛活动。其中最成功的比赛是为Arrid XX除味剂策划的“靠近我一点儿”的促销宣传活动。参赛者输入自己的E-mail地址之后每周会收到两个很平常的问题,每个问题都附带着广告信息。而每周的后几天,参赛者会得到一个答题提示以及该产品的更多信息。答对题目即可得分,获奖者将从高分得主中抽出。奖品包括周末出游,CD集以及Ticketmaster的赠票。由于该比赛为期八周,参赛者在此期间收到24条有关Arrid XX的电子邮件信息。比赛效果显然不错:45,000名参赛者有25%在比赛期间购买了Arrid XX的产品,同时对该品牌的认同成倍增加。
To target specific Internet users, an increasing number of companies are using "push"15 technology, which automatically delivers customized news and other information to users' computers when they log onto the Internet.16 Although organizations like Nielsen Media Research are developing technologies to enhance audience measurement and tracking, it remains difficult to assess how many times the same person looks at an ad and who that person is. Although online promotions can be glamorous and sophisticated, they are not perfect. For a well-designed marketing mix,17 industry experts advise companies to use the Internet as a supplement to other advertising media.



  1. print: 这里指平面广告媒体,如报纸、杂志、宣传册等。

  2. World Wide Web: 万维网,缩写为www,也称互联网。

  3. banner: 报纸的头号标题。这里指在网站主页上方附带公司促销宣传内容。

  4. Web site 网址,上面提供公司产品服务等相关信息。

  5. sweepstakes: 赌金全赢制比赛(主办人部分出资或不出资)用参赛者赌注奖金的比赛,一种有奖销售活动。

  6. contest: (促销性)竞赛,如限时抢购、有奖竞猜等。

  7. rebate: 回扣、返还,这里指发放回赠券。

  8. hard-copy ads: 平面印刷形式的广告,与广播电视上的广告相对而言。

  9. cyberspace: 计算机空间,网络空间。

  10. Web surfer: 网上漫游者,网上浏览者。

  11. Netscape: 网景公司,美国一家提供网络服务的大公司。

  12. MCI: Molecular Circuitry Inc,美国一家著名的通讯公司。

  13. NBC: National Broadcasting Company, (美国)全国广播公司。

  14. gift certificate: 礼券(用作礼物,受礼人可凭此选购所需物品)。

  15. push: 推进,促销攻势,指主动与顾客联系的推销方式,与坐等客户上门的方式(pull strategy) 相对而言。

  16. log onto the Internet: 联结因特网,俗称上网,另外的说法为going online。

  17. marketing mix: 营销组合,营销学的核心内容,由4Ps组成,包括product (产品)、 price(定价)、 promotion(促销)和 place(经销,即distribution)四个环节。现代营销学又提出营销组合的4Cs,即cost (成本核算)、 convenience(提供方便)、 care(客户服务)、 communication(双向沟通)。