于都县现有人口是多少:新目标英语七年级上册重、难点剖析(Unit 10)

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新目标英语七年级上册重、难点剖析(Unit 10)


                            Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?

1. Can you play the guitar? (P59) 你会弹吉他吗?

动词play 在句中意为“弹”;“拉”;“演奏”,表示弹奏乐器时,乐器名词前面要加定冠词the。如:

I am learning to play the violin. 我在学习拉小提琴。

She likes playing the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。

I can’t play the trumpet? 我不会吹喇叭。


Can you play basketball or play chess? 你打篮球或下国际象棋吗?

    We play football in the afternoon. 我们下午踢足球。

2. I want to join the music club. (P59) 我想参加音乐俱乐部。


My brother wants to join the army. 我的兄弟想参军。

What club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部?


He will join us for dinner. 他将和我们共进晚餐。

I’ll join you in a few minute. 我一会儿就来。

3. Can he paint? (P60) 你会画画吗?

辨析:paint draw


He wants to paint the door green. 他想把门漆成绿色的。

Please paint the toy car yellow. 请把玩具小汽车涂成黄色的。


The teacher is drawing the bus on the blackboard. 老师在黑板上画公共汽车。

Don’t forget to draw a straight line under this word. 别忘了在这词下边画条直线。

4. Can she speak English? 她会讲英语吗?

Yes, she can. (P60) 是的,她会。


The child just begins to speak. 那个小孩刚开始牙牙学语。

He speaks very little. 他说话很少。


I can speak German. 我会讲德语。

Can you speak a little Chinese? 你会说点汉语吗?


5. We need help for our Beidaihe School Trip. (P61) 学校北戴河之游需要帮助。


I need a red pencil. 我需要一支红色的铅笔。

Does he need to know it? 他需要知道这事吗?

That little girl needs some bread for breakfast. 那个小女孩早餐需要一些面包。

6. Can you help kids with swimming? (P61) 你会帮助小孩子游泳吗?

help somebody with something=help somebody to do something意为“帮助某人做某事”。如:

My friend often helps me with my English. 我的朋友经常帮助我学习英语。

I help my mother with the housework on Sundays. 星期天我帮助母亲做家务。

7. Are you good with kids? (P61) 你和孩子相处得好吗?

be good with 表示“和……相处得好”。如:

Mr. Green is good with his students. 格林老师和他的学生相处得很好。

They are good with each other. 他们相处得很好。

8. Then you can be in our school music festival. (P63)那么你可以加入我们学校的音乐节。

be in=joinin在句中表示“成为.….的成员”;“从事(职业)”。如:

You can be in their basketball team. 你可以参加他们的篮球队。

Does he want to be in the movie? 他想拍电影吗?

He is in the army. 他在军队里。

9. Come and show us. (P63) 展示你的才能吧。

动词show,意为 “给……看”;“出示”,后跟名词或代词。如:

Show your passport, please. 请把你的护照拿出来看。

注意:show somebody something=show something to somebody。意为“把某物给某人看”如:

Please show us your family photo. =Please show your family photo to us. 请让我们看看你家的全家福照片。

10. May I know your name? (P64) 我可以知道你的名字吗?


May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

You may leave now. 你现在可以离开了。


My brother’s birthday is May 4th. 我兄弟的生日为五月四日

11. Can you draw? 你会绘画吗?

Yes, a little. (P64) 是的,会一点儿。

辨析:a little little

little;意为“少许的”;“少量的”,表示否定的意思,相当于not mucha little意为“有一点”;“一些”,表示肯定的意思,相当于some but not much,都用来修饰不可数名词。如:

There is little water in the glass. 杯子里几乎没有水了。

There is a little water in the glass. 杯子里有一点水。


I like action movies little. 我不喜欢动作片。

I like action movies a little. 我有点喜欢动作片。



A: Hi, can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I want to j _____the music club.

A: Good. M_____I know your name?

B: Amy.

A: And your f _____name?

B: Smith.

A: How o _____are you?

B: Thirteen.

A: W _____ can you do?

B: I can p_____ the guitar, but only a l_____. I want to learn more a _____music.

A: How can we contact (……联系)you?

B: My telephone n _____ is 8011769. My e-mail a _____ is Amy@162.com.

A: Great. Thanks a lot.

B: Thank you.