物业员工奖罚单:初三英语总复习 词组专练

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/05 13:02:55





(A) 用所给的词组填空。


as fast as possible           at the same time            asusual                 at least   

at the beginning of at times                        atonce                  at the head of

at the top of                   atmost                         at first                   at last


1.       I can pay only fifty pounds_______________.

2.       _______________ my mother lets mewatch TV in the evening.

3.       The two runners reached thefinishing line _______________.

4.       It was late for school. Li Lei ran_______________.

5.       She would go home,_______________, for Christmas.

6.       If you find any mistakes, tell me_______________.

7.       _______________ he knew themeaning of the text.

8.       The exam will begin_______________ June.

9.       _______________ he was a littleshy in class, but now he is active.

10.   Mary graduated _______________ herclass.

11.   There were _______________ ahundred people in the hall.

12. Therewas snow _______________ the mountains.


(B) 用所给的词组填空。


how long         howsoon        how far          how often

how much       howmany             how deep how old


1.       --- __________ do you go to Beijing? --- Once a year.

2.       --- __________ do you want to goto Beijingagain? --- I can’t wait to.

3.       --- __________ is it from Nanjing to Beijing?--- About 1,157 kilometers.

4.       --- __________ have you been aLeague member? --- Three years.

5.       --- __________ will Mr. Green comeback to Beijing?--- In three years.

6.       --- __________ kilos of milk wasproduced on the farm in 2001? --- 48,400 kilos.

7.       --- __________ is the Lake, do you know? --- It’s about 1,600 meters deep, Ithink.

8.       --- __________ was he last year? ---Ten.


(C) 用所给的词组填空。


in the day        insteadof              in English              in the future

in fact                    intime                  in this way             in the open air


1.       I’ll go to see her _______________you.

2.       No one knows what will happen_______________.

3.       No one believed it, but,_______________ Mary did get an A in maths.

4.       The sun comes out _______________and the moon comes at night.

5.       the students are learning to singa song _______________.

6.       _______________ you can learnEnglish well.

7.       Every morning he walks_______________ for an hour.

8.       We got to the station just _______________to catch the bus.


(D) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。


on watch         on display       on theother hand          neither … nor

on foot            onthe left       not…at all                    not only … but also

on earth           ontime          no matter               no longer


1.       Mr. Huang is _______________ ourteacher _______________ our friend.

2.       The old man _______________ liveshere. He lives with his son in Canada.

3.       Every day it takes me five minutesto go to school _______________.

4.       The soldier was standing_______________ though it was snowing hard.

5.       A new kind of car was_______________ in the shop.

6.       ____________ Bill _______________Jack knows how to spell the word “ heard ”.

7.       She is going to be a singer_______________ what difficulties she met.

8.       I think he is the luckiest man_______________.

9.       He is clever, but _______________,he makes many mistakes.

10.   Little John is ________ tallenough to touch it _______________.


(E) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。


out of              justnow         at the moment after a while          either… or…

ever since firstof all       up and down          more and more       more or less

even though    asif


1.       Jim doesn’t feel like eating. Hehas been like this _______________ last week.

2.       _______________ it was snowinghard, we had to go out.

3.       The work is _______________finished.

4.       It looks _______________ it isgoing to rain.

5.       _______________ Tom_______________ his brothers like to go hiking.

6.       A lift is used to carry people_______________ in the tall building.

7.       Don’t look _______________ thewindow. It’s dangerous.

8.       _______________ I’d like to sayhow glad I am to be here.

9.       The old woman knows the addressbut she can’t think of it _______________.

10.   Where is Smith? He was here_______________.


(F) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。


at sea              bysea     to his surprise in surprise      infront                 in front of

some day        oneday   before long            long before     thenumber of       a number of


1.       When we woke up, the ship was inthe storm _______________.

2.       They didn’t have to worry abouttheir chickens _______________.

3.  The driver sits _______________, and thepassengers sit behind.

4.       _______________, he found the girlwas blind.

5.       _______________ my father went outfor a walk in the street and met his old friend.

6.       _______________ the students inour school is 1,200.


(G) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。


at the end of           inthe end       sometime some time       bythe way

on the way              noneof          no one            less than         morethan


1.       Zhang Hong hopes she will have achance to study in America_________ next year.

2.       The population has increased from _______________6,600,000 to 8,300,000.

3.       _______________ home father toldme about the accident.

4.       _______________ we finished thework successfully.

5.       She is interested in_______________ these books.




(A) 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。


cut down         comedown            fall down        get down        putdown

slow down       shutdown              turn down              write down            sit down


1.       We have __________ when we come tothe main road. There is a lot of traffic on it.

2.       Something must be done to stopthem from _______________ trees.

3.       Please _______________ your handsbefore I ask you questions.

4.       The room is too noisy. Please_______________ the radio.

5.       Sue had the computer_______________ before she left the room.


(B) 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。


drop off           falloff           get off            hurry off       

keep off          turnoff          set off           put off


1.       This morning we _______________for our field trip together.

2.       Can’t you see a girl with someflowers in her hands _______________ the bus?

3.       He had to _______________ themeeting because of illness.

4.       The doctor asked the patient_______________ sleeping pills.

5.       Don’t forget to _______________the lights when you leave here.


(C) 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。


come up with                 catchup with  eat up             grow up         giveup

hurry up                        handsup         look up          open up          putup

make up one’s mind ring up                  sendup          wake up         pick up


1.       Tell me how _______________ theword in the dictionary, please.

2.       The teacher asked a difficultquestion, but finally Ted ___________ a good answer.

3.       A new cinema _______________ inthe center of the city last year.

4.       _______________, or we’ll miss thetrain.

5.       Look! The teacher _______________the competition result on the wall.

6.       If you work hard, you_______________ your classmates.

7.       The doctor told my father_______________ smoking.

8.       Will you _________ the rubbish andthrow it into a dustbin to keep the room clean?

9.       They _______________ to turn itinto rich farm land.

10.   The dog was so hungry that it_______________ all the food.

11.   _______________ or I’ll shoot you.

12.   The news reporter said China_______________ another spaceship soon.


(D) 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。


think about      thinkover       work out work on         have been to   have been in

hear of            hearfrom       used to           be used to       lookfor                 find out


1.       I _______________ going to Beijing for my holiday.

2.       I _______________ play footballwhen I was younger, but not very often.

3.       The scientists _______________inventing new ways of reaching outer space.

4.       We _______________ the Great Walltwice already.

5.       There is an important matter_______________.

6.       --- __________ you _________ Mr.Black, sir? --- Yes, we often write to each other.

7.       --- Can you _______________whenthe train will leave for Shanghai?--- Of course.

8.       We _______________ the cost of theholiday and decided that we could afford it.


(E) 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。


wear out          speakhighly of             learn … all byoneself    take care of

pay for            tryout                          get on                                 prefer to

make sure       makeroom for              stop … from                enjoy oneself


1.       I’m sure that you must ________the library book if you still can’t find it anywhere.

2.       We are going hiking on our firsttrip. So we _______________ to bring enough food for the trip.

3.       My English teacher often_______________ us so that we all like to study English.

4.       Edison _____________ always_______________ new ideas when he was young.

5.       All the students in Class 1_______________ well with each other.

6.       They _______________ walk ratherthan take a bus when they lived in town.

7.       Mum, can you buy new trousers forme? Mine _______________.

8.       Bruce is clever enough_______________ this song _______________.




(A) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。


far away from  arrivein                at the second crossing    from now on  

went wrong            give… back          come along                          come out

wentover              are used for           talking to                      over there


1.       --- Can I borrow this new book?--- Yes, but you must ______ it _______ in a week.

2.       --- Is your school ___________your home? --- Yes, I go to school by bus every day.

3.       I’ll give you a call as soon as I_______________ Beijing.

4.       Man-made satellites_______________ studying the universe now.

5.       Our teacher was ___________ Ann’smother when I passed the teacher’s office.

6.       He _______________ his exam paperand found two mistakes.

7.       _______________, we must learnmore to meet the need of the world.

8.       Some flowers have begun to_______________.

9.       It would be terrible if anything_______________.

10.   Turn right _______________ and you’llsee a supermarket.


(B) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。


in red              knockingat                   the day beforeyesterday        went on  

waiting for      thesame as                  played a joke on                          to make money             laughed at       hour after hour


1.       Be quick! Mr. Liu is_______________ you at the school gate.

2.       Do you hear someone_______________ the door?

3.       Mr. Green works hard_______________.

4.       The two brothers don’t look_______________ each other.

5.       We waited _______________, but thevisitor didn’t arrived.

6.       It was raining hard but they_______________ working in the fields.

7.       He doesn’t like to be_______________.

8.       A girl _______________ is smilingto us far away.

9.       The boys _______________ James.They did his shoes and he couldn’t find them.

10.   They planted trees in the park_______________.


(C) 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。


besurprised at         be angry with  be made of            bemade for

befamous for         be amazed at          be afraid of            be fed up with

beworried about            be sorry for           be fast asleep  be able to


1.       The children had a good time inthe zoo. But they _______ the animals in the cages.

2.       I used to eat a lot of meat. Butnow I _______________ it.

3.       I _______________ the beautifulscenery in Xiamen.I really enjoyed myself when I was visiting the city.

4.       Han Mei was born in the year ofsnake. But she _______________ snakes.

5.       All of us _______________ the newsthat Miss Gao won’t come to the evening party this Saturday.

6.       Please don’t _______________ me ifI don’t go swimming with you.

7.       Look! The baby _______________.

8.       I found the dress which_______________ paper very strange.

9.       She said that she _______________support her family since two years ago.

10.   Mrs. Green is ill in hospital.Everyone _______________ her.




fill … with             playwith              begin with             quarrel with   

agree with              thanksto        so far                    regard … as

as well                   dotheir best           throw about           put away

take away        runaway        wash away             keep from


1.       Many more houses have been builtfor teachers in our city _______________.

2.       _______________ the teacher, weall did well in maths.

3.       She not only sings, she dances_______________.

4.       The doctor often _______________the bottle _______________ medicine.

5.       It’s dangerous _______________fire.

6.       The museum _______________ one ofthe best schools.

7.       They _______________ what I saidafter I had explained.

8.       The Chinese people _______________to make their country strong.

9.       Luckily they _______________ froma fire.

10.   Mother always tells me not____________ my clothes ____________ in the room.

11.   You’d better _______________ thefood. It smells bad.

12.   The bridge _______________ by theflood.

13. MyEnglish teacher often ____________ her class ____________ an English song.

14. Thesand can __________________________ moving towards the rich farmland.




  1. at most                         2.at times             3. at the same time        4.as fast as possible

  5. as usual                        6.at once                     7. At last                      8.at the beginning of

  9.At first                         10.at the head of   11.at least                            12. at the top of


  1. How often                    2.How much               3. How far                   4. How long

5.How soon                     6 .How many         7.How deep                 8. How old


  1. instead of                            2.in the future              3.in fact                       4.in the day

5.in English                            6. In this way               7. in the open air           8. in time


  1. not only…but also         2. no longer           3.onfoot                      4. on watch                        

  5. on display                    6.Neither…nor      7. no matter                 8.on earth           

  9. on the other hand         10. not…at all


  1. ever since                  2. Even though      3. more or less             4.as if

5.either… or                   6.up and down     7.out of                       8. First of all

9. at the moment              10. just now


  1. at sea                     2.before long        3. in front                            4. To his surprise

5. One day                       6. The number of


  1. some time                    2.less than            3. On the way               4. In the end

  5. none of



  1. to slow down                2. cutting down     3.put down                  4. turn down

  5. shut down 


  1. set off / will set off              2. getting off         3. put off                      4. to keep off

5. turn off


  1. to look up                           2.cameup with      3.was opened up            4. Hurry up

5. is putting up                       6.will catch up with7. to give up                      8.pick up

9. have made up their minds  10 .ate up         11.Handsup                  12. would send up


  1. am thinking about         2. used to                     3.are working on          4. have been to

  5. to think over               6. have … heardfrom     7. find out              8. worked out



  1. pay for                  2.make sure                 3. speaks highlyof        4. was … trying out

5. are getting on        6. preferred to             7.are worn out      8.to learn … by himself



  1. give … back          2. far away from          3. arrive in                   4. are used for

  5. talking to                     6.went over                 7. from now on             8. come out 

  9. went wrong          10. at the second crossing


  1. waiting for        2. knocking at           3.to make money         4. the same as

  5. hour after hour     6. went on                  7.laughed at                8. in red     

  9. played a joke on     10 . the day before yesterday


  1. were sorry for       2. am fed up with         3.was amazed at          4. is afraidof  

  5. are surprised at      6. be angry with            7.is fast asleep              8. was made of

  9. had been able to     10. is worried about


1. so far                    2.Thanks to                  3. as well                      4. fills … with

5. to play with           6. is regarded as            7. agreed with               8. are doing their best

9. have run away/ran away                             10. to throw …about    11. take away           12. was washed away     13. begins… with            14.be kept from