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Part I  Listening Comprehension

Section A 

1. C       2. B       3.D       4. A       5. D

Section B 

6. A       7. D      8. C       9. C       10. D

Section C 

11. B     12. D     13. C     14. A     15. C

Part II  Vocabulary and Structure

16. A. 本题考查词汇的辨析。favorable意为 “良好的, 讨人喜欢的”, 指人、状况或环境对达到目标起积极作用的,favorite意为 “最喜爱的,中意的”,favoring意为 “顺利的,有帮助的”,favored意为 “受到优待的,有天赋的,受优惠的”。

17. D. 本题考查虚拟语气的用法。Recommend后面加that引导的宾语从句,从句中谓语动词应用“(should)+动词原形”形式。

18. A. 本题考查动词词义的辨析。range意思是 “在某一特定的范围内变化”,例如:ages that ranged from two to five. 两岁至五岁年龄段。 alter 意思是“变更,更改”,separate意思是“分离,分开”, differ意思是“不同,相异”,强调在本质、性质、数量或形式均不相同或不相象。

19. C. 本题考查动词词义的辨析。contribute 是不及物动词, 意思是“贡献;促成…的因素” 例如:Exercise contributes to better health.锻炼能促成更强健的体魄。 attribute意思是“由…引起,把…归因于”, add意思是“增加”,distribute意思是“分发,分配,分给”。

20. A. 在非限定性定语从句中,关系代词只能用which, 不能用that

21. B. 本题考查状语从句,根据题意,从句中应为被动形式,本题含义为“与整个地球相比,最高的山看起来一点也不高。”

22. C. 本题考查词汇的辨析。这几个词均表示正常的, 平常的。normal强调符合已建立的标准、模型或方式,Ordinary是指通常的:通常遇见的, Common意为共同的 common interests共同利益,usual意思是惯常的,惯例的

23. B. 本题考查独立主格结构。with前面的句子结构完整,因此其后的动词要使用分词形式,构成独立主格结构。Handstie这一动作的承受者,因此是被动形式,要使用过去分词tied

24. A.  本题考查形近词区分。latterformer的反义词,意思是 “后者”,因此为正确选项。 B选项later经常用在短语later on中,表示后来。C选项中的lately表示“近来”。D选项中的late需要注意其除具有“迟到的,晚的”意思之外,还有“已故的”的意思。

25. B. 本题考查固定搭配。动词apply 后跟for时,意为“申请”,跟to时意为“应用”,其名词application具有同样的用法。 application for the job 意思是工作申请(表)。

26. C. 本题考查词汇的辨析。Charge意思是 “索价,要价:要(定量的钱)作为收费”,例如: charges ten dollars for a haircut. 理一次发要价十美元。Pay意思是 “支付, 偿付”,如:He paid three dollars for a hamburger. Cost 主语是物,意思是 “花费”, The hamburger cost him three dollars. price意思是 “定价,给…定价或建立价格”,如:shoes that are priced at nine dollars.价格为九美元的鞋子。

27. D. 本题考查固定搭配。 as far as…is concerned 意为 “就……而言”。

28. A. 本题考查词汇的辨析。transfer意思是 “调动,使自己调换地方工作”,exchange意思是 “交换,交易, 互换,交流”,如:exchange gifts交换礼物,transmit意思是“传送,传染,使传播”,remove意思是 “移动,迁移”。

29. B. 本题考查主谓一致。 not only…but also…作主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”,依据but also之后的单词来却定谓语的单复数形式, 例如:Not only the students but also the teacher was invited. 不仅学生们受到邀请,而且教师也受到了邀请。

30. B. 本题考查词汇的辨析。 adept是形容词, 意思是 “熟练的,擅长的”,adopt是及物动词,意思是“收养,采纳”, adapt是及物动词, 意思是“使适合,使适应”, 例如: a species that has adapted well to winter climes.很适应冬天气候的物种。adjust是及物动词, 意思是校正,校准。本题难点在于区分adaptadjust两词的用法。考生可记忆adapt强调大的调整,而adjust一般强调微调。

31. A. 本题考查倒装句。Only位于句首,修饰状语时,其后的句子主干需要倒装。本题only后是一个状语从句,位于句首,其后主句也要用倒装语序。

32. D. 本题考查词义的辨析。 Sufficient 意思是“充分的, 足够的”,proficient意思是 “熟练的,精通的”,efficient意思是 “有效率的,能干的”,potential的意思是“潜在的,可能的”。

33. A. 本题考查短语辨析。by no means意思是 “决不”,by all means意思是 “尽一切办法, 一定”, in some cases意思是 “在一些情况下”,in any case意思是 “无论如何,总之”。 这句话的意思是“这决不是你第一次迟到了”,因此应选择A

34. D. 本题考查词义的辨析。obstacle 意思是“障碍,妨害物”,fault的意思是 “过错,缺点”,offense的意思是“冒犯,违反,过错”,distress的意思是 “穷困,不幸,危难,忧伤”。

35. C. 本题考查介词短语的搭配。 英文中表示比较,一般会用到than,但是superior 一词需要和介词to搭配,构成固定短语 be superior to sb./sth.”,意为比……优越的, 较好的

Part III  Reading Comprehension

Task 1

     本文属于社会类文章,主要介绍critical thinking 一词,具体可划归到社会学概念介绍文章里。这类文章需要重点理解文章如何对此概念进行定义、分析和例证的。另外,此类文章一般逻辑严密、说理清晰,因此各段首尾呼应非常明显,考生解题时可依此为依据。

36. B. 细节题。本题解题关键在于看懂首段中第一句话为概述,第二、三两句为例证,服务于第一句话。因此,本题答案必然来自第一句话。由该句可知,我们中的大多数人在成长过程中遇见事情经常会不假思索,想当然地接受一些东西,故正确答案为B 其中accept …… without a second thought与原文take..…for granted 相对应。

37. A. 细节题。本题可以很容易定位在第二段首句,但是答案却无法在这一句中得出。根据段落首尾呼应的特点,也可借助重要信号词however,可以明确答案应在本段最后一句话中得出。对比选项,可以看出A give their own ideas与原文含义最相近,因此为正确答案。

38. C. 语意题。从第三段第一句话可以推断,shakynot logical是同类的,因此,shaky表示“不可信赖的,不稳的,站不住脚的”,另外还可以根据shaky来源于动词shake来进行推断,故C项为正确选项。

39. D. 细节题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知:教授不告诉你去思考什么,他们试着教你如何去思考。由此可知,答案为D。另外,在阅读理解题中,原文中的how 与选项中的the way 之间的转换是很常见的,考生需要留心。

40. A. 推理题。根据题目位置,可以简单判断答案应在最后一段出现。本题询问the right way,涉及了作者的态度,此类题目的答案一般出现在原文中显示作者强烈观点或情感处。因此,从首句“you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas”中可以得出正确答案为A

Task 2

     本文属于社会类文章,主要介绍public goods 一词的概念,因此也可划归到社会学概念介绍类文章里。这类文章需要重点理解文章如何对此概念进行定义、分析和例证的。需要注意的是,本文中作者使用了较多的例子,约占到文章一半的篇幅。在实际阅读过程中,考生对例子不必仔细研读,把握其大意即可,重点需要放在例子所支持的定论性话语上。


41. D. 细节题。该题目问及文章主题词public goods的含义,也可看作主题题型。分析文章各段段首句可得出结论:文章一二两段的段首句综合起来为文章主题,因此本题答案需要从这两句话中得出。从第一段的话语中such as部分可以得出public goods是一种service。从第二段首句可以得出public的另一个属性是大家都可以享用。因此可得出答案为D

42. D. 推理题。该题为典型例子作用型题目,需要特别关注。此类题目的答案均不会是例子本身,而会从其前面的定论性话语中得出。因此,此题的答案应该是对第二段段首句的压缩改写,即D。而AB两选项中包含了例子中的关键词national defense,因此是明显的干扰项。C选项进行了比较,而原文并无比较,因此亦为干扰项。

43. A. 细节题。 本题定位词为“do not pay”,可将答案定位于文章第三段第二句话“This is because a person who refuses to pay for a public good cannot be kept from using it”。对该句进行改写,可以得出答案A

44. C. 归纳题。本题实际上是问第三段的中心思想,因此解题时只需要找出全段最核心的句子即可。该段除一二两句话外,其他均为例子,对两句话进行比较,可判断第一句话为核心,第二句为支持性话语。对第二段段首句进行压缩改写,可得出答案为C

45. C.  推理题。文章最后一段大意为,我们不可能让每个人都直接为公共产品付账,因此,我们就以收税来保证公共产品的供给。从中可以看出答案应为CBD两选项不包含主题词,因此为干扰项。A选项具有较强干扰性,需特别留心,但是选项中的extra是一种隐含的比较,而原文未做任何比较,因此也是干扰项。

Task 3

     本文可看作社会类文章,主要论述环境保护问题。需要注意,本文只有一段,因此在阅读中要特别注意利用各种关联词(信号词)分清文章脉络以及准确判断文章主题句。本文主题句为其承上启下作用的“However, a person can be a protector of environment in everyday life if he takes actions to save the environment right now.”一句,其他句子都围绕其展开,而大部分题目的答案也可由此句得出。

46. B. 细节题。本文开头就提出,随着世界人口的不断增长,我们的环境变得越来越差。接着作者便分析人口增长怎样导致环境的恶化,可见,作者认为当今对于环境来说主要问题是人口的增长,故B项正确。

47. B. 推理题。根据推理的最终方向指向文章主题的原则,本题答案可从主题句“However, a person …… right now”得出。主题句意为:一个人只要现在采取行动保护环境,那么他在日常生活中就可以成为一个环境保护者。对该句进行改写,得出答案为B

48. A. 主旨题。作者文中首先提出了环境恶化问题,然后又指出只要社会上越来越多的人开始采取措施保护环境,环境会在很大程度上得以改善,由此可见,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了建议人们采取措施保护环境。另外,根据主旨题的答案来自文章主题句的原则,本题答案也可由主题句直接推导得出。

49. A. 推理题。文中作者建议用步行、乘公共汽车或者合用汽车来代替自己开车目的就是为了节省能源、保护环境,因此本题答案为A

50. D. 主旨题。根据主旨题答案来自主题句的原则,本文主要是关于环境保护,因此答案为D

Task 4

51. Because he has got great economic pressures.

52. On December 31.

53. For three years.

54. He is willing to help in training the newcomer.

55. A very good impression.

Part IV  Translation

Section A

56. 他对公司的财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效的措施。

57. 虽然有些地区遭受了严重的自然灾害,但是粮食总产量还是比去年高。

58. 根据悲观论者的预测,现有的煤仅够使用450年,天然气仅够使用50年,而石油则可能在30年内枯竭。

59. 由于种种原因,所有国家对通过他们边境的某些商品都强行设置贸易壁垒。

60. 每位雇主都希望能有以诚实积极的态度提出改进意见的雇员。

Section B

61. On behalf of the company as a whole, I would like to thank you for all you have done.

62. The high tuition discourages some poor students from entering colleges.

63. What we are concerned about most is the quality of drinking water in the city.

64. Given the government’s record on unemployment, their chances of winning the election look poor.

65. Before we come to a decision we must make sure that we have taken all the relevant factors into consideration.

Part V  Writing

Dear Mr. John Holland,

   It has been quite a few days since we met last time. How have you been these days?

   I am writing to remind you that our bill for the last delivery of RMB10,000 Yuan is overdue for 10 days. Could you please make this payment as soon as possible?

   Enclosed we are sending our latest summer catalogue. Special offers are waiting for you if you place the new order by July.

                                                   Yours sincerely,

                                                   Li Hua

                                                   Marketing Manager

                                                   Daniel Trade Company




Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 5 short dialogues. At the end of each dialogue, a question will be asked about what was said. The dialogues and question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. W: I'm taking the train downtown to go shopping.

M: Well, you'd better keep an eye on your wallet.

Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?                                             

2. M: I'm anxious to get started on our project. Can we meet sometime before the weekend?

W: If we meet Friday morning, I'll have time to go to the library that afternoon.

Q: What are the speakers discussing?                                                             

3. W: What do you think of the movie?

M: It was worth neither the time nor the money.

Q: What does the man mean?                                                                         

4. W: What seems to be the problem?

M: Well, I understand the lectures, but I get mixed up when I try to read the book.

Q: What does the man imply?                                                                        

5. W: Good to see you, you look fatter and better.

M: Thanks. I had a lot of exercise and drank vegetable juice every day.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?   

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 conversations. At the end of each conversation, some question will be asked about what was said. The conversation will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Conversation 1

A: Since you're a teacher who's been teaching for some years now, I'd like to ask you, "How would you describe a good student or a slow student?"

B: Erm, well, a good student is usually one who's not afraid to make mistakes, I'd say.

A: Is there anything else you could say?

B: Well, good students are eager to experiment with every new thing they learn. Whether it is a structure or a new word, they immediately start trying to use it.

A: Yeah, all right.

B: Slow students are usually passive. They don't speak much in the classroom. They rare­ly ask you to explain something.

A: They just accept what you say and don't do anything more with it.

B: That's right and in a test they suddenly realize that they didn't really understand after all.

A: Mm, right, yeah. Er, anything else?

B: Well, I think good learners are more independent. They don't depend entirely on the teacher.   They work outside the classroom as well as in it.

B: Yes, yeah. Thank you!

Questions 6~7 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

6. Which of the following is not true about slow students according to the text?   

7. Which word can be used for good students? 

Conversation 2

Waiter: Good evening, sir, madam. A table for two?

Man: No, thank you. But we have a small problem. Can you help us?

Waiter: Sure. What can I do for you?

Man: We are looking for a hotel. Are there any hotels near here?

Waiter: Yes, there are some hotels in this street. The nearest one is next to the bank. It's quite modern.

Woman: Do you think there're any inexpensive ones nearby? We're leaving tomorrow morning.

Waiter: Yes. Drive west for about two minutes and you will find a grey building on the right side. It's a traditional family-style hotel, very comfortable, and the price is quite reasonable.

Woman: It sounds nice. Thank you very much for your help. Waiter; That's all right.

Questions 8 — 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. What are the man and woman looking for?                                                      

9. Whom did the man and woman ask for help?                                                    

10. Where could they find a hotel they needed?                                                   

Section C

Directions: In this section you will hear a short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear some question. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

In police work, you can never predict the next crime or problem. No working day is identical to any other, so there is no typical day for a police officer. Some days are relatively slow, and the job is boring, other days are so busy that there is no time to eat. I think I can describe police work in one word: variety. Sometimes it's dangerous. One day, for ex­ample, I was working undercover, that is, I was on the job, but I was wearing normal clothes, not my police uniform. I was trying to catch some robbers who were stealing mon­ey from people as they walked down the street. Suddenly, seven bad men jumped out at me. Another police officer arrived, and together, we arrested three of the men; but the other four ran away. Another day, I helped a woman who was going to have a baby. She was trying to get to the hospital but there was a bad traffic jam. I put her in my police car to get her there faster. I thought she was going to have the baby right there in my car. But fortunately, the baby waited to arrive until we got to the hospital.

Questions 11 — 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. According to the author, which word best describes police work?    

12. What does "working undercover" mean?                                                       

13. How many bad men were arrested?                                                               

14. Why did "the police officer" help the woman?                                               

15. In which way did I help the woman?