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8、Does anyone (b) Mark live here?

A call    B  called      C to call    calling

从句化简法,本句的完整表达是Does any one who is called Mark live here? 去掉关系代词who,谓语动词变成现在分词,当谓语动词是be动词时,变成being后可以省略。故而答案B正确。

9、She knelt down before him, with tears (a) down her face.

A streaming     B to streaming     C stream      D streamed

“with + 宾语 + 分词”结构,此处因表主动语态,故用现在分词streaming作宾语补语。

10、Do you understand the language (d) on that island?

A to speak      B speaking      C is spoken     D spoken

本题也是考从句化简,本题中的spoken为过去分词,由which is spoken化简而来。

11、John was never heard (a) the Shanghai dialect.

A to speak      B speak     C to have been spoken    D spoke


12、You were opposed to (a) to go with us to the library, weren’t you?.

A our inviting her       B us invite her      C that we invite her      D we inviting her

be opposed to doing…  反对…… ;our inviting her由 we invite her 变化而成。


13、Walking along the river, (a).

A I met several groups of hikers            B the river met several groups of hikers 

C it was several groups of hikers           D we met by several groups of hikers    


空格前有分词短语“walking along the river ”(沿着河走),行走的主语必须是人。D选项删除介词by也是可以的。

14、He asked me if John had the ability (a) .

A to do that     B to doing      C of doing that       do that

ability 之后必须用不定式修饰,不可以用of V-ing。

15、It is sometimes difficult (d) you have just met.

A to make pleasant conversation at people     B making pleasant conversation on people 

C making pleasant conversation for people    D to make pleasant conversation with people


和……谈话:make conversation with

16、The same thing, (a) would have been disastrous.

A had it happened in crowded places    B if happened in crowded places

C if had happened in crowded places    D if has happened in crowded places

hat it happened in crowded places=if it had happened in crowded places

17、Because of greatly reduced air pollution, this city is still (c).

A a good place where to live    B lived as a good place     

C a good place to live in       D living in as a good place

to live in 为不定式作形容词用,修饰 place.

18、The meeting is to be adjourned ,everything (A) undecided.

A left      B to leave      C leaving       leaves

单句化简法,主语不同的情形,everything is left undecided ,但如此一来,两句无连接词,故将其化简为分词短语。因为主语The meeting 与everything不同,故而予以保留,everything之后的is变成现在分词可以省略,left undecided 独立修饰不同的主语everything。

…everything left undecided = …and everything is left undecided