
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 01:09:13



(  )1. --Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?

--- ______. I think I’ll just have a glass of water.

A. Both   B. Neither   C. None   D. Either

(  )2. I’ve never seen ______ match before.

A. such an exciting  B. so an exciting  C. such an excited  D. so an excited

(  )3. We usually _____ hello to each other.

A. tell   B. talk   C. speak   D. say

(  )4. She did the exercise again. She forgot _____ it.

A. to do   B. doing   C. do   D. did

(  )5. There _____ a great number of students over there. The number of the students ____ five thousand.

A. are, is   B. are, are   C. is, are   D. is, is

(  )6. I think he must be in the office now, ______?

A. don’t I   B. mustn’t he   C. isn’t he   D. can’t he

(  )7. --- How many people were there at the meeting? ----_______.

A. Nobody   B. No one   C. None   D. Nothing

(  )8. I _____ the mouse for 18 yuan in the supermarket.

A. paid   B. bought   C. cost   D. spent

(  )9. _____ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _____ sports meeting.

A. Everyone, a two days’   B. Every one, the two days

C. Every one, the two-day   D. None, a two-day

(  )10. --- Will you please _____ your radio a little? I can hardly go to sleep.

--- Oh, sorry.

A. turn off   B. turn on   C. turn down   D. turn up

(  )11. I’ll spend as much time as I can _____ after the flowers in the garden.

A. look   B. to look   C. looking   D. looked

(  )12. It’s _______ that we will never forget.

A. such a nice city   B. a such nice city   C. a so nice city   D. so a nice city

(  )13. I’m afraid I’ll spend _____ two hours on the problem.

A. other   B. more   C. another   D. else

(  )14. There used to be a house_____ on the top of the mountain.

A. standing   B. stands   C. stood   D. stand

(  )15. —Can you remember this park? We _____ here.—Sure. But now I ______ in that swimming pool.

   A. are used to take a walk, am used to swim

    B. are used to taking a walk, am used to swimming

   C. used to take a walk, used to swim

     D. used to take a walk, am used to swimming

( )16. Girls like to ________ themselves in modern dresses.

      A. dress     B. make    C. put on     D. wear

(  )17.– Will you please tell John to come to my office?-- _____.

     A. Yes, I do   B. I’ll be glad   C. Thank you   D. I’ll be glad to

(  )18. – Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?-- John _____.

      A. cleaned   B. does   C. did   D. is

(  )19. – Which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the pink one?

      -- ____. I like a light blue one.

      A. Either   B. Both   C. Any   D. Neither

(   )20. The doctor worked for ___ after twelve o’clock.

A. two more hours   B. two another hour   C. more two hours   D. another two hour

(   )21. Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li? -- No, it ___ be him. Mr Li is much taller.

A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t

(   )22– Your dress is very beautiful, Mary. -- ____.

A. Not at all   B. Just so-so.   C. No, it isn’t.   D. Thank you

(   )23. We_____ spend too much time in watching TV.

A. told don't   B. told not to .  C. were told not to   D. were told to not

(   )24. He said he ___ never seen _____ an exciting football match before.

A. has, so   B. has, such   C. had, so    D. had, such

(   )25. We study five days week and on Sundays we often play ____football.

A. a;the   B. 不填;a   C. an;a     D. a;不填

(   )26.____John ____ Jack may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

 A. Neither;nor   B. Both;and   C. Either;or   D. Not only;but also

(   )27. He told me that he _____ here for five minutes.

A. has come  B. had arrived   C. had been   D. came

(   )28. -_____ are the Olympic Games held? .-Every four years..

A. How often   B. When   C. How soon D. How long

(   )29. You won't pass the exam you study hard.

 A. if B. when .C. after D. unless

( )30. -Could I use your bike? -Yes, of course you _____.

A. can B. could C. must D. will

(   )31. All of us preferred ________ to ________ there by bus.

A. walking; go    B. to walk; go   C. to walk; going   D. walking; going

(   )32. I've given you everything ____ I have.

A. which    B. that    C. who    D. whom

( )33. Forty minutes _______ for the children to finish all the work.

A. is quite a long time    B. are quite long .

C. was a quite long time    D. were quite long time

(   )34. ______ of us has read the story,so we know nothing about it.

A. Some    B. Both    C. None    D. All

(  )35. -Would you like some more rice? .-Yes, Just ______.

A. a few    B. few    C. a little    D. little

(  )36. -Look! That man looks like Mr Brown.

-It _____ be him, for he _____ America.

A. can't;has gone to    B. may not;has gone

C. mustn't;has been to    D. can't;has been to

(  )37. Jim with his parents _____ abroad. They ____ back in two weeks.

A. have gone;will come.    B. has gone;will come .

C. have been to;have come    D. has been;come

(  )38. ______ he failed in the maths exam again, ______ he never gave up.

 A. Because,so   B. Because,/   C. Although,but   D. Although, /

(  )39. -Would you mind my opening the windows? .-_____.

A. Sorry. I wouldn't    B. No, of course not

C. It doesn't matter    D. Yes, please

(  )40. -Why not come and join us in the game?

 -_____. But I must meet Mr Smith at his office now..

A. I'd like to   B. Let's go   C. Yes, please   D. It's a pleasure

( )41. -Will you please show me the photo of your family? .-OK. I will it here tomorrow.

A. take   B. catch   C. bring   D. carry

(  )42. Keep _______, and you'll succeed.

A. to try   B. tries   C. trying   D. tried

(  )43. -I hear Tom is working hard at his lessons. .-I'm ______ he will pass the exams this time.

A. afraid   B. surprised   C. sure   D. sorry

(  )44. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive ____ London ____ the morning of July 19.

A. to,on   B. in,on    C. in,in   C. at,in

(  )45. Would you mind ___ me how ____English words?

A. telling,to remember    B. telling,remember

C. to tell,to remember     D. to tell,remember

(  )46. Mary doesn't like dancing. _____..

A. Neither do I   B. Either do I   C. So do I   D. So I don't

(  )47. We couldn't see because the light in the room was poor.

A. enough clear   B. clear enough   C. enough clearly   D. clearly enough

(  )48. woman over there is popular teacher in our school.

A. A;an   B. The;a   C. The;the    D. A the

(  )49. -What's your English teacher like? .-______.

A. He is good   B. He likes reading   C. He's thirty   D. He's thin and tall

(  )50. We should keep on _____ English every day.

A. to practise to speak   B. to practise speaking

C. practising to speak    D. practising speaking

(  )51. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and____ around,but she ___ nothing.

A. looked;saw   B. saw;saw   C. watched;looked   D. looked;find

(  )52. Would you please ____ it in English?

A. speak   B. say   C. tell   D. talk.

(  )53. I have ______ for my pen everywhere, but I just can't _____ it.

A. found,find   B. found,look  C. looked,find   D. looked,look

(  )54. After a short break he went on _____.

A. to speak   B. speak   C. speaking   D. spoken

(  )55. -Do you like milk or coffee? -I prefer milk ___ coffee..

A. with   B. to   C. than   D. of

(  )56.—Will you please _______us a story, Miss Gao?

—OK. Shall I _______it in English or in Chinese?

A. tell; speak    B. talk; speak    C. tell; say     D. talk; say

(  )57. He eats______ food, so he is ________ fat.

A. much too; too much    B. much too; too many

C. too much; much too    D. too much; many too

(  )58. —I’m sorry I left my exercise book at home.—Don’t ___________it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot; to take   B. left; to bring   C. forgot; to bring  D. left; to take

(  )59.Remember with others.

A.not to be angry    B.don’t be angry   C.don’t angry

(  )60. My CD doesn't work well.I'll go and this evening.

A.have them repaired   B.to repair   C.have it repaired   D.have it repair

(  )61.—It is very kind of you to help me with my English. —_________.

A. That's right B. Thank you C. With pleasure D. Don't say so

(  )62. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please __________?

    A. turn it on   B. turn it down   C. turn it up D. turn it off

(  )63. We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining _________.

    A. badly     B. strongly     C. hardly  D. heavily

(  )64. —You haven't been to Macao, have you?—_____.How I wish to go there!

    A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven't C. No, I have D. No, I haven't

(  )65. —Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?—I'm afraid ___ day is possible.

    A. either   B. neither   C. some   D. any

(  ) 66. The Chinese ping-pong players will join in the match. Let's _____ them success.

A. wish     B. to wish    C. hope    D. to hope



1-5 BADBA 6-10 CCACC 11-15 CACAD 16-20 ADCDA

21-25 CDCDD 26-30 CCADA 31-35 DBACC 36-40 ABDBA


41-45 CCCBA 46-50 ADBDD 51-55 ABCCB 56-60 CCCAC 61-66 CDDDBA