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51. There are as good fish in the sea ________ ever came out of it.

A. than                                                B. like

C. as                                                   D. so

解析】答案选C。此题源自爱尔兰谚语:There’s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 原意为:海里的好鱼是取之不尽的。借指:纵然失去一个机会, 不愁没有其他机会。

52. All the President’s Men ________one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.

A. remain                                            B. remains

C. remained                                         D. is remaining

解析】答案选B。根据句中的one of the important books可知, All the President’s Men 是一个书名, 所以谓语用单数。

53. “You ________borrow my notes provided you take care of them, ” I told my friend.

A. could                                              B. should

C. must                                               D. can

解析】答案选D。“provided (that) +从句”表示一种假设条件, 相当于if。根据情况可使用虚拟语气或是陈述语气, 这里表示真实的条件句。can表示许可或建议, 在口语中常用can, 表示给与“许可”通常用canmay, 而不用could/might

54. If only the patient ________ a different treatment instead of using the antibodies he might still be alive now.

A. had received                                    B. received

C. should receive                                  D. were receiving

解析】答案选A。由if only 引导的句子习惯上要用虚拟语气——与过去事实相反 if only 谓语动词用had done;与现在事实相反谓语动词用did

55. Linda was ________ the experiment a month ago but she changed her mind at the last minute.

A. to start                                            B. to have started

C. to be starting                                    D. to have been starting

解析】答案选B。此处的“was / were+动词完成式”表示虚拟语气。

56. She ________ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.

A. must be                                           B. had been

C. could be                                           D. must have been

解析】答案选D。“must have+过去分词”表示对过去的推测。

57. It is not ________ much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.

A. that                                                  B. as

C. so                                                    D. very

解析】答案选Cnot so much…as为惯用表达, 其意为“与其说”“不如说”。

58. The committee has anticipated the problems that ____ in the road construction project.

A. arise                                                 B. will arise

C. arose                                                D. have arisen

解析】答案选B。句中的has anticipated表示“预测到了”;will表预测, 用排除法可知, C主句应是过去完成时。

59. The student said there were a few points in the essay he ________ impossible to comprehend.

A. had found                                         B. finds

C. has found                                          D. would find


60. He would have finished his college education, but he ________ to quit and find a job to support his family.

A. had had                                             B. has

C. had                                                   D. would have

解析】答案选Cbut后的句子要用陈述语气, 不用虚拟语气。指过去情况, 所以用一般过去时。