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  Lesson 46 The Raft Trip 木筏之旅


  confidential adj. 秘密的,机密的

  configuration n. 轮廓,【化】构型

  confine vt. 限制

  confinement n. 限制,禁闭

  confining adj. 狭窄的

  confirm vt. 证实,使。。。更坚定

  confirmation n. 确认,证实

  confiscate v. 没收,充公

  conflict n. 争论,冲突,斗争

  confluence n. 汇集

  conform vi. 遵守,顺从;符合

  conformity n. 遵照;顺从;一致,符合

  confront vt. (使)面对,正规

  confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂

  confusion n. 混乱,混淆

  congenial adj. (因性情、志趣等相近)彼此合得来的;惬意的

  congenital adj. 先天的,天生的

  congested adj. 堵塞的;拥挤的

  congestion n. 拥挤,拥塞

  congratulation n. 祝贺,道喜

  “It’s my first rafting trip,” I said. “But that’s confidential information, okay?” The river guide nodded in agreement. Although the raft was a bit confining, it was a very congenial atmosphere. Everyone was also very careful to conform to the rules and procedures so that nobody would get hurt. There’s no room for confusion or conflict when you’re in the dangerous rapids. Conformity is important to safety.

  It wasn’t long before we were facing the most dangerous part of the river, the confluence. This is the area where two rivers flow into one. Our guide started organizing our four rafts into a single-file configuration. Then, with his horn, he sent a confirmation signal to the other guides. Two beeps echoed from each raft confirming that they were ready to run through the confluence.

  We approached the confluence at the perfect speed. Suddenly, we noticed another group of rafts coming from the opposite river. They entered the confluence at the same time, creating congestion and several collisions between our rafts. The stock of this near disaster aggravated my congenital heart condition.

Our licensed guide was very upset because this was not supposed to be a congested river. He soon discovered that the other rafting group was not licensed to be on the river that day. He confronted their leader and threatened to have the authorities confiscate their equipment. The leader apologized and claimed he was confused by the dates. He promised to confine his group to the left side of the river for the rest of the day. Our guide told him that such confinement would not be necessary but that he should keep a safe distance from our rafts.

  The trip ended safely and we all received congratulations for a job well done.






  Lesson 47 The Meeting 会议


  congregate v. 聚集

  congress n. 国会,议会

  congressional adj. 会议的,大会的;国会的

  congressman n. 国会议员

  conjectural adj. 推测的

  conjure v. 变魔术,变戏法

  connect v. 连接;联系;联合;沟通

  connection n. 连接;(s)亲属;熟人,关系户;由共同利益结合在一起的人

  connivance n. 默许,共谋

  connive v. 纵容,默许,共谋

  connoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家

  conscience n. 良心,良知

  conscientious adj. 尽责的,一丝不苟的;凭良心的

  conscious adj. 有意识的,神志清醒的;意识到的

  consciousness n. 意识,知觉

  consecrate v. 使神圣,给。。。祝圣;奉献

  consecutive adj. 连续的

  consequence n. 结果,后果

  consequently adv. 从而,因此

  “Come in,” said Congressman Jones. Jones has been a member of the congress for 20 years. In that time, he had made numerous influential connections and had become wealth enough to be a connoisseur of fine wines. He offered some to his guest. “What can I do for you?” Jones asked the man in the suit.

  “I am the lawyer for a conglomerate in your district who is very interested in submitting some special legislation,” the suited man said.

  “I hope you’re not expecting me to conjure a yes vote on legislation that only serves the nest interested of bug business,” said the Congressman.

  “Not at all,” said the lawyer. “All we need is your influence and backdoor connections to get it passed.”

  “It sounds to me like a connivance,” the Congressman replied. “I’m a very conscientious legislator and I have a serious conscience.”

  “We already know that about you, Congressman Jones,” said the lawyer. “It may seem that I’m thinking like a man who had lost consciousness in an accident. In fact, it was conscious decision on your part to choose someone like you to help us.”

  “Listen, I didn’t get elected to five consecutive terms by conniving with people like you. I only connect with influential people to help my community. People respect my congressional achievements. They know that I do not make conjectural judgments and consequently, they reelect me every time. People congregate

  to hear me speak. I’ve even helped them consecrate a church.”

  “Trust me Congressman Jones,” the lawyer said with a smile. “Your assistance in our Save the Whale’s legislation won’t result in any negative consequences.”

  “Why didn’t you say it was to save the whales?” Jones said with a laugh. “I’d love to help.”











  Lesson 48 The Speech演讲


  conservation n. 保存,保持

  conservative adj. 保守的,谨慎的;守旧的

  conservatism n. 保守主义,守旧性

  conservatory n. 音乐学院

  conserve vt. 保存,保藏

  considerable adj. 相当大(或多的);值得考虑的;相当可观的

  considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的

  consideration n. 体谅,考虑

  consistent adj. 一致的,稳定的

  console vt. 安慰,慰藉

  consolidate v. 巩固;合并

  consonant adj. 协调一致的,符合的

  consort vi. 陪伴,结交

  consortium n. 协会,联盟,(国际)财团

  conspicuous adj. 显著的,显眼的,引人瞩目的

  conspiracy n. 阴谋

  conspire v. 共谋,阴谋

  constant adj. (恒久)不变的,持续的;一再重复的

  constellation n. 星座;灿烂的一群

  consternation n. 惊愕,惊惶,失措

  It was the morning of my speech and I was a bit nervous. I took my daughter to the conservatory for her music lessons before going to the meeting. She wore a conspicuous red dress with stars in the form of a constellation. Her style was consonant with her personality. I looked her in the eye and said, “I don’t want you to consort with those students who were suspended from school last week, okay?”

  “Okay dad,” she replied. “Don’t worry about your speech,” she added. “You’ve already spent considerable time on it. I know you’ll do well.”

  “That’s very considerate of you to be thinking about my speech,” I replied. “You may need to console me later with a Big Mac from McDonalds.”

  When I arrived at the meeting, the room was already full of conservative people. I wasted no time and walked up to the podium to start my speech. “We need to consolidate our efforts to conserve our natural resources,” I said, maintaining a constant forceful tone. “But conservation alone will not solve the problems facing our country. The oil companies conspire every year to increase the price of oil. They create consternation by claiming that our supply is running short. It is a conspiracy to keep the prices higher than they should be. We need to form a consortium to give thorough consideration to this serious problem. Big changes may be needed and we should not let our conservatism hold us back. We should also be prepared to maintain a consistent and unified position on the issue.”

  My speech continued for another 15 minutes and ended to the sound of loud applause. “Whem, I’m glad it’s over,” I mumbled to myself. “Forget the Big Mac, I need a beer.”






  Lesson 49 Jack-of-all-trades, Master of None


  constituent n. 成分,要素

  constitute vt. 建立(政府),组成,构成

  constitution n. 组织,宪法

  constrain n. 约束,限制

  constrict vt. 约束;收缩;压紧;堵塞

  construct vt. 建造;创立

  constructive adj. 建设性的,有积极效果的

  construe v. 解释,把。。。理解为

  consult vt. 咨询,请教

  consultant n. 顾问,咨询者

  consume vt. 消费,消耗;大吃大喝

  consumer n. 消费者

  consumption n. 消耗,消费

  contact vt. 使接触,与。。。联系

  contagious adj. 传染性的,会感染的

  contain vt. 包含,容纳

  container n. 容器,集装箱

  contaminate vt. 弄脏,污染,感染

  contemplate v. 沉思,对。。。做周密考虑

  I like being a congressman because I am fond of helping people. Many citizens think that it is an easy job, but in fact, it is very different. I get many calls from people who need things or want to complain about someone. Often, I do not have the answer.

  Last week, a constituent contacted me and asked me to help him construe an article contained within the constitution. I had to hire a lawyer as a consultant. After consulting the lawyer, I was able to give the constituent some constructive suggestions and to constrain him to follow the law.

  Consumers often call to complain about bad products or bad services. I recall one instance where a man complained that a restaurant had contaminated his container of food. He was very angry and showed no constraint. Fortunately, he did not consume the bad food. I asked him to contemplate who might have done it. At my request, he constructed a time line of the previous day’s events. We concluded that, after he departed the restaurant, he had momentarily left his food container within the reach of some monkeys in his laboratory. He conceded that the monkeys were probably responsible for the partial consumption of his food and the soiling of his food container.

  Other voters call for emergency reasons. For example, one person called to report the outbreak of a contagious disease that constricts breathing. I had no idea what he was talking about. All I could do was to notify the local police and the World Health Organization.

  The position of congressman truly constitutes several different jobs.






  Lesson 50 The Boxing Announcer’s Script 拳击解说员的广播稿


  contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的;n. 同代人,同龄人

  contemptible adj. 可鄙的,令人轻视的

  contemptuous adj. 藐视的,傲慢的

  contender n. 竞争者;争夺者

  content n. 内容,容量;adj. 满足的

  contented adj. 满足的,心安的

  contention n. 争论,争辩;争夺,竞争

  context n. 上下文,语境

  contiguous adj. 接近的,接壤的

  continent n. 大陆

  continental adj. 大陆的,大陆性的

  contingent adj. 可能发生的,偶然的;依条件而定的

  continuation n. 继续,延长

  continuity n. (时间或空间上的)连续性,连贯性

  continuum n. 连贯统一体;一系列

  contour n. 轮廓;周线,等高线

  contract v. 收缩;定契约,立合同;n. 契约,合同

  contraction n. 缩短,收缩

  contradict vt. 与。。。矛盾,同。。。抵触

  contradictory adj. 反对的,矛盾的

  Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the fight that will determine the heavyweight champion of the continent.

  In the end corner is a contender from outside the continental United States. You can tell he is a rude and contemptible man by the content of his hostile comments. However, he claims that he is actually a gentle person with a contemporary attitude. He asserts that the media quotes his words out of context to make him look bad. Judging by his size, I don’t think anyone would dare to contradict him. Physically, he has the contour of a huge body builder. Tonight, he can earn as much as $500,000 under his fight contract. However, these earnings are contingent upon whether he wins the match. Some say that he won’t be contented unless he wins by a knockout.

  In the blue corner is the current champion of the contiguous 48 states. He really wants to win the continental title tonight. He says he wants to maintain continuity between the two titles because they are both part of the continuum of world-class titles. The current champion is usually a very friendly person. However, tonight, he is a contemptuous fighter. He says he’s tired of the challenger’s contradictory statements. You can bet that his aggression will be focused on the challenger tonight.

  For several months, both men have been in vicious contention for the continental title. Tonight is a continuation of their brutal dispute. So, let the battle begin!



