盐城中学北校区:新目标人教版七年级上册英语学案 Unit 6

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(Go for it)新目标人教版七年级上册英语学案 Unit 6(完整版附答案)

Unit 6  Do you like bananas ?

Section A

一、   学习目标

(一)、Knowledge aims:  

1、New words: 

like, banana, hamburger, tomato, broccoli, French fries, orange, ice cream, salad, strawberry, pear, have, food.


1)、Do you like ----? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2)、Does he/she like ----? Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesn’t.



2)、Countable and uncountable nouns.

(二)、Ability aims: Learn to talk about likes and dislikes .

(三)、Emotion aims: 通过学习如何表达自己的喜好及对他人喜好的了解


重点:New words: like banana hamburger tomato ice cream salad have orange strawberry etc.

      Sentences: Do you like ……? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

               Does he / she like ……? Yes, he/she does.

                                   No, he/she doesn’t.

难点:Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns; How to ask and answer “likes” and “dislikes”.


Step 1: 情景导入

① Do you like Hot Dog, Fried Noodles or Kentucky ?

② Do you know how to say “冰激凌 ”and “汉堡包”in English ?

③ Do you want to know more English names of food ?

Step 2: 自主学习

1、1a Match the words with the things in the picture on page 31.


Fruit(水果):桔子(     ) 香蕉(    ) 草莓(    )

Vegetables(蔬菜): 花椰菜(    ) 西红柿(    )

Other food(其他食物): 沙拉(    )薯条(    )汉堡(    )冰激凌(    )


tomato(复数)_____ strawberry(复数)_____ orange(复数)_____

banana(复数)_____ French fry(复数)_____like(单三)______

Step 3: 合作探究

Look at 1b and 1c .Listening and pair work .

A: Do you like bananas?


A: Do you like salad?





B: Yes, I do.

B: No, I don’t.

A: Do you like oranges?


B: Yes, I do.








Look at 2a 2b and 2c .Listening and pair work .

Step 4:梳理归纳

1、如何用英语表达自己或他人的喜好,肯定句、否定句与一般疑问句的相互转换。特别注意:含有实意动词的肯定句变否定句时要用到助动词don’ t或doesn’t ;变一般疑问句要用到Do或Does。



 1、Mary____ salad.

A. don’t like B. doesn’t like C. doesn’t likes D. like

析:Mary 是第三人称单数排除A.D, doesn’t后应用动词原形排除C,故选 B

2、There is some _____ on the table .

A. oranges B. broccoli C. bananas D. tomatoes

析:there is后应跟不可数名词或可数名词单数,some后可跟可数名词复数也可跟不可数名词,综上故选 B

3、My sister_____ very much .

A. like banana B. likes banana C. likes bananas D. like bananas

析:my sister 是第三人称单数且banana 是可数名词,故选 C



A: Excuse me ,Tom . Who is that boy ?

B: Oh , that’s ___ brother , Tim.

A: ___ he like bananas ?

B: Yes , he ____ them very much .

A: Does he like _____?

B: No, he _____like strawberries.

A: ____ you like them?

B: Yes, I _____ them a little.



1、          He likes apples.(改否定句)

He____ ____ apples.

2、          His father has breakfast at home.(改一般疑问句)

____ his father ____ breakfast at home ?

3、          Do you like tomatoes?(作肯定与否定回答)

Yes, ____  ____

No, ____ ____


1、____ she ____ ____?(她喜欢沙拉吗?)

2、Tony ____ ____ ____.(Tony 不喜欢西红柿。)

3、Let’ s ____ ____ orange.(我们吃个桔子吧。)

Unit 6  Do you like bananas ?

Section B

一、   学习目标

(一)、Knowledge aims:  

1、New words: egg  apple  chicken  breakfast  lunch  dinner  fruit vegetable  runner  eat  run  lot  lots of  healthy  list.


1)、For breakfast , she likes eggs , bananas and apples.

2)、She eats lots of healthy food.

(二)、Ability aims: Learn to talk about what food you like to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

(三)、Emotion aims:培养学生热爱生活合理膳食的高尚情操和良好习惯。



egg , apple , carrot , chicken , fruit , vegetable ,runner , star , dessert


    For breakfast , she likes ...... For lunch , she likes …… For dinner , she likes ……


Step 1: 情景导入

⑴Do you want to know how to say 早餐,午餐,晚餐 in English ? Open your books at page 103 , and you will find them .

⑵What do you like for breakfast , lunch and dinner ? Let’s try to read and learn the other words of Section B .

Step 2: 自主学习


  鸡蛋_____ ,苹果______鸡肉_______水果______蔬菜________明星_____早餐________午餐______晚餐_______健康的_________


3.读3a 然后完成下面的短文填空:

______(跑步明星)Sandra Clark eats ______(大量的)healthy food . ______(对于早餐来说)she likes ___________(鸡蛋,香蕉和苹果).For lunch , she likes hamburgers, salad and pears. And for dinner , she ________(吃鸡肉,西红柿和薯条)and , _______(对于甜食来说),ice cream .

Step 3: 合作探究

Practice in pairs : ⑴Talk about what you like for breakfast , lunch and dinner .


Look at 2a 2b and 2c .Listening and pair work .

Step 4:梳理归纳


For breakfast/lunch/dinner , I like /she(he) likes ……


1. --- Do you like ____ computer games , Jim ?

  ---Yes , I do .

  A. to plays B. plays C. play D. playing

析:like doing  sth. 为固定搭配,意为喜欢做某事,故选 D

2. He would like ____ some tea .

A. to eat B. to drink C. have D. drink

析:would like 后常跟 to do 故排除C,D又因后面是some tea 故选 B

3. Mr. Smith does morning exercises every day .(改为一般疑问句)

  _____ Mr. Smith _____ morning exercises every day ?

析:Mr. Smith 是第三人称单数,因此问句句首应用助动词Does , 原陈述句中的does为实意动词“做”在问句中应还原原形do。综上,答案为:Does…do…


(  ) 1. There is some _____ in the cup .

     A. oranges B. orange C. apples D. egg

(  ) 2. We need  _____ food every day .

      A. a lot B. many C. lots of D. lot of

(  ) 3. This kind of shoes looks ____and sells _____ .

      A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good D. good; well



1. My cousin likes strawberries .(变否定句)

My cousin _____ _____ strawberries .

2. He has eggs and milk for lunch .(就画线部分提问)

  _____ _____ he _____ for lunch ?

3. I like a tomato .(变复数句子)

  _____ like _____ .

4. He eats lots of fruit every day .(改写句子,句意不变)

  He eats _____ _____ _____  fruit every day .


1. I eat _____ _____ _____ .


2. The ____ ____ often eats ____ ____ ____ ____ .


3. My sister _____ French _____ and ____ ____ breakfast .


4. Some children ____ ____ eating ____ .



Unit 6 Section A



my  does  likes  strawberries  doesn’t  Do  like


句式练习:1、doesn’t like 2、Does have 3、I do; I don’t

完成下列句子:1、Does like salad 2、doesn’t like tomatoes 3、eat an

Unit 6  Section B

五、中考链接:1、B  2、C  3、D

六、能力提升:(一)1、doesn’t like  2、What does --------like

                   3、We ------tomatoes 4、a lot of

(二)1、salad for dessert 2、running star , lots of healthy food 3、has , fries ,apples for 4、don’t like , vegetables